Contribute To Organisation Development: BSBMGT615

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Student’s Name:

Trainer Saqib
Date: 15/12/2019

Teacher Remarks:

Contribute to Organisation
Canberra Business and Technology College

Learner Workbook

Assessment criteria for BSBMGT615

Contribute to organisation development
In this document, you will find the foundation of what is required to become competent in this unit.
For further information on each element, you can refer to the Assessment Matrix. Included in this
document are the elements for the unit, foundation skills, assessment requirements as well as an
assessment tool definition list and the crucial observation and third-party check lists. As well as all of
the areas covered here, each student must also complete all workbook activities, case studies and
major activities, where stated, to become competent within this unit.

NOTE – Re-assessment:

Students will have a maximum of two (2) reassessments attempts if competency is not achieved in
the first instance.

The final grade of ‘S’ for Satisfactory or ‘NYS’ for Not Yet Satisfactory is only given at the completion
of the unit of competency when all components or parts of the assessment are graded.

Elements for Competency Demonstration

Elements for Competency Assessment:
1. Develop organisation development plan
2. Implement organisation development activities
3. Maintain organisation development program
Performance Evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
 Analyse information and data about the organisation and develop an organisation development plan

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o agreed objectives
o change management and communications strategies
o identified roles
 Implement the development plan including:
o developing the team
o managing conflict
o solving problems
 Evaluate the development plan and make adjustments as appropriate
Foundation Skills:
 Participates in team development and training activities to develop skills and
 Evaluates and integrates facts and ideas while reviewing and interpreting
organisational development processes
 Evaluates and integrates facts and ideas while reviewing and interpreting
organisational development processes
Oral Communication
 Applies appropriate strategies to extract main ideas from oral texts across a range
of contexts in an effort to improve organisational development
 Selects and interprets a range of mathematical information to analyse performance,
determine objectives and calculate cost-benefits of organisational development
Interact with others
 Recognises the importance of taking audience, purpose and contextual factors into
account when making decisions about what to communicate, with whom, why and
 Recognises the importance of supportive interaction and building rapport in order
to establish positive and effective working relationships
 Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in
encouraging innovation and facilitating effective group interaction, influencing
direction and taking a leadership role
 Manages conflict in the workplace through the recognition of contributing factors
and by implementing resolution strategies
Get the work done
 Develops flexible plans for complex, high impact activities with strategic
implications that involve multiple stakeholders with potentially competing demands

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 Systematically gathers and analyses all relevant information and evaluates options
to make decisions about organisational development
 Considers whether others should be involved in decision making and, if so, uses
collaborative processes
 Uses analytical and lateral thinking to review current practices and develop new
 Actively identifies systems, devices and applications with potential to meet current
and or future needs with the help of specialists
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

 Explain how to maximise participation in and support for organisation development

including strategies or techniques for:

o change management

o consultation

o evaluating the process and outcomes

o generating ideas and options

o managing conflict and resolving problems

 Outline theories of organisational behaviour and dynamics relevant to planning and

implementing organisational development

 Explain the impact of legislation on organisational development and change

 List aspects of organisation culture that can affect organisation development and
explain how to address them in planning and implementation

Assessment Conditions:
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates
consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of
work and include access to:

 Relevant legislation and regulation

 Workplace documentation and resources

 Case studies and, where possible, real situations

 Interaction with others

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.


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Companion volumes available from the IBSA website: -
Any observations and practical assessments must be recorded in the observation checklist. All
practical tasks should be demonstrated during the length of the course. As the instructor, you must
maintain a record demonstrating the date of the practical activities and any comments relevant to
the performance of each student. Where a student is not able to demonstrate competence in a
practical observation activity, further questioning should be put in its place.

As the instructor, you could be assessing the student’s literacy, numeracy and language skills, as well
as the content and context of his/her answers.

In some cases, you will have to adjust and amend the assessment tools, using different and varied
methods (such as oral assessment), to allow students to be assessed according to their needs and

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Assessment Tool Definitions

Assessment Tool How is it used? What is it?

Learner Guide The Learner Guide links with the Learner Workbook as it
(To be used as an informational guide) provides the information given during sessions and more. It
can help students to further their knowledge and to also
complete the activities.
Observation/Demonstration An observation should be completed for each of the
(To be completed for each numbered point as students by the instructor. If the tasks aren’t everyday
actions, a simulated environment is acceptable, or a
stated on the checklist) demonstration can be set up. An observation checklist can
be found at the end of this document.
Learner Workbook Activities Each student should be given a Learner Workbook which
(Entire completion is required) will hold a number of activities, both formative and
summative, that all need to be completed in conjunction
with the appropriate sessions. The PowerPoint, Learner
Guide and instructor should provide further information to
help with the activities.
Skills and Knowledge Activity A Skills and Knowledge Activity is a summative assessment
(Entire completion is required) and is found before the Major Activity in the Learner
Workbook. This should take between 1-2 hours and every
student should complete this work. It is a requirement for
each unit to check knowledge and understanding of the
foundation skills and knowledge evidence.
Major Activity A Major Activity is a summative assessment and can be
(Entire completion is required) found in the Learner Workbook, after all of the activities
are completed. This is an extended piece of summative
assessment which should take anywhere between 1-2
hours and every student should complete this work. It is a
requirement for each unit to check knowledge and

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Throughout this unit, the learner will be expected to show their competency of the elements
through observations or demonstrations. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as
well as the formative and summative assessments found in the Learner Workbook. An explanation of
demonstrations and observations:

Demonstration is off-the-job

A demonstration will require:

 Performing a skill or task that is asked of you

 Undertaking a simulation exercise

Observation is on-the-job

The observation will usually require:

 Performing a work-based skill or task

 Interaction with colleagues and/or customers

The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment,
depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Each
task must be observed. You will need to ensure you provide the learner with the correct equipment
and/or materials to complete the task. You will also need to inform the learner of the time they have
to complete the task; this will once again vary, depending on the task.

Learner should be able to demonstrate they can:

 Develop organisation development plan

 Implement organisation development activities

 Maintain organisation development program

Learners should also demonstrate the following skills:

 Learning

 Reading

 Writing

 Oral Communication

 Numeracy

 Interact with others

 Get the work done

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Observation/Demonstration Checklist
Candidate’s Name
Assessor or Observer’s Name Saqib
Unit of Competence
BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organization Development
(Code and Title)

Date of Assessment 15/12/2019

Location 75 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin 2912 ACT, Australia.
Demonstration Tasks Completed
Materials and Equipment Provided
Tasks to be observed, demonstrated or simulated if appropriate Yes No Comment
1. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could analyses strategic plans to determine
organisation development needs and objectives?
2. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could consult with relevant groups and
individuals to profile the organization’s culture and readiness for
organizational development?
3. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could determine who will take key roles in the
organizational development process and confirm their
4. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could collect and analyses data on areas of
the business experiencing problems or that need realignment?
5. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could determine and agree on objectives and
strategies for organizational development?
6. Develop organisation development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could consider change management
techniques required to achieve the workplace culture outcomes
and build them into the organisation development plan?
7. Develop organization development plan: Did the learner
demonstrate they could develop communication/education
plans to achieve communication objectives in relation to the
desired work environment and desired approach to problem-
solving and developmental activities?
8. Implement organization development activities: Did the learner
demonstrate they could identify and implement consultative
processes to maximize participation in the organization
development process?
9. Implement organization development activities: Did the learner
demonstrate they could undertake team development and
training activities to develop collaborative approaches to
problem-solving and development?

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10. Implement organization development activities: Did the learner

demonstrate they could facilitate groups to articulate problems
and to propose means for resolving the problems?
11. Implement organization development activities: Did the learner
demonstrate they could manage conflict between individuals
and/or groups to achieve consensus or agreement?
12. Implement organisation development activities: Did the learner
demonstrate they could undertake interventions in accordance
with the organisation development plan?
13. Implement organisation development activities: Did the learner
demonstrate they could brainstorm alternative proposals and
negotiate and agree on outcomes?
14. Maintain organisation development program: Did the learner
demonstrate they could undertake surveys to identify any loss of
support for organizational development programs and activities?
15. Maintain organisation development program: Did the learner
demonstrate they could maintain regular team meetings and
individual feedback in accordance with communication plan?
16. Maintain organisation development program: Did the learner
demonstrate they could set out activities and interventions in
the organisation development plan and maintain, evaluate and
modify them as required?
17. Maintain organisation development program: Did the learner
demonstrate they could ensure senior management reinforces
organisation development program by ongoing messages of
support and appropriate resource allocation?
18. Maintain organisation development program: Did the learner
demonstrate they could evaluate organisation development
plans in terms of costs and benefits, including opportunity costs?

The candidate’s performance Not Satisfactory Satisfactory


Further Comments:

Candidate’s Signature

Assessor/Observer’s Signature Saqib

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Table of Contents

Candidate Details...........................................................................................................................10
Activity 1a....................................................................................................................................13
Activity 1b....................................................................................................................................14
Activity 1c....................................................................................................................................15
Activity 1d....................................................................................................................................16
Activity 1e....................................................................................................................................17
Activity 1f.....................................................................................................................................18
Activity 2a....................................................................................................................................19
Activity 2b....................................................................................................................................20
Activity 2c....................................................................................................................................22
Activity 3a....................................................................................................................................23
Activity 3b....................................................................................................................................24
Activity 3c....................................................................................................................................25
Activity 3d....................................................................................................................................26
Activity 3e....................................................................................................................................27
Skills and Knowledge Activity.......................................................................................................28
Major Activity..............................................................................................................................30

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Candidate Details

Assessment – BSBMGT615: Contribute to organisation development

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This forms part of
your assessment for BSBMGT615: Contribute to organisation development.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________


Email: _____________________________________________________________

Employer: _____________________________________________________________

I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from
another person’s work with the exception of where I have listed
or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person.
Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _____________15/12/2019______________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below;

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

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Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Competency Record to be completed

Learner Name: _______________________________________________________

Date of Assessment: ________15/12/2019_____________________________________

The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the
evidence has been presented as;

Assessor Initials

Authentic S

Valid S

Reliable S

Current S

Sufficient S


Comments from Trainer/Assessor:


Assessor Signature: ______ Syed Saqib Hussain __________________________________________

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Throughout this unit, you will be expected to show your competency of the elements through
observations or demonstrations. Your instructor will have a list of demonstrations you must
complete or tasks to be observed. The observations and demonstrations will be completed as well as
the activities found in this workbook. An explanation of demonstrations and observations:

Demonstration is off-the-job

A demonstration will require:

 Performing a skill or task that is asked of you

 Undertaking a simulation exercise

Observation is on-the-job

The observation will usually require:

 Performing a work based skill or task

 Interaction with colleagues and/or customers

Your instructor will inform you of which one of the above they would like you to do. The
demonstration/observation will cover one of the unit’s elements.

The observation/demonstration will take place either in the workplace or the training environment,
depending on the task to be undertaken and whether it is an observation or demonstration. Your
instructor will ensure you are provided with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the
task. They will also inform you of how long you have to complete the task.

You will need to demonstrate you can:

1. Develop organisation development plan

2. Implement organisation development activities

3. Maintain organisation development program

You will also need to show your:

 Learning

 Reading

 Writing

 Oral Communication

 Numeracy

 Interact with others

 Get the work done

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Activity 1a
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Analyse strategic plans to determine organisation development needs and
What is a mission statement?

The mission statement of an organization is the first step to build up a strategic

business plan. It is a way to show that the organization is unique than the res.t It
provides the purpose of that organization, describes the services and relation with
the customers
also reflects its
Does your organisation have a Briefly describe it
philosophy. In a
strategic business plan?
way, it is a tool
which identifies
the reason of the
A good business plan is interconnected The first component of my business organization’s
with all the areas of a business. It is plan gives a quick description about existence.
developed by creating strategies to the company’s values that are in
reach business goals and how to place and employees working The key parts of
achieve those goals. So, it will help to structure. a mission
utilize the opportunities that are statement are-
already visible or may come in the Secondly, it shows the areas which
 Specifying
future. The business plan development with alteration will give a boost to
is aimed to share and help understand current business and what exactly
regardless of
the business goals to potential can be achieved by that. Risk factors
the limits
investors, stakeholders, attract are mentioned along with some
and current
employees or just to manage the suggestion about how it could be
business it a systematic way. These achieved.
values are understood by my
In this part some of the company’s
organization and to reach goals we
culture related data along with how
have a business plan.
they can be improved and utilized
based on the current market is

How the resources and services will

be managed and desired customers
plus strategies to attract them and
become more competent.

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 Identifying targets about customer services and employee management.

 Identifying the reputation and the workplace culture it would like to achieve.

 Specifying the opportunities it can provide.

What is meant by company vision?

A company’s vision is consisted with their willingness to achieve goals in the

highest level in some period of time meaning it can set a goal which may be
achieved in 100 years. Typically visions are to set an example, change people’s
view on something, reduce or eradicate differences among people. So in other
word the company aims not just stops with making profits and extends to reach
social or humane goals. The vision of a company like mission will help the
employees and customers understand the purpose of its existence and lead the
way to achieve goals, the impact of a vision is significant. According to Forbes a
company which vision statement is highly motivating can increase engagement of
the employees with the workplace up to 68 percent

Most notable characteristics of a standard vision statements are-

 It will help to understand the company’s mission , goals and the purpose why
they are set.

 It will provide a quick impression of the company’s uniqueness in comparison

to other ones.

 Helps understands the methods the company uses to interact with its clients
and employees.

 Provide everyone affiliated with the company motivation to work on

company objectives and mission.

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What is meant by company vision?

A company’s vision is similar to dream meaning that regardless of the current circumstances it will
likely be a goal that might be achieved in any period of time. It could take 5 years or maybe 100. The
vision of an organization is mostly related to notable social or economic change. For making social
change changing people’s views, differences are mostly targeted areas. For economic change
presenting innovative ideas is a tool.

According to Forbes employees’ engagement with work can be improved up to 68% with an
encouraging vision statement. The vision statement or company vision like mission helps everyone
to understand company’s purpose. It will show employees where the organization will be after a
certain time according to goals and lead the way. This statement is a simple but effective tool to
convey the reason for the organization’s existence to all. For example ‘Amazon’s’ vision statement is,

“To be earth’s most customer-centric company where customers can find everything they might
want to buy online”

In this case, they are expressing what they ultimately want to achieve in the organization.

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Activity 1b
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective Consult with relevant groups and individuals to profile the organisation's culture
and readiness for organisational development.
Activity Who are the relevant groups that you should consult with??

To define an organization’s culture its customs , relation with each other,

approach to a task achievement, interactions etc. has to be considered. To
collect information about these it is important to gather those from people
which are strongly connected with the organization. In this case , we have to
consider individuals who have any interest in the organization for example, it
can be any government or non-government agencies which have any
investment in the organization, banks or organizations or individuals who
provided loans. Keeping that in mind the stakeholders, clients or customers,
employees etc. are the most relevant groups to consult when profiling culture
or measuring strategical readiness. The fact should be considered is those who
have any involvement with the organization can be consulted based on the

How do you define an organisation culture?

According to Schein’s model of organization culture the artefacts and symbol

such as logos, building structure , clothing , furniture etc. plus espoused values
like its values ,rules meaning how they manage their company, what is expected
etc. and basic assumptions these are the facts that will define an organizations

I think the beliefs that the employees hold based on their observance and
learnings from the company also from their efforts to try and achieve something
give them an idea about the organization’s culture. What the company expects
from their employees, how they want to meet their expectations, what
philosophy does it reflects, what are the triggering factors that guides the
everyone to comply with the organization’s goals will define the organization’s

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1. Establish a list of characteristics or attributes you identify with as part of

your organisations “culture”

The development of a culture in an organization is mainly formed by the

characteristics of the leaders. The purpose why the organization was created,
decisions made by leaders such as encouragement of teamwork , allocation of
bonuses etc. So, the culture does not just build up casually the common
concerns of all employees influences it deeply. I found that there are some
characteristics which if visible most clearly then that will define the
organization’s culture. Some characteristics are competitiveness, teamwork,
innovative, safety concerns, hierarchy, adaptation and stability, focus on
achievements, supportiveness, precision, service.

2. Place each of them into one of the suggested three measurements

List of what you consider to be characteristics of culture.

Most Characteristic Somewhere in between Least Characteristic

Teamwork, innovative, focus on achievements, Safety concerns,

adaptation and stability, service, hierarchy precision,
supportiveness competitiveness.

What does strategic readiness mean?

Strategic readiness simply put will allow to connect an organization’s resources to

its strategy in a way that will help the organization to adapt with changes.

Implementing a strategy for a business can cost both time and money. So, before
a strategy is implemented to become certain that the strategy will not bring any
intolerable consequences there are ways to asses that if the organization is
compatible with the strategy. The first step will be to set the goals , objectives,
mission, vision of the organization in accordance with the strategy if not already
been set, then it will give a clear view about the current position the organization
is. It is very important to identify and give a clear definition about the culture of
the organization because this culture can show how well the company will
perform with the strategy also if need be some clues about changes can also be
granted. So all in all, the strategy readiness means the organizations ability to put
up with new challenges, reach selected goals.

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Activity 1c
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Determine who will take key roles in the organisational development process
and confirm their commitment.
Activity Which personnel should be involved with the following responsibilities:

Responsibilities are different for each groups in an organization. For selecting an

outside facilitator the management will find out who is best suited and get
approval from the leaders of the organization. The employees as well as the
executives should figure out which areas they need to improve and which areas
will be researched. Finally for researching everyone will need to cooperate in
interviews, surveys etc.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an outside facilitator?

A facilitator is someone who will help relevant personnel to understand their

situation. The process will also enable the employees of an organization to reach
into decisions in their own way meaning they might influence them to see or
consider certain areas while making decisions but they do not make decisions for
An outside facilitator typically does not have any interest in the organization he/
she is facilitating therefore they can think rationally without any assumptions.
This will lead them see the fundamental values and questions effectively. All of the
employees and leaders can participate in any event rather than arranging any
event so it shows good faith and everyone can speak freely therefore the
communication between leaders and employees improves. The facilitators are
used to managing a new process for an organization so, they can easily help
everyone understand the reasons for any change and changing now, how they can
make change more effective, and convenient steps to do it. Besides, they know
how to avoid conflict and if arises any they have good management skills to deal
with that.
Every company has its unique culture, environment and goals. When someone
outside of the company tries to help develop a project then they will first need to
understand the issues those are being addressed ,the employees , stakeholders
etc. To get a good understanding the facilitators will also need time and much
effort. Facilitators usually require fees and that can be a hindrance and many
times the employees and leaders cannot keep their faith in them because of
doubts about their capabilities and notions. Finally there is the possibility that the
facilitator may not totally grasp the organization’s culture and their guidance be

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What would you need to consider when choosing a method of data analysis?

While developing a business, changes in some areas might be necessary. To

make necessary changes properly relevant data is required. The required data
depends on the solution or the decisions that is needed. So, to understand what
method will be most useful for analysing data there are some facts that should
be kept in mind for example-

 If the organization is ready for data analysis meaning that the ability to
cooperate if changes are made.
 If the method will choose relevant data compatible with current time and
 If the resources such as time, money, manpower required is available and
 Upgrades or additional features needed to use the method.
 If the type of data needed ca be acquired to fullest extent.
 The accuracy of data
 Personnel required for the method and storage.

Which methods of data analysis are available to your organisation?

Our organization uses both qualitative and quantitative data for research. The
qualitative data helps to characterize and get basic idea of data. For example the
colour of a ripe apple is red and its shape is roughly round quantitative data is
consisted with numbers. To analyse the qualitative and quantitative data some
methods are used within our organization such as:-
 Content Analysis
This method is useful for analysing both qualitative and quantitative data.
The process identifies patterns , messages, effects etc. from the data. It helps
to learn reasons which motivates companies to take particular measures,
how that reflects on the environment of workplace.
 Narrative Analysis
This method analyse data from people’s experiences, ideas and beliefs.

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Interviews, relevant texts etc.

 Mean
This method is used for analysing quantitative data. It is the process to gain
the average of something by summing up numbers and dividing by the
number of numbers added to get a general idea.
 Sample Size Determination
This process will take a portion of the total concept for analysing and
presume that the result will be similar for the rest. In this case the part of
employees, stakeholders, customers will be selected for research.
 Hypothesis Testing
To identify the validity and productivity of a hypothesis by examining a

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Activity 1d
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Determine and agree on objectives and strategies for organisational
Activity Based on the notes and other reference from you workplace, describe a process
similar or totally different to these notes on making a determination for a
strategy involving organisational development.

Strategy determination requires clear insight to organization’s employees,

leaders, customers and culture. This process helps to build up most efficient
strategy for an organization. Here is an example process-

Identifying the objectives, vision and mission of the organization

Getting clear idea about the resources, weaknesses, strengths of the


How is the organization culture meaning what motivates the employees , how
they works, teamwork, problem management etc.

Clients’ or customers’ concerns and expectations identification.

How state of competitiveness could be improved.

Seeking for various options because even if similar organization can progress
with one strategy it is not guaranteed to work on the other ones.

Revising all the given criteria and altering or adding new one’s if needed.

What information would you need to consider, in order to make an informed


Making an informed decision simply means considering relevant data to the

decision and making a rational decision based on it. This decision will lead the
organization to its objectives and goals. However, to make such a decision
figuring out which the relevant information are is the first priority. Such as-

 What are the business objectives, goals and whether changes are needed

 How compatible is the organization with new changes

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 Where are the vulnerabilities and risks and how to tackle them

 How employees and other stakeholders responses

 If the decision will bring about significant changes and if other organizations
went through similar circumstances then what are the effects and how they
dealt with problems.

Give an example of factors which would influence your eventual determination.

Some of the factors that would Influence my eventual determination are:-

 The validity of the strategy
The strategy which is made to develop business must be relevant to business
objectives, goals. Consensus of the employees as well as other stakeholders is
also important for validation of the strategy.
 Capability to implement the strategy
If the organization can spend required time and other resources, whether the
employees have the skills to make the changes, If training or other process
can make an impact etc.
 Acceptance
The strategy might not be appreciated by all but the key stakeholders such as
employees, investors, leaders must approve of the strategy to implement it. If
the strategy is systematically maintained then it would be more easy for
everyone to understand and participate effectively which can make the
strategy more acceptable.

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Activity 1e
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Consider change management techniques required to achieve the workplace
culture outcomes and build them into the organisation development plan.
Activity What is your definition of an organisation culture?

Organization culture is a bundle of customs and regulations that is often

naturally adapted by all within an organization. Everyone within the
organization will form their beliefs, assumptions based on what they see, learn
and those will give them an image of their organization’s culture and they act
accordingly. This process will lead to norms, unwritten rules, different
communication development. This process does not happen randomly the
leaders’ expectation, experiences, philosophy most often strongly reflects on
the characteristics of the employees therefore, they might develop a similar
ideas. So, in short organization culture is like a colour and the employees’
shared value creates it.

How can you prepare for change?

New strategy or a modified one will have some areas which will require some
change. Before the change takes place why this action is will be implemented is
necessary to understood clearly , that is how everyone will be able to focus on
the parts they should work on to make the change. Now, finding out where the
changes will effect and how much will effect will help determine where most
attention is needed meaning there could be some equipment or programme
addition which may require training for employees to operate. They could be
consulted at this stage so they can learn what are actually expected from them
and maintaining a clear communication will improve the overall speed of the

Briefly describe the following change management techniques.

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Activity 1f
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Develop communication/education plans to achieve communication objectives
in relation to the desired work environment and desired approach to problem-
solving and developmental activities.
Activity What objective could your communication management plan include?

Communication management plans are made to make sure a spontaneous flow

of communication is maintained within an organization. So keeping this in mind
I would include these points to my objectives of communication management

 Cooperation of everyone to make sure information is available if needed by

anyone within the organization
 Improving management skills by letting management handle information
coordinating process
 To prepare everyone better to understand and participate in organizational
 Building a better relationship among employees
 Transforming decision making process into an effective one

What do you have to consider when approaching developmental activities?

The global marketplace is growing rapidly and so is the competition. To keep up

with new challenges companies adapt new policies, strategies, goals etc. To
keep up with new challenges companies adapt new policies, strategies, goals
etc. Development activities are to ensure that organizations are able to bring
about changes . These activities are elaborately planned to ensure that the
activities brings most productivity.

When an organization sees the need to bring changes to develop business first
the expectations , objectives should be made clear because these are the
materials that will determine which activities should be added .For example the
organization might feel to have a better marketing and the objectives will be set
according to this expectation.

The employees are the force which will be used to make changes to current
situation. So their assessment , concerns, condition (compatibility, willingness,
skills to participate in development activities) need to be evaluated.

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When planning to add new activities resources, legal requirements, what to

expect (profit and liability) every part should be thoroughly researched to find
out about the strengths and weaknesses about the organization.

Changes can create conflict, discontent, discomfort, nervousness among people.

So concerns about clear communication, motivation and consistency will make
the approach to development activity planning smoother.

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Activity 2a
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective Identify and implement consultative processes to maximize participation in the
organisation development process. Undertake team development and training
activities to develop collaborative approaches to problem-solving and
development and facilitate groups to articulate problems and to propose means
for resolving the problems.
Activity What processes do you use to maximise participation in the organisation
development process?

Increased participation of everyone within an organization means participation of

everyone in decision making process, solving problems etc. that will make these
process easier and will divide everyone responsibility which can make the
workplace culture more motivating. So, to make sure I can maximize the results
some facts will be included in my process of maximizing participation in
organizational development process such as-

 Employees should have some rights to have any contribution in the process.
So, if they have any valid concerns, feedback, suggestion, complaints I that
should be seen carefully and if required make changes in the process.
 The process needs to be understandable and flexible because if they are
forced to go through the changes then conflict might occur and the process
may be delayed.
 Giving relevant and necessary information so that they can realize how the
process will take place and how they can contribute. This process can be
complex, because everyone do not posses same knowledge, skills so the
information they need will vary and this may require one to one consultation
 Although the opinions or feedbacks of the employees can be valuable, they
can be leading toward a misdirection. So, good leadership skills and
understanding of the process is crucial for the personnel within the
 If there are any inconvenience or problem arising or may arise it is important
to investigate the reason and put an end to it as quickly as possible.

What activities might you undertake to develop and train teams?

To make the process of development faster and more efficient the people who are
working towards the goals should be better prepared. To prepare the employees I
may need to add some activities. Such as-

 Arranging some discussion sessions to improve understanding between the

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employees so that they can collaborate easily.

 Depending on the skills of the employees and requirements for the

development process the employees will need training.

 If the managers and the employees have an overall compromising and

understanding relationship the motivation will raise productivity. So,
arranging experienced personnel to guide employees will enable the
employees to have improved skills and good relationship.

 The feedback received from the employees can work as a guide to develop
new activities or altering any parts of the activities considering the validity.
So, appreciating to contribute valuable feedbacks by proving them that their
concerns matter will help the team to take their responsibilities seriously.

 Although monitoring the works of employees is necessary but they employees

have different working style so, sometimes allowing them to have some
autonomy and flexibility will improve their work and creativity.

How can you help a team articulate and solve problems?

To help a team articulate and solve problems I will set up some

basic approaches which would help employees to make the
process happen faster. Some of them would be-

 When a problem appears first the problem itself should be analysed

properly that will help understand the core of the problem also if there are
various problems first the one needing urgent care should be taken care of
 Finding out the reasons behind the problems
In this process starting time, frequency, manner, impacts of the problem
should be analysed. However, there may be more than one reason so
asking questions to everyone about their views on this matter and
searching for more reasons will give some more ideas.
 Solving problems
When solving problems there may need some changes. So researching and
analysing the current market and re evaluating the objectives will help to
bring about many solutions and among these solution the one which is cost
effective, have multiple advantages, needing less monitoring and changes
should be one to be selected. Some other solutions should be made ready
so, in case of failure other ones can be tried without spending much
After implementing the solutions regular monitoring need to take place to

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see if the solution’s effectiveness is similar to expectations.

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Activity 2b
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Manage conflict between individuals and/or groups to achieve consensus or
Which of the following are elements of collaboration?

Your answer

A Shared creation and understanding

B Joint efforts to achieve a common


C Working across boundaries to solve a


D All of the above D. All of the above

All the given options will create an

understanding and
communicative relationship
among the employees which will
help to share experience,
discovering new options.

It is not necessary for people to know one another for collaboration to be


Your answer

A True

B False B. False

If people are going to work

together they should at least be
familiar with that person
otherwise, that might create
disruption in fluent communication.

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When working on a collaborative effort and you know you are right, always
argue forcefully for your opinions.

Your answer

A True

B False B. False

If one is sure that he/ she is right

then discussing the matter with
team mate or superiors providing
data or information supporting the
validity of that conviction is more
effective and appropriate than to
argue forcefully.

To build group consensus, which of the following is not one of the things that
helps the process?

Your answer

A Avoid changing your mind to reach A. Avoid changing mind to

agreement reach agreement

If enough evidence and

possibility is present or
the circumstances does
not support an opinion, to
complete the task that is
given changing one’s
viewpoint will increase the
cooperative efforts.

B Seek out differences of opinion

C Always assume that there must be a C.Always assume that there must
winner and a loser be a winner or loser.

This kind of mentality will ignite

discontent and that will raise
conflict within the organization.

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D Discuss underlying assumptions and

listen to others

Consensus of the group must always require 100% agreement for the group’s
work to be truly successful.

Your answer

A True

B False B. False

Employees will have different

views on any matter it is
expected and to get 100%
agreement is not practical and
necessary besides, different
views will help to develop any
process in the future.

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Activity 2c
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Undertake interventions in accordance with the organisation development plan
and brainstorm alternative proposals and negotiate and agree on outcomes.
Activity What types of interventions are open to you?

Conflicts in an organization is common, not welcomed. Intervention process can

reduce chances of legal issues to be raised, employees’ dissatisfaction, low
productivity, employee turnover. Before intervening finding out the conflict
causing most significant damage, when to intervene, which areas are affected,
the resources needed are the issues that will determine the process or initiative
that is needed to address. I think the following options will be effective
intervention methods for conflict management-

 Finding out the core reasons of the conflict is important but if that
responsibility is shared together the contribution will likely cause a positive
impact. When addressing the conflict discussion sessions, meetings
arranged in an informal manner and providing the opportunity to have an
open conversation will be useful.

 Training on team work, management will enable employees to get rid of

their conflicts easily and consulting or feedbacks from the employees will
help to address issues those are supporting multiple conflicts.

 Some situation might be almost impossible to solve because of

uncompromising behaviour or other reasons. In those situation releasing
some employees, changing post or making some changes in the
development strategy would be needed.

What are the advantages of brainstorming?

Brainstorming simply put, the process of generating random ideas. In this case
when employees will gather and try to think of any solutions or new initiatives.
However, they are not required to present will an well shaped strategy what
they think about the matter how they think the impact will be etc. because of
this everyone’s point of views will be seen and more and more ideas appear.
These ideas will show a variety of possible solutions. The process itself
motivates good faith among the employees, supports the value of equality.
There are other advantages too such as, providing solutions in a short period of
time, building good communication, developing mutual understanding and
respect for each other, team working becomes more enjoyable, increased
creativity, motivation, competence etc.

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Activity 3a
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Undertake surveys to identify any loss of support for organisational
development programs and activities.
Give examples of some surveys?

For conducting surveys there are various methods. For example most common
and easy way to conduct a survey is to use a questionnaire where the questions
are carefully written to address the related topics, in this case loss of support for
organizational development programs and activities then employees will be
required to fill it up. The questions can be asked over telephone and the
answers they provide will be noted for information gathering. Simply arranging
a meeting with them and asking about their opinions and concerns, online
survey (same as the first method but involving virtual form rather than a paper
form), studying progress and productivity of the personnel holding most
responsibilities in development activities, or asking the employees to write
down how they feel about the programs are some of the methods than can used
for a survey.

Give a brief description of the two types of questions can you use?

The first question I would use will involve the organization’s environment. The
questions will be about the resources and support they are receiving,
motivation state of the organizational culture. Flexibility, team mates’ or
colleagues’ cooperativeness addressing these points will measure the employee
satisfaction and comparing the results with the previous ones will provide some
ideas about the current state of support they employees are giving.

Another type of question will include the validity of the activities that are added,
finding out how they feel about the activities will be the key. For that asking
questions in details about the compatibility of the programs with organizational
goals, objectives, visions also leadership and value of opinions will determine their
approach and mentality in this regard.

What do you do with the survey information?

The information which is received from the survey will be analysed and then
arranged. The arrangement process should be completed in a systematic way.

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There are some steps that I will consider.

For getting a clear idea from the survey I can use tabulation. Tabulation is a
process where the data is stored systematically after comparing, rating, selecting
etc. This process presents the needed information in small space and simply.
However at this stage revising the survey to determine if any information should
be added, reduced, restructured is necessary.

The final process is to checking the accuracy of data by comparing noted data
with data source.

What if the survey is complex?

The survey can be complex if the data needed is difficult to get from just asking
questions, extracting relevant data from given information, the process might be
challenging etc. whichever the case these complexities can pose a threat for
analysing the data and measuring the situation of an organization. In that case,
finding the core information requirements and trying to extract those can make
the process less difficult. There is a term ‘database construction’ it will make the
process easier. Some of the steps can be-

From the data that is received which data should be stored and how it should be

Determining if some of the data has any connection with one another.

Determining the sequence to be used in data collection

When storing the data dividing it into tables, charts diagrams etc.

These steps will make the data arranged and simple however will require
resources and skill which may create the need of external help from professionals.

How can you manage an online survey?

Participation rates in online surveys are less than paper based surveys however,
online surveys are quick to prepare, participate and get results. The cost needed
for an online survey is also cheaper another point is, people feel more secure
and comfortable if they share their opinions online rather than face to face so
more answers and information can be achieved in this process. There are few

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steps to consider while conducting an online survey such as-

 Getting a clear idea about what information is needed and why then
preparing a questionnaire also mentioning the purpose. The survey will be
more effective if written using simple language.

 To select participants and test the effectiveness of the survey a small

amount of participants should be selected at first. Then the range can be
made wider considering the situation.

 Some of the questions which can be identified as most important can be

marked as mandatory.

 Providing anonymity will bring more open answers also a little reward for
participating will increase the number of respondents.

 Gathering the information and analysing it is the final step of the survey. All
the process can be done by taking help from some organization if needed.
There are some providing free services in a limited range.

Activity 3b
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective Maintain regular team meetings and individual feedback in accordance with
communication plan.
Activity What will a communication plan usually cover?

Communication is one of the key features contributing to organizational

development. Clear contact among employees help them to manage any
situation with speed and efficiency also it helps built a strong organizational
culture by giving employees the opportunity to engage and contribute to the

To build a successful communication plan there are some areas that should be
covered such as-

 Fluent communication in every part of the organization is necessary but it

will need progressive approach so, finding out communication is lacking or
where communication should be strengthened and focusing on that area
first is a trait of good communication plan.

 The goal of the communication plan meaning what are the expectations.

 The persons who will play key roles will be determined and a schedule will
be selected and it may vary depending on the requirement of frequency
and amount of information.

 The communication establishing tools will be selected based on the needs

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and budget such as intranet, email, letters etc.

 Monitoring how the plan is doing will also be involved in the plan

 How the plan will be created will be based on the current situation and
resources reserved for this project.

Give examples of different types of communication you can use.

I will be noting three basic types of communication 1. Formal 2. Informal 3.



This kind of communication is used to address topics such as policy, regulations,

protocol or any kind of announcement which in many cases will directly impact
the business. The channels that are mainly used are meetings, notices, reports,
emails etc.


Informal communication typically takes place among colleagues, superiors and

it will include less formalities. The topics are also variable as it depends on
individuals and situation however, this will also include official matters. The
channels for this communication can be face to face conversations, informal
meetings, social media, intranet, email, blog and vlogs, newsletters, podcasts,
video conferencing etc.


Unofficial communication is not influenced by organizational authority

therefore it is more personal mean of communication and can include any topic
but this kind of communication can be proved very productive. The
communication channels are the same as an unofficial one.

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Activity 3c
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective Set out activities and interventions in the organisation development plan and
maintain, evaluate and modify them as required.
Activity Define the following:

Action research

Action research simply put a type of group work. The person or persons in charge
of research will work with the employees to deal with an issue. For example an
organization might have some problems so, everyone will try to find out what the
problem/s might be based on what the current practices are. This process will
require everyone to do a thorough research as a team and the focus will be on a
problem not many at a time. Then the areas needing improvement will be
revealed and collaboratively solution will be selected the final parts of the process
are implementation and monitoring.

Inter-group team building

Inter-group team building process is aimed to reduce conflict and

maximize collaborative effort. The process will include continuous flow of
communication, productive competence, responsible behaviour, willingness to
grow oneself along with the organization etc. in its core objectives. Some casual
activities such as hiking, group games will help employees to improve their views
and trust. Some other tasks requiring skills like conflict management,
communications can work to build up better understanding. The key takeaway is
whichever task is given there will be a team goal not personalized goal.


Business re-engineering is a process where the fundamental values, structures of

an organization is reviewed and modified or changed. The target is to redesigning
the systems that are active to achieve more profit, utilize new opportunity etc. The
process simply put is similar to starting from the very first. The responsible parties
will select objectives, visions, goals and follow the process of business

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Succession planning

Succession planning is a process to ensure prosperous future of an organization

by building up strong leaders. The organizations train the employees the skill
needed to fill particular posts in case of any vacancy. The planning begins from
the very start by recruiting employees among wide range of quality candidates. To
achieve the leadership qualities they have to understand the unique environment,
business process, goals of the organization properly. They gain experience and
knowledge from colleagues and superiors. The whole process is created hoping to
maintain a competent position, high profit and constant growth of the company.

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Activity 3d
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective Ensure senior management reinforces organisation development program by
ongoing messages of support and appropriate resource allocation.
Activity How can you give ongoing messages of support and appropriate resource

Showing support and appropriate resource allocation is a great way to motivate

the employees to work on the betterment of an organization. They ways to
achieve these tasks are not very complex and can be done mostly without any
extra effort. The idea is to let them realize the organization focuses on their
employees to grow and provides what is necessary from them to aid in the
improvement of the organization.
One of the ways for managers to show support can be monitoring the
employees and lend their experience and guidance to build their skills,
appreciating them for their contribution, to maintain communication with the
fellow employees and superiors also to provide feedbacks.
If the leaders communicate and pay attention to employees’ needs by meeting
them and writing, video making the employees will be encouraged.
The organization should care about the employees’ well being that can include
developing policies to ensure minimum abuse or hostility towards employees,
taking initiatives to alert employees about physical health as well as mental
health. In case of any accidents in the workplace providing them with medical
support and flexible work routine to keep the motivated are some other ideas.
There can be some telecommunications to be used by employees for making
their job easier and efficient. The basic part of it is internet other tools can be
software or programs to help employees with accounting, data processing also
data distribution and quick, easily accessible communication.
Devices or gadgets to be used if possible should be simple to operate and

What is the advantage of using a virtual company network?

Virtual company network connects the computers, other devices and servers the
company has access to with each other but rather than using cables the
connection is built up virtually and in any location. The usage of this is growing
and there are multiple reasons for that some of them are-

 This process can reduce the need of multiple devices so there will be less
space in use so the remaining space can be utilized in other ways and the
power requirement is also lessened therefore resources can be saved.

 Securing the network is also very easy as all the servers do not need to be
secured separately and less devices so the troubleshooting process will take

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less time and effort.

 It provides flexibility so data transferring and other processing can be done

with more speed and efficiency.

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Activity 3e
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective Evaluate organisation development plans in terms of costs and benefits,
including opportunity costs.
In groups or as directed by the instructor, draw upon a workplace example of
how you or the organisation has addressed a cost-benefit analysis and
opportunity cost assessment.

Workplace example Cost benefit analysis is a process where the benefits

and costs are calculated and converted into
monetary profit and expenditure to determine total
profit the organization has made. Here is the process
an organization followed to do a cost benefit

First they have went through the development plans

and selected some elements that will be used to
determine costs and benefits

Now the costs such manufacturing, rents, bills,

training of employees, addition of new elements
(software, furniture, computers etc.), legal costs etc.
and benefits such as increase in sales, customer and
employee satisfaction, development in organizational
culture etc. were decided and then their value in
current currency were determined.

Then, the costs were deducted from the benefits.

Gains that is achieved from an option is deducted

from the possible gains which could have been
achieved from an option to calculate the opportunity

The opportunity cost assessment process they

followed were-

The organization has developed a diversity policy and

that required training and discussion, changes in
management, addition of new facilities etc. Health
and safety policy development was in mind of the
stakeholders at the time of diversity policy
implementation so they compared the cost benefit
analysis of both policies and determined the

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opportunity cost

Evaluate organisation development plans

Costs and benefits The process is a simple one and does not
require any specialized skill. It predicts the
possibility of the success of an initiative so it
is easier to manage the whole process and
making decisions. However, the data is not
always accurate for example measuring
benefits such as employee, customer
satisfaction and putting a monetary value.
Changes in the marketplace and converting
the elements in current value are some of
the other reasons of inaccuracy.
This assessment provides a general idea about how
Opportunity costs the decision has impacted and how the alternatives
could have so, it helps to understand the
effectiveness option that was chosen. In other words,
the process helps to make decision based on current
circumstances but making judgement based on the
information takes some effort and time which might
be unavailable sometimes and it the data accuracy is
not always accurate so there are some drawbacks
which could make the process less effective.

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Skills and Knowledge Activity

Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your
knowledge of:

 Learning
 Reading
 Writing
 Oral Communication
 Numeracy
 Interacting with others
 Getting the work done
 How to maximise participation in and support for organisation
 Theories of organisational behaviour and dynamics relevant to planning
and implementing organisational development
 The impact of legislation on organisational development and change
 Aspects of organisation culture that can affect organisation development
and explain how to address them in planning and implementation

Complete the following individually and answer each question (using questions
as headings) in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational
requirements for each one:

1. How can you encourage participation through your leadership?

Encouraging Participation through Leadership

Leadership is a role which enables organization to progress further towards goals
and develop culture for the overall improvement of an organization. An
organization can demonstrate and utilize its ability to the fullest if all the
members comply with the vision of the organization and contribute to
development, a leader can motivate and guide the employees to do so. So, if I
have been given the opportunity I would apply these methods to encourage
participation through my leadership-

Vision and Forward Steps

The vision that an organization has as a whole is very important to be understood

by all. Leaders have a strong influence building the foundation of organizational
culture. Their vision reflects on the employees and employees shape the culture.
So I will visions which will have impacts on organizational, social and some day in
future global development as well as share them with the employees. I will
provide motivation, trainings, information necessary build their skills and effective
team work, which are signs of having concerns about their well-being and
encouragement of creativity. These in turn will bring more sincerity.

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Knowing The Workforce

To operate the workforce first I would have to know how the workforce is built
meaning the strong and weak areas, current development progress and the
overall environment. Many will have the ability to contribute more if they have
different responsibilities or if had some particular skills and the information can
be used to gather that knowledge.


To build more effective communication training, discussion session, meetings

about its importance will help. The process will increase understanding of each
other, provide motivation and support for the employees. Complaints or other
problems are the obstacles and opportunities to discover more. So, I will try
solving the problems with everyone’s contribution and respond to the complaints
as soon as possible because by doing so these will not only bring about more
participation but if not done also can stop progress.


The relation between superiors and employees should not always be uptight. I
can approach employees to find out their difficulties and suggestions, opinions to
understand them better, build smooth flow of communication, get new ideas and
most importantly building up trust by valuing them. Regular meetings,
discussions, can be used to achieve that task. Congratulating after reaching
objectives, announcing any notices by self rather than hanging a sheet of paper
on a notice board will make me more approachable which has a strong influence
to build up trust.

Achieve as One

When someone feels that they have something to gain or lose from a task they
will be more cooperative and focused. Not always competition among employees
bring positive effects but if structured properly the risks can be minimized. One
kind of healthy competition can be appreciated by giving proper rewards for
achievements and contribution of employees and it will will give them more
reason to work effectively. In discussion sessions involving how their contribution
effect in the organization development and downfall will be of help to make them
realize what is at stake.

Bringing Active participation

In meetings, discussion seminars the employees might feel uncomfortable to talk

for various reasons such as the managers ignoring or not valuing their opinions,
nervous about giving opinions. So giving instructions to the management and to
help them express their concerns first discussing about light topics and telling
them to introduce with the subject of meeting will bring good communication
habit and help to be more comfortable about sharing opinions. There may be
some opinions which might not be properly arranged but in many cases with
some thought these can generate some original ideas so, trying to understand

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them is necessary but if there are any negativity introduced or excessive off topic
introduction the total process can be a failure for that navigating the way
discussion is going is important.

2. Give an example of a time you have used your communication and

interpersonal skills to persuade others?

Communication and interpersonal skills are related to the way a person interact
(verbal and non verbal) with others. This social skill involves having good
understanding of people’s emotions, needs also listening, motivating, having
patience, responsibility, empathy, dependability etc. Persuasion is a process to
influence people’s behaviour, thinking, decisions etc. by understanding their
emotions, thinking and applying logical argument. Now, I am giving an example
how I persuaded someone using communication and interpersonal skills.

While I was working part time as a salesman, one day a young customer visited
my shop to buy a particular brand and model of phone which I did not have at
that moment. I realized there are some other available options which can be
better within that price range however, at that time that phone was trending. I
requested my colleague to go to another shop to bring that phone. I guessed
since the customer is young the possibility is he wants a phone which is stylish,
fast, have long lasting battery ability and quick charging, good graphics, camera in
a cheap price. To understand him better I asked him the reason for buying that
model he told me one of his friend suggested him and he found the reviews
appealing I also asked some details about himself and simple questions about his
life. I had another brand which was cheaper with better camera, graphics and free
gifts so, told him about what features his desired phone have and what my
recommended model have. He listened and told me that he does not have
sufficient information and buying this one might be proven a loss. By that time my
colleague was there I unboxed the phone and gave it to the customer to operate
then I gave him my suggested one so that he can compare and see the
differences. I pointed out some of the advantages and differences practically and
he seemed to be taking those points under consideration. Then I told him about
the gifts that he will be getting. This time he told me he would buy that phone if I
can give him a little discount I thought and considered giving him some also there
was a fact about the warranty, my recommended phone had 2 months less
assurance period he was notified about the fact and agreed to buy that phone.
Finally, I asked him again if he does not want the one he told me about at first, he
stuck to his decision and purchased the phone I recommended.

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3. What activities and interventions might you use to find new, improved or
different ways of working or engineering the organisation?

To find new, improved or different ways of working or engineering the

organization any activity I include will have components that will appreciate
teamwork, communication, mutual respect, high motivation, sincere
contributing mentality. Here are some of the interventions and activities that I
will consider-

I believe working as team can increase creativity and innovation so to make

new positive changes I want to involve all the members of the organization.
My idea is involving the employees to do an analysis rather than the
management. They should start by analysing simple a task within a small
range for example a cost benefit analysis. It is important to check the validity
of their analysis so I will give them a situation which is already analysed by the
management this way the effectiveness of their analysis can be proved. They
will be given a reward for doing so and this process is aimed to make them
understand organizational working process and progress also there is the
possibility that they come up with new ideas for the improvement of
organization. However, this process takes away valuable resources so it should
not be done often.

If possible I would like to research and find out an expert in a certain field and
bring him/her demonstrate skills. For example, in a certain place there is a
shop which has most sales in the area and one of the salesman has superior
skills which contributes to the shop’s sales. I would bring him/her to my shop
to demonstrate and share his/her experience, working style, skills. This can
help the employees to get practical knowledge which can be used to identify
the areas they should work on.

4. What are the components that make up a strategic business plan?

Strategic business plan is the method of approaching future challenges,

improving current situation by using the resources properly after measuring
the marketplace. The plan is arranged in an elaborate way so every step or
action will have a contribution in reaching the desired outcome. There are
some key components that every good strategic business plan have and they


The targets are organized to address organization’s mission, vision, short time
goals. Mission defines the organization meaning what is it for how it operates
to reach a particular position and what service it provides. Organization’s
vision will define the ultimate goals and desired methods and changes that is
expected. These are the tools that helps and shows the organizations where
and how to go. Making decisions, taking new initiatives becomes easier along

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the way. Small time goals have the same effect also it gives a general idea
about the effectiveness of a strategy.

Building Fundamental Structure

Building the fundamental structure of an organization involves shaping the

organizational culture. So, identifying and modelling the beliefs, the values,
what motivates the employees and the organization to choose a certain path,
what are the focus areas, what is expected from the employees, collaboration
state is another task.

Analysing The Current State

Finding out the nature of the organization and how it operates and impacts is
necessary to make a strategic plan. There are multiple common methods
available such as swot, pest, steep, steeple analysis. The most used method
from these are swot which identifies the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats. Strengths include the advantages it has, the resources
which can be used to bring difference, speciality in sales and customer
interaction etc. Weaknesses include obvious disadvantages in comparison
with other organizations, factors contributing in lower sales, customer and
employees dissatisfaction etc. Opportunities include the available achievable
advantages and threats include current problems, services, debts, impacts of
the weaknesses etc. These should be carefully analysed to identify
organizational needs.

Action Plan

The action plan consists with the approaches it will take meaning how it will
manage the employees, sales, customers or clients. The data and
understanding from the previous steps will be used to form a plan which will
include, steps for implementing the strategy, the services, how, when , what
the goals will be achieved. Addition of new facilities, changes in current
facilities and guidelines, job redesigning or restructuring, changes in policy are
some of the practical differences that may take place. There will be some ways
or suggestion to address possible weaknesses, troubles that might occur in the


The monitoring process is to realize the effectiveness of the strategy and

measure it. This helps to understand the failures and achievements by
drawing conclusion from analysing current circumstances. Cost benefit
analysis, surveys, feedbacks etc. are the tools to monitor strategy’s success.

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5. Why might conflict arise?

When two or more individuals, groups are in disagreement or there is a

misunderstanding caused by differences in opinions, beliefs or the need of their
own then conflicts can arises. There may be several reasons which might ignite a
conflict but the core influence will always pass on from differences in individual
expectations. However some situation can create those differences and most
common of them are-

If the employees are not aware of their responsibilities then conflicts can arise.
For example if someone is not sure about their task they might miss out so,
someone else might have to complete it, thus causing dissatisfaction and
eventually conflict.

Everyone has different personality and may not be liked by everyone that can
create discontent which can be another reason for conflict.

Sufficient and necessary tools and other resources if not available, finishing the
task employees were given can be difficult and can cause dissatisfaction.

In any team task some might prefer one approach than others so, the differences
in preferences can also be a cause for conflict plus new activities or decisions that
is taken might not be liked by everyone because it contradicts with their own
expectations, goals, beliefs could be one of the other reasons.

If the communication flow faces troubles. For example not fulfilling the need of
information of the employees.

Misuse of authority. If superiors favours someone or just use their authority to

gain extra advantages that will very likely cause a conflict.

Having unrealistic expectations or over-pressuring the employees.

6. What approaches could help you achieve agreement?

Disagreement over any decision can cause conflict. Conflict can stop the
progress of an organization also damage the present achievements,
organization culture and if it gets personal will have strong negative impacts on
the relationships of the employees. Ignoring some conflicts might work but in
other cases reaching to an agreement quickly is important. These are the steps
to follow for achieving agreement-

First identifying how the conflict has arisen, what are the reasons, who are
responsible when did it start because there may be some reasons which are not
obvious and difficult to find so understanding the problem better will help to

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solve the problem easily.

Notifying everyone what the problem is and how it is taking affect.

Discussing and finding solution with everyone. This process if done properly can
be very advantageous. First everyone can start by stating what they think the
problem is, how it started and which areas are affected what are their concerns
and opinions about this matter. Then, for solution brainstorming (generating
ideas but one can speak his/her mind so the ideas may be raw, needing
refurbishing) is an effective tool. Everyone will state their approach to deal with
the problem some of the solution will be crossed off the list with everyone’s
consensus. Then eventually making a decision which everyone can appreciate.
In this whole process it is necessary to make the parties involved in the conflict
understand everyone’s point of view and someone must have some control
above others to ensure active listening, valuing and respecting each other,
avoiding offensive comments, off topic discussions. Furthermore, they can also
give opinions about how these conflicts can be avoided in the future and if
somehow occurs again what will be the approaches. The process will ensure
everyone is valued so, it will be easier to build trust and achieve agreement.

Major Activity
Estimated Time 90 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
entire unit.
You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your
competency of each element:
1. Develop organisation development plan
2. Implement organisation development activities
3. Maintain organisation development program

This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will
complete it during class or in your own time.

Complete the following individually and answer each question (using questions
as headings) in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational
requirements for each one:

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1. Describe how you could develop an organisation development plan.

Developing Organizational Development Plan

Organizational development plan is aimed to reach desired objectives, goals by

making necessary changes in relevant areas. These change can take place to
influence employee behaviours, tasks they were given, approach of that task,
overall culture etc. There steps to follow while developing organizational
development plan and they are-

Identifying Areas Need Changes

For identifying the areas where changes are required reviewing and analysing the
strategy is a good place to start. Strategy means systematic approach towards
predefined goals. In business, strategic plan is a way to design the whole
organization running process in a manner that the overall activities will directly or
indirectly influence the outcome of the organization’s development in accordance
with desired results. The strategic plan first identifies the mission, vision,
objectives. To identify the needs of a development plan studying these elements
are necessary. Mission is to define what the organization is , vision defines the
goals of the organization and the approaches that are taken or will be taken to
reach those goals, objectives are the steps that is to take to reach a certain
position. All these elements shape a strategic plans so reviewing these will help to
define where the organization is leading to, what are the concerns, what are the
approaches, what are the expectations. Then, finding out if the existing process is
compatible and relevant enough based on the current circumstances also if not
what should be changed is another step towards development.

Consultation Process

In this process first the groups or individuals need to be consulted should be

found out first. The reason to consult is to find out about the organizational
culture and strategic readiness. So, in this case managers, customers, clients or
anyone having an interest can provide information. Organization culture is
consisted with norms, written, unwritten rules and regulations, motivation,
holistic goals, beliefs, philosophy etc. To identify an organizational culture there
are some characteristics which can be measured. For example team work,
innovation, adaptation and stability, focus on achievements, service, safety
concerns, precision, competitiveness etc. are some characteristics and an
organization may have some of these qualities strongly influencing in the activities
and some of them are just present, the rest may not be much focused on. How
strong the influence of these characteristics are will give an idea about the
culture. Strategic readiness means the organization’s capability comply with a
strategy by measuring if the resources will be enough, how much the culture will
have influence, how relevant are the mission, vision, objectives etc. To find out
qualitative and quantitative data research is an effective tool where qualitative
data gives a general idea and statistics, diagrams or number related data are

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present in quantitative.

Responsibilities and Analysing Data

At this stage those who will be responsible for developing the plan as well as
contributing to the plan will be identified also the responsibilities itself. For the
development plan management or other outside facilitator could be responsible
and those who will be involved in the process can be almost anyone who has
something at stake within the organization. Understanding commitments of those
who will take on key roles is important to determine what can be expected some
of the qualities that they will need are knowledge about the organizational affairs,
experience, ability to contribute in the process. The employees, managers
everyone will have a different role to play. An outside facilitator can help to
manage the process, reach to conclusion, arrange the data but it will take time to
understand the organization’s internal affairs and will need extra resources. For
data analysis what data is needed (in this case what are the problems, risks, gaps
which can be developed etc.) , the method of data analysis needs to be found out.
From the information new or modified set of objectives will be decided as well as
activities or other changes in the organization. In decision making process
stakeholders should be consulted and their review will have an impact on the

2. Explain how you could implement organisation development activities.

Implementation of Organization Development Plan

Organizational development plan is to ensure the progress and to make the

process successful while implementing some factors should be considered.
They are-

To increase participation in organizational development plans consultative

processes can help. The first step will be to identify the objectives of the
process, the participants, the methods that will be used. This process will
require information and some skill to complete. The reason for this initiative
is to give the participants a better view about the development process
meaning the activities, how they will contribute in the development process
so that they can give more effort. The consultative process can be done in
meetings, discussions.

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For improving teams training is an effective tool. Trainings can be aimed to

achieve better communication, conflict management, improving skills etc.
These can be achieved through training focused of particular objectives, team
building exercises, counselling sessions, effective monitoring etc.

There should be a set of approaches that will guide to solve a problem. The
basic idea of this kind of approach is identifying the reasons, involved persons,
what are the effects and finally solving the problem.

Conflicts are very common phenomenon in organizations. So successful

management of conflicts is another element of effective plan implementation
process. The most common reasons for conflicts are not understanding
responsibilities clearly, relationship among employees, shortage of necessary
tools, information, unfair treatment, abusing authority etc. Avoiding or
successfully achieving agreement needs to be done in a systematic way where
compromising, impartiality, avoiding offensiveness will be the keys. The best
way to do this is with everyone’s contribution. Brainstorming the solutions
can help. To do this the selected groups or individuals will be present and the
conflicting groups will present their concerns. In the next step, everyone will
try to come up with any ideas to reach agreement, seemingly most effective
ideas will be noted and eventually with everyone’s agreement one will be
chosen. The solution will be reviewed and in the whole process someone with
some authority will navigate the direction of discussion and will ensure active

3. Design your survey model. Base the objective on a workplace example to

identify any loss of support for your organisation development program and

Survey is a simple way to gather data. In any type of surveys the steps are
almost the same. The steps include what is needed from the data, how the
data will be used, what is the budget, scale of the participants, the tools for
doing the survey. The common tools are face to face interview, online or
paper questionnaire, meeting, combination. For identifying loss of support for
organization development program and activities employees can be surveyed.
I am demonstrating a sample questionnaire for addressing the task-

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1. Does your organization provide you with sufficient tools (necessary

information, software etc.) ?

a) yes b)no. Please state the reason___-

2. How efficient is your team for collaborative approach?

a) very efficient b) efficient c) somewhat efficient d) not efficient

3. How is the communication flow in your organization?

a) very smooth b) somewhat smooth c) needs much improvement.

4. Do your leaders guide through the tasks you were given?

a) all the time b) sometimes c) rarely d) never

5. Is there a mutual understanding between you and your superiors ?

a) yes b) I think so c) I am not sure d) no

6. Is there any training programs to improve skills for new activities?

a) yes b)no

7. How helpful are these trainings?

Please describe____

8. Does any of the vision, mission or objectives that are chosen contradicts
with your own goals?

a) If yes please describe_______ b)no

9. What are your comments about current activities?

Please describe_______

10. If someone gives a relevant and considerable opinion, suggestion how

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are they valued?

a) valued properly b) somewhat valued c) valued sometimes d) rarely


4. What else could you do to maintain an organisation development program?

To maintain an organization development program monitoring the process

and utilizing the information to continue progress is necessary. The steps
which should be used to maintain an organization development program are-

Establishing fluent communication in discussions, meetings is the key to

understand and keep up the pace of progress. To do that first who will be
involved, what will be the concerns to be addressed, how consistent the
information flow need to be, who will be arranging the process should be
identified. Not every stakeholder need all or same information so
understanding their need and the appropriate information which will benefit
them most is necessary. The communication process can be brought about
with various tools ( telephone, emails, intranet, newsletters etc.) the relevant
one for a particular occasion will be considered.

The next step is regulating the process by taking initiatives. That can include
action plans ( where everyone will take part to find out about any solutions or
ideas to improve the organization), brainstorming ( randomly generating ideas
), inter-group team building ( process to pursue towards a common goal) , job
redesigning ( redefining and hanging responsibilities if needed), re-
engineering (reviewing and altering the fundamental parts of a business),
succession planning (readying future leaders) etc. are the activities to help the
development process succeed. Plus monitoring if the plan is being followed by
focusing on the areas such as resource allocation, responsibilities of
employees and managers, training process etc. can also help. For building up
strong communication network motivation, information sharing, establishing
mutual respect, providing with sufficient tools are the main points.

For getting a general idea about the state of development process cost
benefit analysis and opportunity cost assessment are recommended
functions. In cost benefit analysis all the monetary, non-monetary benefits are
comprised into monetary values also the resources spent are also comprised
and deducted from the benefit. The amount is the result of this analysis and
in opportunity cost assessment what the values of foregone options or
decisions are determined to understand the effectiveness of a certain
decisions. In fact, both type of analysis will give an idea about organization’s
current situation and effectiveness of a certain decision.

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