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Meditation Scripts

30 Seconds Relaxation:
 Right now, take 30 seconds to relax your body and reduce stress.
 Stand up or otherwise change positions.
 Roll your shoulders forward... and now roll your shoulders back.
 Clench your hands into fists... hold... and release.
 Stretch your arms out and stretch your hands wide open, reaching up above your head.
Spread your fingers wide. Reach your arms high.
 Now relax your hands and lower your arms.
 Lower your shoulders, away from your ears. Ease your shoulders back slightly. Let your
shoulders relax.
 Relax your jaw by dropping the lower jaw slightly. Make sure your teeth aren't touching.
 Now count silently as you breathe:
 Inhale... two, three, four...
 pause...two, three....
 exhale...two, three, four five....
 [Repeat until 28 seconds have passed.]
 Change positions one more time, and then get back to your day!
Find Your Calm Meditation (2 minutes):

 I invite you to take a deep breath and when you're comfortable, begin to close your eyes
 I wonder if you would take a moment to imagine yourself being more calm, peaceful and
focused [pause].
 And as you allow your unconscious mind to naturally conjure an image of what that would
feel like; consider what you might be seeing [longer pause], hearing [longer pause] and what
you might be feeling [longer pause] that shows you are more calm, peaceful and focused
 And perhaps you are already feeling more calm, peaceful and focused [pause].
 If not, notice that your unconscious mind can reveal how you might do this [longer pause].
 Now, maybe you can think of a simple way to incorporate this feeling of calm into your life
in the days and weeks ahead [longer pause].
 And after you have done that, know that it really can be this easy to create a little more peace
and calm in your life [pause].
 So, I invite you now to take a breath for a moment and begin to move your attention back to
the room, listening to the sounds around you and begin to open your eyes [pause].
 So, how was that? What did you learn?

Body Scan Meditation (3 minutes):

 Begin by bringing your attention into your body.

 You can close your eyes if that’s comfortable for you.
 You can notice your body seated wherever you’re seated, feeling the weight of your body on
the chair, on the floor.
 Take a few deep breaths
 And as you take a deep breath, bring in more oxygen enlivening the body. And as you exhale,
have a sense of relaxing more deeply.
 You can notice your feet on the floor, notice the sensations of your feet touching the floor.
The weight and pressure, vibration, heat.
 You can notice your legs against the chair, pressure, pulsing, heaviness, lightness.
 Notice your back against the chair.
 Bring your attention into your stomach area. If your stomach is tense or tight, let it soften.
Take a breath.
 Notice your hands. Are your hands tense or tight? See if you can allow them to soften.
 Notice your arms. Feel any sensation in your arms. Let your shoulders be soft.
 Notice your neck and throat. Let them be soft. Relax.
 Soften your jaw. Let your face and facial muscles be soft.
 Then notice your whole-body present. Take one more breath.
 Be aware of your whole body as best you can. Take a breath. And then when you’re ready,
you can open your eyes.

Quick Progressive Muscle Relaxation (5 minutes):

 This is a quick progressive muscle relaxation script that will allow you to focus on key areas
where stress can build up. By relaxing these areas as you go about your daily activities, some
of the symptoms of stress may be prevented.
 Tense and relax each area I mention. When you tense the area, do not cause any pain. Tighten
only until you feel tension. If you feel any discomfort, stop or ease up.
 The first key area is your neck and shoulders.
 Raise your shoulders up toward your ears... tighten the muscles there.... hold..... feel the
tension there..... and now release. Let your shoulders drop to a lower, more comfortable
 The next key area is your hands.
 Tighten your hands into fists. Very, very tight... as if you are squeezing a rubber ball very
tightly in each hand.... hold... feel the tension in your hands and forearms..... and now release.
Shake your hands gently, shaking out the tension. Feel how much more relaxed your hands
are now.
 Now, your forehead.
 Raise your eyebrows, feeling the tight muscles in your forehead. Hold that tension. Now
tightly lower your eyebrows and scrunch your eyes closed, feeling the tension in your
forehead and eyes. Hold it tightly. And now, relax.... let your forehead be relaxed and
smooth, your eyelids gently resting.
 Your jaw is the next key area.
 Tightly close your mouth, clamping your jaw shut, very tightly. Your lips will also be tight
and tense across the front of your teeth. Feel the tension in your jaws. Hold.... and now relax.
Release all of the tension. Let your mouth and jaw be loose and relaxed.
 There is only one more key area to relax, and that is your breathing.
 Breathe in deeply and hold that breath. Feel the tension as you hold the air in. Hold.... and
now relax. Let the air be released through your mouth. Breathe out all the air.
 Once more, breathe in..... and how hold the breath. Hold..... and relax. Release the air, feeling
your entire body relax.
 Breathe in.... and out.....
 In.... and out....
 Continue to breathe regular breaths.
 You have relaxed all of the key areas where tension can build up. Remember to relax these
areas a few times each day, using this quick progressive muscle relaxation script, to prevent
stress symptoms.

Self-Care Meditation:
 Let’s begin by getting into a comfortable position.
 You can be sitting, lying down or even moving in a safe and relaxing way.
 If you can, close your eyes and take a deep breath in.
 And on your exhale, allow yourself to sink deeper into your position.
 Bring your breathing to its normal rhythm as you settle into this self-care meditation,
 And simply be here with your breath for a bit.
 Feeling your body expand with your breath in.
 And contract with your breath out.
 Breathe in.
 Breathe out.
 You are worthy of receiving love from yourself.
 You are worthy of being your priority.
 You are worthy of receiving the love and appreciation and care you so easily give to others.
 You are worthy of enjoying this self-care meditation.
 Breathe that in, allowing yourself to be open to receiving your love.
 So, imagine with me that you’re sitting in the middle of a large, open room of a house.
 The sunshine illuminates the room and warms your skin.
 And a soft, soothing aroma makes you feel calm and safe.
 It’s quiet and the only noises you hear are the songs of nature coming in from your open
 Even though the large, open room may not resemble your current residence,
 You know this is your home.
 Where your heart and your body and your soul feel grounded and vibrant.
 You are safe here.
 Breathe into this self-care meditation.
 Here…you can listen.
 Listen to what your inner voice is telling you.
 What do you need right now?
 What would make your body feel good?
 Your mind feel good?
 Your soul feel good?
 Just take a moment to sit with your breath, and with the answers that come up for you.
Breathe into this self care meditation.
 See these answers in your mind.
 And watch yourself as you stand up and move towards the door.
 You deserve to feel good.
 You deserve to shine.
 Open the door and see those things you called to mind waiting there,
 Ready for you to call them in.
 Take in a deep breath of gratitude,
 And one by one, invite in each of those things you identified.
 Each of those things you know will make you feel good.
 There is no judgment on what you invited in. Remind yourself of what was discovered in this
self-care meditation.
 Maybe you invited in new boundaries you need to put in place to protect your energy.
 Maybe you invited in the permission to say no.
 Maybe you invited in the permission to say yes.
 Maybe you invited in something that seems lavish.
 It’s all okay.
 And you’re worthy of it all.
 So take a deep breath in and see yourself in the middle of this room again,
 Surrounded by all the things you have thought about to show yourself love,
 To care for the phenomenal woman that you are.
 You are worthy of this self-care meditation.
 See yourself look into a mirror on the wall as you place your hands together in front of your
 See your reflection as you bow your head to your hands and let yourself say aloud,
 Namaste, Beautiful.
 Let the light inside of you recognize the light inside of you.
 Namaste, Beautiful.

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