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IBA English For Job and Admission Test

Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

IBA English
For Job & Admission Test

Written By
Arafat Mohsin
Writer, IBA Executive MBA Admission Test Guide

Recent Math Q Bank


Tarek Rafi
Writer, Achilice Mnemonics Vocabulary

Editor, Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Agaarwal Bangla Version

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

Chapter-14: Previous year Questions: --------------------------------------------------------------174 to 221

IBA MBA Admission Test (60th Intake)--------------------------------------------------------------175 to 182
IBA MBA Admission Test (59th Intake)--------------------------------------------------------------183 to 188
IBA MBA Admission Test (58th Intake)--------------------------------------------------------------189 to 195
IFIC Bank Ltd. 09.02.2018----------------------------------------------------------------------------194 to 195
EXIM Bank Ltd. 02.03.2018---------------------------------------------------------------------------196 to 198
City Bank Ltd. 20.07.2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198 to 200
IFIC Bank Ltd. 05.10.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201 to 202
202 to 203
204 to 204
205 to 206
IFIC Bank Lid. 25.01.2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207 to 208
Pubali Bank Ltd. 15.02.2019------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208 to 209
IFIC Bank Ltd. 29.06.2019--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210 to 211
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. 0.03.2019------------------------------------------------------------ 211 to 212
IFIC Bank Ltd.25.01.2019--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 212 to 213
214 to 215
215 to 217
217 to 218
218 to 219
219 to 220
220 to 221
222 to223
223 to 224
224 to 225
IFIC Bank Ltd.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 225 to 227
227 to 228
228 to 229
229 to 231

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi


Previous Year Questions

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

60th Intake
Admission Test 25, May: 2018

Part I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

70 Questions - 70 Marks - 90 Minutes

Language and Communication (25 marks)

Questions 1 to 5: Select the most appropriate word(s) to fill in the gap(s).

01.An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was_________ beginning to replace the pessimistic
doctrine of universal___________.

a. blatantly ... revival b. surreptitiously……..decay

c. swiftly...advancement d. gradually...uproar e. None of these

02.- Modern political campaigns are so full of misrepresentations, that candor is an___________

a. aphorism b. anecdote c. anomaly d. augmentation e. None of these

03. With such a_______ amount of food, the survivors of the plane crash thought their chance of
survival was _________

A. puny...existential b. limited...consequential c. lavish... impracticable

d. copious...infinitesimal e. finite...meager

04.One should always strive not to be an_______ presenter, who makes the audience's

a. vivacious... diminish b. languid ...amplify C. rampant...flounder

d. insipid...dwindle e zestful...waver

05. In order to develop his report on the__________ issue, the journalist had to________ information
from various sources.

a. controversial...divert b. contentious...glean C. contrary...extract

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
d. concurrent... divulge e . contagious...amend

Questions 6 to 10: In each of the following sentences, choose the option where the underlined
word(s) has been used INCORRECTLY.

06. i) Since no party was willing to compromise, an arbitrator had to be called in to break the

ii) Given that the two countries have reached an impasse on their negotiations, the war is likely to

iii) After days of fighting, the soldiers were looking for an impasse.

a. ii only b. iii only c. ii and iii

d. i and ii e . No error

07. i) The cue was only getting longer with the passage of time.

ii) The choir was waiting for the right cue to start their performance.

iii) As if on cue, the sound of a vehicle starting broke the silence.

a. i only b. iii only c. i and iii

di and ii e. No error

08. i) The pharmacy board will censure the pharmacist for not properly monitoring his drug supply.

ii) If Majed receives another censure from his boss, he will more than likely lose his job.

iii) The security device has a heat censure which detects the presence of people and animals.

a. i only b. ii only c. iii only

d. ii and iii e. No error

09. i)The vile man tried to insight hatred in his children by telling them falsehoods about

minority groups.

ii) He showed remarkable insight on the topic considering he had just started Craning about it. iii) I
wanted to point out he was a very good speaker, and could insight a crowd.

a. i only b. ii only c. i and ii

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
d. i and iii e. No error

10. i) When the crew saw flairs, they knew the other ship was in trouble.

ii) She grew uneasy and watched the sky flair with rocket and laser fire from the ongoing battle in
the valley.

iii) It is obvious from Rina's mumbling that she does not have a flair for public speaking.

a. i and ii b. i and iii c. iii only

d. i only e. No error

Questions 11 to 15: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.

Here's a simple question - answer it honestly: How many hours did you spend reading books last

This question has arrived in thousands of U.S. homes every other year since 1992 as part of the
University of Michigan's Health and Retirement Study (HRS). In 2016, when researchers at the Yale
School of Public Health dug into 12 years of HRS data, a hopeful pattern emerged: People who read
books-fiction or nonfiction, poetry or prose-for as little as 30 minutes a day over several years were
living an average of two years longer than people who didn't read anything at all.

Research suggests that reading is beneficial not only for the elderly, but also for children and adults.
When practiced over a lifetime, reading and language-acquisition skills can support healthy brain
functioning in big ways. Simply put: Word power increases brain power.

But what is it about reading books in particular that boosts our brain power whereas reading
newspapers and magazines doesn't? For one, the researchers posit, chapter books encourage "deep
reading.” Unlike, say, skimming a page of headlines, reading a book of any genre forces your brain
to think critically and make connections from one chapter to another, and to the outside world. Over
time, the forging of new neural networks promotes quicker thinking and may provide a greater
defense against the worst effects of cognitive decay. Secondly, reading books, especially fiction, has
been shown to increase empathy and emotional intelligence. Developing social tools such as
empathy and emotional intelligence can lead to more positive human interaction, which in turn can
lower stress levels. Both of these enhance life expectancy.

That's not to say that magazines, newspapers, and Web articles are without merit. Reading anything
that fills your mind and exposes you to new words, phrases, and facts seems to carry mental benefits.
New research indicates that a large vocabulary may lead to a more resilient mind by fueling what
scientists call cognitive reserve. One way to think about this reserve is as your brain's ability to adapt
to damage. Just as your blood cells will clot to cover a cut on your knew, cognitive reserve helps
your brain cells find new mental pathways around areas damaged by stroke, dementia, and other
forms of decay. It's their cognitive reserve, researchers suspect, that may allow some seniors to
seamlessly compensate for hidden brain damage.
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
So how does one build up cognitive reserve? That's more good news for word lovers. Vocabulary is
notoriously resistant to aging, and having a rich one, according to researchers, can significantly delay
the manifestation of mental decline. As science reminds us, it pays to increase your word power-
today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life.

11. What can we infer about the meaning of the term 'emotional intelligence from the above excerpt?

a. Ability to better understand and respond to the emotions of others

b. Ability to handle crisis situations better

c. Ability to think in a more intelligent and constructive manner

d. Ability to form better connections between one's internal and external world

e. ability to concentrate more on reading material

12. 'Deep reading' is beneficial because:

a. It involves content that is more critical in nature

b. It covers more diverse topics than other forms of reading

c. It requires more time commitment form the reader

d. It stimulates the reader to relate the contents to broader experiences in the outside world

e. All of the above

13. Which of the following has not been implied by the above excerpt?

a. Reading is more beneficial for the elderly than for adults and children

b. One must devote long hours to reading to reap the desired benefits

c. Reading fiction encourages better brain development than reading non-fiction

d. The impact of reading is related to the duration of one's life and not necessarily to its quality

e. All of the above

14. All of the following statements about vocabulary can be inferred from the above excerpt, except:

a. Vocabulary is less affected by ageing than other forms of learning

b. Vocabulary can act as the brain's shield against mental decay

c. Vocabulary cannot be enhanced by reading magazines, newspapers, etc.

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
d. A stronger vocabulary can promote stronger brain function

e. None of the above

15. Having a cognitive reserve is helpful to the elderly because:

a. It creates new mental pathways, thus allowing them to think quickly

b. It creates new mental pathways, thus allowing them to cover up for lost material

c. It helps them form better social relationships

d. It gives them a richer vocabulary which helps in interacting with others

e. None of the above

Questions 16 to 20: For each sentence, replace the underlined parts with the option that represents
the proper usage of grammar.

16. Fortunately, the baby fallen back onto the soft carpet after trying to clamber up the stairs.

a. the baby fallen back onto the soft carpet

b. the baby had fell back onto the soft carpet

C. the baby falls back onto the soft carpet

d. the baby fell back onto the soft carpet

e. the baby felt back onto the soft carpet

17. You had be a fool to consider the enemy weak,

a. you had be a fool b. you have be a fool

c. you should be a fool d. you would be a fool e. you can be a fool

18. Jason, who had always lived the life of a hedonist, found himself regret his life choices in old

a. found himself regret his life choices in old age

b. found him regretting his life choices in old age

c. finds him in regret of his life choices in old age

d. found himself with the regret of his life choices in old age
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
e. has found himself regretting his life choices in old age

19. After giving the students a piece of her mind, the deviant behavior was never again seen by
the teacher.

a. the deviant behavior was never again seen by the teacher

b. the teacher never again saw the deviant behavior

c. the teacher never again seen the deviant behavior

d. the deviant behavior were never again seen by the teacher

e. the deviant behavior would never again be seen by the teacher

20. Although it has been two days since the storm, none of the debris are being cleared.

a. none of the debris are being cleared

b. none of the debris has been cleared

c. none of the debrises have been cleared

d. none of the debris have cleared

e. none of the debris are clearing

21. “There is no denial that Richard was a great human being. Which correction should be made to
this sentence?

a. replace denial with denying b. replace denial with deny c. omit that

d. change is to was e. No correction is required

22. "Ricardo failed to realize that thousands of landlords competing with each other will make
different decisions than a single one." Which correction should be made to this sentence?

a. replace than with then b. omit with c. replace will with would

d. change failed to to did not e. No correction is required

23. "These theories explain why some industries naturally have high profits, while in other

industries high profits are a surely sign of collusion." Which correction should be made to this

a. replace why with how b. change surely to sure

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
c. insert a comma after explain d. change have to had e. No correction is required 24.
"Always too full of herself, Jane had no time for others.” If you rewrote this sentence beginning with
"Jane had no time for others”, the next words can be –

a. so she was too full of herself b. so full of herself she was

c. to be too full of herself d. because too full of herself

e. since she was too full of herself

25. “If you feel dizzy, you should try to get some rest." If you rewrote this sentence beginning with
"You should try and get some rest”, the next words can be –

a. during dizziness b. following dizzy C. and be quiet when dizzy

d. if you felt dizzy e. when you feel dizzy

1.B 2.C 3.E 4.D 5.B 6.B 7A. 8.C 9.D 10.A
11.D 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.B
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.E 25.E

1.Blatantly= Pigfv‡e revival= evPb surreptitiously= decay= ¶q ev cZb swiftly=

Gradually= ax‡i ax‡i uproar= wPj-vwPwj-

3. Aphorism= m~Î anecdote= DcvL¨vb anomaly= e¨wZµg augmentation= cÖe„w×

3. puny= cyuP‡K impracticable= `ytmva¨ copious= cÖPzi meager= Abye©i

4. vivacious= cÖvYeš diminish= nªvm cvIqv languid= Aemb rampant= cÖPÛ flounder= ivNe‡evqvj

insipid= weim dwindle= ¶xY nIqv zestful= cÖvYeš

5. controversial= weZK©g~jK contentious= K’¯^fve glean= msM„nxZ `ªe¨ extract=†Rvi Kwiqv Av`vq Kiv

concurrent= mnMvgx divulge= dvum Kiv amend= msµvgK ms‡kvab Kiv

6. impasse A_©t APjve¯’| (iii) bs ev‡K¨ impasse Gi e¨envi fzj| Answer: (B)

7. Cue A_©t AvPiY ev Kv‡Ri aib m¤c‡K© Bw½Z| (i) bs evK¨wU fzj GLv‡b queue use n‡j mwVK n‡Zv|
Answer: (A)

8. Censure A_©t mgv‡jvPbv Kiv, wZi¯‹v| (iii) bs evK¨wU fzj| GLv‡b sensor use n‡j mwVK n‡Zv| Answer:

9. Insight A_©t | (i) & (iii)bs evK¨wU fzj| GLv‡b incite use n‡j mwVK n‡Zv| Answer: (D)

10. Flair A_©t ¯^vfvweK ev mnRvZ ¶gZv, weP¶YZv| (i) & (ii) bs evK¨ fzj| GLv‡b flare use n‡j mwVK n‡Zv|
Answer: (A)
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
11. Passage Gi PZz_© c¨vivi cÖ_g I wØZxq jvBb c‡o †evSv hvq Answer:(A) KviY, positive human
interaction n‡j A‡b¨i emotion fv‡jv †evSv hvq Ges †m Abyhvqx mvov †`qv hvq|

12. Passage Gi Z…Zxq c¨vivi PZz_© jvB‡b deep reading †Kb beneficial Zv †`qv Av‡Q| Answer:(D)

13. Passage Gi wØZxq c¨vivi c„i_g `y‡Uv jvBb co‡jB DËi cvIqv hvq, Answer: (A)

14. Answer: (A). Passage wU fv‡jfv‡e co‡j †evSv hvq †h option A Gi e³e¨ passage Abyhvqx infer Kiv
hvq bv|

15. Passage Gi cÂg c¨vii beg jvB‡b ejv n‡q‡Q New research indicates ---------- adapt to damage. GB
K_vq option B †Z Av‡Q| Answer:(B)

16. fallen Gi cwie‡Z© fell use n‡e| Answer:(C)

17. kZ©hy³ K_vi possibility A‡_© would use nq| Answer: (D)

18. sentence Gi GKUv Ask past perfect tense G Av‡Q ZvB Aci Ask past indefinite tense n‡e| myZivs,
C,E ev`| Avi †h‡nZz †m wb‡RB AbyZß n‡qwQj ZvB found Gici himself em‡e| Avi option (D) AwaK
meaningfu. So, Answer is :(D)

19. Modifier Gi rules Abyhvqx (,) Kgvi c‡i the teacher em‡e| C fzj KviY verb seen Gi use mwVK nqwb|

20. Debris GB word wU uncountable ZvB verb always singular n‡e| Answer: (B)

21. There is no denial nqbv There is no denying n‡jv mwVK| Answer: (A)

22. that Gi Av‡Mi clause wU †h‡nZz past tense G Av‡Q ZvB c‡iiwUI past tense Gi n‡e, A_©vr, will Gi e`‡j
would n‡e| Answer:(C)

23. Surely Gi cwie‡Z© sure n‡e KviY, AvgivRvwb article Gi ci adjective Av‡m, adverb bq| Answer: (B)

24. Option (E) is the right answer. Sentence Gi A_©t †h‡nZz †Rwb wb‡R‡K Lye fveZ ZvB Zvi
Ab¨‡`i Rb¨ †Kvb mgq wQ‡jvb|

25. c~‡e©iwUi g‡ZvB| Answer:(E) sentence Gi A_©t †Zvgvi gv_v hLb Ny‡i/ wSgwSg K‡i, ZLb wKQz mgq
wekªvg †bqvi †Póv Kiv DwPZ|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

59th Intake
IBA-MBA Admission December-2017
Section I: Language and Communication (25 marks)

Questions 1-9:
Instruction: Choose the most appropriate word(s)/phrase to fill in the blank in the following

1.The realization that ––––––– is a good habit is largely absent among youngsters.
A. to read B. to read books C. to reading books
D. to have read book E. reading
2. I was ––––– to paying Tk 200 a share for a company that generates no revenue.
A. willing B. averse C. adverse D. differ E. adamant
3. I didn’t mean to ––––– that you’re doing a bad job. You might –––– that a pay increase is
A. infer; infer B. imply; imply C. infer, imply D. imply; infer E. deduce, presume
4.Now that all the facts have been revealed, the theory is ––––
A. untenable B. torturous C. tortuous D. reticent E. bemused
5. There are many –––– in history which indicate that revolutions cannot be –––– forever even by the
strictest of dictators.
A. examples; surpassed B. precedents; suppressed C. occasions; tolerated
D. parables; sanctioned E. myths; ignited
6. Ratul was so –––– by his own thoughts that he hardly seemed to notice the ––– created by the
party next door.
A. consued; uproar B. enchanted; ardour C. enamored; placidity
D. imbued; rancor E. inspired; humdrum
7.I –––––– him of the situation.
I. apprised II. Appraised III. approved
A. Only I B. Only II C. Only III D. Both I and II E. Both II and III
8. The convict took advantage of ––––– people.
I. credible II. credulous III. credential
A. Only I B. Only II C. Only III D. Both I and II E. Both II and III
9. She was sacked because she had –––––– the rules.
I. flouted II. Flaunted III. contravened
A. Only I B. Only II C. Only III D. Both I and II E. Both II and III

Questions 10-14:
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Instruction: Underlined parts of the following sentences may contain error (s) in grammar, usage or
idiom. Choose the underlined portion that contains such error(s). If there is no error, select (E.)

10.He thinks that certain types of businesses will continue to grow to an extend. No enor.
11.Either Labu of Karim will always volunteer their valuable time to serve on our
board. No error.
12.Work as quickas you can but as carefully as possible when you take the test. No error.
13.My neighbor as well as his wife always discuss the family problems before me.
No error.
14. At present, advertising is one of the most strictly regulated industry in the U.S.No error.
Questions 15-16:
Instruction: Select the choice that best answers the question/or complete the statement in bold.
15.Reviewers recommend this book for people who ----
A. intends to start his own business.
B. can’t read.
C. What to explore local market dynamics.
D. Willing to build a professional career
E. values knowledge little.
16.Did Salman leave a message?
A. No, he left the office.
B. I saw him running
C. Yes, he’ll leave one.
D. No, he said he’d call later.
E. I am not his boss
Questions 17-19:
Instruction: Replace the underlined segment of each sentence with the phrase which represents the
most appropriate usage of grammar.
17Accepting one’s mistake is the best way to overcoming failure.
A. is the best way to overcoming failure
B. are the best way for overcoming failure
C. is at best, the way to overcoming failure
D. is the best way to overcome failure
E. for the best is the way to overcome failure
18. Socializing is not easy for those who are introverts all their lives.
A. those who are introverts all their lives
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
B. those who have been introverts all their lives
C. those whom have been introverts in their lives
D. those who has been introverts all their lives
E. those having been an introvert all his life
19.Having witnessed the misfortunes of the refuges. I was thankful for my blessings.
A. Having witnessed the misfortunes of the refugees
B. Having witnesses for the misfortunes of the refuges
C. After having witness the misfortunes of the refugees
D. Being witnesses to the misfortunes of the refugees
E. Being one of the witness to the misfortunes of the refugees
Questions 20-21:
Instruction: Identify the sentence (s) showing the incorrect use of the underlined word.
20. (i) The problem is such that any complacent mechanic should be able to fix it.
(ii) The student grew complacent about the challenges ahead, with disastrous results.
(iii) The government should not have a complacent attitude towards unemployment.
A. Only I B. Both ii and iii C. Only iii D. Both i and ii E. Both i and iii
21.(i) The ability to discern between right and wrong is critical for a human being.
(ii) The proposed factory shutdown caused significant discern among the workforce.
(iii) The rising rate of crime was a matter of great discern for the society.
A. Only ii B. Both ii and iii C. Only iii D. Both i and ii E. Both i and iii
Questions 22-25:
Instruction: Answer the Questions based on the following passage.

We routinely make sense of the world using types- broad categories of things with common
characteristics. This allows us to categorize things in a meaningful way, and in turn draw conclusions
and extrapolate information about something based on previous experience of things of the same, or
similar, type. This is commonly done with people and is not, by definition, negative. For example,
we assign certain traits to roles such as parent, businessperson, pensioner and so on. Stereotypes on
the other hand, while classifying people in a similar manner, reduce the person to those simplified
and exaggerated characteristics, admit no possibility of change, and insist that these characteristics re
natural. Any complexity is ignored and denied, and it is implied that everything that is necessary to
know about the person can be known by referring to the traits of the stereotype. In essence, a
stereotype declares “this is what you are, and this is all you are”.

Stereotyping also deploys a strategy of splitting- where those who do not fit society’s norms are
excluded, deeming them to be the ‘Other’. This denies the possibility of any meaningful discourse
about them or with them, and ensures their continued exclusion. Stereotypes lead to social
categorization, which is one of the reasons for prejudice attitudes (i.e. “them” and “us” mentality)
which leads to in-groups and out-groups. This proves most effective when gross inequalities of
power allow the dominant group to employ the strategy without challenge.
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Is stereotyping harmful in the workplace? Quite simply, the answer is “Yes.” What happens when
you make stereotypical assumptions about people is that you subconsciously start to look for things
to confirm your beliefs and overtime you might pick up on one or two isolated incidents that cause
you to justify or confirm your assumptions. If teamwork and collaboration are necessary for a
company’s success, stereotyping is a major problem. Employees who act based on stereotypes rather
than putting fair in the abilities and effort of coworkers impede group progress. It can prevent an
employee from asking for support or offering it to a particular employee. A man may not ask a
woman in his team for help, for instance, if he believes that she isn’t capable of understanding the
task and concepts because she’s female. Again, if married workers in a group believe in the
stereotype that their colleagues who are single have no outside responsibilities, the latter may be
expected to do the lion’s share of the work, leading to perceptions of inequity.

22.Based on the passage, stereotyping essentially involves:

A. Determining what roles should be played by different individuals in society
B. Attempts at belittling an individual or group
C. Using only a handful of attributes to form one’s entire impression of an individual or group.
D. Deploying power over a minority individual or group
E. All of the above
23.Which of the following is not an example of stereotyping?
A. Employing graduates from only a specific business school based on the belief that they are all
high performers
B. Ruling out a female employee’s eligibility for promotion after seeing her dissatisfactory
performance records
C. Assigning only routine work to older employees since they are not familiar with changes taking
place in the business environment
D. Ridiculing a male nurse for his unusual career choice
E. None of the above
24.All of the following statements explain why stereotypes lead to “splitting” except:
A. They form complex views about individuals which may not be true
B. Only certain characteristics are deemed to be appropriate for certain categories of people
C. Individuals who display incompatibility with norms are considered to be non-conformists
D. Belonging to the in-group may depend on compatibility with norms
E. None of the above
25.Stereotyping can harm workplace productivity by:
A. Causing an individual to form judgments about another based on criteria unrelated to performance
B. promoting unfair work distribution
C. reducing the spirit of collaboration and teamwork
D. making it more difficult for people from different races, genders, religious groups etc. to work
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
1.E 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.A 19A. 20.A
21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.E

2. averse= wegyL adverse= cÖwZK’j adamant= Abgbxq

3. infer= Abygvb Kiv imply= c‡iv¶fv‡e cÖKvk Kiv presume= Abygvb Kiv
4. untenable= APj torturous= wbh©vZb‡K tortuous= KzwUj reticent=¯^ífvlx bemused= weg~p
5. surpassed= precedents= D`vniY parables=`„óvš sanctioned= Aby‡gvw`Z ignited= aiv
6. consumed=¶qcÖvß uproar= wPj-vwPwj enchanted= cyjwKZ enamored=†cÖggy» placidity=
imbued= AbycÖvwYZ Kiv rancor= wnsmv humdrum= AKvíwbK
7. apprised= AeMZ Kiv†bv appraised= g~j¨ wbw`©ó Kiv
8. credible= wek¦vm†hvM¨ credulous= wek¦vmcÖeY credential= cÖksmvcÎ
9. flouted= AeÁv Kiv Flaunted= RvKvjfv‡e cÖ`k©b Kiv contravened= jsNb
10. Ackb (D) †Z fzj Av‡Q| GLv‡b an article Gici noun 'extent' n‡e|
11. Ackb (C) †Z fzj Av‡Q| ev‡K¨ jvey A_ev Kwig †h‡Kvb GKRb‡K eySv‡”Q ZvB their bv

n‡q his n‡e|

12. Ackb (A) †Z fzj Av‡Q| KvRwU wKfv‡e Kiv n‡e ZvovZvwo ZvB quick bv n‡q quickly

w`‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡Zv|

13. Ackb (B) †Z fzj Av‡Q| as well as Gi Av‡Mi subject Abyhvqx verb wba©vwiZ nq ZvB

My neighbour GB singular subject Gi mv‡_ wgj †i‡L verb 'discuss' I singular n‡e

A_©vr, discusses n‡e|

14. Ackb (D) †Z fzj Av‡Q| A‡bK¸‡jv industry Gi gv‡S GKwU ZvB industries n‡e|

15. Ackb (A) Ges (E) fzj| KviY, Who Gi antecedent n‡jv people ZvB who Gi c‡i

verb Gi mv‡_ s/es n‡ebv| (B) fzj, KviY hviv cov‡kvbv Rv‡bbv Zv‡`i Rb¨ eB widvi

KivUv A‡hŠw³K| Avi (D) †Z verb bvB ZvB GwUI fzj| myZivs, mwVK DËit (C)

16. cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë evK¨wUi A_© n‡jv mvjgvb wK †Kvb evZ©v †i‡L †M‡Q? Avcwb ¯^vfvweKfv‡e

Gai‡bi cÖkœ Avgiv cÖwZw`bB K‡i _vwK Ges Gi DËi¸‡jv‡Z Avgiv †hUv cvB Zvn‡jv,

bv A_ev n¨vu , mvjgvb evZ©v †i‡L †M‡Q ev hvqwb| GLb Ack‡bi w`‡K j¶¨ Ki‡j †`Lv hvq
†h, Gai‡bi DËi †KejgvÎ Ackb (D) †ZB i‡q‡Q|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
17. Ackb (A) & (C) fzj KviY, to Gici verb Gi base form nq| Avi (B) fzj KviY,

ev‡K¨i subject n‡jv accepting †hUv plural bq ZvB verb are nIqvi cÖkœB Av‡mbv| myZivs,
mwVK DËit (D)
18. evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb fzj †bB ZvB mwVK DËit (A)

19. evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb fzj †bB ZvB mwVK DËit (A)

20. mwVK DËit (A) Complacent k‡ãi A_©t AvÍZzó| (I) Gi evK¨wU fzj complacent

mechanic nqbv KL‡bv| Avi (II) & (III) Gi evK¨¸‡jv mwVK|

21. mwVK DËit (B) Discern k‡ãi A_© cv_©K¨ Kiv| (II) & (III) Gi evK¨¸‡jv fzj|

significant / great discern GB k㸔Q¸‡jv fzj|

22. Passage Gi cÖ_g c¨vivi gvSLvb †_‡K †kl co‡jB †evSv hvq mwVK DËit (C)

23. Passage Gi Z…Zxq c¨vivi †kl `ywU D`vniY fv‡jvfv‡e co‡jB DËi cvIqv hvq (B)

24. Passage Gi wØZxq c¨viv covi ci Lye mn‡RB †evSv hvq DËi Ackb (A)| Ackb (A)

†Z e‡j‡Q, Zviv e¨w³ m¤c‡K© RwUj `„wófw½ ˆZwi K‡i hv mwZ¨ bvI n‡Z cv‡i| GUv
stereotype Gi D`vniY bq, †hUv wefvR‡bi w`‡K wb‡q †h‡Z cv‡i|

25. Passage Gi Z…Zxq c¨viv fv‡jv K‡i co‡j GB cÖ‡kœi

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

58th Intake
IBA-MBA Admission June-2017
Section I: Language and Communication
Questions 1 to 6: Fill in the Gaps

Instruction: Select the most appropriate word(s) phrase(s) to fill in the gaps.
1. An issue that poses a major challenge to the_____to healthcare by poor people in
Bangladesh_____costs of common, over-the-counter medicines.
(a) exposure, are the rising (b) inclusion, is the raising
(c) access, is the spiraling (d) access, are the spiraling
(e) availability, is the dwindling
2._____the businessmen have welcomed the move, there has been strong_____from many quarters.
(a) While, opposition (b) When, rivalry (c)Though, approval
(d) In spite of, non-cooperation (e) None of these
3. As well as________immeasurable suffering, violent crime is a big______to economic.
(a) imposing, impediment (b) creating, hurdle (c) waning, exacerbation (d)
inflicting, obstacle (e) causing, trigger
4._______loyalty to an idea is easier than_____on its implications.
(a) Displaying, foregoing (b) Professing, acting (c) Exhibiting, working
(d) Confessing, partaking (e) Feigning, handling
5. The coach repeatedly reminded his star performers not to be______about their superior
(a) lackluster (b) vain (c) banal (d) earnest (e) scrupulous
6. While filling up the survey, he was very open and_____in revealing his feelings about the
organization's compensation program.
(a) astute (b) incredulous (c) devious (d) candid (e) virile

Questions 7 to 13: Usage of Grammar

Instruction : For each sentence, replace the underlined parts with the option that represents the most
proper usage of grammar. Choice A is the same as the underlined portion of the original sentence. If
you think the original sentence is the best, choose option A.
7. You must better wait for the instructions before starting the examination.
(a) You must better wait (b) You must rather wait (c) You had rather wait
(d) You had rather waited (e) You had better wait
8. The teacher explained to the fifth graders. that they should start becoming more independent and
stop expecting their parents to constantly await on them.
(a) await on (b) wait for (c) await (d) wait on (e) await for
9. I was scared over my wit by her sudden appearance.
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
(a) over my wit (b) over my wits (c) out by my wits
(d) out of my wits (e) at my wit
10. I have decided taking up golf this weekend.
(a) I have decided taking. up golf (b) I have decided taking on golf
(c) I have decided taking golf (d) I have decided to take up golf
(e) I. have decided taking golfing
11. I tried to explain to my colleague that the fight was not worth getting involved in.
(a) was not worth getting involved in (b) was not worth involving
(c) was not worthy of involving (d) was not worthy getting involvement
(e) was not worthy involvement
12. He was aggrieved as his name not found in the list of contributors.
(a) was aggrieved as his name not found
(b) was aggrieved not finding his name
(c) was aggrieved as his name couldn't found
(d) was aggrieved at not having find his name
(e) was aggrieved at not having found his name
13. Yesterday, despite several attempts, I could find no better solution to the problem.
(a) could find no better solution (b) could find any better solution
(c) could found no better solution (d) can find any better solution
(e) cannot have found no better solution
Questions 14 to 16 : Error identification
Instruction : For each sentence, identify which underlined section is incorrect. Otherwise, choose
option E.
14. Diamond's principle value has nothing to do with science; they have long been
Revered for their beauty. No Error.
15. Because the company controls just one third of market, any production cuts have
limited effect on total supply. No Error

16. In an economy awash with abundant cheap labor, firms face too pressure to
invest on labor saving technologies. No Error.
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Questions 17 to 21 : Passage Completion
Instruction : Pick up words from the options given below to complete the passage. Global strategies
to control 17 diseases have historically inclined the erection of barriers to international travel and 18
. Keeping people wish such deadly diseases outside national borders has 19 as an important public
health policy in the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic. Between 29 and 50 countries
20 to have introduced border restrictions on HIV positive foreigners, usually those planning an 21
stay in the country such as students, workers, or seamen.
17 . (a) infectious (b) defective (c) infective
(d) prolonged (e) None of these
18. (a) emigration (b) immigrate (c) immigration
(d) migration (e) None of these
19. (a) reemerged (b) merged (c) returned
(d) restrained (e) None of these
20. (a) reports (b) is reported (c) are reported
(d) are (e) None of these
21. (a) intended (b) extended (c) unplanned
(d) interested (e) None of these

Question 22 to 26 :
Instruction : Select the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined word/phrase.
22. I could not wait to have my findings confirmed by my supervisor.
(a) examined (b) reviewed (c) validated
(d) analyzed (e) highlighted
23. I was not sure about going to the party since I hardly knew anyone there.
(a) fastidious (b) vacuous (c) restless
(d) ambivalent (e) averse
24. You should have notified me without delay upon arrival of the guests.
(a) expressly (b) duly (c) promptly
(d) explicitly (e) clearly
25. It is not correct to judge someone based on generalized social conceptions.
(a) stereotypes (b) intuition (c) imagination
(d) discrimination (e) tradition
26. I was rather impressed by her immaculate presentation.
(a) energetic (b) flawless (c) confident
(d) sincere (e) impromptu
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Questions 27 to 30: Reading Paragraph
Instructions: Read the following paragraph and answer the questions
Demographic dividend is the surge in economic growth that may result from a decline in a country's
mortality and fertility and the subsequent change in the age structure of the population. This decline
is often accompanied by an increase average life expectancy, which increases the size of the
working-age population words. it is a boost in economic productivity that occurs when there are
people in the workforce relative to the number of dependents.

Bangladesh has experienced a dramatic decline in fertility and mortality during the last. four decades.
During the same period, life expectancy at birth has increased, thereby producing a huge shift in age
structure of the population. Dependents per 100 working population declined from over 100 in 1961
to 60 in 2010. This has created a window of economic opportunity that can be expressed as
demographic dividend of Bangladesh. Demographic dividend helps to provide an opportunity to
improve living. standards through increased capital formulation, savings and investment, female
participation in labor force, improved quality of labor force and increased demand of goods and
services., But the opportunity and the reality are not synonymous. For translating this opportunity
into reality, the benefits of 'demographic dividend' must not be understood only in terms of
additional number-of jobs created. Creation of higher productivity jobs, intermediation of savings of
the existing working age population for investment in infrastructures and institutions, creation of
greater opportunities for female labor force etc. matter here.

It is also important to take into cognizance that this dividend will not last for long as the experience
of other countries has shown. The current bulge in the country's working age population will
eventually transform into a bulge in the elderly population within the next one decade or so and an
ageing population scenario will emerge that requires huge resources to look after the needs of the
elderly. Policymakers and social scientists optimistically discuss the demographic dividend as if the
benefits are imminent and within grasp. However, many developing countries, including Bangladesh,
will not be able to achieve this economic benefit without appropriate politics and substantial
investments in a number of areas.

27. The demographic dividend can basically be expressed as the opportunity arising
(a) A fall in the number of children expected to survive upon birth in a population
(b) A fall in the ratio of the dependent population to the working population.
(C) A fall in the ratio of the working population to the non-working population.
(d) A reduction an in life expectancy
(e) A bulge in the elderly age group of the population
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
28. In order to reap the benefit of the demographic dividend, we must ensure all of
the following EXCEPT.
(a) A flow of savings into productive investment
(b) More opportunities for female workers
(c) A greater propensity to save among the working age population
(d) A focus on quantity of jobs created as opposed to their quality
(e) Sound policy formulation
29. It is important to utilize the demographic dividend fast because otherwise.
(a) Other countries may take advantages of our dividend before we do.
(b) There might soon be an increase in the crude birth rate of the population.
(c) the aging of the current working population can cause another population. shift which we are not
equipped to deal with.
(d) Increasing participation of women in the labor force can lead to a rise in fertility rate.
(e) The average life expectancy of the population may take a turn for the worse.

30. All of the following are true of the demographic dividend. EXCEPT. Order
(a) It can facilitate a period of robust economic growth.
(b) It opens a window of opportunity for better utilization of the working population.
(c) It is a naturally occurring phenomenon which will produce sure economic benefits: with or
without policy support.
(d) It is a transitory phenomenon.
(e) It can generate higher demand for goods and services and therefore have positive multiplier
effects on economic growth.

1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.E 8.D 9.D 10.D
11.A 12.E 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.D
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.C

1. exposure= cÖKvk spiraling=†cuPv‡bv dwindling= nªvm cvIqv

2. rivalry= Ø›Ø

3. imposing= g‡bvig impediment= evav waning=¶xqgvb exacerbation= ZxeªZv inflicting= Av‡ivc

Kiv trigger= Nvov

4. foregoing = AMÖeZ©x Confessing=¯^xKvi Kiv partaking= Ask MÖnb Kiv Feigning= fÛ

5. lackluster= vain= e¨_© banal= Zz”Q earnest= scrupulous= mZK©

6. astute= weP¶Y incredulous= wek¦vmnxb devious= AvuKvevuKv candid= ¯cóe³ virile= Kg©V
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
7.Avgiv Rvwb must better, must rather or had rather ej‡Z †Kvb kã †bB eis i‡q‡Q had better myZivs mwVK
DËi ( E)
8.await Gi ci †Kvb preposition nq bv eis wait Gi ci nq| myZivs mwVK DËi wait on (D) . Wait on gv‡b
nj KvD‡K †`Lvïbv Kiv ev †mev Kiv|

9.scare somebody out of his wits = KvD‡K AZ¨waK fxZ Kiv| myZivs mwVK DËi (D)

10. Avgiv Rvwb decide Gi ci ing e‡m bv eis preposition (to) e‡m| myZivs mwVK DËi (D)

11.evK¨wU mwVK myZivs mwVK DËi (A)

12.evK¨wU AZxZKv‡ji myZivs Ackb (B) and (D) ev`| Ackb ( C) ev` Kvib GLv‡b `yBevi mvnvh¨Kvix verb
e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| myZivs mwVK DËi ( E)

13. †h‡nZz GLv‡b g‡Wj auxiliary verb (could) i‡q‡Q ZvB g~j verb Gi base form n‡e myZivs Ackb (C), (E)
ev` Ges †h‡nZz evK¨wU AZxZKv‡ji †m‡nZz Ackb ( D) ev`| (B) ev` Kvib GLv‡b †b‡MwUf wKQz ejv bvB myZivs
mwVK DËi (A)

14. principle = bxwZ Ges principal = cÖK…Z| nxivi bxwZ g~j¨ nq bv eis nxivi cÖK…Z g~j¨ nq myZivs Ackb (A)
†Z fzj Av‡Q|

15.One-third of market nq bv eis One-third of the market nq gv‡b market Gi Av‡M GKwU article ( the)
jvM‡e| myZivs mwVK DËi (B)
16. GB evK¨i A_© Abymv‡i invest Gi ci on bq eis in n‡j evK¨wU mwVK nZ| myZivs mwVK DËi (D)

17.(A) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (D) 21. (B)

22.(C) 23.(D) 24.(C) 25.(A) 26.(B)
27.(B) 28.(D) 29.(C) 30.(C)

IFIC Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for TAO−09.02.2018
1. United we stand, divide we−
a. jump b. fall c. side d. stumble Ans. B
Jump = jvd Fall = cZb Stumble = †nuvPU LvIqv
ev‡K¨i A_© : GKZvq DÌvb, we‡f‡` cZb|GwU GKwU cÖev` evK¨|
2. He does not attend − his office finely.
a. to b. in c. at d. on Ans. C
Attend to = g‡bv‡hvM †`qv; hZœevb nIqv Attend on = cwiPh©v ev †mev Kiv wKš‘ †Kv&_vI Dcw¯’Z nIqv A‡_©
Attend Gici at e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m wbqwgZ Awd‡m Av‡m bv|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
3. Which one is plural?
a. actress b. news c. princes d. princess Ans. C
Actress = Awf‡bÎx News = msev` Princes = ivRvi cyÎMY Princess = ivRKzgvix
ev‡K¨i A_© : GKZvq DÌvb, we‡f‡` cZb|
4. A fantasy is−
a. an imaginary story b. a funny film c. a historical record d. a real life event
Ans. A
Fantasy n‡jv AjxK Kíbv; Kíbv| †hgb : World of fantasy = Kíbvi ivR¨| †mB wn‡m‡e mwVK DËi a.
5. While he − in the garden, a snake bit him.
a. walked b. was walking c. is walking d. walks Ans. B
While Gi wVK c‡i subject _vK‡j AZx‡Zi †ÿ‡Î Past continuous tense nq| wKš‘ While Gi wVK c‡i subject bv
_vK‡j hw` mivmwi verb _v‡K, Zvn‡j H verb Gi mv‡_ ing †hvM Ki‡Z nq|
ev‡K¨i A_© : evMv‡bi †fZi w`‡q nuvUvi mgq Zv‡K GKwU mvc Kvgo w`‡qwQj|

6. There were − guest than I expected.

a. less b. lesser c. fewer d. few Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : GKZvq DÌvb, we‡f‡` cZb|
7. He is good − fishing.
a. in b. about c. at d. on Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m gvQ aivq `ÿ|
8. Speed money means−
a. percentage of interest b. bribe c. black money d. hard-earned money Ans. B
Speed money ej‡Z Nyl‡KB eySv‡bv nq| Black money n‡jv Kv‡jv UvKv A_©vr Ki duvwK †`Iqv A_©‡K Black
money e‡j| Avi Hard-earned money n‡jv K‡ó DcvwR©Z UvKv|
9. The correct sentence is−
a. The girl laughed and entered the room b. The girl entered the room laughing
c. The girl laughed entereing the room d. The girl laughingly entered the room
Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : evwjKvwU nvm‡Z nvm‡Z K‡ÿ cÖ‡ek Ki‡jv|
10. His friends mourned − the death − his mother.
a. on, over b. at, of c. over, of d. of, of Ans. C
g„Z e¨w³i Rb¨ `ytL cÖKvk Ki‡jv eySv‡Z Mourned for Ges Zvi g„Zz¨i Rb¨ †evSv‡Z Death of GB Preposition
e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
11. The correct spelling of 'Rhythem' is−
a. rhythem b. rhythm c. rhytham d. none Ans. b
12. Rashed will come to Bangladesh − plane.
a. with b. from c. by d. at Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : iv‡k` †cø‡b K‡i evsjv‡`‡k Avm‡e|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. The antonym of bondage is−
a. liberty b. thralldom c. enslavement d. serfdom Ans. A
Bondage = e›`x`kv; `vm‡Z¡ Ave× Ae¯’v Liberty = ¯^vaxbZv
Enslavement = `vm‡Z¡ Serfdom = f‚wg`vm cÖ_v; f‚wg`vm e„wË
14. One of my uncle died − malaria.
a. from b. for c. by d. of Ans. d
†ewk †L‡q gviv †M‡j Die form e¨eüZ nq| Die Gi mv‡_ wewfbœ Preposition hy³ n‡q wb‡Pi k㸇jv nq
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avgvi PvPv‡`i GKRb g¨v‡jwiqvq gviv wM‡q‡Qb|
15. Which sentence is appropriate?
a. I felt his pulse b. found his pulse c. I examined his pulse d. I saw his pulse
bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv A‡_© Feel someone's pulse e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| Ans. A
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avwg Zvi bvwoi MwZ ai‡Z †c‡iwQjvg|
16. Choose the correct spelling.
a. colleague b. chollegue c. culleague d. calleague Ans. a
17. The word constraint means
a. freedom b. limitation c. plentiful d. endless Ans. B
Constraint = Pvc, eva¨KiY; mxgve×Zv Liitation =mxgve×Zv
Plentiful = cÖPzi; Ach©vß; eûj Endless = AdzišÍ; A‡kl
18. What is the synonym of 'incredible'?
a. unthinkable b. unbelievable c. unthinking d. unlikely Ans. b
19. Itinerary means?
a. plan of journey b. list if items to be discussed
c. record of events occurred in a day d. list of events a fixed time Ans. a
20. The synonym of the word 'cordial' is.
a. hostile b. unfriendly c. meek d. amiable Ans. d

EXIM Bank Ltd.

Reruitment Tes for TAO−02.03.2018

Q. (1 − 8) Choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or expression.
1. One who mends shoes?
a. draper b. barber c. collier d. cobbler Ans. d
2. A place where a wild animal lives.
a. forest b. stable c. lair d. sanctuary Ans. c
3. A remedy for all diseases.
a. drug b. antiseptic c. panacea d. cure Ans. c
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
4. A sudden rush of wind
a. gust b. weather c. storm d. cloud Ans. a
5. Place were currency notes and coins are kept in a bank.
a. small room b. vault c. floor d. locker Ans. b
6. A place for keeping bees.
a. apiary b. apiculture c. aerie d. den Ans. a
7. The original inhabitants of a country.
a. citizens b. aborigines c. natives d. primitives Ans. b
8. Study of mankind
a. pathology b. etiology c. anthropology d. biology Ans. c
9. He lives − Mirpur in Dhaka.
a. by b. at c. for d. in Ans. b
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : He lives at Mirpur in Dhaka − wZwb XvKvi wgicy‡ii evm K‡ib|
10. You cannot get this book − such a price.
a. for b. at c. with d. on Ans. B
At a price A_© †ek Pov `v‡g| †hgb : Lobsters are available in the market a high price. †mB wn‡m‡e GB
ev‡K¨ at such a price n‡e|
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : You cannot get this book at such a price− Ggb Pov `v‡g eBwU Avcwb wKb‡Z cvi‡eb bv|
11. He was surprised − the news.
a. on b. in c. by d. at Ans. d
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : He was surprised at the news − †m msev`wU ï‡b Avðh©vwš^Z n‡qwQj|
12. I congratulate you − your success.
a. on b. in c. by d. for Ans. a
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : congratulate you on your success − mdjZvi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡K Awfb›`b|
13. He was absent due − rain.
a. on b. to c. with d. for Ans. b
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : He was absent due to rain − †m e„wói Kvi‡Y Abycw¯’Z wQj|
14. May I come − sir.
a. in b. into c. to d. by Ans. A
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : May I come in sir − m¨vi, Avwg wK wfZ‡i Avm‡Z cvwi?
15. We should take vaccine − all spreadable diseases.
a. by b. about c. for d. against Ans. d
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : We should take vaccine against all spreadable diseases − mKj mµvgK †iv‡Mi
weiæ‡× Avgv‡`i wUKv †bIqv DwPZ|
16. I met him − the way.
a. on b. in c. by d. for Ans. a
mwVK evK¨ I Zvi A_© : I met him on they way − Zvi mv‡_ Avgvi iv¯Ívi †`Lv n‡qwQj|
Q (17-26) : Choose the word that is most similar in meaning to the word given.
a. never b. usual c. rare d. sometimes Ans. C
Infrequent = weij; A‰bwZK Never = KL‡bv bv Usual = mPivPi N‡U Ggb Rare = `ye©f; K`vwPr
a. recoup b. revive c. vindicate d. impeach Ans. D
Accuse = Awfhy³/†`vlx Kiv Recoup = cywl‡q †bIqv/†`Iqv
Revive = Ávb wdwi‡q Avbv Impeach = (Kv‡iv PwiÎ BZ¨vw` m¤^‡Ü) cÖkœ †Zvjv
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
a. recoup b. revive c. heal d. return Ans. c
20. DANK.
a. dangerous b. ugly c. plunder d. damp Ans. D
S : Dank = †muZ‡mu‡Z Danerous = wec¾bK Plunder = jyÉb Kiv Damp = †muZ‡mu‡Z; †fRv
a. suspend b. dismiss c. end d. interrupt Ans. C
Terminate = BwZ Uvbv; mgvß Kiv Suspend = ¯’wMZ ivLv; jvUKv‡bv
Dismiss = PvKwi †_‡K eiLv¯Í Kiv Interrupt = e¨vnZ/wewNœZ/Aeiæ×/cÖwZiæ× Kiv
a. crisis b. misfortune c. failure d. helplessness Ans. B
Adversity= `yf©vM¨ Crisis= m¼UKvj Misfortune=`yf©vM¨; `y‰`©e Failure=e¨_©Zv; AmdjZv
a. loss b. refund c. compensation d. discount Ans. D
Rebate = Qvo; †iqvZ; evUv Refund = †diZ †`Iqv; cÖZ¨c©b Kiv
Compensation = ÿwZc~iY; †LmviZ Discount =c~Y© gyj¨ †_‡K wKQz cwigvY Qvo
a. abscond b. discontinue c. neglect d. condense Ans. a
a. edit b. alter c. correct d. reconsider Ans. a
a. prosperous b. poor c. talkative d. close Ans. a
Q. (27-30) : Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and and d) of the following sentences has an
27. There is a different between income and wealth; people can have a large income and
a b c
no wealth. Ans. a
28. The soles of the polar bear's feet are covered with fur, which provides stability on
a b c
slippery, freeze ground. Ans. c
GLv‡b Subject n‡jv Soles hv Avm‡j 3rd Person Plural Number †mB wn‡m‡e Ackb (a) Gi 'are' wVK Av‡Q|
ZvB Ackb (c) Gi Provides Gi cwie‡Z© Provide n‡e|
29. When flares are used as distress signals, they contain chemicals that produce intensely
a b c d
colors. Ans. d
GLv‡b Colors kãwU Noun| GB Noun †K modify Ki‡Z adverb wn‡m‡e intensely e¨envi bv K‡i adjective
wn‡m‡e intense e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|
30. A group of historians judged the computer to be the most influence invention of the
a b c
twentieth country. Ans. b
Q. (31-40) : Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given.
31. OFFER.
a. beg b. borrow c. snatch d. request Ans. a
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
a. desperate b. plain c. fashionable d. sumptuous Ans. b
a. subsequent b. later c. resultant d. latter Ans. b
a. misty b. covered c. clear d. transparent Ans. d
a. tame b. humble c. gentle d. harmless Ans. C
S : Violent = cÖPÐ; DrK…ó Tame = †cvlv; wb‡¯ÍR; ekxf‚Z
Humble = webqx Harmless = wb‡`©vl; wbixn; AÿZ
a. humorous b. comedy c. romance d. calamity Ans. b
a. solution b. act c. decent d. concord Ans. note
g~j cÖ‡kœ Decent Gi cwie‡Z© Dissent _vK‡j †mwUB Accord Gi wecixZ kã n‡e|
a. high b. hidden c. deep d. hollow Ans. c
a. narrow b. regional c. miniature d. subsidiary Ans. b
40. ALIVE.
a. passive b. dead c. asleep d. drowsy Ans. b

City Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for MTO−20.07.2018

Q. (1-5) : For each question, select the phrase that appropriately fills in the gap.
1. I wish you would tell me−.
a. who is being lived next door b. who does live in the next door
c. who lives next door d. who was living next door Ans. D
evK¨wU Passive voice G _vK‡j 'is being' em‡Zv|
2. The professor said that −.
a. the students can turn over their reports on Monday
b. the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him
c. the students could hand in their reports on Monday
d. the students will turn in their reports on Monday
e. none of these
Ans. C
ev‡K¨i cÖ_g Clause G said _vKvi Kvi‡Y eySv hv‡”Q †h, That Gi cieZ©x AskI Past tense Gi n‡e|
3. She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests however, −.
a. she had not much sugar b. there was not a great amount of sugar
c. she did not have much sugar d. she was lacking in amount of sugar
e. none of these
Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : Zv‡`i AwZw_‡`i †m Kwd w`‡q Avc¨vqb Ki‡Z PvB, hw`I Zvi h‡_ó cwigvY wPwb †bB|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
4. Many of the international problems we are facing now −.
a. linguistic incompetence
b. are because of not understanding themselves
c. are the result of misunderstandings
d. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of Linder standing
e. none of these
Ans. c
Many of the international problems n‡jv GB ev‡K¨i subject GB subject wU n‡jv Plural ZvB verb wUI
Plural n‡e|U

5.Automobile production in some countries.

a. has been rather erratic recently b. have taken stumps nd rises in recent years
c. has bee erratically lately d. are going up and down all the time Ans. none of these
ev‡K¨i Subject automobile production n‡jv Singular subject Kv‡RB Subject-verb agreement Abyhvqx
verbwUI singular n‡e|

Q. (6-10) : Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Four possible substitutions for the
underlined part are given below each sentence. If (a), (b). (c) or (d) is batter than the underlined part.
indicate your improve the sentence. Indicate (e) as your response on the answer sheet.
6. I have already read this book twice.
a. I already twice have read this book b. I twice already read this book
c. I have twice already read this book d. I have been reading the book
e. no improvement Ans. e
7. What tribute shall we pay to our leader that he would appreciate?
a. would have appreciated b. have appreciated c. should appreciase
d. could appreiate e. no improvement Ans. e
8. Working in the slums brought her in against the realities of poverty.
a. brought her forward b. brought her up c. brought her on
d. brought her to e. no improvement
Ans. b
9. It was she not me. who put forth the attractive proposition.
a. she, not I, b. her, not me, c. her, not I, d. she, but me, e. No improveent Ans. a
10. Your advice is no different from the other friends.
a. not different from b. not different from the c. no different from that of the
d. no different to e. no improvement Ans. c
Q. (11−15) : For each of these sentences, identfy which underlined section is incorrect.
11. Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the
a b c
students. lost the opportunity to lease the apartment. no error. Ans. b
d e
Too many time bv n‡q Too much time em‡e| KviY| Time n‡”Q Uncountable Avi Uncountable noun Gi
c~‡e© Uncountable determiner e‡m|
12. She has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn't neither. No error. Ans. d
a b c d e
`ywU Negative kã KL‡bv cvkvcvwk e‡m bv| cÖ‡kœi hasn't Gici Neither bv e‡m Either em‡e|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. The food that Rita is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious. No error. Ans. c
a b c d e
smelling nq bv eis smells nq|
14. The fire began in the fifth floor of the hotel but it soon spread to adjacent floors.
a b c d
No error. Ans. a
Floor Gi c~‡e© on e‡m| A_©vr in the fifth floor bv n‡q on the fifth floor n‡e|
15. When a university formulates new regulations it must relay it's decision to the students.
a b c d
no error. Ans. e
16. "If you are looking for a job or plan to reenter the working world, you might find the job
hunt a difficult task." If you rewrite the sentence beginning with "Looking for a job or, the
next word should be."
a. finding b. being c. looking d. reentering e. none of these Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : hw` Zzwg PvKwi Luy‡Rv wKsev Kg© cwi‡e‡k wd‡i †h‡Z PvI, Zzwg †`L‡e †h PvKwi cvIqv GKwU KwVb KvR|
17. "The variety of working in a different place every day or week stimulate many workers."
which is the best way write the underlined portion of this sentence?
a. stimulate b. will be stimulating c. stimulating d. stimulates e. none of these Ans. d
GB evK¨wUi Subject n‡jv The variety of working (Kv‡Ri ˆewPΨ) hv Singular subject ZvB Stimulate
bv n‡q Stimulates n‡e|
18. "On the other hand, if you want to attend a computer seminar, lie in the sun on the first
day summer, or visit Aunt Crace on Columbus day, you can easily the day off. "Which correct
should be made to the sentence"?
a. remove the comma after 'day' b. change 'Columbus day' to 'Columbus day'
c. change 'summer' to 'summer' d. remove the comma after 'seminar' Ans. b

19. "Some temporary agencles offer health insurance and other benefits to thier workers, but
others do not." Which correction should be made to the sentence?
a. insert 'which' after 'agencies' b. remove the comma after 'workers'
c. insert a comma after 'insurance' d. replace 'their with 'they're. Ans. e
ev‡K¨i A_© : wKQz mvgwqK ev A¯’vqx ms¯’v Zv‡`i Kg©x‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ exgv I Ab¨vb¨ my‡hvM-myweav w`‡q _v‡K, wKš‘ Ab¨
cÖwZôvb¸‡jv GUv †`q bv|
20. 'Temporary work may not be appropriate for people which crave security." Which
correction should be made to the sentence?
a. insert a comma after 'work' b. replace 'for' with 'four' c. insert a comma after 'peole'
d. replace 'which' with 'who' e. no correction is necessary Ans. d
GLv‡b 'People' †K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z 'which' ConjunctionwU e¨envi bv K‡i 'who' ConjunctionwU e¨envi Ki‡Z
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

IFIC Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for MTO−05.10.2018

1. With this fog, I'm sure the train will be late. Which expression may replace the underlined
a. bounds to late b. is bound to be late
c. will bound to be late d. will be bound to be late Ans. d
will be late = will be bound to be late G‡`i A_© GK|
ev‡K¨i A_© : GUv wbwðZ †h Kzqvkvi Kvi‡Y †UªbwUi †`ix n‡e|
2. I kept the pencil − the pencil box?
a. inside b. into c. of d. to Ans. b
3. An ordinance is−
a. a book b. an arms factory c. a journal d. a law Ans. d
4. Which one is correct? He said to me "May you be happy."
a. He told that I might be happy b. He reported that might be happy
c. He said that might be happy d. He wished that I might be happy Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m Avgv‡K ej‡jv, ÒZzwg myLx nvIÓ|
5. What do you mean by the phrase 'Sit on the fence'?
a. Watch over the fence b. Still idly
c. Remain neutral in a dispute d. Sit on height Ans. c
6. He is not interested − cycling.
a. with b. in c. for d. at Ans. b
7. The synonym of the word 'witty' is−
a. clever b. dull c. boring d. tedious Ans. a
8. Which one is correct?
a. The ship was drowned in the ocean b. The ship sunk in the ocean
c. The ship goes under the ocean d. The ship was sunk in the ocean Ans. d

cvwb‡Z, b`x‡Z, mvM‡i Wz‡e giv Drown kãwU e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ b`x‡Z ev mvM‡i †bŠKv ev RvnvR Wzwei NUbv‡K
eySv‡j Sink (Wz‡e hvIqv A‡_©) e‡m| †hgb : The boat sank in the river. wKš‘ Subject Gici 'was/is'
9. His views did not coincide − those of his wife.
a. to b. on c. for d. with Ans. d
Coincide Gici Appropriate Preposition wn‡m‡e me©`vB 'with' e‡m|
10. Syonym of the word 'Fickle' is.
a. constant b. trustworthy c. unstable d. stable Ans. c
11. Would you mind (sing) a song?
a. to sing b. sang c. sing d. singing Ans. d
Mind Gi ci verb+ing nq|
12. What is the meaning of the word 'Vice versa'?
a. for example b. face to face c. nearly d. none Ans. d
Vice versa A_© Aci c‡ÿI (Abyiƒc); kZ©veÓjx D‡ë w`‡q|
13. The antonym of the word 'obese' is.
a. calm b. negative c. slim d. goal Ans. c
14. The word 'proclaim' means.
a. pronounce b. declare c. announce d. circulate Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

15. A − is someone who sees a crime being committeed.

a. criminal b. slower c. witness d.judge Ans. c

16. He and I − well.

a. am b. is c. are d. been Ans. c
`ywU wfbœ Subject 'and' Øviv hy³ n‡j mvnvh¨Kvix verbwU Plural n‡e|
17. Which of the words is verb?
a. democracy b. democratize c. democratic d. democratically Ans. b
18. Choose the right sentence.
a. He is senior than me for three years b. He is senior to me for five years
c. He is senior from me for three years d. He is senior at me for five years Ans. b
Senior Gici 'than, from ev at' bv n‡q 'to' em‡e|
19. The study of the ancient societies is.
a. history b. archeology c. anthropology d. ethnology Ans. b
20. Which spelling is correct?
a. accommodition b. accommodation c. acommodition d. accomodition Ans. b
21. Which aeropace company has recently announced to launch a luxury hotel in space named
'Aurora Station'?
a. cosmic Era b. galax Hotel c. orion Span d. NASA Ans. c
22. The liquid metal is.
a. sodium b. mercury c. magnesium d. bismuth Ans. b

23. The depletion in the Ozone layer is caused by−

a. chlorofluorocarbons b. nitrous oxide c. carbon dioxide d.methane Ans. a

24. In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last.
a. river water b. water in tank c. canal water d. sea water Ans. d
25. The animals which eat other animals are known as.
a. herbivorous b. canivores c. omnivorous d. none Ans. b

c‡`i bvg : cÖkvmwbK Kg©KZ©v (mvaviY) − 05.03.2018

1. Did you see her − towards you?

a. to come b. coming c. was coming d. came Ans. b
2. Children − to respect their parents.
a. should b. need c. must d. ought Ans. A
Ought A_© DwPZ| Gici 'to + verb' e‡m|
3. Some day scientists will − find a cure for cancer.
a. have b. be able to c. have no d. sure to Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
4. The expression 'a stone's throw' means?
a. very near b. an unkind person
c. we throw a stone whenever we find it d. close fisted Ans. a
'A stone's throw' A_© n‡jv Lye wbK‡U|
5. The idiom 'a snake in the grass' means.
a. a sleeping snake b. a harmless person
c. a hidden enemy d. a dead snake Ans. c
6. You knew everything.
a. haven't you? b. didn't you? c. were you? d. did you? Ans. b
7. Select the word that has the same meaning as 'stubborn'?
a. obdurate b. docile c. impertinent d. intractable Ans. a
8. Refugees should receive − treatnent.
a. humanly b. huane c. human d. humanish Ans. b
9. What is the correct passive form of the sentence below? 'Do it'.
a. Let it be done b. It is ordered to be done
c. It is to be done d. Let us do it
Ans. Let it be done
10. The plural of 'analysis' is.
a. analyses b. analysies c. analysees d. analysis Ans. a
11. 'Null and void' Gi evsjv cwifvlv Kx?
a. evwZj b. cvjve`j c. gvgywj d. wbi‡cÿ Ans. a
12. Which of the following words means nearly the opposite of 'shrewd.'
a. cunning b. crafty c. stupid d. sagacious Ans. c
13. The letter − a year ago.
a. is written b. was written c. wrote d. has written Ans. b
14. The word 'impoverish' is a/an.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. adverb Ans. b
15. He was deaf − all our requests for help.
a. at b. to c. with d. on Ans. B
Deaf to gv‡b n‡jv ïb‡Z Awb”QzK wKš‘ Deaf of gv‡b n‡jv Kv‡b Lv‡Uv| GLv‡b ïb‡Z Awb”QzK nIqv A‡_© Deaf
Gici to em‡e|
16. Identify the correctly spelt word.
a. advarsity b. adversity c. advercity d. adverscity Ans. b
17. We need as − people as possible.
a. many b. much c. most d. enough Ans. a
18. A person who is able to do many different things is called.
a. exceptional b. talented c. brilliant d. versatile Ans. d
19. Choose the correct indirect speech: He said, 'Man is mortal'.
a. He said man is mortal b. He told that man had been mortal
c. He said that man was mortal d. He said that man is mortal Ans. d
20. I − him yesterday.
a. met b. have met c. had met d. would meet Ans. a
21. How many lines does a sonnet have?
a. seven b. fourteen c. twelve d. ten Ans. b
22. Engineers are still trying successfully in− the power of sunlight for efficient production of
a. harness b. control c. generate d. regulate Ans. a
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
23. Choose the correct sentence.
a. The sceneries of Chittagong are better than Dhaka
b. The sceneries of Chittagong are better than that of Dhaka
c. The scenery of Chittagong is better than that of Dhaka
d. The scenery of Chittagong better than Dhaka Ans. c
24. I − for Chittagong by train.
a. set away b. set up c. set down d. set off Ans. B
Set off A_© †Kvb ¯’v‡bi D‡Ïk¨ iIbv †`qv| ZvB DËi n‡e Ackb b Set up A_© ¯’vcb Kiv|
25. A disease that cannot be cured is called a/an.
a. incurable disease b. uncurable disease
c. incorrigible disease d. discurrable disease Ans. a
26. The sparrows were.
a. chattering b. chirping c. screaming d. cooing Ans. b

wZZvm M¨vm wdì

c‡`i bvg : mnKvix Awdmvi − 27.04.2018

1. Experienced police can easily see − criminals.

a. into b. upon c. through d. over e. above Ans. C
See through A_© dw›` ev PvjvwK a‡i †djv ev wK ai‡bi gvbyl Zv eyS‡Z cviv|
2. The supervisor took him − for his negligence.
a. to task b. at task c. on task d. for tasks e. into tasks Ans. A
Take to task A_© n‡jv KvD‡K Zvi fz‡ji Rb¨ mgv‡jvPbv ev Mvjg›` Kiv|
3. Research shows that those who − training perform better on the job.
a. have b. could have c. would have d. are e. many have Ans. A
Those who `&¦viv Ggb me e¨w³‡`i eySv‡bv n‡”Q hv‡`i Training Av‡Q| Avi GB _vKv A‡_© Have em‡e|
4. Through trail and error, they found the right answer−.
a. by choice b. by chance c. by lucky d. in luck e. none Ans. A
By choice A_© n‡jv wewfbœfv‡e cixÿv Kivi gva¨‡g wKQz †ei Kiv| Avi Gi mgv_©K n‡jv Trial and error.
5. In a − assault, the gang fired their weapons at the policeman.
a. meek b. astounding c. vociferous d. none Ans. a
Q. For each question, identify in order to succeed.
6. You must rise criticism in order to succeed.
a. upon b. about c. above d. none e. onto Ans. d
7. The supervisor had to intervene since the conflict getting out hand.
a. of b. form c. through d. above e. none Ans. a
8. It has been a long time since we met.
a. had b. have c. having d. were e. no word missing Ans. e
9. Ignorance often an impediment to a person's success.
a. becomes b. became c. being d. been e. none Ans. A
Ignorance Gici Becomes _vK‡Z n‡e|
10. Bangladesh has so beautiful places to visit.
a. many b. long c. lot d. much e. none Ans. A
So Gici many em‡e|
Q. For each question, identify the correct spelling.
11. a. dissipat b. disipate c. disipatted d. dissippated e. dissipated Ans. e
12. a. ramblying b. rambiling c. rammbling d. rambiling Ans. rambing
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. a. auxiliarry b. axuillary c. auxillary d. auxiliarye.auxiillary Ans. d
14. a. custic b. kostic c. causic d. caustic e. costic Ans. d
15. a. cascade b. caskede c. casscade d. causcate e. caskate Ans. a
Q. Choose the word which is closest in meaning to the underlined word.
16. It is not prudent to go swimming during a hurricance.
a. barren b. permissible c. rational d. simplee. eareful Ans. C
Prudent A_© we‡ePK; `~i`k©x| Avi Rational A_© wePvieyw× m¤úbœ|
17. One must always remain modest no matter how successful he is.
a. timid b. submissive c. humble d. assertive Ans. c

18. I was apprehensive about attending my first job interview.

a. shaky b. composed c. abashed d. eager e. confident Ans. a
Apprehensive Gi A_© n‡jv DwØMœ; kw¼Z| Gi KvQvKvwQ mgv_©K kã Shaky hvi A_© n‡jv Aw¯’i; wePwjZ|
19. The soldiers were laudedlauded by the public for their bravery.
a. censured b. welcomed c. approached d. commended e. rewarded Ans. d
20. Lack of exercise can often undermine a person's health.
a. enfeeble b. invigorate c. sedate d. diffuse e. rejuvenate Ans. a

WvK I †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wefvM

c‡`i bvg : WvK I Awa`߇ii Gw÷‡gUi − 26.07.2018

1. The noun form of the verb 'educate' is :

a. educative b. educational c. education d. educated Ans. c
2. Select the right word to complete the following sentence : We always prefer a − place.
a. quite b. quit c. quiet d. quiet Ans. c
3. Choose the right sentence.
a. I don't know who is he? b. I don't know who he is?
c. They have gone for picnic d. They have gone picnic Ans. b
Embedded question-Gi †ÿ‡Î Relative pronoun + sub + verb nq|
4. The man died − over work.
a. from b. out c. of d. in Ans. A
Die for=†Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ Rxeb DrmM© Kiv
Die of=†iv‡M gviv hvIqv
Die by=`yN©Ubvq gviv hvIqv
Die from=AwZwi³ Lv`¨ MÖnY (Over eating) GiRb¨ gviv hvIqv
5. Select the word with right spelling.
a. achive b. achieve c. acheive d. ahiv Ans. b
6. Select the singular number.
a. pianos b. premises c. politics d. index Ans. d
7. We always prefer a .... place.
a. quite b. quit c. quiet d. quet Ans. c
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
8. This man does not adhere − any principle.
a. in b. to c. by d. at Ans. b
evK¨wUi A_© : GB †jvKwU †h‡Kv‡bv bxwZ‡Z/Av`‡k© AwePj _v‡K bv|
9. Rahim − English fluently.
a. says b. speaks c. tells d. utters Ans. b
evK¨wUi A_© : †m AbM©j Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v e‡j|
10. The doctor who treats kidney patients is called a/an.
a. pathologist b. neurologist c. nephrologists d. cardiologist Ans. c
11. The Synonym of 'increase; is.
a. decrease b. quick c. augment d. less Ans. c
12. Select the masculine gender.
a. duck b. ewe c. ram d. mare Ans. c
13. I wish I.
a. was dead b. were dead c. had been dead d. am dead Ans. b
14. Choose the correct sentence.
a. The students have gone to see HImalays
b. The students have gone to see the Himalayas
c. The students have gone to see Himalaya
d. The students have gone to see the Himalaya Ans. b
15. The girl is popular − all. To full line gap are need.
a. for b. at c. with d. by Ans. c
16. Choose the correct sentence.
a. The teacher beat the student black and blue
b. The teacher beat the student in black and blue
c. The teacher bit the student black and blue
d. The teacher bit the student in black and blue Ans. a
17. Which of the following is close to 'archipelago' in meaning.
a. A group of archives b. Archeological sites
c. A group of islands d. Arch of a building Ans. c
Archipelago (ØxccyÄ) − Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z kãwU n‡jv A group of islands (Øx‡ci `j ev ØxccyÄ)|
18. Fill in the gaps of the following with appropriate word/words : .... Germans are very
a. no b. the c. an d. a Ans. b
19. The synonym of 'die' is.
a. pass for b. pass out c. pass off d. pass away Ans. d
20. It is a quarter − ten.
a. before b. to c. from d. an Ans. b
A quarter to ten A_© `kUv evR‡Z 15wU wgwbU evwK| myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b 'to' em‡e|
21. The antonym of 'healthy' is.
a. shy b. emaciated c. obese d. playful Ans. b
22. The noun form of word 'strong' is.
a. strengthen b. strength c. strongful d. strongly Ans. b
23. The Opposite word of 'virtuous' is.
a. sinful b. dishonest c. coward d. hypocrite Ans. b
24. Who of the following is not a poet?
a. William Shakespeare b. G.B. Shaw c. John Keats d. John Milton Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
25. Find out the correct sentence.
a. He does not know to write with pen
b. He does not know how to write by a pen
c. He does not know how to write with a pen
d. He does not know to write by a pen Ans. C
26. Fill in the blank. Many man, many....
a. faces b. lives c. minds d. thoughts Ans. c
'Many men, many minds' GKwU cÖev` evK¨, hvi A_© gywbi bvbv gZ|
27. The word 'obediently' is a/an :
a. adverb b. adjective c. verb d. noun Ans. a
28. 'Out and out' means−
a. not at all b. to be last c. an outsider d. thoroughly Ans. d
'Out and out' A_© m¤ú~Y©/cy‡ivcywi Avevi Thoroughly A_© m¤ú~Y©iƒc| myZivs Out and out A_© thoroughly.

29. The English translation of the sentence '†PviwU nv‡Z bv‡Z aiv cojÕ is :
a. The thief was caught by red-handed b. The thief was caught red-handed
c. The thief was caught with red-handed d. The thief was caught in red-handedAns. b
Red-hnded A_© nv‡Z bv‡Z Ges PhrasewUi c~‡e© †Kv‡bv Preposition e‡m bv|

IFIC Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for Traine Senior Office−25.01.2019

1. Which one will appear fourth in the list if they are arranged in alphabetical order?
a. blur b. bless c. blink d. blower Ans. a
2. It was a long walk, so Manik began moving slowly − the town.
a. at b. until c. towards d. for Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : GUv wQj `xN© hvÎv, ZvB gvwbK kn‡ii w`‡K ax‡i ax‡i nuvUv ïiæ Ki‡jb|
3. There is no doubt that Afia is very good − telling jokes.
a. at b. over c. of d. with Ans. A
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avwdqv †h gRvi †KŠZzK ejvq `ÿ-G e¨vcv‡i †Kv‡bv m‡›`n †bB|

4. He was caught by the teacher for cheating − the exam.

a. during b. after c. near d. outside Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : cixÿvq bKj Kivi Rb¨ †m wkÿ‡Ki Kv‡Q aiv †Lj|
5. − in trying to solve this problem. It's clearly unsolvable.
a. There's no point b. It's no point c. There isn't point d. It's no need
Ans. A
ev‡K¨i A_© : GB mgm¨v mgvav‡bi †Póvi †Kv‡bv my‡hvM †bB| GUv ¯úóZB mgvavb A‡hvM¨|
6. Rubel needs to submit the report − his boss before 5 pm.
a. at b. to c. of d. on Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : we‡Kj cuvPUvi c~‡e©B c~‡e©B iæ‡ej‡K Zvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vi wbKU cÖwZ‡e`b †ck Ki‡Z n‡e|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
7. 'Brain Drain' means −?
a. Mad person b. Migration of skilled person to other country
c. Emigration of intellectuals d. none Ans. c
Brain Drain A_© †gav cvPvi; KvwiMvwi we`¨v ev weÁv‡b wkÿvcÖvß e¨w³M‡Yi AwaK DcvR©b ev my‡hv‡Mi Avkvq
we‡`k Mgb|
8. There is a bridge − the river.
a. near b. across c. on d. along Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : b`xi GKcÖvšÍ n‡Z Ab¨cÖvšÍ eivei eªxR K‡i‡Q|
9. A disease that is liable to the transmitted to people through the environment is known as
a. contagious b. infectious c. incurable d. fatal Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : cwi‡ek n‡Z gvby‡li g‡a¨ `ªæZ †ivMRxevYyi we¯Ívi N‡U Infectious e‡j|
10. A form of written language for blind people is known as −?
a. Braille b. Elysium c. Epicure d. Arson Ans. a
11. The woman, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed −.
a. to be abducted b. to be abducting
c. to have been abducted d. to have been abducting Ans. c
12. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. sarvent b. sarvent c. servant d. sarvard Ans. c
13. What is the synonym of 'obtain'?
a. make b. keep c. get d. want Ans. c
14. Choose the correct spelling?
a. accoomodate b. accommodate c. accomodate d. accommodate Ans. b
15. In the following question, only one statement is grammatically correct. Identify the correct
a. are these gloves belonging to you? she asked.
b. does this gloves belong to you? she asked.
c. do these gloves belongs to you? she asked.
d. do these gloves belong to you? she asked. Ans. D
ev‡K¨i A_© : GB `¯Ívbv¸‡jv wK †Zvgvi? †m wRÁvmv Kij|
16. Which of the following words is a synonym for messy?
a. tidy b. spotless c. clean d. dirty Ans. d
17. The antonym of 'Thick' is.
a. thin b. heavy c. fat d. young Ans. a
18. Choose the correct spelling.
a. amatuer b. amateur c. amature d. ameteur Ans. b
19. Linda rides the bus − school everyday.
a. at b. to c. by d. on Ans. B
ev‡K¨i A_© : Linda ev‡m K‡i cÖwZw`b ¯‹z‡j hvq|
20. I like to watch TV − late − night.
a. at, in b. in, on c. until, at d. to, in Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : Mfxi ivZ ch©šÍ TV †`L‡Z Avwg cQ›` Kwi|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

Pubali Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for Assistant Junior Officer − 15.02.2019

Q. Fill up the blanks with most appropriate preposition (1 − 5) :

1. A good judge never jumps − the conclusion.
a. to b. on c. at d. for Ans. a
2. The mother was anxious − the safety of her son.
a. about b. at c. for d. upon Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : gv Zvi †Q‡ji wbivcËvi e¨vcv‡i DwØMœ wQ‡jb|
3. Give an example pertinent − the case.
a. with b. on c. to d. for Ans. c
Pertinent Gici 'to' e‡m|
ev‡K¨i A_© : GB gvgjvi mv‡_ cÖvmw½K †Kv‡bv D`vniY/Z_¨ w`b|
4. It is not always easy to sympathize − an unfortunate man.
a. for b. with c. by d. at Ans. a
Sympathy for = Kv‡iv cÖwZ mnvbyf‚wZ Sympathy with = †Kvb wel‡q mnvbyf‚wZ
ev‡K¨i A_© : GKRb `yfv© Mv gvby‡li Rb¨ mnvbyf‚wZ †`Lv‡bvUv me©`v mnR bq|
5. It is dangerous to intrude − the enemy' camp.
a. in b. on c. into d. through Ans. C
ev‡K¨i A_© : kÎæi K¨v‡¤ú †Rvic~e©K Xz‡K covUv wec`RbK|
Q. In each set, a word has been misspell, find the misspell word (6-10) :




Q.Select, from the alternative, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in
capital letter (11-15) :
11. FLUX.
a. overflow b. merge c. change d. soften Ans. c
Flux − wbi¯Íi cwieZ©b ci¯úiv

a. liberal b. heavy c. abundant d. broad Ans. c
Copious − cÖvPzh©c~Y©; ch©vß
a. terrible b. difficult c. confusing d. mysterious Ans. c
Knotty − MÖwš’c~Y©
14. GLIB.
a. artful b. persuasive c. flattering d. infolrmal Ans. c
Glib − Ggb K_v hv ïb‡Z fv‡jv jv‡M wKš‘ AvšÍwiKZv weewR©Z
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
15. CURB.
a. medicinal b. restriction c. participation d. hunger Ans. b
Curb − jvMvg; wbqš¿Y Kiv
Q. Select the word that is most closely opposite in meaning to the word given in capital letters
(16 − 20) :
a. absolute b. separate c. dependent d. self-directed Ans. c

a. eternal b. beneath c. imeasurable d. superb Ans. d


a. grim b. tame c. unyielding d. natural Ans. b


a. Afraid b. self-denial c. indulgence d. devotion Ans. c


a. declare b. distance c. close d. release Ans. b

Q. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can be substituted for the given words (21-
25) :
21. Stage of growth between boyhood and youth.
a. infancy b. teenager c. adolescence d. old age Ans. c
22. One who eats everything.
a. omnivorous b. herbivorous c. insectivorous carnivorous Ans. a
23. One who conceals his identity as a writer under an assumed pen-name.
a. pompous b. plagiarist c. philistine d. pseudonym Ans. d
24. An organ of body cut off surgery.
a. imitation b. amputation c. adaptation d. impartial Ans. b
25. Person who looks at the dark side of everything.
a. optimist b. idealist c. pessimist d. naturalism Ans. c

IFIC Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for TSO −29.06.2019

1. A fantasy is −
a. an imaginary story b. a rest life event
c. a historical record d. a funny film
Ans. a
2. Nateesa is afraid − spiders.
a. from b. in c. about d. of Ans. d
3. The furniture in this room are made of teak.
a. have b. had c. is d. none Ans. c
Furniture nj uncountable noun myZivs verb singular n‡e|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
4. I am worried − the exam.
a. in b. about c. on d. of Ans. b

5. Choose the correct spelling.

a. amatuer b. amateur c. amature d. ameteur Ans. b
6. I am envious − them.
a. of b. about c. in d. on Ans. a
Envious of A_© wnsmyK; cikÖxKvZi|
7. Synonym of ABANDON.
a. try b. join c. keep wih d. forsake Ans. d
8. She suffers − a heart disease.
a. about b. in c. from d. on Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m ü`‡ivM AvµvšÍ|
9. Which word best express the meaning of BARBARIAN?
a. unkind b. impossible c. unlikeness d. uncivilized Ans. d
Barbarian = Uncivilized = Amf¨; AmZ¨; ee©i (e¨w³) Unkind = wb`©q; wbôzi; K‡Vvi
Impossible = Am¤¢e; Amva¨; mva¨vZxZ Unlikeness = Amv`„k¨

10. Find the correct spelling.

a. abbreviate b. abreviate c. abrriviate d. abbreviat Ans. a
11. If I was you I would not treat him like this.
a. was I you b. if I have been you c. if I were you d. no error Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : †Zvgvi RvqMvq Avwg n‡j Zvi mv‡_ Ggb e¨envi KiZvg bv|
12. The factor set some homework − the end of the lesson.
a. about b. in c. of d. at Ans. d
13. Choose the correct spelling?
a. acoompany b. accompany c. acommpany d. acompany Ans. b
14. I am tired as I am working since 7 o'clock in the morning.
a. I will be working b. I have been working c. I had been working d. I was working Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avwg K¬všÍ KviY Avwg mKvj mvZUv n‡Z KvR KiwQ|
15. Antonym of ENTANGLE?
a. Untwist b. Twist c. Hook d. Impede Ans. a
Entangle = Rwo‡q cov; RU cvKv‡bv Twist = cvKv‡bv
Impede = e¨vnZ/evav †`Iqv Hook = nK Untwist = RU †Lvjv; mgvavb Kiv
16. He is interested − history.
a. about b. of c. in d. on Ans. C
17. Find the correct spell word.
a. accelarate b. acelerate c. accelerate d. acellrate Ans. c
18. Jeans was not permitted in our college.
a. were b. had c. will d. have Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avgv‡`i K‡j‡R wRÝ c¨v›U c‡o Avmvi AbygwZ wQj bv|
19. The woman, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed −
a. to be abducted b. to be abducting c. to have been abductedd. to have abducting Ans. c

20. Please do not intrude − my personal affairs.

a. about b. in c. of d. on Ans. d
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Recruitment Test for PO−04.03.2019

1. The past participle of 'Spit'.

a. spite b. spit ten c. spat d. spate Ans. c
2. The plural form of 'Genus' is.
a. geniuses b. benera c. genesis d. generous Ans. b
3.Which one of the following pairs is similar in relationship to ANARCHY : GOVERNMENT?


4.Who is the auther of the novel 'A golden age'?

a. Tony Morrison b. Tahmima Anam c. Virginia Wolf d. Parl S. Bank Ans. b

Q.Fill in the blanks (Questions 37-08) :

5. The retired professor decided − put − a job as an advisor of the Central Bank.
a. to, up, for b. to, in, to c. to, in, for d. to, up, with Ans. c
6.The investment proposal appears very promising−.

a. prima facie b. at first blush c. apparently d. ultimately Ans. c

7. In Ready made Garments Bangladesh may be considered to bear the−
a. torch b. credit c. brunt d. palm Ans. d
8. The term 'a money-spinner' means.
a. a product or business that generates black money
b. a product or business that is very lucrative
c. a product or business that incurs huge loss
d. a product or business that involves huge investmen
Ans. b
9. The expression 'stock market plunged' is nynonymous with the expression.
a. stock market soared b. stock market skyroketed
c. stock market plummeted d. stock market closed Ans. c
10. The word 'slump' is the antonym of.
a. recession b. growth c. depression d. deline Ans. b
11. Identify the incorrect spelling.
a. conscientious b. conscious c. conscientious d. decline Ans. b
12. Which of the following is masculine gender?
a. mare b. duck c. deer d. buck Ans. d
13. The positive form of the sentence 'We can gain noting without labour' in.
a. nothing is no begained without labour
b. nothing is to be gained without labour by us
c. nothing is to be gained by is without labour
d. nothing can be gained without labour. Ans. d
14. The indirect form of the sentence 'The Priest said to old woman, 'Can you tell me the way
to the nearest church?' is.
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
a. The Priest asked the old woman if she could tell him the way to the nearest church?
b. The Priest asked the old woman if she could tell him the way to the nearest church.
c. The Priest asked the old woman if she could have told him the way to the nearest church.
d. The Priest asked the old woman if she would tell him the way to the nearest church.
Ans. b
Q. Choose the correct sentences (Question 47-50) :
15. a. Dina is taller than each of her for sisters
b. Dina is taller than all or of her sisters
c. Dina is taller than anyone of her four sisters
d. Dina is taller either of her four sisters Ans. a
16. a. The traveler's luggages were ransacked but no contrabank item was found
b. The traveler's luggages were ransacked but no contraband was found
c. The traveler's luggage was ransacked but no contraband was found
d. The traveler's luggges were ransacked but nothing contraband was found
Ans. C

17. a. He looked angry but did not speak angrily

b. He looked angrily but did not speak angry
c. He looked angrily but he did not speak angrily
d. He looked angry but it did not speak angry Ans. a
18. a. Perhaps, this is the most inuque solution to your problem
b. Perhaps, this is a unique solution to your problem
c. Perhaps, this offers the most unique solutions to your problem
d. Parhaps, this offers the most unique solutions to your problem Ans.

IFIC Bank Ltd.

Recruitment Test for TSO −25.01.2019

1. Which one will appear fourth in the list if they are arranged in alphabetical order?
a. blur b. bless c. blink d. blower Ans. a
2. It was a long walk, so Manik began moving slowly − the town.
a. at b. until c. towards d. for Ans. c
Awfgy‡L, w`‡K ev cv‡b eyS‡Z Preposition wn‡m‡e Towards e‡m|
3. There is no doubt that Afia is very good − telling jokes.
a. at b. over c. of d. with Ans. a

4. He was caught by the teacher for cheating − the exam.

a. during b. after c. near d. outside Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : cixÿvq bKj Kivi Rb¨ †m wkÿ‡Ki Kv‡Q aiv †Lj|
5. − in trying to solve this problem. It's clearly unsolvable.
a. There's no point b. It's no pointc. There isn't point d.It's no need Ans. a

6. Rubel needs to submit the report − his boss before 5 pm.

a. at b. to c. of d. on Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
7. 'Brain Drain' means −?
a. Mad person b. Migration of skilled person to other country
c. Emigration of intellectuals d. none Ans. C
Brain Drain A_© †gav cvPvi; KvwiMwi we`¨v ev weÁv‡b wkÿvcÖvß e¨w³M‡Yi AwaK DcvR©b ev my‡hv‡Mi Avkvq we‡`k
8. There is a birdge − the river.
a. near b. across c. on d. along Ans. b
b`xi GKcÖvšÍ †_‡K Ab¨cÖv‡šÍ eySv‡Z Across the river e¨eüZ nq|
9. A disease that is liable to the transmitted to people through the environment is knows as −?
a. contagious b. infectious c. incurable d. fatal Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : cwi‡ek n‡Z gvby‡li g‡a¨ `ªæZ †ivMRxevYyi we¯Ívi N‡U Infectious e‡j|
10. A form of written language for blind people is known as −?
a. braille b. elysium c. epicure d. arson Ans. a
11. The woman, who has been missing for 10 days, is believed−
a. to be abducted b. to be abducting
c. to have been abducted d. to have been abducting Ans. c
12. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. sarvent b. sarvent c. servant d. sarvard Ans. c
13. What is the synonym of 'obtain'?
a. make b. keep c. get d. want Ans. c
14. Choose the correct spelling?
a. accoomodate b. accommodate c. accomodate d. accommodate Ans. b
15. In the following question, only one statement is grammatically correct. Identify correct
a. are these gloves belonging to you? she asked
b. does this gloves belong to you? she asked.
c. do these gloves belongs to you? she asked.
d. do these gloves belong to you? the asked Ans. d
16. Which of the following words is a synonym for messy?
a. tidy b. spotless c. clean d. dirty Ans. d
17. The antonym of 'Thick' is.
a. thin b. heavy c. fat d. young Ans. a
18. Choose the correct spelling.
a. amatuer b. amateur c. amature d. ameteur Ans. b
19. Linda rides the bus − school every day.
a. at b. to c. by d. on Ans. b
20. I like to watch TV − late − night.
a. at, in b. in, on c. until, at d. to, in Ans. c
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ

c‡`i bvg : Rywbqi AwWUi− 15.03.2019

Q. In each of the following sentences. Identify the missing word from the given choice.
1. Most people travel by air now-a-days because is cheaper and quicker.
a. when b. during c. it d. by e. no Ans. c
is Gi Av‡M Travel Gi Pronoun wn‡m‡e it kãwU Missing Av‡Q|
2. Her relatives dislike Rina because she unduly emphasizes their mistakes.
a. in b. on c. by d. at e. to Ans. b
Emphasis on something A_© †Kvb wKQzi Dci †Rvi †`qv|
3. My wife is very sincere in her belief that women are suitable for some types of work than
a. is b. high c. more d. despite e. most Ans. c
Than _vKvq c~‡e© More suitable em‡e|
4. When having a problem, it is best to the situation then act.
a. dissect b. gobble c. leave d. end e. none Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : †Kvb mgm¨vq wbcvwZZ n‡j †m mgm¨vUv wb‡q we‡kølY Kiv Z`vbyhvqx KvR Kiv DwPZ|
5. I had this since I was a child.
a. man b. dream c. fight d. long e. few Ans. b
Avgvi GB ¯^cœ wQj A‡_© I had this dream em‡e|
Q. Find the odd word in each of the following lists.
6. a. abscond b. flee c. yield d. escape e. disappear Ans. C
Yield − cÖvK…wZK ixwZ‡Z Drcv`b Kiv ev Drcbœ nIqv| Ab¨ me¸‡jvi A_©B cvwj‡q hvIqv ev A`„k¨ nqv|
7. a. mediocre b. average c. exemplary d. ordinarye. undistinguished
Ans. c
8. a. jubilation b. petulance c. discontent d. glum Ans. A
Jubilation − weRqvb›` Qvov Ab¨ me¸‡jv k‡ãi A_©B weiw³Ki,†ivl ev Am‡šÍvl

9.a. choir b. task force c. committee d. jury e. panel Ans. a

10. a. commend b. chide c. eulogize d. extol e. laud Ans. B

Chide − eKzwb †`Iqv Qvov Ab¨ me ¸‡jvi A_©B cÖksmv Kiv|
Q. In each sentence, fill in the gap with appropriate word/phrase.
11. He brought ruin upon himself by − office funds.
a. embezzling b. embellishing c. plagiarizing d. polarizing e. reimbursing Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : Awd‡mi dvÛ AvZ¥mvr K‡i †m wb‡Ri aŸsm †W‡K Avbj|
12. If you didn't − so much, you would get more work done.
a. ameliorate b. procrastinate c. enervate d. intercede e. precipitate Ans. b
13. The manager sternly − us for submitting work of inferior quality.
a. recognized b. redeemed c. reverberated d. reprimanded e. reverted Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : wb¤œgv‡bi KvR Rgv †`qvi Rb¨ g¨v‡bRvi Avgv‡`i‡K K‡Vvifv‡e wZi¯‹vi Kij|
14. Marketers often − illusory stories to get more products sold.
a. segregate b. fabricate c. venerate d. permeate e. exhilarate Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : cY¨ †ewk weµ‡qi Rb¨ gRvi me Mí ˆZwi K‡i|
15. Following his illness; he was kept under close − for a week.
a. turbulence b. surveillance c. severance d. perusal e. exigence Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : Amy¯’Zvi Zv‡K K‡qK mßv‡ni Rb¨ K‡Vvi bRi`vwi‡Z ivLv n‡jv|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Q. In each sentence, identify the underlined segment which is incorrect. It there is no
incorrect segment, choose (e).
16. It was unbecoming of the players to be disespect towards the other team's
a b c d
national anthen. No error. Ans. b

To be disrespectful n‡e hvi A_© AkÖ×vkxj nIqv|

17. Neither of the worker was ready to work overtime, causing the deadline to be
a b c d
missed. No error. Ans. b

18. Parking the car at the parking lot Ms. Jones decided to take the bus to town. No
a b c d
error. one.
e Ans. e

19. Karim, Together with, many of his friends and relatives were present in the
a b c d
party. No error. Ans. c
Together with ev Along with Gi c~‡e©i SubjectwU Singular n‡j verbwU singular n‡e|
20. No sooner had he reached the station that the train had left. No error.
a b c d e Ans. d

K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dj dvBb¨vÝ

c‡`i bvg : AwWUi − 12.07.2009

Q. Identify the underlined segment that is incorrect. If there is no incorrect segment, choose
1. The effects of consuming electronic media are likely to be far more limited than
a b c d
the panic impels. No error. Ans. e
evK¨wU‡Z †Kvb fzj †bB|
2. 71 percent of responsents indicated that using a co-working space increased his
a b c d
creativity. No error. Ans. d
Respondents kãwU Plural, ZvB Increased his bv n‡q Increaed their n‡e|
3. Some argues that because the free markets allow for Personal choice, they are
a b c d
ethical. No error. Ans. A

Some kãwU GLv‡b Plural subject ZvB evK¨wU‡Z Argues bv n‡q Argue n‡e|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
4. Co-working spaces are designated locations that, for a fee, individuls could use
a b c d
to conduct their work. No error. Ans. d
Present tense Gi Structure ZvB c‡ii As‡k GKB Tense wn‡m‡e Could use to bv n‡q Can use to n‡e|
5. The more we practice Surfing and scanning, the more adept our brain becomes at those
tasks. No error. Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : mvwd©s Ges ¯‹¨vwbs Avgiv hZ Abykxjb Ki‡ev Avgv‡`i gw¯Í®‹ H mKj Kv‡R ZZ †ewk `ÿ n‡e|
Q. Identify the missing word from the given choices. If no word is missing, choose (e).
6. Why do gift-givers assume gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients feelings of
a. like b. that c. after d. with e. none Ans. b
GLv‡b Assume Gici 'that' ewm‡q ev‡K¨i `ywU Ask hy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_© : cyi¯‹vi`vZv †Kb g‡b K‡ib †h, cyi¯‹v‡ii `v‡gi mv‡_ cyi¯‹vi MÖnxZvi cÖksmvm~PK Abyf‚wZi m¤úK©
7. People spend hundreds of dollars each year on gifts, somehow never learn to calibrate
their gift expenditures according to personal insight.
a. and b. or c. with d. but e. none Ans. d
evK¨wU‡Z Gift Gici Ges Somehow Gi Av‡M 'but' hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_© : cÖwZ eQi gvbyl kZ kZ Wjvi cyi¯‹v‡ii wcQ‡b e¨q K‡i| wbR¯^ `„wóf½x †_‡K †Kvbfv‡eB Zviv
GUv wk‡L bv †h, cyi¯‹v‡ii wcQ‡b †h e¨q nq Zv wKfv‡e wn‡m‡e Avbv hvq|
8. At first glance, space mining seems to sideslip most environmental concerns : there is no
life on asteroids, and thus no habitats trash.
a. of b. with c. and d. to e. none Ans. e
ev‡K¨i A_© : cÖ_g `k©‡b gnvKvk AbymÜvb‡K cwi‡ek wech©‡qi KviY wn‡m‡e g‡b Kiv nq GUv g‡b Kiv nq †h,
MÖnvYycyĸ‡jv‡Z †bB †Kvb cÖvY ev RxeRš‘i Avevmf‚wg|
9. The main environmental problem caused by the production of Greek yogurt is the creation
of acid whey a by-product.
a. with b. from c. of d. as e. none Ans. d
Acid whey Gici 'as' hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_© : cwi‡ekMZ mgm¨vi cÖavb KviY n‡jv wMÖK Awaevmx KZ©„K Drcvw`Z †NvjRvZxq c`v_© hv wK bv
GwmW RvZxq c`v‡_©i DcRvZ|
10. Scientists have long known that soot particles facilitate melting darkening snow and ice,
limiting its ability to reflect the Sun's rays.
a. of b. in c. with d. by e. none Ans. D
GLv‡b Melting Gici 'by' hy³ n‡e|
ev‡K¨i A_© : weÁvbxiv A‡bK Av‡M †_‡K †R‡b Avm‡Q †h, †auvqvi Kvwji ¸uov m~‡h©i Av‡jvi cÖwZdj‡bi
cÖwZeÜKZv‡K mxgve× K‡i Kv‡jv Zzlvi I eid Mjv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|
Q. Replace the underlined parts of each sentence with the option which is grammatically
correct. If no replacement is needed, choose (a).
11. The cyclone has had a negative impact over the economy of the country.
a. over the b. on the c. up to the d. into the Ans. b
Impact Gici 'on' nq|
12. Five countries, including Bangladesh, is home to half of the word's poor.
a. is home b. are homes c. are home d. is homely Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : evsjv‡`kmn we‡k^i 5wU †`k c„w_exi A‡a©K `wi`ª gvby‡li emev‡mi ¯’j|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. It is frustrating when besides working hard, he didn't earn much.
a. besides didn't b. in spite of, doesn't c. although, didn't d. despit
e, didn't e. while, don't Ans. b
14. This is clearly a masterpiece. Never I had seen another piece of art so unique.
a. Never I had b. I have never not c. Never have I
d. Never I have e. I have never
Ans. c
15. His incredible success in the sporting arena is nothing short of enviable.
a. nothing b. anything but c. nothing but d. everythinge. anything
Ans. c
ev‡K¨i A_© : µxov‡ÿ‡Î Zvi Afvebxq mvdj¨ GKwU Cl©Yxq AR©b Qvov wKQz bq|
Q. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pair of words.
16. If every move you make is being −, liberty is −.
a. chronicled − curtailed b. preempted − buoyant c. obstructed − feted
d. observed − eminent e. pragmatic − abridged
Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : Avcbvi cÖ‡Z¨K c`‡ÿcB hw` †g‡c nq Zvn‡j ¯^vaxbZv †mLv‡b ÿzYœ n‡e|
17. Amidst all the −. I could hardly − what he was saying.
a. upheaval − encode b. uproar − dissolve c. racket − divulge
d. hush − decipher e. commotion − discern Ans. e
ev‡K¨i A_© : e¨vcK Av‡›`vj‡bi g‡a¨ †m †h wK e‡jwQj Avwg †Zgb wKQz eyS‡Z cviwQjvg bv|
18. The − gained further − after the leader of the rebel group was arrested.
a. accord − gravity b. revolt − magnanimity c. hiatus − magnitude
d. upheaval − infirmity e. insurgency − momentum
ev‡K¨i A_© : we‡`ªvn Av‡iv MwZ †c‡qwQj hLb we‡`ªvnMÖæ‡ci †bZv‡K †MÖdZvi Kiv n‡jv|
19. His inabillity to resolve the long-standing − put him in a state of −.
a. impasse − euphoria b. dilemma − distress c. cadence − disarry
d. consonance − dismay e. dissonance − affluence Ans. b
ev‡K¨i A_© : Zvi `xN©w`‡bi m¼P mgvav‡bi e¨_©Zv Zv‡K nZvkvi ch©ewmZ K‡iwQj|
20. Public − of the company's poor financial state could have a very − impact on its share
a. enclosure − adverse b. disclimer − favorable c. exposure − benign
d. reversal − clement e. disclosure − detrimental
Ans. e
ev‡K¨i A_© : †Kv¤úvwbi `ye©j A_©‰bwZK Ae¯’v Rbm¤§y‡L D‡b¥vPb Gevi †kqv‡ii `v‡g LyeB ÿwZKi cÖfve co‡Z
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb

c‡`i bvg : mnKvix g¨v‡bRvi − 12.07.2019

Q. Fill in the blanks.

1. He decided − put − , − a job as a Probationary Officer.
a. to, up, for b. to, in, for c. to, forward, for d. to, off, for Ans. b
Put in for something A_© `iLv¯Í Kiv|
2. Ariyan was stabbed − a lunatic − a dagger.
a. with, with b. by, by c. with, by d. by, with Ans. d
Stab by someone with something A_© Kv‡iv Øviv wKQzi gva¨‡g AvNvZ cÖvß nIqv|
3. The expression 'true to their salt' means.
a. very religious b. very honest c. faithful to their employers d. none of theseAns. c
True to their salt GwU GKwU Idiom hvi A_© wb‡qvMKZ©v ev cÖwZôvb cÖav‡bi Kv‡Q LyeB Av¯’vevb nIqv|
4. The word 'amortization' is the antonym of.
a. amicable settlement b. full payback at a time
c. write-off d. payback in installments Ans. c
Amortization A_© Mortgage Gi gva¨‡g M„nxZ FY wKw¯Íi gva¨‡g `xN©Kvje¨vcx cwi‡kva Kiv| Gi wecixZ kã
n‡jv| Write-off hvi A_© cøy‡iv‡bv wn‡me GKev‡i PzwK‡q †`qv ev GKKvjxb cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g FY cwi‡kva Kiv|
5. The idiomatic expression 'cut back' means.
a. return to previous position b. reducing expenditure
c. stop production d. reducing interest rate Ans. b
6. The word 'obtrusive' is synonymous with the word.
a. conspicuous b. unlikely c. unimpressive d. unforeseen Ans. a
7. The active form of the sentence 'that house was built ten years ago' is.
a. Someone built the house ten years ago
b. We had built the house ten years ago
c. Somebody had built the house ten years ago
d. They built the house ten years ago Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : 10 eQi c~‡e© †KD evwowU ˆZwi K‡iwQj|
8. The indirect form of the sentence. He said, 'we cannot be quite happy in this life' should
a. He said that we could not be quite happy in this life
b. He said that we cannot be quite happy in this life
c. He said that they cannot be quite happy in this life
d. He said that they could not be quite happy in this life
Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m ejj †h Zviv GB Rxe‡b m¤ú~Y© myLx n‡Z cvi‡e bv|
Q. Choose the correct sentence.
9. a. He, not I, am to be held responsible for the loss
b. He, not me, is to be held responsible for the loss
c. He, not I, is to be held responsible for the loss
d. He, not I, is to be hold responsible for the loss Ans. C
10. a. Each student of the class took part in the picnic
b. Each student of the class had taken part in the picnic
c. Every student of the class was taken part in the picnic
d. Every student of the class took part in the picnic Ans. a
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb

c‡`i bvg : Rywbqi Awdmvi : 12.07.2019

Q. Fill in the blanks.

1. Why can't you go − your father?
a. along, to b. along with c. on, to d. off, to Ans. b
2. I heard him −.
a. cry b. crying c. cried d. to cry Ans. a
Make, hear, let, need, dare, had better, would rather BZ¨vw`i ci Verb Gi Present form nq Ges
Verb Gi c~‡e© To _vK‡j Zv D‡V hvq|
3. The phrase end in smoke' means.
a. Come to nothing b. Lose sight of c. Be confused d. Be helpless Ans. a
End smoke A_© wbùj nIqv ev e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nIqv|
4. The negative form of the sentence Neela is taller than Bushra is.
a. Busha is shorter than Neela b. Bushra is not so tall as Nella
c. Bushra is not taller than Neela d. Neela is not shorter than Bushra Ans. d
5. 'Cartel' is synonymous with.
a. comspiracy b. conglomerate c. association d. merger Ans. B
Cartel A_© evwYR¨ †RvU; we‡klZ Drcvw`Z c‡Y¨i gyj¨ wVK ivLv I wb‡R‡`i cÖwZ‡hvwMZv m„wó hv‡Z bv nq †mB wel‡q
Zrci GKwU evwYwR¨K †RvU n‡jv Cartel Ges Conglomerate A_© eû msL¨K evwYR¨ cÖwZôv‡bi mgš^‡q MwVZ e„nr
6. Identify the correct word.
a. insocient b. insociant c. insouciant d. insociant Ans. c
7. The passive form of the sentence 'One should keep one's promises' should be.
a. one's promises should be kept b. promises made needs to be kept
c. promises made should be kept d. promises should be kept Ans. d
ev‡K¨i A_© : cÖwZÁv ivLv DwPZ|
8. The indirect form of the sentence 'She said to him, I don't blelieve you' should be.
a. she told to him that she did not believe him
b. She said to him that she had not believed him
c. She said she did not believe him
d. She said to him that she never believe him Ans. note
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m ej‡jv †h, Avwg Zv‡K wek^vm Kwi bv|
Q. Choose the correct sentence questions.
9. a. Neither of the two men was strong b. Neither of the two men were strong
c. Either of the two men was stronger d. Either of the two men with strong Ans. A
Neither ev Either _vK‡j VerbwU Singular nq|
ev‡K¨i A_© : Zv‡`i †KD-B mej wQj bv|
10. a. She was taller than each of her five sisters
b. She was taller either of her five sisters
c. She was taller to every one of her five sisters
d. She was taller than anyone of her five sisters. Ans. a
ev‡K¨i A_© : †m Zvi cuvP †ev‡bi †P‡q j¤^v|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

mvaviY exgv K‡c©v‡ikb

c‡`i bvg : D”Pgvb mnKvix− 19.07.2019

1. Gredit tk. 12,000 − her account.

a. at b. to c. with d. in Ans. b
2. The pet cat jumped − the chair.
a. from b. out c. off d. on Ans. d
3. The idiomatic expression 'held good' means.
a. respectable b. praiseworthy c. up-to-date d. valid Ans. d
4. The negative form of the sentence 'He is always on time' is.
a. He is not always on time b. He does not come late
c. He is never late d. He does not fall to come on time Ans. C
A‡_©i cwieZ©b bv K‡i Negative Ki‡Z n‡e| ZvB Always on time †K Negative Kivi Rb¨ Always Gi cwie‡Z©
Gi Dëv Never Ges Ontime Gi Dëv Late emv‡Z n‡e|
5. The word 'Colossal' is synonymous with.
a. enormous b. overwhelming c. extraordinary d. wornderful Ans. A
Colossal A_© cÖKvÐ; wekvj Enormous A_© cÖPzi|
6. The passive form of the sentence `Manners reveal character's is.
a. one's character is revealed by one's manners
b. Characters are revealed by one's manners
c. Character is revealed by manners
d. Manners are revealing of character Ans. C
7. Identify the correct spelling.
a. consensus b. concensus c. consencious d. conscensus Ans. a
8. The direct form of the indirect sentence 'He said that the patient had died early in the
morning' is.
a. He said, 'the patient has died early in the morning.'
b. He said, 'the patient died early in the last morning.'
c. He said, 'the patient died early in the last morning.'
d. He said, 'the patient died early in the morning. Ans. d
Q. Choose the correct sentence.
9. a. They acted in accordance to his advice b. They acted following his advices
c. They acted according to his advice d. They acted upon his advices Ans. d
10. a. It is you who is responsible for the lossb. It is you who are to pay for the loss
c. It is you who has to pay for the loss d. It is you who is to pay for the loss Ans. b
You Gi mv‡_ 'are' nq|

RvZxq wbivcËv †Mv‡q›`v (NSI)

IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

c‡`i bvg : mnKvix cwiPvjK − 28.09.2019

Q. Find the odd word from each list.
1. a. dulect b. mellifluous c. melodious d. Raucous e.harmonious Ans. D
Raucous A_© (aŸwb m¤^‡Ü) KKk| Avi evwK me¸‡jvi A_©B my`„k¨fv‡e mvRv‡bv ev mgy`yi|
2. a. gloriors b. magnificent c. melodious d. average e. outstanding Ans. D
Average A_© Mo Avi evwK me¸‡jvi A_©B A_© RuvK-c~Y©; PgKcÖ` ev myimsµvšÍ; mykvÖ e¨|
3. a. obscure b. ambiguous c. limpid d. vague e. wispy Ans. C
Limid A_© wbg©j; ¯^”Q| Gi Qvov evwK me ¸‡jvi A_©B A¯úó; fvmvfvmv|
4. a. paltry b. significant c. immaterial d. negligible e. trivial Ans. B
Significant A_© ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| Gi Qvov evwK me¸‡jvi A_©B Zvrch©nxb|
5. a. discord b. conflict c. friction d. dispute e. consent Ans. E
Consent A_© ivwR nIqv| Ab¨ me ¸‡jvi A_©B Ø›Ø; msNvZ|
Q. Read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c, d or e) best fits each gap.
Geological deposits of salt were formed millions of years ago, when what is now land, lay under the
sea. It is hard to believe that salt is now such a cheap 07. because centuries ago, it was the
commercial 08 of today's oil. The men who mined salt became wealthy and despite the risks, a job in
the salt mine was highly 09.
Nowadays, the specific microclimates in disused mines have been 10 for the tretement of
patients with respiratory illnesses. The lilent, dark surroundings in a mine are considered 06 in
econouraging patients to relax.
6. a. congenial b. concommitant c. coducive d. convivial e. contentious Ans. a
7. a. material b. component c. commodity d. utility e. consititunent Ans. c
8. a. parallel b. contemporary c. equivalent d. match e.comparator Ans. c
9. a. covetous b. commiserted c. condoned d. concedede. coverted Ans. e
10. a. exploited b. extended c. extracted d. exposed e. extruded Ans. c
Q. Choose the underlined part in each sentence that is incorrect. If the sentence is correct as it
stands. mark e.
11. There is no mother but loves her child. No error. Ans. e
a b c d e
12. I need to buy some equipment. No error. Ans. d
a b c d e

13. I would rather die than bribe. No error. Ans. d

a b c d e

14. The picture has hung on the well. No error. Ans. b

a b c d e
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
15. I prefer ten than coffee in the morning. No error. Ans. b
a b c d e
Prefer Gici Than bv n‡q 'to' nq|
Q. Select the word/phrase you think is closest in meaning to the word/words underlined.
16. It is raining cats and dogs.
a. lightly b. on animals c. at night d. heavily e. †KvbwUB bq Ans. d
17. The manager looked into the matter.
a. take decision b. investigate c. neglect d. ignore e. †KvbwUB bq Ans. b
Look into A_© Z`šÍ Kiv|
18. He could not deny that.
a. decide b. accept c. confusion d. refuse e. †KvbwUB bq Ans. d
19. He has gone to the USA for good.
a. for higher study b. forever c. for traveling d. for training e. †KvbwUB bq Ans. b
20. The machine is out of order.
a. new b. good c. modern d. big e. †KvbwUB bq Ans. e

gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi (Dc-cwi`k©K−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 6.12.2019

1. Who did you give the money−?

a. for b. by c. with d. to Ans. d
2. It is necessary that the− the meeting.
a. joins b. should join c. join d. must join Ans. c
MVb : It + be + adjective + that + subject + verb in simple form| k~b¨¯’v‡b join em‡e|
3. What is the meaning of the word 'Prima Facle'?
a. out look b. face reading c. face to face d. at the first sight Ans. d
4. All my efforts to bring− a compromise ended in smoke.
a. with b. about c. in d. to Ans. b
Bring about− †Kv‡bv wKQz NUv‡bv we‡klZ †Kvb Ae¯’vq cwieZ©b NUv‡†bv|
5. Duncan †Kvb bvU‡Ki ¸iæZ¡c~Y© PwiÎ?
a. macbeth b. othello c. hamlet d. king lear Ans. a
6. Which of the word is plural?
a. formula b. vertex c. memoranda d. adendum Ans. c
7. The accused person confessed that he− the car.
a. stole b. had stolen c. would steal d. stolen Ans. b
AZx‡Z †h KvRwU Av‡M n‡q _v‡K †mwU Past perfect tense G nq|
8. Which one is correctly spelt?
a. Dirhea b. Diarhea c. Diarhea d. Diarrhoea Ans. d
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
9. The word 'recalcitrant' means−
a. mutinous b. amenable c. docile d. compliant Ans. a
10. The opposite of 'exonerate' is−
a. acquit b. absolve c. convict d. enchant Ans. c
exonerate− Awf‡hvM †_‡K gyw³ †`Iqv|
11. He was exempted− attending the seminer.
a. from b. by c. for d. without Ans. a
exempt from− Ae¨vnwZ †`Iqv|
12. A synoym of 'impereable' is−
a. improbable b. fiexible c. impenetrable d. aimmeasurable Ans. c
impermeable− A‡f`¨| immeasurable− Acwi‡gq|
13. A man is known by the− he kept.
a. friends b. money c. asset d. company Ans. d
14. An antonym of 'vertex' is−
a. pinnacle b. trough c. zenith d. culmination Ans. b
Vertex, pinnacle, zenith, culmination me¸‡jv k‡ãi A_© P‚ov| Ab¨w`‡K trough A_© cv`we›`y|
15. The an is true− his word.
a. to b. with c. about d. for Ans. a
True to A_© wbôvevb ev AvšÍwiK|
16. Which one is correctly spelt?
a. Guillotine b. Gulilotine c. Gulliotine d. Guilotine Ans. a
17. The word 'assiduity' means?
a. steadfastness b. staadfastness c. steedfastness d. steidfastness Ans. a
Assiduity A_© wbR Kv‡Ri cÖwZ w¯’i I mZK© g‡bv‡hvM Z_v Aa¨emvq|
18. An antonym of "benign" is?
a. malignant b. safe c. harmless d. white Ans. a
benign− mgq| Benign Gi Antonym n‡e : Malignant|
19. The phrase "carry the day" means to?
a. be victorious b. to ruin c. to achieve d. to hamper Ans. a
: 'carry the day' Gi A_© ÔRqx nIqvÕ|
20. His teacher had him .... for the test?
a. sit b. to sit c. sat d. sitting Ans. a
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

evsjv‡`k ÿz`ª I KzwUi wkí Ki‡cv‡ikb (Extension Officer−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 6.12.2019

Fill in the gaps [1−9]

1. We must endeavor to − the miseries of the poor.
a. mitigate b. discourage c. elaborate d. augment e. disarm Ans. a
mitigate− jvNe Kiv|
2. The diagram I am referring − is given − page three.
a. to, on b. to, at c. at, on d. at, in e. to, in Ans. a
Refer to A_©− †Kv‡bvwKQz D‡jøL Kiv|
3. She had hardly seen her mother− she stopped crying.
a. then b. than c. when d. so Ans. c
4. I am ignorant − my future.
a. to b. of c. for d. at e. on Ans. b
Avgiv Rvwb ignorant Gici 'of' e‡m
5. The two friends differ− opinion from each other.
a. at b. by c. of d. from e. in Ans. e
Differ in A_© wfbœ gZ nIqv (gZvg‡Zi †ÿ‡Î|
6. Arif was quite familiar− his neighbors.
a. with b. of c. to e. for Ans. c
Familiar to somebody A_© Kv‡iv cwiwPZ|
7. The right to livelihood is an− aspect of the right to life.
a. integral b. unimportant c. utmost d. ideal e. orginal Ans. a
Integral− ALÛ, Awe‡”Q`¨|
8. Please do not intrude− my privacy.
a. to b. in c. into d. upon e. by Ans. c
intrude into− Abvn~Z cÖ‡ek Kiv|
9. The angry mother slapped the rude child right− his face.
a. on b. over c. upon d. across e. in Ans. a
Slap on− P‡cUvNvZ Kiv|
Select the appropriate meaning of the given word. [10−16].
10. Ancedote.
a. story b. emphasis c. affirliate d. tribute e. medicine Ans. a
Ancedote− ev¯Íe †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev NUbv m¤ú‡K© mswÿß Kvwnbx|
11. Exonerate.
a. believe b. credence c. ardent d. acquit e. emblem Ans. d
Exonerate− Awf‡hvM n‡Z gyw³ †`Iqv|
12. Perturb.
a. porous b. anticipate c. deviant d. worry e. improve Ans. d
Perturb− D‡ËwRZ Kiv|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. Obstinate.
a. Aloof b. erratic c. effusive d. massive e. stubborn Ans. e
Obstinate− GK¸u‡q|
14. Precarious.
a. safe b. insecure c. precious d. complex e. none Ans. b
Precarious− AwbwðZ|
15. Incredulous.
a. dishonest b. honest c. reliable d. unreliable e. incongrunent Ans. d
Incredulour− Awek^vmx|
16. Castigate.
a. punish b. abnormal c. banish d. celebrate e. none Ans. a
Castigate− Zxeª wb›`vÁvc‡bi gva¨‡g K‡Vvifv‡e kvw¯Í †`Iqv|

Identify the wrong word from below (Pin point error) [17-20].
17. Her novel is a bengali classic about a young mother who she called Morjina. No
a b c d e
errror. Ans. c
cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i A_©vbyhvqx who Gi objective case whom em‡e|
18. Everyone is excited about graduation because all had worked so hard for it. NO
a b c d e
error. Ans. b
Everyone GKwU Collective noun| Noun-pronoun agreement Abyhvqx c‡ii clause G all bv e‡m they em‡e|
19. Put the ingredients altogether in boat when you make the cake. No error. Ans. b
a b c d e
Altogether A_© m¤úyY©fv‡e ev me©vs‡Ik Z_v completely| cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i A_©vbyhvqx altogether em‡e bv|
20. Neither the nor Rima think she is ready to write the final draft. No error. Ans. e
a b c d e

gv`K`ªe¨ wbqš¿Y Awa`ßi (wnmveiÿK−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 19.11.2019

1. A synonym of word 'Overlestimated' is−

a. exaggerated b. entrance c. embroiled d. embellish Ans. a
Overestimated− AwZiwÄZ|
2. A synonym of the word 'Plethora' is−
a. excess b. manifest c. restrain d. stubborn Ans. a
Plethora− AwZcÖvPzh©|
3. An antonym of the word 'Dormant' is−
a. dynamic b. vivid c. halcyon d. gentle Ans. a
Dormant− myß, NygšÍ|
4. An antonym of the word 'Embargo' is−
a. eminent b. allow c. evacuate d. exclude Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
Embargo− Gi synonyms− Ban, Prohibition, Interdict|
5. Your action is not consistent− the rules.
a. to b. of c. on d. with Ans. d
Consistent with Gi A_© Õm½wZcyY©Õ|
6. I cannot cope− the situation.
a. with b. to c. on d. of Ans. a
e¨vL¨v : cope `with' A_©− ÔLvcLvB‡q PjvÕ
7. He insisted− my going there.
a. in b. to c. of d. on Ans. d
insist on A_© Kv‡iv mv‡_ †R` aiv|
8. Which word is correctly spelt?
a. humorious b. humorous c. humourius d. hemurious Ans. b
9. This is the place where I was born. The underlined clauses is−
a. main b. noun c. adverbial d. adjective Ans. c
10. 'ab initio' means−
a. from the beginningb. altermating current
c. towards the end d. in the meantime Ans. a
ab inito' GKwU latin kã hvi A_©− ïiæ †_‡K (from the beginning)|
11. He failed in the examination because none of his answer were− to the question asked.
a. allusive b. revealing c. pertinent d. referential Ans. c
allusive− c‡ivÿ D‡jøL m¤^wjZ, Bw½Zc~Y©|
12. The meaning of the phrase 'to smell a rat' is−
a. to see sings of the plague epidemic b. to get bad smell of a dead rat
c. to be in had mood d. to suspect foul dealing Ans. d
'smell a rat' GKwU phrase hvi A_©− ÔAb¨v‡qi ev AcK‡g©i MÜ cvIqvÕ|
13. The word 'glowing' means−
a. pale b. shining c. meting d. hot Ans. b
glowing− cÖ`xß, D¾¡j| Gi Synonym n‡”Q, shining− R¦jR¦‡j| Pale− gwjb; hot− Mig|
14. Render the passage− Bengali.
a. to b. into c. on d. in Ans. b
Render into (GK fvlv n‡Z Ab¨ fvlvq Abyev` Kiv)
15. I wish you success in life. What type of sentence is it?
a. assertive b. Imperative c. optative d. none Ans. a
mvaviY †Kvb NUbv ev K_v ev welq †evSv‡Z assertive sentence nq|
16. A Synonym of the word 'Expunge' is−
a. rub out b. elusive c. eradicate d. enticing Ans. a
Expunge− †Kvb wKQz gy‡Q †djv|
17. An antonym of the word 'Equivocal' is−
a. suppress b. unambiguous c. unnecessary d. remain steely Ans. b
Equivocal− Øv_©‡evaK, m‡›`n‡fvRb|
18. A Synonym of the word 'Bellicose' is−
a. Belligerent b. Bigotry c. Averse d. Assuage Ans. a
Bellicose− mgiwcÖq, gvigy‡Lv|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
19. I still have− money.
a. a few b. quite a few c. many d. a little Ans. a
20. An antonym of the word 'Contravene' is−
a. concede b. stop c. discourage d. assist Ans. d
Contravene− AvBb ev bxwZ j•Nb Kiv|

IFIC Bank Ltd. (MTO−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 29.11.2019

1. During Eid, shops are− of people.

a. busy b. full c. crowded d. bubbling Ans. b
full− cwic~Y©|
2. Meaning of WARRIOR is−
a. soldier b. sailor c. pirate d. spy Ans. a
Warrior− †hv×v|
3. The grapes are now− enough to be poicked.
a. ready b. mature c. ripe d. advanced Ans. c
Ripe− †c‡K hvIqv|
4. Does− know that− was absent?
a. she, me b. she, I c. her, me d. her, I Ans. a
5. Siam asked me to keep this seeret−.
a. secret b. in myself c. amongst us d. between us Ans. d
6. Choose the correct spelling−
a. deference b. defferance c. defference d. difarence Ans. d
7. Phrase/Idios to msell a rat.
a. to see signs of plague epidemic b. to get bad small of a bad dead rat
c. to suspect foul dealings d. to be in a bad mood Ans. c
'To smell a rat' Gi A_© n‡”Q− ÔAb¨v‡qi ev AcK‡g©i MÜ cvIqv|Õ
8. My uncle decided to take− and my sister to the market.
a. 1 b. mine c. me d. myself Ans. c
Avgiv Rvwb verb Gi object wn‡m‡e objective pronoun e‡m|
9. Take this medicine and you will get rid− the bad cold.
a. of b. over c. at d.from Ans. a
gyw³ cvIqv A‡_© 'get rid of e‡m|
10. It is dangerous to enter− the enemy's camp.
a. in b. on c. by d. into Ans. d
enter into− cÖ‡ek Kiv|
11. Despite his− he had to suffer.
a. punishment b. fault c. negligence d. innocence Ans. d
Zvi †`vl _vKv bv m‡Ë¡I Zv‡K fzM‡Z n‡q‡Q|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
12. Find the correctly spelt word.
a. advarsity b. advercety c. adversity d. advercity Ans. c
13. Antonym of ARTIFICIAL.
a. solid b. natural c. truthful (d) d. red Ans. b
Artificial− K…wÎg|
14. Sumana & Rumana are twin sisters, but they do not look−.
a. unique b. different c. likely d. alike Ans. d
Alike− GKB iKg, m„`k|
15. I − an iPod last month.
a. have bought b. buy c. bought d. am buying Ans. c
16. Does− know that− was absent?
a. she, me b. she, I c. her, me d. her, I Ans. b
17. Synonym of WARRIOR.
a. soldier b. sailor c. pirate d. spy Ans. a
Warrior− †hv×v|
18. People are tiring very soon in an activity which they don't like.
a. tried b. trying c. tired d. tyring Ans. c
19. Synonym of VENUE,
a. agenda b. duration c. place d. time Ans. c
Venue− NUbv¯’j|
20. Are you attending− reception today?
a. a b. an c. the d. no article Ans. c
21. Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.
a. explosion b. tsunami c. avalanche d. volcano Ans. a
Explosion− AvKw¯§K we‡ùviY| Tsunami− GKwU R‡jv”Q¡v‡mi bvg| Avlanche− ei‡di aŸm| Volcano− Av‡MœqwMwi|
Explosion n‡jv gvbem„ó Avi evKx¸‡jv cÖKwZ m„ó| Explosion n‡jv wfbœag©x|
22. Insect : Disease : : War :?
a. army b. destruction c. arsenal d. defeat Ans. b
Insect Gi gva¨‡g Disease nq wVK †Zgwb war-Gi gva¨‡g destruction nq|
23. Thermometer : Temparature : : Glucometer :?
a. body sugar b. body resistences c. blood d. blood sugar Ans. d
Thermometer w`‡q Temperature gvcv nq wVK †Zgwb glucometer w`‡q Blood Sugar gvcv nq|
24. Choose the word that is a necessary part of the word 'School'?
a. student b. report card c. test d. learning Ans. a
School Gi cÖ‡qvRbxq Ask n‡jv Student.
25. Ink : Pen :: Paint:?
a. canvas b. artist c. color d. brush Ans. d
Pen w`‡q wjL‡Z ink jv‡M †Zgwb brush w`‡q Qwe AuvK‡Z paint jv‡M|
26. Problem : Solution :: Task:?
a. work b. accomplish c. job d. duty Ans. b
Problem †hgb− Solution Ki‡Z nq| †Zgwb Task †K Accomplish Ki‡Z nq|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ (CGDF) (Junior Aditor−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 15.11.2019

Fill in the blanks after the option which is grammatically correct.

1. Looking directly− the sun is bad for your eyes.
a. in b. at c. through d. upon e. to Ans. b
Look at something A_© †Kvb wKQzi w`‡K ZvKv‡bv|
2. Try as I− I couldn't turn the key.
a. might b. could c. should d. would e. may Ans. a
Try as one might GKwU idiom|
3. We must be cautious about− the roof before the rainy season starts.
a. sealing b. ceiling c. selling d. sailling e. soilling Ans. a
4. The engineer inspected the− and gave his approval for the factory.
a. site b. cite c. sight d. side e. seat Ans. a
†h ¯’v‡b †Kv‡bv wbg©vY KvR n‡q‡Q ev n‡”Q Zv‡K site e‡j|
5. The coach told the team to prepare well− the final match.
a. ahead b. beyond c. abreast d. ahead of Ans. d
Select the English for each of the following words.
6. m‡PZbZv|
a. wisdom b. knowledge c. awareness d. intelligence e. caution Ans. c
7. AbvKvw•ÿZ|
a. privation b. unwanted c. harsner d. inadequate Ans. b
8. gÄyi Kiv|
a. regret b. permission c. search d. request Ans. e
9. msL¨vjNy|
a. majority b. unfortunate c. minority d. minimum e. deprived Ans. c
msL¨vjNy Gi Bs‡iwR n‡jv Minority|
10. DcvË|
a. data b. quotation c. census d. information e. statistics Ans. a
DcvË Gi Bs‡iwR n‡jv data|

Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
11. Let soething run its course.
a. to rush something b. to re-do a piece of work
c. to finish something with importance d. to let something finish in its natural time
e. to slow down some process or task Ans. d
e¨vL¨v : Let something run its caurse A_©− †Kvb wKQz‡K ¯^vfvweK MwZ‡Z †kl n‡Z †`Iqv| A_©vr to let something
finish in its natural time.
12. A dime a dozen.
a. to bargain on a deal b. to copare c. to close a deal
d. something common e. none of these Ans. d
A dime a dozen evMavivwUi A_©, ÔmvaviY wKQz hvi we‡kl g~j¨ †bB|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
13. Break the ice.
a. get someone out of trouble b. make someone feel comfortable
c. meet someone after a long time d. take care of someone
e. to overcome a challenge Ans. b
Break the ice evMavivwUi A_© say something that makes people feel more comfortable
14. Call it a day.
a. to say the truth about someone or something b. to stop working on something
c. to give up d. to be optimistic e. none of these Ans. b
Call it a day evMavivwUi A_© GKUvbv Kiv †Kvb KvR eÜ Kiv|
15. Under the weather.
a. angry b. nervous c. moody d. upset e. sick Ans. e
Under the weather A_© Amy¯’ ev sick|
Replace the underlined part of each sentence with the option which is grammatically correct.
16. After it is repairing, my car looked as good as new.
a. it is repairing b. being repaired c. it well be repaired d. it is repaired e. it repairs Ans. b
After Gic‡i verb Gi ing hy³ from e¨eüZ nq|
17. The winner was no one else other than my sister.
a. no one else other b. no one other c. not anyone other
d. no one rather e. none other Ans. e
mwVK expression n‡jv 'none other than'|
18. The coach told us not be nervous, but it was easier said than to be done.
a. easier said than to be b. easier said than c. said easier than
d. easy to be said than e. more easily said than to be Ans. b
mwVK expression n‡jv easier said than done|
19. The nine months long liberation war was the most testing phase in Bangladesh's history.
a. The nine months long liberation war b. The long nine months liberation war
c. The nine-month-long liberation war d. The nine month's long liberation war
e. The liberation war of nine months long Ans. c
GKvwaK noun GKmv‡_ GKwU adjective wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡j noun Gi plural form emv‡bv nq bv|
20. The traditional process of jute retting often lead to a decline in quality.
a. often lead to a b. is often leaading to a c. often leads to
d. have often lead to e. can often leads to Ans. c
†KvbwKQz often NU‡j Zv present indefinite tense|
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

cvqiv e›`i KZ©„cÿ (All Post−2019)

cixÿvi ZvwiL : 25.05.2019

Choose the word that is closest in meaning with the word underlined.
1. Privilege.
a. advantage b. novelty c. depessing d. power e. none Ans. a
Privilege A_© we‡kl myweav ev AwaKvi hvi mgv_©K kã Advantage|
2. Enormous.
a. strong b. huge c. tall d. tight e. none Ans. b
Enormous k‡ãi A_© cÖPzi ev wekvj hvi mgv_©K kã Huge|
3. Acute.
a. afraid b. severe c. temporary d. residential e. none Ans. b
Acute A_© Zxeª hvi mgv_©K n‡jv Severe|
4. Anomaly.
a. cruel b. familiarity c. irregularity d. literacy e. none Ans. c
Anomaly A_© A¯^vfvweK ev e¨wZµgx hvi mgv_©K n‡jv Irregularity|
5. Fortune.
a. attractive b. luck c. prominent d. deceive e. none Ans. b
Fortune A_© fvM¨ hvi mgv_©K kã Luck
In each of the following sentnces, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word. If none, choose
6. The Minister insisted his Secretary's resignation.
a. on b. in c. by d. with e. no word is missing Ans. a
insist on nq| ZvB insisted Gic‡i on missing.
7. This situtation calls a high degree of courage.
a. for b. in c. forth d. back e. no word is missing Ans. a
Call for something A_© †Kvb wKQz `iKvwi nIqv ev Kiv;
8. All the athletes I know, Rajib is by far the best.
a. from b. among c. than d. between e. no word is missing Ans. b
Avgiv Rvwb `yB‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z between Ges `y‡qi Awa‡Ki g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z among e¨eüZ nq|
9. Unfortunately, tank irrigation not received the attention it deserved.
a. has b. have c. did d. does e. no word is missing Ans. a
mwVK evK¨ : Unfortunately, tank, irrigation has not received the attention it deserved.
10. My situation was like of the frying pan the fire.
a. in b. into c. on d. of Ans. b
mwVK expression n‡jv out of the frying pan into the fire

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi( Awdm mnKvwi Kvg-Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi−2019)

1. Which one of the following keyboard shortcuts is used to find a specific word in a MS word
a. ctrl + C b. ctrl + X c. ctril + F d. ctril + S Ans. c
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
2. Which of the following spelling is correct?
a. bureaucracy b. berucracy c. beurauycracy d. bueracracy Ans. a
3. Which of the following spelling is correct?
a. gauranttee b. gurantee c. gurrantee d. guarrantee Ans. d
4. Synonym of the word depressed?
a. happy b. cry c. angry d.sad Ans. d
5. Antonym of the word restrict?
a. allow b. follow c. protect d. reject Ans. a
Fill in the blanks with appropraite words. [35-39] :
6. Four and four− eight.
a. makes b. make c. is d. as Ans. a
7. He made his children− their homework every afternoon.
a. do b. to do c. to study d. minded Ans. a
make, have n‡jv Causative verb| ZvB, Gici k~b¨¯’v‡b Verb Gi base from e‡m|
8. Bread is usually made− wheat.
a. in b. at c. from d. of Ans. c
make from (†Kvb wKQz n‡Z Drcbœ) G‡ÿ‡Î hv n‡Z Drcbœ n‡”Q Zvi ˆewkó¨ cwiewZ©Z n‡e| †hgb− Bread is made from
9. Fifty miles− a long distance.
a. are b. is c. had d. were Ans. b
'Fifty miles' cÖ`Ë sentence G Subject wn‡m‡e Singular number| ZvB verbwUI Singular n‡e|
10. His birthday is − December.
a. in b. on c. at d. by Ans. a
11. A slip of tongue means?
a. wrongly by choice b. unintentionally c. delibarayely d. to hit another person Ans. b
e¨vL¨v : A slip of tongue (fzj K‡i e‡j †djv)
12. Which one is singular?
a. foci b. media c. hypothesis d. syllabi Ans. a
13. Feminine gender of wizard is?
a. wizardess b. witch c. female d. acrobate Ans. b
e¨vL¨v : Wizard Gi Feminine n‡e witch.
14. What is the singular?
a. inquest b. repent c. praise d. loyalty Ans. d
15. The Antonym of INGENIOUS is?
a. crafty b. inane c. incompetent d. skillful Ans. c
Ingenious (cÖfvekvjx);Ingenious-Gi antonym n‡jv Incompetent.
16. Find the miss-pelt word−
a. committee b. enthusiasm c. extroversion d. recission Ans. d
17. Down to earth meaning?
a. close to nature b. soft hearted c. realistic d. thrown to the ground Ans. c
down to earth (ev¯ÍweK) down to earth Gi Synonym n‡e realistic.
18. Gulliver's travels written by?
a. Alexander pope b. Jonathan Swift c. G.B. shaw d. William Wordsworth Ans. b
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi
19. Choose the pair which is out of place?
a. ambiguity/clarity b. humane/kind c. colossal/tiny d. worsen/improve Ans. b
20. Choose the pair which is out of place?
a. ambiguityclarity b. humane/kind c. colossal/tiny d. worsen/improve Ans. b
Choose the correct sentence form [50-53] :
21. a. Dina is a taller than each of the her four sisters
b. Dina is taller than all of her four sisters
c. Dina is taller than either of her four sisters
d. Dina is taller than anyone of her four sisters Ans. b
GLv‡b Dina †K Zvi evKx me †ev‡bi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv n‡”Q|
22. a. He looked angry but did not speak angrily
b. He looked angrily but he did not speak angrily
c. He looked angrily but did not speak angry
d. He looked angrily but did he did not speak angrily Ans. a
Avgiv Rvwb be verb (am, is, are, was, were) Ges (see, look, seem, taste, feel, smell, sound) Gi c‡i adjective
23. a. She seldom ever wants to try to face the true facts
b. She seldom wants to try to face the true facts
c. She seldom ever wants o try to face the facts
d. She seldom wants to try to try to face the facts Ans. c
True fact GKwU fzj G·‡cÖkb| nq True n‡e bv nq ïay fact n‡e|
24. a. The mobile set is almost same like mine b. The mobile set it almost same like me
c. The mobile set is almost same as mine d. The mobile set is almost same like myself Ans. c
25. Which of the following is a verb?
a. nice b. vary c. hatred d. reflect Ans. b & d
26. The noun form of the word 'do' is.
a. did b. does c. deed d. done Ans. c
27. Adjective of the word 'circle' is.
a. encircle b. circle like c. circular d. circuler Ans. c
28. 'At the eleventh hour' means−
a. late b. at last c. at a time d. at the moment Ans. d
29. Passive form of 'who spoke it'?
a. it was spoken by whom? b. by whom was it spoken?
c. by whom it has spoken? d. by whom it was spoken? Ans. b
30. The past form of the word 'tear' is?
a. teared b. torn c. tore d. tears Ans. c
31. Select the correct translation : †mv‡nj muvZvi KvU‡Z cv‡i|
a. Sohel is swimming b. Sohel has been swimming
c. Sohel knows how to swim d. Sohel is swimmer Ans. c
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi Awdm mnvqK c‡` wb‡qvM−2019

1. Let us write a letter evK¨wUi Passive form n‡”Q−
a. Let a letter to write by us b. Let a letter be written by us
c. Let a letter to written by us d. Let a letter to write by us Ans. b
2. "Beautiful" is which part of speech?
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective Ans. d
Beautiful (my›`i−adjective); Beautify (verb); Beauty (noun).
3. †KvbwU ï× evbvb?
a. Possesion b. Possession c. Possession d. Possession Ans. b
4. †KvbwU Abstract noun?
a. city b. boy c. obey d. humility Ans. d
5. wb‡Pi †KvbwU Conjunction Gi D`vniY−
a. very b. our c. or d. for Ans. c
6. Parts of speech KZ cÖKvi?
a. two b. eight c. three d. five Ans. b
7. †KvbwU Peace kãwUi verb?
a. Impeace b. Peace loving c. Pacify d. Peaceful Ans. c
8. Karim is tall, − Rahim is taller, k~b¨¯’v‡b wK n‡e?
a. while b. but c. so d. even Ans. a
9. Choose the correct sentence−
a. Rich is not a always happy b. The rich are not alaways happy
c. Rich are not always happy d. The rich is not always happy Ans. b
10. The dog ran− the road. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’vb mwVK kã em‡e?
a. on b. along c. in d. with Ans. B
11. Opposite gender of 'lady' is−
a. baroness b. lord c. duchess d. laddie Ans. b
12. 'Do or die'. is a−
a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence d. phrase Ans. b
13. Pick up the antonym of the word 'jovial.'
a. jolly b. cheery c. gloomy d. friendly Ans. c
14. Every body should− their old parents.
a. look after b. look up c. look of d. look into Ans. a
15. He has− M.A. from a public university.
a. the b. a c. an d. none of these Ans. c
16. The word dilly dally means−
a. dilute b. wait c. waste time d. repeat Ans. c
17. If winter comes, can− be far behind?
a. autumn b. summer c. spring d. rain Ans. c
18. 'Tooth and nail Gi A_© n‡”Q−
a. beautiful b. presise c. incopletely d. completely Ans. d
19. †Kvb evbvbwU ï×?
a. comission b. commision c. comission d. commission Ans. d
IBA English For Job and Admission Test
Written By Arafat Mohsin And Tarek Rafi

Good Luck

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