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Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Nama : ______________________

Kelas : IV (Empat)
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c, or d

K.D 3.5
1. Dinda : “ What is this ?”
Syifa : “.... duck.”
a. This is
b. This are
c. This a
d. This are a

2. That is a ....
a. horse
b. house
c. zebra
d. zebras

3. Those are ...

a. snak
b. snakes
c. snekes
d. snekers

4. These are ....

a. beareess
b. bearer
c. beares
d. bears

5. This is a ....
a. sheep
b. goat
c. cat
d. dog

6. These are ....

a. cows
b. goats
c. buffaloes
d. rhinoceroes
7. A : “ Is that a tiger? ”
B : “ .... ”
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is not
d. No, they are

8. A : “ Is that a tiger? ”
B : “ .... ”
a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it is not
d. No, they are

9. This is a ....
a. lion
b. bear
c. wolf
d. tiger

10. This ... a lion

a. a
b. is
c. an
d. are

K.D 3.6
1. It is a ....
a. strawberry
b. pineapple
c. apple
d. grape

2. A : “ What are these? “

B : “ These are .... “
a. strawberry
b. pineapple
c. apple
d. grape

3. It is a ...
a. watermelon
b. strawberry
c. pineapple
d. grape

4. It is ... apple
a. a
b. is
c. an
d. are
5. It is ... tomato
a. a
b. is
c. an
d. are

6. It is ... eggplant.
a. a
b. is
c. an
d. are

7. It is ....
a. strawberry
b. pineapple
c. apple
d. grape

8. I have ..... (sebuah wortel)

a. a bean
b. a carrot
c. a lettuce
d. an eegplant

9. My mother have .... (bayam)

a. a bean
b. a lettuce
c. a spinach
d. a cabbage

10. It is .... (terong)

a. an eggplant
b. a cabbage
c. a lettuce
d. a bean

II. Fill in the blanks!

KD 3.5

Fill in the blank with that is or are

1. ..... cats
2. ..... a chicken
3. ..... a bear
4. ...... snakes
5. ......tigers
KD 3.6

Fill in the blank with an or an

1. it is .... apple
2. It is ... manggo

3. It is ... orange

4. It is ... grape

5. It is ... potato

III. Answer the question !

KD 3.5

1. Mention 3 wild animals you know !

2. Mention 3 tame animals you know !

KD 3.6

Translete into english !

3. Aku punya sebuah apel.

4. Aku punya sebuah jeruk.

5. ibuku mempunyai sebuah kentang.

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