Azerbaijan As Area of Contest

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From the first part of 18th century Azerbaijan again became the area of
contest – Safavids, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Afghans. The aims, successes and
failures. Outcome for Azerbaijan.

At the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century the Safavids were living
through serious economic and political problems. The state treasury was empty, people
starved. In order to restore the treasury, the taxes were increased, which made an even
worse situation for the population.
In this period Shirvan turned into the centre of the battle against the high power of Safavids.
Haji Davud led this movement, which made him very popular among the population of
state. He and his followers attacked Shirvan, Khudat and Darband, but the army of Sefevids
managed to stop them. Thus, in 1719 Haji davud was sent to prison. In 1721 protests against
Sefevid rule rose again; Haji Davud escaped the prison and regained his followers. He
captured Shabran, Khudat and Shamakhi in different times in 1721. In the mean time,
Russian traders who worked there had a great loss and even some were killed. In 1722
afghans started their invasion by defeating shah’s army and entering the city of Isfahan.
Tahmasib, the son of the ruler Sultan Hussein, escaped and later on declared himself the
ruler of Savafid state, Tahmasib II. Meanwhile, Russia and ottoman Empire stood against
each other in the battle over the Caucasus. Azerbaijan was very important for them due to
its natural wealth, resources and geographical position. Tsar of Russia, Peter I, had a great
plans about the Caspian region of the Azerbaijan and the major part of it was the kerosene.
He even had the idea to build a city like Peterburg near the Kura river. In 1723 the contract
in Peterburg was sighned between Peter I and Tahmasib II. Then later in 1724 another
contract was signed in Istanbul. As a result of these contracts Russia agreed to return
Ottomans Azerbaijan’s territories, except Caspian regions. In return Russia gained power
over Baku, Salyan, Lankaran and some other cities. Thus, Azerbaijan was divided among
Ottomans, Russia and Sefevids. Shirvan was declared a partly independent state inside the
Ottomans. Haji Davud became the ruler of this Shirvan state.

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