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1. 25 total points needed for game in 3 NT and in 4 major

2. 29 total points needed for game in 5 minor
3. 33 total points required for small slam
4. 37 total points required for Grans slam
5. At least 13 Total Points required for 1 opening bid and 21 TP is the most you can
have for 1 level bidding
6. 1 NT shows 15-17 HCP not total points
7. 1♥/♠ opening shows 5 card; 1 /♣ shows minimum 3 card at opening bid
Opener: Balanced Hand
• Balanced: 8 or fewer cards in 2 longest suits combined (no singleton or null)
• Minimum point needed to call = 12 HCP;13 TP (HCP+ 1 point for each card exceeding 4
Category Points in hand 1st call Rebid
• Minimum number of cards needed to call: 5 card for Major, 3 card for Minor
Minimum 1 13- 17 TP 1 Suit (Strongest suit / Major if 5+/ Strongest Minor if 3+/ 1D in Here
level 4-4 minor; 1C in 3-3 Minor ),
(13-21 TP) 15-17 HCP 1NT(Balanced hand) Here

18-21 TP 1 Suit (Strongest Major if 5+/ Strongest Minor if 3+) Here

2 level opening 20-21 HCP 2NT (Balanced Hand) Here

22 TP/22 + HCP 2 club strong artificial bid , P cannot pass Here
<13 TP 2 D/2H/2S: 6 of a suit + 2 of the top 3 cards (A, K,Q) of the suit Here

3 level opening <13 TP 3C/ 3D/3H/3S: 7 of a suit + 2 of the top 3 cards (A, K,Q) of the
4level opening <13 TP 4C/4D/4H/4S: 8 of a suit + 2 of the top 3 cards (A, K,Q) of the
Responder & Rebid
1. Responder TP calc – HCP + 0 for longest suit +(1 for DT+3 ST+5 for void)
2. Min 6 TP required to bid
3. If Responder (R) opens a new suit Partner cannot pass
4. Require 4 cards to bid a new suit and bid longest suit.
5. For equal number of two suits bid the higher one (4-4/ H-S; bid S) and for equal no of three suits bid the
low one.
6. 10 TP require for 2 level bid in new suit
7. 1♥/1♠ -
1. Raise a major suit at 2 level with 6-9 TP; 3 level with 10-11 TP; with 3 cards OR bid 1 NT with 6-9 TP.
Do not raise 4 level with good hand (12+ TP )
2. Raise 2 level different suit with 13+ TP even if you have 3 card support (12+13 = 25 game)
3. Bid direct game (4 level) in suit with low HCP <=9 HCP with 5 card support and void in other suit or
8. 1 /1♣/♥/1♠ : - 2NT with 13-15 HCP & 3 NT with 16-18 HCP– should not bid this if u have 4 C
Major or 5 C ♣ or 4 card or suit that support P bid
9. 1 /1♣ -:
1. 1 major with 4 card supports
2. 6-9 TP with no 4 card major 1 NT balanced hand
3. Raise 2 level with 5 card support for ♣ and 4 card support for with 6-9TP, with no 4card major
fit and not balanced hand for 1 NT
4. Raise 3 level with 10-11 TP with 5 card support or raise 4 level with 6 card support

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