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The Monthly Messenger

October 2020

Worship With Us!

Sunday Schedule
9:00 am
Praise & Thanksgiving
October is a busy month! Communion
Saturday, October 4th is Blessing of the Animals Presiding: Pastor David Hill
On this day we honor St. Francis of Assisi who loved all living Livestream on Facebook
creatures. Read more about this on page 3.

Sunday, October 25th is Reformation Sunday. ✟ Worship will take place on the
This is the day we as Lutherans honor Martin Luther the Great front lawn of the church
Reformer. Red is the liturgical color of Reformation Sunday
because it represents the Holy Spirit. It also reminds us of those ✟ Social Distancing & wearing a
who have been martyred for their faith in Jesus. And all of us mask is mandatory
have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament
of Holy Baptism.
You have 2 options for
Please remember to wear red on Sunday, October 25th as we participating:
celebrate Reformation Sunday. 1) Park your car directly in front of the
church if you are unable to leave
Read more about Martin Luther - pages 2 & 11. your car.
St. Francis of Assisi – page 3
Message from Bishop Holmerud – Page 4
• You will stay in your car with
Focus on Ann Shaddix - page 5 your windows rolled down to hear
Kris Kringle Market Update – page 6 the service. Masks are required.
Presidential Election Info – page 7
C.A.R.E. info – page 8 2) Park your car in the parking lot and
Update of the Kuhnke Family – page 10 bring a lawn chair to sit on the
Upcoming Events - page 12
Bible Crossword Puzzle – page 13
sidewalk or front lawn
Scripture Word Search – page 14 • Kindly observe Social Distancing
of 6-ft & wearing a mask.

Communion will be served using

disposable, individually wrapped
communion cups & wafers.

If you have any further questions,

please contact the church office at
(209) 838-7695

So … what is Reformation Sunday, and why should we care?

The History of Reformation Sunday

Our story begins in the 16th century – 1517, to be exact. Bear
with us here – what follows is a very simplified explanation
of complex theological, political, and economic events that all
Across Europe, the Roman Catholic Church was engaged in
one of the greatest fundraisers in all of history.
If a person – out of contrition for their sins and as a sign of
repentance – made a financial gift to help with the building
of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome, then the church would
furnish that person with a certificate acknowledging that gift
... and promising that they or their loved ones would be freed
from a portion of the misery expected in the afterlife.
. In short, the church at that time taught that even those bound
We Need . for heaven had to be cleansed of their earthly sins and this
Your Help! cleansing (purging) in the afterlife took place in a place called
Just a reminder that you Purgatory. The certificates offered by the church (called
can still give to the “Indulgences”) promised to lessen this time of cleansing for
bunco fundraiser for oneself or others who have already died.
food vouchers for the There were some very nuanced explanations of this practice at
needy until Nov. 1st. If the time.
you have friends or And there were other very crass explanations that basically
family who have amounted to people paying to be forgiven.
enjoyed this event in the November 1st was an important day for the selling and
past, please remind buying of these indulgences, known as All Saints Day on the
them that the need is church’s calendar.
even greater this year! The day before a German Monk named Martin Luther posted
Your generosity is much a list of 95 Theses – 95 reasons that he objected to this
appreciated! practice of selling indulgences. Along with other writings by
Martin Luther, those 95 Reasons went viral.
Luther insisted that we are not forgiven because of anything
we do – including the buying of Indulgences or doing enough
good work. Instead, we are forgiven because of who God
is. We are loved and forgiven because God is full of grace and
His teachings and writings got Martin Luther kicked out of
the church. But he didn’t go alone. Others agreed with him,
and after his death those who agreed with Luther became
known as Lutherans and also as Protestants.
Every Protestant church traces their roots back to this moment
in history.

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, Oct. 4th – 9am
You are invited to bring your pet to Service
on Sunday, Oct 4th to be blessed as part of the
“Blessing of the Animals” service honoring
St. Francis. Bring your pet (leashed or caged
please!) or you may bring a picture of your
beloved pet for all to see and share in the
celebration. You may speak their name
during a special prayer for them.

All living beings were and are created by our

Lord. This will be an opportunity for us to
give God praise and thanksgiving for these
Peace Prayer of special creatures. They have become a very
Saint Francis of Assisi special part of our families and our
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: relationship to them is a blessing from our
where there is hatred, let me sow love; Lord!! I look forward to sharing this time of
where there is injury, pardon; blessing with you!
where there is doubt, faith; In Jesus Love and Peace,
where there is despair, hope; Pastor David
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy. Kindly bring a “Doggie Bag” to clean up
after your pet!
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal

Thank You
I would like to give a huge thank you to my
Saron family for all the love, prayers and
support you have given Jerry and me during the
recent illness and loss of my sister, Terri. Your
cards and calls were much appreciated!
Becky and Jerry Emery

A Message for Bishop Mark Holmerud

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
In the first few weeks of this 2020 Fire Season:
+ Dozens of people have lost their lives.
+ Tens of thousands have been evacuated and thousands have lost their homes.
+ Nearly 20,000 firefighters have been deployed.
+ 3.5 million acres have burned in California, nearly double the amount of acreage of any
previous fire season.
And it’s only the middle of September. All this is happening:
+ In the midst of the COVID pandemic, now in its sixth month, with 200,000 lives lost in our
country alone.
+ In the midst of weeks of record breaking heat.
+ In the midst of continuing racial injustice and violence against Black people by the police.
+ In the midst of voter suppression and concerns about how our votes will be counted.
+ In the midst of what portends to be an especially contentious election season.
+ In the midst of… what next, God?

It's OK, in fact it’s spiritually healthy to question where and how God might be seen in this time. It’s
important to keep our eyes open for glimmers of hope. 20,000 firefighters working for weeks on end to
protect lives give me hope. Relief and recovery workers, now just beginning their work, give me
hope. Grocery clerks and sanitation workers and postal workers and medical workers give me
hope. Seeing Debbi reading on Zoom with our grandchildren gives me hope. Seeing people wearing
masks gives me hope. You, the members and friends of the congregations of our Sierra Pacific Synod,
reaching out to those in need, give me hope. Thank you.

And who knows? Maybe, on a good day, perhaps we have been the hope that someone needed to see in
the world. Maybe we have been a reflection of Christ for someone who was just about convinced God
was nowhere to be found. Maybe we have been a “patch of Daffodils” that spoke a truth that is at the
heart of our witness – that even in death, new life is yet to come. God loves and redeems this world
through the presence of Christ -- the presence of Christ we are called to be every day. God shows up
when we, aware of how God has loved and blessed us, become that vision of hope for others. We do
that by thanking essential workers for the risks they take every day by serving their community. We do
that by reaching out to those who are sheltering in place to tend to their needs for companionship or to
run errands for them. We do that by using our hands to do God’s work even and especially in the most
challenging of times. And if someone asks you what is causing you to have hope, to show up, to make a
difference, maybe you could just tell them this -- “Jesus loves us. The end.”

Bp. Mark

To read all of Bishop Holmerud’s message, please

follow this link



All of the hard work that Ann Shaddix has

done on behalf of the Escalon Senior
population has not gone unnoticed.

As most of you know, Ann saw a need in

our community to support and uplift the
Senior community. She took the initiative to
approach the city leaders of Escalon, to Ann (above), and her
make them aware of a gap in Senior Escalon Senior Fun Bunch team(below):
Services. The City of Escalon officials were Standing: Ann, Cindy Moreno, Lois Tilbury
open and receptive to Ann's ideas and fully Seated: Tina Jensen, Peggy Rocha
supported her with the use of city
facilities. The Escalon Senior Fun Bunch
was born!

With the help of Ann's able committee, the

monthly senior events (pre-Covid) have had
a spectacular turnout! The overwhelming
support from the community confirmed the

Ann's dedication to local Senior's needs was

recognized on August 17 th as she was
appointed by the Escalon City Council as SENIOR NEWS!
the Escalon Representative to the San
October 27th @ 11am
Joaquin County Commission on Aging. She The Escalon Senior Fun Bunch will be
will be serving a 3-year volunteer term.
giving away FREE Halloween treat bags
to senior citizens on Tuesday, 10-27-2020
Ann informed the church council this month
at the Escalon Community Center.
of her appointment and was supported and
Decorate your car, wear a costume or
congratulated. She will continue to take care
Halloween mask, OR just come as you are.
of us and her Saron Lutheran duties. We are
We’d love to see you and say hello!
truly blessed to have such a dedicated
person who cares so deeply for Saron and
her community.
Congratulations, Ann!
We are so proud of you! It is Black, but you say its clean; it is
Lisa Alessi White, but you say its dirty – what is it?


Will go LIVE Nov 1st!
Due to COVID restrictions our beloved Kris Kringle Market
was in danger of disappearing this year, but thanks to new-
fangled technology & the internet, Welcome to the new
“Kris Kringle Market Website!”

All the Holiday items & treats you love will be for sale on the
website. You can shop through a variety of items, add to your
“Shopping Bag,” and pay on-line, all from the comfort of your
home! Orders will be available for pick up on Saturday, Nov,
7th, the date KKM would have been held. You simply drive up
to the church and your purchased items will be brought out to

But there’s more! Since sales will be online, you may continue
to shop KKM up to the Saturday before Christmas. Each week
after initial launch on 11-7-20, items may be picked up on
Sundays at church after service, from 10-11am.

To view the Kris Kringle Market Website, please go to to view all the beautiful
handmade holiday items and delicious treats.

If you have any questions, please contact any

Witness & Service members

Becky Emery (209) 480-1562
Rosemary Scholz (209) 480-6453
Pat Strand (209) 531-8762
Karen Peters (209) 614-0583

VOTE SAFE with Your Vote-By-Mail Ballot

All California voters will receive a vote-by-mail
VOTE 2020
Escalon Community Center
ballot for the November 3, 2020, General Election.
will be the only In-Person
Voters who can vote by mail will help ensure safe
polling place in Escalon this
physical distancing at voting locations. County
elections offices will begin sending vote-by-mail
ballots to California voters beginning October 5, 2020.
Early Voting Schedule
Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by
October 31st – Nov 2nd
November 3, 2020; ballots returned at a secure ballot
9 am to 5 pm
drop box must be deposited by 8:00 p.m. on
November 3, 2020.
Election Day
November 3rd:
Voting locations will be available in all counties 7 am – 9 pm
before Election Day.
One or more early voting locations will be available in
many counties for at least four days beginning the
Saturday before the November 3, 2020, election.
Voting locations will offer voter registration,
replacement ballots, accessible voting machines, and
language assistance.

No guesses on last month’s Mystery Photo!

Laurence Peters, Todd Carlson, Larry Adams,
?, Robert Adams, ?, Anders Pearson, Carol
Joey Peters, Tommy Swift, ?, Brian Carlson,
Nick Lawrence, Christopher Lawrence
Front Row:
?, ?, Asley Dahlin, Derek Olson, Dylan
Olson, Hannah Swift, Jennifer Shipley, Katy
(Strand) McNinch, ?

You Might be Lutheran if…

You feel guilty about not
feeling guilty

Thank you
To all of those who are keeping our
church family united, I want to
C.A.R.E. requests for the month of
express my heartfelt thanks! It’s
October been great coming to outdoor
Crackers, Canned Meats, Cereal services and being so inspired in our
Cash Donations always needed & welcome “outdoor cathedral” with birds
singing and breeze gently blowing.
Thank you Pastor David for your
C.A.R.E. message each week which always
If you are able to take staple items to C.A.R.E.,
they are in need of crackers, canned meats and gives me pause for deeper
cereal. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always reflection. I am excited we are
welcome. You may call Sheri at 417-2048 to taking it to the next level with
make arrangements to deliver your gifts of food technology allowing us to remotely
to be given to those in need in Escalon. With the participate. Krista and Tony, what a
holidays coming, they will need extra canned great blessing you are to us all for
goods and dry goods as they plan for increased
your gifts and talents. Thank you!
numbers seeking assistance. Monetary gifts are
always welcome and may be given noting Jenlane Matt
C.A.R.E. on your check or offering envelope.

Note passed on from church member:

“I do most of my shopping online now, even
groceries. A few weeks ago I received my
groceries from Walmart. There were 2-3 extra
bags of food included that I did not order. I
called the store to let them know & was told
because of COVID they could not take the
groceries back, but to keep them and I would
not be charged. A lot of the items were
packaged foods we do not use, so I called Sheri
at C.A.R.E. and she was thrilled to receive this
unexpected gift! I was thrilled to not have items
in my pantry that would go to waste. Sometimes
it’s just that easy to help others.”

Did you know…?

We are currently
Live-Streaming our
Outdoor Worship Services
on Saron’s Facebook page
every Sunday morning at
Search for us by “Saron Thank you for keeping
Lutheran Church,” our your offerings current
icon is the front of the which is very
church. important. This has
been an unusual time
for everyone but we do
NEW appreciate your
Portals of Prayer! worship attendance
The Portals of Prayer for and your commitment
October-December 2020 of giving.
have arrived. They are
available in the church Remembering those lost on 9/11,
office or if you prefer I was asked to ring the church bells
having one mailed, just let
at 10AM in the morning. As the
Ann know.
pre-school was in session, the
teachers had previously discussed
the significance of 9/11 with their
students and asked that the students
remain quiet during the ringing of
the bells.
Answers to The number most used in articles
September 2020 Crossword
about the bravery of the citizens
aboard Flight #93 was 40, so I
decided to have 40 rings. With a
brief pause, I added the traditional
3 more, reflecting our triune God.

I was very impressed with the

children, as they did seem to
understand the significance and
were very quiet and respectful.
Jerry Emery

Update on our friends the Kuhnke Family!

I’ve been meaning to check in, but the days get away
from me....especially now with Brandon and Rachel in
full time distance learning. They started August 31st and
as of today, they’ve completed their third week. I’m
pleasantly surprised at how well it’s been going so far
and they both seem to be enjoying their classes and
teachers. Both are taking Spanish, so it’s been fun to
hear them practice the new language together. Rachel is
also in Art, which she loves. Brandon is taking Culinary
Arts, too, and we can’t wait for him to cook us a meal!
We spent the Summer unpacking and getting settled. It
was and continues to be challenging navigating a new
community during a pandemic, but we’re slowly finding
our way.

Brandon played a lot of golf with his Dad this Summer

and both kids spent a few weeks at their Grandparent’s
house where they went kayaking, Canoeing, golfing,
picked blueberries, enjoyed Wisconsin “Friday night fish
fry,” and helped where they could around the farm!
That’s been a blessing to be so close to family
again! We also visited the city a few times and took the
kids on an architecture boat cruise through downtown
Chicago on the Chicago River. We dined on some
Chicago style pizza, too of course! Lake Michigan has
provided us a few, fun day trips, too.

This Fall Rachel is playing in a city volleyball league

and Brandon just started on a baseball team for “Fall
ball” and will do some conditioning this Winter in
preparation for Spring tryouts...fingers crossed they have
them! Both kids are also attending youth group at Good
Shepherd Lutheran church in Naperville and
Confirmation will start up in October for Brandon.

Kyle’s new job is going well and I’m thankful to be able

to be working from home and support the kids during
their distance learning. I hope this note finds you well
and please greet our Saron friends. We miss them and
think of them often.
Laura Kuhnke

Luther's interpretation of his seal

In a July 8, 1530 letter to Lazarus Spengler, Luther
interprets his seal:
Grace and peace from the Lord. As you desire to
know whether my painted seal, which you sent to me,
has hit the mark, I shall answer most amiably and tell
you my original thoughts and reason about why my
seal is a symbol of my theology. The first should be a
black cross in a heart, which retains its natural color,
so that I myself would be reminded that faith in the
Crucified saves us. "For one who believes from the
heart will be justified" (Romans 10:10). Although it
is indeed a black cross, which mortifies and which
should also cause pain, it leaves the heart in its
natural color. It does not corrupt nature, that is, it
does not kill but keeps alive. "The just shall live by
faith" (Romans 1:17) but by faith in the crucified.
Such a heart should stand in the middle of a white
rose, to show that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace.
In other words, it places the believer into a white,
joyous rose, for this faith does not give peace and joy
like the world gives (John 14:27). That is why the
rose should be white and not red, for white is the
color of the spirits and the angels (cf. Matthew
28:3; John 20:12). Such a rose should stand in a sky-
Birthdays! blue field, symbolizing that such joy in spirit and
October faith is a beginning of the heavenly future joy, which
02 Laurence Peters begins already, but is grasped in hope, not yet
04 Ellie Esparza revealed. And around this field is a golden ring,
04 Cindy Moreno symbolizing that such blessedness in Heaven lasts
06 Dave Cook forever and has no end. Such blessedness is exquisite,
10 Robert Smith beyond all joy and goods, just as gold is the most
15 Jennifer Shipley
valuable, most precious and best metal. This is my
16 Mike McNinch
compendium theologiae [summary of theology]. I
18 Rosemary Scholz
18 Forrest Linn have wanted to show it to you in good friendship,
19 Nancy Sappenfield hoping for your appreciation. May Christ, our
21 Mark-John (Dahlin) beloved Lord, be with your spirit until the life
21 Lois Owen hereafter. Amen.
31 Rick Zamora

Those That Serve

Messenger, Saron’s monthly newsletter is for all the family of Saron. If
you have anything you’d like included such as a committee announcement,
family update, interesting tidbit, photos, personal experience or anything you
think others might find interesting, please feel free to email all information
Karen Peters at
We will do our best to include it in upcoming Messengers. Please include
“Messenger” in the subject line on your email.
Deadline to send information for November MESSENGER is

Upcoming Events FUTURE DATES:

Nov 1st
THIS MONTH All Saints Day
Oct 2 Nov 3rd
11:00am – Stewardship Meeting Election Day
Oct 4th Nov 10th
9:00am - Blessing of the Animals 5:00pm – Prop/Finance Meeting
Oct 6th Nov 11th
5:00pm – Prop/Finance Meeting Veteran’s Day
Oct 8th Nov 12th
6:00pm – Council Meeting 6:00pm – Council Meeting
Oct 12th Nov 26th
Columbus Day Thanksgiving
Oct 25th
Reformation Sunday (wear Red!)
Oct 27th
11am - ESFB “Trick or Treat”
Drive-Thru at Escalon
Community Center
Oct 31st

A blackboard

How to
Find each
word that is
underlined in
the Bible
verse. Words
are hidden in
the grids in
lines: forward,
backward, up,
down, or
Words can
overlap and
cross each
other. When
you find a
word, circle it
in the grid and
mark the word
in the verse so
you will know
it has been

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