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Top 10 Fat Burning Foods

Let’s face it: we all hate fat but sometimes we just can’t stop getting fatter no matter what we eat.

Well, say goodbye to your fat, because today we’ll be presenting you with our exclusive

countdown on the ten best fat burning foods out there! Stay until the end of our video to learn

which is the BEST meal you can have for dumping those lumps as fast as possible!

And now that you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one.

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Tenth Place: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been popularly used for centuries in cooking and medicine. It has many

powerful healthy properties and antioxidant effects

One of its main benefits is how it helps greatly burn fat. That's because vinegar itself increases

feelings of fullness. When you feel full, you eat fewer calories and thus lose weight easier,

especially if you also eat it with a high carb meal. You know the old saying: an apple a day keeps

the doctor away.. well, we'd switch it to a little bit of apple cider vinegar away keeps the doctor

away, rather, but you get the point. Consume just a little bit of apple cider vinegar every day and

you'll see reduced belly fat in just a couple weeks. A tablespoon or two per meal should be

enough, but make sure to also modify your lifestyle and diet to make it easier to lose weight.

On top of that, did you know that apple cider vinegar can help your digestion be smoother and

also reduce bloating? Proper digestion means proper acid levels in the stomach, so the nutrients

in our food can be properly absorbed, which also helps in the weight loss department.

Ninth Place: Green tea

Next up, we have green tea. Considered one of the healthiest benefits of the planet, green tea

helps improve brain function, protect against cancer and lower the risk of heart disease. Green

tea contains bioactive compounds rich in polyphenols, natural compounds that have health

benefits: including reducing inflammation and helping fight cancer. Green tea is also ripe with

catechins, specifically one known as epgiallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCC. Catechins are some of

the most powerful antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage and also provide many other

health benefits, such as reducing the formation of free radicals in our body and protecting cells

and molecules from damage.

But seriously. Green tea's main benefit has always been how it helps you lose weight by making

your body's metabolism much more efficient. Green tea also has flavonoid, another catechin that

boosts metabolism, allowing your body to convert both your food and drink into usable energy.

Eighth Place: Chili peppers

Chili peppers might not seem like your first option for losing weight. Unlike fruits or green tea,

its not like you can make chili peppers into a smoothie and have it for breakfast.. unless you want

to start your day breathing fire!

Instead, use them for pasta or more salty foods, as chili peppers are rich in a substance known as

capsaicin, which is what makes them spicy and also helps reduce cholesterol, platelet

aggregation and your triglyceride levels. The heat you feel from capsaicin takes your energy

away, and also takes calories to produce. Even sweet red peppers have been found to contain

substances that increase heat production and also oxygen consumption for more than 20 minutes

after they are eaten.

Seventh Place: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a classic spice with medicinal properties, with uses dating back as far as Ancient

Egypt. Cinnamon used to be so valuable that it was regarded as a gift fit for kings, and these days

its a cheap ingredient that can be easily added to most meals, especially baked ones. Cinnamon's

strong smell is due to the oily part of it, which is high in the compound known as

cinnamaldehyde, a compound responsible for most of its powerful health benefits and

metabolism too.

Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, helping your body fight infections and repair tissue damage

while also helping you lose weight at the same time. On top of that, cinnamon helps metabolism,

normalizes your blood sugar levels and even improves your insulin function, which can help you

lose weight. It's even been proven that cinnamon can help fight visceral fat in mice, and thus

similar effects can happen to humans who consume cinnamon with their meals.

Just be careful when consuming cinnamon: high doses could be toxic for you. Be moderate with

it and you'll see its health results in no time.

Sixth Place: Turmeric

So, what do you think of these incredibly foods that help you burn that fat ASAP? Let us know

in the comments below! And make sure to stay until the end of our video to find out which are

the best foods for burning fat in our top three! You’ll be shocked to learn which one’s at the

bottom of our list.

Fifth Place: Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit are brightly colored and sweet fruits that can bring a lot of joy to your winter days.

They grow on flowering trees and shrubs, being mostly well-known for their leathery rind and

also white pith that encases its marvelous juice. Citrus fruits include sweet oranges, tangerines,

limes, grapefruit and lemons, and they come with the added benefit of being rich in vitamins and

plant compounds. They are also a good source of fiber, which helps improve digestion and aids

weight loss by making you feel full. On top of that, oranges contain some of the highest levels of

soluble fiber found naturally, which is the kind of fiber that helps decrease cholesterol levels. On

top of that, if you're watchful of your calorie intake, citrus fruits are a great choice as their water

and fiber content will help fill you up.

Fourth Place: Celery

Next up, we have celery, one of the greatest sources of important antioxidants that help protect

blood vessels, organs and cells from oxidative damage. Celery is a great source of phytonutrients

that help reduce inflammation and also improve the entire digestive tract. That's because celery

contains pectin-based polysaccharides and a compound known as apiuman. Not only does this

help decrease stomach ulcers, but it also helps improve the lining of the stomach. Similar to

citrus fruits, celery contains a high amount of both water and fiber, which help keep a regular

digestive tract and also enhance your fullness, reducing your cravings and helping you burn fat


Third Place: Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is one of the holy grails of healthy eating, because it contains many fatty acids that

encourage your body to burn fat. This provides you with quick energy to your body and brain,

while also raising good cholesterol in your blood, which helps reduce heart disease risk. Coconut
oil is also high in MCTs, which are a type of fat that your body can metabolize differently than

other fats. MCTs are short of medium-chain triglycerides, which are shorter fatty acid chains that

go straight to your liver. Your body then uses the MCTs as a quick energy source or converts

them into ketones, which is also necessary for an effective keto diet. It has powerful benefits for

your brain while also being a top-notch fat burner.

Second Place: Spinach

While not everyone loves spinach, its actually one of the best foods out there for losing weight.

You only need to consume fewer calories to lose weight, and one cup of spinach contains only

seven calories, while also containing high levels of insoluble fiber to keep your body full for

quite a while. The calories will not get absorbed in your body, while also providing you with

enough fiber to keep you feeling satisfied. Leafy greens like spinach can help reduce

inflammation. There’s some research that shows that the nitrate in the plant has the potential to

help convert "bad" fat cells, which are white, into beige cells which help to reduce obesity.

First Place: Organic Coffee

And finally, we have organic coffee. Most people think that coffee is bad for your health, but

that's actually a myth: coffee itself is NOT where the health risks lie, rather it is inorganic coffee

grown with many chemicals and pesticides that, of course, damage your body when consumed.

Organic coffee is high in all the nutrients your body needs: antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,

while also boosting your immune system and warding off against disease. Coffee promotes

weight loss by boosting metabolism and aiding with appetite control, while also being one of the

most delicious options in this list.

So, what are your thoughts on these miraculous foods for losing weight? Let us know your

thoughts in the comments below!

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