Resume 2020-Iram Hernandez

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Iram Hernandez

(915)-706-0763 | 

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Expected: May

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) 2023

 Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar

Related Coursework
 Calculus 3
 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics
 Fundamentals of Mechanics of Materials
 General Chemistry 1

Skills & Abilities

 Fluent in English and Spanish.
 Fundamental knowledge in Autodesk Fusion 360.
 Familiar with Windows operating system.

Project and Lab Experience

Generative Design Bike Frame project
 Applied the fundamentals of graphic design in order to
generate a unique design of a bike frame.
 Ran simulation tests, such as load tests, to determine how
effective the frame will be if multiple loads are to be applied
to it.
 Posted the final design to social media, as well as submitted it
to the course submission box on Blackboard.
CO2 Dragster Competition
 Worked in a group of three to design an original CO2 Dragster
model through Autodesk Fusion 360.
 Replicated model on Balsa wood using the Machine shop tools
as well as the facility available at UTEP.
 Presented final model on the competition day in front of the
Professor, teacher assistants, and other classmates from the
MECH 1305 course.
General Chemistry 1105 Lab
 Worked in a group of six to complete all assignments and
experiments given to us by our instructor.
 Used concepts of introductory Chemistry and Algebra to solve
the mathematical and concept problems in each experiment.
 Analyzed every outcome and the process involved of every
experiment performed as a team.

Work Experience
Educational Talent Search Program (ETS), El Paso, Tx.
Tutor and Mentor
 Recruited and updated profiles for more than 100 students at 2019-Present
Bowie High School for ETS.
 Developed documentation that was able to hold more relevant
information, as well as being less time consuming.
 Worked as a team to aid more than 200 students to complete
college readiness material, such as Apply Texas and FAFSA.
 Tutor about 10-15 students with Dual credit Speech classes
every week.

Student Support Service Program Member
 Participate and complete all required activities to be eligible
to continue being a member of the program.

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