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JUNE 2020

The Impact of Social Distancing
by Heather Wood

As it did with all of us, COVID-19 brought tremendous change of homeschooling two children. Homeschooling her 12-year-old daughter
“It’s hard not to view this time in my life brought greater awareness of her skills in that
to Michelle Viera’s life. The mother of three was arguably better
without feeling truly thankful for what I have,” department. “It’s been hell,” she laughed. “I
prepared for lockdown than many — she worked and taught her boys she said. “I try and focus on that each and don’t know how teachers can do it.”
from home long before the pandemic forced everyone else to do the every day. We’ve adjusted in a way that oth- However, were it not for COVID-19 her
same — but then the noise kicked in. ers simply weren’t able to, through no fault of family would have never had its own garden
their own. That has stayed with me.” and might never have realised how much
A valuable lesson for Ms Ranson-Leverock they could accomplish in a kitchen, Ms Smith
“In the beginning, I saw the ‘silver linings’ in of the office even if I’m not directly involved has been learning that sometimes, “it’s OK to added.
almost everything, like extra time for doing the in the conversation; the ability to call out to say no”. “We planted our garden the first week we
things I enjoy, movie nights with my family, a a cube mate and get a question answered, “I can’t do everything I normally would,” got locked down, and it was wonderful. By
slower pace of life,” said Ms Viera, who, be- or congratulate a colleague on a deal won or she said. “When we first went into lockdown, Week 3 we were getting salads from our yard.
fore the pandemic taught water aerobics and commiserate on a deal lost.” I found myself feeling very anxious. I experi- “[During shelter in place you couldn’t] just
exercises through her company Fluid Fitness “Business is so much more than just ‘doing enced sleepless nights, I found myself break- order out. You had to cook everything on your
and, with Linda Cook, who owns online retail the deal’. People do business with people ing out in a sweat and feeling nauseous when own. That was great. I’ve been digging out
store Soltrino. they like, and we get to ‘like each other’ by faced with simple things like making a run to the recipe books. Some things have turned
“I had no problem keeping myself busy be- getting to know each other in person through the grocery store. I worried over how I would out great, and some things have turned out
tween schooling my kids, teaching my fitness conversations — conversations about work juggle two kids in primary school, a full-time … oh my God, try again. Even the child has
classes online, studying for certifications, and personal interests, family, spouses, chil- job and looking after us all on the home front. gotten into cooking and is doing a good job.
coming up with new class routines for my wa- dren and all the other aspects of our lives that But by saying no and limiting what I take on So this has been a great experience for that,
ter aerobics classes, and re-examining a busi- make us human.” (we can’t always get through all the home of family bonding and getting the house kind
ness plan for a dying retail business. I had a school activities and, surprisingly, the kids of in order.
nice little routine. As time went on, two weeks don’t seem to be any worse off — they’re just As a family that plays well together — “my
of social distancing became four weeks of not learning different things!), it’s been easier to husband and I are actually friends” — lock-
seeing anyone and then six weeks, and now SIMPLE INTERACTIONS manage my anxiety as time progresses. down offered the chance to explore the neigh-
I believe we are not going to see the end of LIKE A FOOTBALL PLAYDATE “I’ve been really impressed with the kind- bourhood and taught them to be creative in
social distancing for some time.” ness of my work colleagues and their sensi- their search for “alone time”.
“My business partner and I decided that WITH OTHER KIDS, A WINE tivity to what we’re all juggling at home. It’s “We went to places that we haven’t seen
our online retail store, Soltrino, which we not just about how much work you can turn before, we discovered new things and so for
had run for four years, would shut down at WITH A GIRLFRIEND ON THE
out or plough through, it’s also about a caring us as a couple it’s been fantastic, but with the
the end of March. The plan was to take the PATIO, THE GROCERY SHOP mindset in the new virtual workspace.” child too, it gets kind of sticky. Because when
remaining stock and sell it on Amazon. Retail Also helpful is that her husband Michael do you have alone time now? They don’t go
in Bermuda is so tricky. Add the fact that we WHEN YOU BUMP INTO EVERY- has risen to the occasion, proving himself as to school. But it’s been fantastic, it really has.
were online and out of people’s sight, phys- “the most amazing partner” through it all. At the end of this will people really be able
ically, made it that much harder. People like “He handles childcare with me, often doing to return back to normal? I really doubt that.
to shop online through stores like Amazon RY; WE NEED HUMAN CONNEC- more than his fair share because his work What is it gonna look like exactly?”
etc. and ship in; they want to go on trips with is more flexible than mine. And his natural However it looks, Ms Viera is hopeful that
friends or family and buy their clothing and TIONS JUST AS MUCH AS WE tendency is to find the good in everything, so her businesses will continue to be a part of
swimwear. It is hard to compete with that. NEED THE AIR WE BREATHE.” he is upbeat and cheers me on. I’m certainly the picture.
However, as more and more businesses start far more appreciative of my partner now I see “I am doing a lot of studying to renew
setting up online stores to pivot and keep how well we work together when faced with certifications and adding new ones for my
their businesses going, we see the opportu- challenges. Overall, I think we’ve learned a lot business, Fluid Fitness. This business has
nity to turn our poor luck around and give it On the plus side, she loves that the pan- as a family, and I know that I can cope with come to a halt due to shelter-in-place and
another try.” demic has forced the world to slow down, far more than I ever thought.” social distancing. I do expect to see signifi-
Years from now, when describing to that it’s hastened an understanding that the She’s hoping to pay her good fortune cant changes in how I operate my classes this
youngsters what it was like to live through a way we have lived for centuries might not be forward by supporting “the local economy year. As a business that deals directly with
pandemic, she believes that forty-somethings great for the Earth. and small businesses as Bermuda returns to people, I am going to need to find ways to
will recall how they missed being surrounded “We have started to realise that the hustle a somewhat normal way of life”. pivot and keep reaching.”
by friends, getting kisses from loved ones, and bustle is destroying us and our planet It’s the help that entrepreneurs like Surlena Zoom helped her shift the focus of her
chit-chats in the office and neighbourly hugs. daily,” she said. “During strict lockdown, I Smith, owner of natural deodorant PondaPits, classes from water aerobics to strength
And while Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp appreciated the peace and the quiet — the will need. After-sales tanked as a result of training. Mindful of what was happening with
and other social apps enabled communica- stillness allowing me time to evaluate and COVID-19, she took out a long-term micro- many workplaces around her, she left it to
tion, the technology simultaneously highlight- re-evaluate — but today and many other loan with the Bermuda Economic Devel- the people who signed up to decide what, if
ed that there was distance. days, I miss physical interaction and the opment Corporation, set up a website and anything, to pay.
“I realise that we need other human inter- human touch. I miss hugging people outside expanded her product range. “I wanted these classes to be an outlet
action,” Ms Viera said. “Simple interactions my immediate home — my family, friends and Without that help, she doubts her business of stress relief, so the classes are offered on
like a football playdate with other kids, a wine loved ones.” would have survived. a donation basis. If someone cannot pay, it
with a girlfriend on the patio, the grocery shop Her movement is particularly restricted as “That is basically the cheapest money you does not matter. However, I do have many
when you bump into everyone when you are she lives with a vulnerable person. can get on the island,” said Ms Smith, who people who can donate, and for that, I am
in a hurry; we need human connections just “My nephew turned four months old in has four years to repay the loan. “It is a breath incredibly grateful.
as much as we need the air we breathe.” April, and all I wanted was to see him and of fresh air that the BEDC is able to offer a “If I were to look back on this time in my
Victoria Edmonds has worked from home hold him and smush his fat little cheeks. But cheap interest rate, as well as offering a grant. life 10, 20, or 30 years from now, I may cry
since her US-based (re) insurance company that is not possible. While I appreciate some “Without the BEDC’s help, I don’t think I at the lives lost, or the hardships that people
ordered staff to do so in March. of what COVID-19 has given us I am tired of would be able to pivot at all or have my head endured, I may laugh at the little inconve-
The experience has shown her that it is the sadness, the death, and the economic above water. I am still in a breaking even type niences or annoyances that I faced, but what
possible to do much of her job away from damage. I am tired of all that it has taken.” of place in my business. I believe with this I will remember is the kindness and humanity
the office but, like Ms Viera, she misses “the Emily Ranson-Leverock has used the boost from the BEDC, I will be able to be a that I saw in people, how people were willing
human dynamics”. pandemic as an opportunity to reflect on the profitable situation.” to lend a helping hand, or businesses offering
“I miss simple things like human interac- many positives in her life. Like Ms Edmonds, The business lesson wasn’t the only thing their services to keep people believing in the
tion, whether at someone’s desk or at the she was sent home by her (re) insurance com- she learned after Bermuda shuttered shops in greater good.”
coffee machine; the general noise and chatter pany in March; with that came the challenge a bid to limit the disease’s spread.



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Maintaining an Emotionally Healthy
Work Environment at Home
By Latisha Lister-Burgess, EAP Bermuda

Home Repairs and Renovations Many of us may now be work-

ing from home and juggling the
competing pressures of parenting
4. Let’s take this time to delib-
erately choose what we want
this “new normal” to look like.
and employment. Here are 6 tips to Is it starting our day off with a
by Latisha Lister-Burgess, Execu-
leisurely breakfast and allow-
ing ourselves to sit for a little
tive Director, Employee Assistance longer and absorb the mo-
In a quest to keep busy while you are social how the home would func- changing.
Programme (EAP) Bermuda: ment? Balancing parenting and
distancing and spending a great deal of time tion for them,” she added. If you have a sufficient
working may mean getting up
at home, many property owners are tempted There is nothing wrong budget, it’s a great idea 1. Accept that you will constant- earlier to answer emails while
to embark on home improvement projects. with installing high-end to figure out how to add ly be readjusting and finding they are asleep or scheduling
appliances and lighting a home office onto your a new balance. Since March,
But choosing the right repairs and upgrades meetings while they are in their
fixtures if they are solely dwelling, and even building our household has managed
to ensure that your efforts increase your for your own enjoyment, a small workspace into an
virtual classrooms. My day now
property value requires some careful thought. the delicate balance of work- includes the benefit of extended
but bear in mind that once alcove or a converting a ing while parenting two small
I sat down with Coldwell Banker Bermuda lunch breaks with my children,
something is attached (or large closet can generate a children. While my husband
Realty Agency Manager Susan Thompson or even cuddling up for an
fixed) to the wall or ceiling, good return on your invest- was at home, he handled the
and Sales Representatives Karen Brine and afternoon nap. Figure out the
it becomes a “fixture” and ment down the road. day-to-day management of our balance that works for your
Rochelle Swan to discuss the ins and outs of is considered to be part of For the more ambitious, children, as I focused more on household.
making upgrades. the property if you sub- try to figure out how to work. Once he returned to work,
sequently put your house convert part of your current however, we had to readjust yet 5. Try something new! Since April,
on the market, unless it is space into a self-contained again, and are already discuss- EAP Bermuda has transitioned
As you might expect, kitch- family space when people specifically listed as an ex- apartment with a separate ing new adjustments for Phase to online training, and we are
en upgrades top the list come over. clusion in the terms of sale. entrance. “Not only could 3 and 4 of Bermuda’s re-open- now teaching literally hundreds
when it comes to adding However, be aware that Painting over dark or this be used by an elderly ing. of people each week. Our ability
value to your property. not all embellishments dated wall colours is an- relative; given the high to deliver timely and relevant
“Your kitchen is the heart of increase property value, other great way to update a cost of real estate, it would 2. See the positives in this situ- content in a manner that is
your home,” explained Ms and if you are a tenant, you space if you want to make increase the desirably of ation. As a working mother, I easily accessible to people has
Swan, “when you entertain most likely will need your improvements on a really your property to a potential often felt that I did not spend been well received by the com-
these days, people always landlord’s permission be- tight budget, and even sim- buyer if you decide to sell enough time at home. My pre- munity. What new idea are you
flock to the kitchen”. So fore making any changes. ply rearranging the furniture at some point in the future”, COVID daily routine consisted of sitting on that could revolution-
it’s little wonder that a “It’s important to keep in and opening the blinds can explained Mrs Thompson. spending at least eight hours at ize your business? Now is the
large kitchen island which mind that there is a signifi- make a space seem bigger “Purchasers are always work, then having less than two time to test it out, fine-tune it,
enables you to cook and cant difference between re- and more attractive. There looking for properties with hours with my children before and try something new.
entertain all in the same decorating or renovating to is also a lot that can be a unit attached that they their bedtime. Now, I can create
space is a highly desirable satisfy “personal taste” and achieved simply by groom- could rent out to defray a workday that includes quality 6. Take care of your emotional
feature to add to any home, making improvements that ing your garden, planting a the cost of the mortgage time playing outside or actually health. The reality is we are
particularly if the structure increase property value,” few flowers, and defining a payment”. sitting down and having lunch all more stressed in light of
has an open floor plan in said Mrs. Brine “Closing space for outdoor enter- As with any investment, with them. COVID-19. Our worries about
which the kitchen area off doorways or removing taining. the key to successful our health, our finances, our
flows directly into the living walls in the wrong places Curb appeal still counts upgrading is to do your re- 3. Set yourself up for success. It employment, and our families
room. can deter would-be pur- for a lot to potential home search first. Establish what is important that we continue can all raise our anxiety lev-
Equally, given that many chasers and negatively im- buyers. “You only get one your intended alterations to figure out how to be effec- els. Now is the time to make a
older Bermuda houses pact your property value.” chance to make a good will cost and consult a real tive and efficient while working deliberate choice to work on
were constructed with Extreme colours might impression, so it’s worth estate professional regard- from home. Get your day off to ourselves. Be deliberate about
only one bathroom, you suit your personal taste, taking the time to do the ing the sort of return that the right start with exercise, a self-care: talk to a therapist,
really can’t go wrong by but they can be very small things like putting a you can expect to achieve quick shower and dress appro- try meditation or yoga, or take
figuring out how to add a off-putting to potential coat of paint on the front with your contemplated priately for the day. Once you nature walks.
second bathroom to your buyers and even negatively door, or updating the nobs alterations. are at your desk, show up ready
home. Particularly if your impact your home’s salabil- and drawer pulls in the to work. Make a to-do list and Latisha Lister-Burgess is encourag-
one existing bathroom is ity. “I always recommend kitchens and bathrooms,” For professional recom- tackle each item with discipline ing us all to be gentle with our-
on the second floor, Ms that people express their explained Ms Swan. mendations on how to and remember to maintain good selves during this time of change
Swan recommends trying personal taste in their When considering po- make the most of your lines of communication with and transition. For support in
to work out how to add at furniture but use a neutral tential upgrades, it is also renovation budget contact your co-workers. Remember, managing your work/life balance,
least a half bathroom to the palette for the house itself important to keep in mind Coldwell Banker via Susan now is not the time to slack off contact EAP Bermuda at info@eap.
main level of your house, to – this makes it easier for a that the way people use Thompson at 247-1802. or shirk your responsibilities: the bm or call 292-9000.
protect the privacy of our potential buyer to visualize space within their home is work still has to get done.

Sandwich Outdoor Upgrades

Generation That Add Value
Landscaping projects to increase
property value
By Vicki Abraham
How to help older parents There are many reasons for homeowners to
manage their finances and embark on new landscaping projects, not the
daily needs when you are 50 • least being that it can increase the value of your
property, while also enhancing your lifestyle.
struggling too.
These exterior upgrades will sale.”
By Robin Trimingham increase property value and The same is true for a
make your home irresistible to good-looking lawn. “Put
Even in the most communicative of families, money seems to be can be open to exploitation and over- a buyer. the time and energy into
the one topic that almost no one is comfortable talking about. But charging by unscrupulous vendors. maintaining your lawn. Well
ironically, due to the high cost of living in Bermuda, it is a subject “Starting the conversation by explaining planned and healthy land-
that is on just about everyone’s mind. the steps that you have taken personally AESTHETIC UPGRADES scaping can be an indication
to improve your own record-keeping The front of your house and of the love and care the seller
and financial security by using cards to street view is important – has for the entire house”, said
Seniors living on fixed pension incomes money are never easy. It might be best make purchases instead of cash, and Mrs Haldeman.
first impressions can be the
are particularly vulnerable to financial for the sibling with the most financial ex- setting up automatic payments online, “I’m also a fan of tasteful
“make or break” factor of
instability. Yet they are also the least pertise, or the one who is closest to the often resonates better with older parents outdoor lighting. The ambi-
your negotiations.
likely to admit when they are beginning elderly parent, to take this on,” advises than simply lecturing them regarding ence it creates can trigger a
Realtor, Hilary Haldeman
to struggle because they are fearful of Ms Blais. what they should be doing.” sense of luxurious outdoor
of Keller Williams Bermuda
losing their independence, making it As a Certified Financial Planner, Ms Certainly, the advent of COVID-19 living and a relaxed lifestyle.
suggests; “Upgrade your
very difficult for adult children to know Blais frequently works with both elderly has highlighted the importance of peo- There are many options for
front door area with a hedge
when or how to offer assistance. Dianne high net worth clients and individuals ple of all ages (and particularly seniors) subtle outdoor lighting and
or well-maintained plants, a
Blais, Vice President of Private Banking seeking to make a financial plan to making the most of the online banking décor that increase appeal.”
garden bed or large outdoor
and Financial Planning for Butterfield transition from the work world to retired and permanent record of transaction pot with a manicured tree for
says it’s time for more open dialogue. life. She recommends that everyone functions that institutions such as But- LIFESTYLE UPGRADES
a decorative statement.”
But how do you begin a conversation begin by coming to grips with where terfield offer, and provides every family Look around at the trees If you’re looking to up-level
regarding financial competence with their money is actually going, by analys- with a justifiable opportunity to start on your property, are they your landscaping for your
the elderly parent that you have always ing their expenses, and then using what holding these difficult conversations. healthy and well cared for? own enjoyment, consider
looked to for advice when you are they learn to make a budget to maxi- Currently, persons aged 60+ com- While it may not be the these features that will also
struggling to manage your own finances mise savings and uncover opportunities prise about 25% of Butterfield’s total most exciting project, it’s likely add value to your home.
and meet all the demands of your own for investment. This same advice applies number of online users, but as the worth doing. In a recent
family? to assisting elderly parents. percentage of island residents in this FIREPIT
report from the U.S. National
There is no simple answer to this situ- One of the key things to consider is age bracket is quickly increasing, Ms Association of Realtors, tree Who doesn’t love to sit
ation, and even in affluent families, there whether the current categories of ex- Blais anticipates that this figure is likely care ranked in the top five around a fire watching the
is frequently no seamless communica- penses are likely to decrease or increase to rise. projects that increase appeal stars, sharing stories and
tion between the generations regarding over time. “Travel, for example, might While the notion of switching to on- to buyers. Mrs Haldeman melting marshmallows?
financial matters. well increase during the first phase of line banking can be intimidating at first, says the same is true in the Good in Bermuda year-round,
The key thing for members of the retirement and decrease over time, but if you have always paid for things with Bermuda market. “Trees can an outdoor fire pit, gas or
Sandwich Generation (those people who conversely, healthcare costs will most cash, Butterfield’s Relationship Manag- be an asset or a liability. It’s wood-burning, is an asset to
simultaneously have elderly parents and likely continue to rise throughout the ers can arrange for seniors to get assis- prudent for a seller to keep your living space.
children of their own) to understand is remainder of a person’s life”, Ms Blais tance in learning to navigate Butterfield their trees healthy, dead or
that “their elderly parents were just not explains. Online over the phone, or in-person at a dying trees can distract from OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING
raised to discuss their finances with To effectively assist an elderly rela- Banking Centre when the current restric- the value of your house. And, If you have the space for it,
anyone,” says Ms Blais. “Money was tive, family members really need to start tions are eased. if placed strategically, trees take your yard up a notch and
pretty much a taboo subject that you did discussing financial matters before any While social distancing measures can be used to help with install a patio area or decking
not talk about regardless of whether you real problems arise and get into the are in place, Butterfield is offering se- privacy by shielding the yard to expand your living space or
had a little or a lot. It takes time to build habit of framing these discussions as niors-only banking services at the tem- from neighbours.” even consider a built-in out-
trust with your adult parents so that part of a larger, broad-based conver- porary Banking Centre at its Rosebank “An outdoor makeover door kitchen for the ultimate
they begin to feel comfortable sharing sation regarding all aspects of ageing building (11 Bermudiana Road) and will such as adding stone plant- outdoor lifestyle.
information.” ranging from diminishing health, and continue to reassess the situation as the ers, a stone walkway, planting Doing even one of these
When seeking to assist a parent in ability to drive a vehicle safely, to the economy restarts. a few flowering shrubs or a outdoor projects can posi-
manage their finances, it’s important to pros and cons of downsizing or making
For further information regarding Butter- sizable tree and laying mulch tively impact the value of your
discuss their situation with any and all adjustments to an older person’s home
field’s Wealth Advisory Group or to sign or river stones in a garden home and the quality of your
siblings to get everyone’s agreement to enable them to live independently.
up for Butterfield Online, please contact bed can see a meaningful family time for as long as you
on the approach that will be used from Similarly, Ms Blais also recommends
295-1111. return on your investment live there.
the outset. “Family discussions about discussing the many ways that seniors
– spend a little to help the

Ensuring a Passion for Life

Robin Trimingham significantly improves and get will need the coverage - and
your premium lowered”. pays out to your declared
Although end-of-life planning might not be Mrs. Maiato, who is very (in advance) beneficiary if
everyone’s favourite subject, making sure that passionate about helping you die within this coverage
your life insurance coverage is aligned with your educate people regarding the period. Term life policies are
life goals has many advantages says Jessica positive aspects of future life available in ten, twenty, and
Maiato of Freisenbruch Meyer. planning wants to change the thirty-year increments, or until
conversation. She believes the age of sixty-five. They are
that there is a lot to be gained the least expensive option.
As a young individual, she re- out on death of the insured by encouraging people to Conversely, a whole life in-
ally never gave much thought is probably the stumbling think very carefully about surance policy provides cov-
to planning for her future until block,” she says. what they want to accom- erage for your entire life up to
she herself was married with Fear of undergoing plish in life overall. the age of 105 years and in-
a small child. Suddenly she medical exams and rumours Planning to start a busi- cludes a savings component
understood what it was like of high monthly premiums ness, or purchase a rental known as a “cash value”.
to want to protect the people have done little to help island property or help send your The premiums for whole life two types of life insurance Not surprisingly, policies
she loved, but unsure how residents gain access to the children or grandchildren to policies are typically paid for policies: (insert diagram here) are typically the least expen-
best to go about this - or how information that they real- college? The right form of ten or twenty-year terms, but “As a rule, Mrs. Maiato sive if purchased when you
to accomplish this financially. ly need to make informed life insurance can help make they are an investment that recommends that everyone are in your twenties and in
And her personal experience decisions. this happen. Planning to live will continue to earn interest should review their level of in- good health. If you are over
has made her very keen to “While the results of the alone? It’s still important to as long as you live. surance coverage at every life the age of fifty, it is still quite
help others get the facts. mandatory medical exam do ensure that a relative won’t Because you “own” the milestone such as: starting a possible to get coverage and
“On average, only three influence the cost of cov- be burdened with the cost policy, it can also be re- new job, marriage, the birth talking to a life insurance
out of ten Bermudians cur- erage, people don’t really of your final expenses if you deemed while you are still of a child, divorce, retirement, specialist can help identify a
rently have life insurance and think about the fact that it pass away. living to help pay for medi- or when adult children leave plan for meeting your specific
many of those are underin- can also uncover a lurking There are two main types cal treatment, unexpected home. Other life events that coverage needs.
sured,” says Mrs. Maiato. condition while treatment is of life insurance: term of life expenses, or even as an can affect your coverage
“Most people just shy away still quite possible,” Maiato coverage and whole of life (or alternate form of retirement needs include: purchasing Jessica Maiato is a Life
from the subject altogeth- explains. “It’s also possible permanent) coverage. Term savings. a high-end vehicle or boat, Insurance Sales Agent at
er because of the negative to undergo another exam at of life covers you only for a The following diagram taking out a business loan, Freisenbruch-Meyer. Contact
connotations associated with some point in the future if you specified number of years – provides a more detailed end-of-life planning and in- her at 294-4618 for a free
it. The fact that it only pays quit smoking or your health for the years you believe you comparison between these heritance considerations, etc. consultation.

6x3 AD Medical House

Tips for Starting
60 • a Business in
By Robin Trimingham

It goes without saying that the onset

The Impact of the Pandemic on Older People

of the global pandemic and con-
sequent shutting down of nearly
the entire Bermuda economy is an
By Martha Pitman, Solstice
unprecedented event in our island’s
history and will challenge many of us
The COVID-19 pandemic is a transforming event for which Our brains are wired to re- your situation by using self-talk to to embrace a new way of life and a
none of us was prepared, and which will continue to act to uncertainty with fear. The minimize the awful and put it into new way of working like never before.
impact us with ever-changing guidelines and unexpected pandemic has caused our sense a more positive light helps reduce Erica Smith, the Executive Director
consequences. Many of the current challenges for older of normality to be turned upside anxiety. Instead of thinking “this is of the Bermuda Economic Develop-
down, instilling uncertainty and devastating, and I won’t be able to
people are similar to those of younger people - social ment Corporation (BEDC) believes
anxiety. We feel stress because cope”, try “this is uncomfortable, that the current crisis is the perfect
distancing, boredom, disruption of our normal routines, of social distancing, the curtailing but it will get better, and I can
and travel restrictions. However, the impact on older opportunity for anyone with an entre-
of our regular routines, and the manage a day at a time”. preneurial spirit to step forward with a
people has some unique aspects. uncertainty of the duration of the Older people may not have the business idea. However, older work-
Coronavirus and its full impact on pressures of a job or young chil- ers who have been used to working
The term “older people” is expan- – social get-togethers, dining out, us socially, personally and eco- dren, but they may have concerns for one employer doing just one form
sive – covering those who are still gym, spas, volunteering, church nomically. Fear and uncertainty about finances, worry about family of work for most of their lives, initially
independent and lead very active services, etc. Youth is about the stress everyone, but they can and their own health, and being may find it a bit of a shock that the
lives, to those who are mental- world getting bigger (growth); age- have a greater impact on the more unable to engage in the social new “gig” economy will likely result
ly or physically frail and unable ing is a lot about loss, and a need vulnerable – such as older people interaction and activities that they in them working for multiple people
to actively engage in meaning- to explore new avenues to find living alone and feeling isolated, have developed post-retirement to doing a variety of different tasks.
ful activities. There is also the meaning and joy. Retired seniors or those with pre-existing men- create a meaningful life. During the Another issue to consider is that
personal range of circumstances, may find their friendships gradu- tal health issues. We try to have more restrictive social distancing historically, Bermuda has had a mixed
finances, health, support networks ally fall away, and their remaining structure and predictability in our phases, some older adults living response to ecommerce as a way to
and resiliency which make each friendships are therefore, a very sell, or access products and services,
of us unique and affects how the important part of their support but as everyone appreciates the need
pandemic will impact us. system. ISOLATION AND LONELINESS HAVE BEEN to remain safe, this attitude is chang-
The primary impact is the Unlike younger adults who ISSUES FACING MANY OLDER ADULTS LIVING ON ing rapidly.
increased vulnerability of older often communicate through texts Ms. Smith says that “Anyone
people to the disease itself. Al- and social media, older people THEIR OWN EVEN BEFORE THE CORONAVIRUS considering starting a business needs
though all age groups can acquire are usually more comfortable with to think carefully about how the world
and transmit the Coronavirus, and face-to-face interaction and phone will operate post Covid-19 and come
some of the younger population calls. However, for those who have lives because then life feels more alone have been able to move in up with ways to embrace ecommerce
have become very sick, the older access to computers - internet, manageable and secure, and we with their adult children, to prevent by providing goods and services
population continues to be much email, and social media have been don’t have to use as much energy unwelcome isolation. On-line online”.
more susceptible. As we get older, wonderful for staying in touch in figuring everything out. grocery services have been a big If possible, she recommends that
our immune systems get weaker, with friends (here and abroad) and In stressful situations like this, asset to many who find grocery older workers start developing a re-
and we are less robust in fighting keeping up-to-date with the news. there are physiological respons- shopping onerous because of the tirement business idea while they are
diseases. We are apt to be sicker, iPads and Kindles are great for es taking place in our bodies as restrictions. Zoom exercise class- still in the employ of someone else, so
take longer to recover, and are at downloading books. stress hormones increase. Every es can also be an option for the that they have time to develop their
higher risk of death. Older couples are not immune time we worry or are stressed, homebound. business plan and determine if they
Because people are living lon- to the effects of social distancing. the repeated “hits” accumulate. It is said that the nature of have enough start-up capital to see
ger than previous generations, we If one of the spouses is in poor Even when you don’t think you are life is change, but the nature them through the first six months of
tend to have more comorbidities health, the other spouse may be doing very much; the anxiety and of human beings is to resist operation.
– other medical conditions which burdened with more work if their strain can be exhausting. Stress change. Resiliency is the ability Given that this option is not possi-
impact our overall health. Our usual resources have become can also make you feel over- to adapt to change and recov- ble for people who are not working at
medications may be immunosup- unavailable. The healthy spouse whelmed with decision fatigue. er from misfortunes. Most older the moment, Ms. Smith still believes
pressants, further compromising has the increased worry about the As one friend succinctly told me, adults have been through many that there are great opportunities for
the immune system. In Bermuda, ill partner getting the Coronavirus she was paralyzed by the decision difficult and challenging times. anyone who has a business idea and
there are high rates of diabetes and doesn’t have his/her normal of whether to watch Netflix in the They have hopefully developed the drive and commitment to develop
and obesity, two major risk factors outlets to provide stress release. den or in bed!” Boredom can also resiliency, and some tolerance for it and make it work.
for Covid-19. Seniors’ nursing There may also be more tension cause stress and lethargy. With the discomforts imposed by the In this respect, older workers have
homes have become particularly between spouses when they social distancing, we are not get- pandemic. many things going for them says Ms.
vulnerable to the Coronavirus, as are together all the time, when ting our normal positive interac- Older people fear losing their Smith, “they have a valuable perspec-
well as islands of isolation be- normally they would have outside tions that boost our spirits. Anoth- mobility and independence. Our tive on life and knowledge and expe-
cause of restrictions on visitors. activities to provide balance and er normally very active friend said focus should be on those things rience that can serve them well when
Shelter-in-place and social variety to their days. her biggest challenges were: “lack we can control (unfortunately not it comes to starting a business. Older
distancing have been particularly As we age, we learn to adapt to of structure, getting the incentive the pandemic!). Eating regularly, workers also have innate patience
onerous for some. Isolation and losses and ever-changing circum- to do anything- like get up in the exercising in any way that you and perseverance which enable them
loneliness have been issues facing stances, many of which, like the morning, and the ‘the woman in a are able, sleeping regular hours, to stay the course when starting a
many older adults living on their Coronavirus, are unpredictable. As dressing gown’ syndrome”. establishing some structure and business in retirement – qualities that
own even before the Coronavirus. with other life-changing events, we You need a lot of energy for routine to your days, nurturing make for a great entrepreneur”.
Research has shown that lone- go through a process of emotional cognitive work, so all our worry- friendships and family connec- But as with all new ventures, Ms.
liness and isolation can impact distress, acceptance, and re-ad- ing and rumination suck up our tions, cultivating activities that you Smith also stresses that entrepreneurs
our health and mortality. Cardio- justment as we find our equilibri- energy. People are thus experi- can enjoy at home. Don’t spend need to realize that starting a busi-
vascular, inflammatory, hormon- um and a new normal. In a recent encing more sleep disturbances, your day listening to the news. ness in the post Covid-19 world does
al, sleep-related, and emotional article on, Beirut anxiety, agitation, and depression. It’s nice to keep up to date, but involve risk, and the key to mitigating
factors are all relevant, and studies trauma psychologist Alaa Hijazi Worrying binds anxiety and gives constantly listening to or reading this risk is to think very strategically
suggest that the impact of iso- refers to the psychological burden it a focus, so it isn’t free-floating depressing news can, well, make about how you will leverage an online
lation and loneliness on health that the pandemic is causing: and over-whelming. Some anxiety you depressed! market to match the service that you
and mortality are as significant as “We are going through a col- is normal, as these are stressful Don’t hesitate to reach out for provide to the needs of consumers.
high blood pressure, obesity, and lective trauma that is bringing up times, and anxiety signals that help and use community resourc- The BEDC is working hard behind
smoking. profound grief, loss, panic over something is awry. It becomes a es if available. It is expected that the scenes to streamline the business
We are a social species. Our livelihoods, panic over the loss problem if it is exaggerated and the pandemic will cause an in- start-up process by accepting online
social networks (families, tribes, of loved ones. People’s nervous dominates our life. crease in mental health problems. applications and developing a “one-
communities, etc.) enable us to systems are barely coping with the We have evolved for surviv- If you have a concern and need stop-shop” environment to assist
survive and thrive, and we are sense of threat and vigilance for al, not happiness, so we have a help, make an appointment to applicants in connecting with offices
psychologically and biologically safety or alternating with feeling natural tendency to focus on the talk to a professional therapist or of the tax commissioner, social insur-
“programmed” to need connectiv- numb and frozen and shutting negative. With a lot of alone time counsellor, either in person or via ance, and banking requirements.
ity. It is logical that social isolation down in response”. during the pandemic, we can tele-therapy.
may impose stress on our minds We need “more self-compas- spend too much time dwelling on Further information on starting a
past problems and fretting about Martha Pitman is a counsellor at
and bodies, which has a signifi- sion, gentle acceptance of all the Solstice, who works primarily with business in Bermuda can be found on
cant impact on health. difficult emotions (emerging), more future problems. The practise of the BEDC website at:,
mindfulness helps us to focus on older adults. For more information,
Many have been surprised by focus on gentler ways to soothe contact her at or by emailing at, or by
the impact of losing their normal ourselves and our pain and the the present, instead of the endless calling 441-292-5570.
chatter in our heads. Reframing call 292-3456.
means of interacting with people pain of loved ones.”


Ageing & Disability Services (ADS) mission CASE MANAGEMENT ACCESSIBILITY
is to protect seniors and persons with Case Managers at Ageing and Disability Services connect ADS Accessibility Officer monitors buildings and ensures
disabilities from abuse, neglect and seniors and persons with disabilities to the resources they contractors, home owners and architects are up to date
need in our community through referrals and advocacy to with the approved building code and their dwellings meet
exploitation, with a supported vision of accessibility requirements.
ensure delivery of services.
protecting with passion, purpose and
perseverance. Case Managers also work with clients and their families to
develop case plans based on assessments to aid our clients in
ADS provides a diverse portfolio of services – its primary living a better quality of life. The K. Margaret Carter Centre is a Government- managed
responsibilities are: training and production centre that provides vibrant, ability-
The case management team is also responsible for assisting focused enrichment programmes and training. Additionally,
• Managing cases related to the needs of seniors and persons with investigations of senior abuse. components of their integrated production programme are:
with disabilities via case management; including coordinating • Employment Training
services, awareness and programme delivery. SENIOR ABUSE REGISTRAR • Functional Skills
• Investigating allegations of senior abuse. The Senior Abuse Act is enforced and monitored by the • Production Centre
Registrar. Cases of alleged abuse are reported to the Registrar. • Treatment
• Providing accessibility consultations. • Adult Day Centre
Investigations are coordinated with assistance from the case
• Providing direct support for persons with intellectual management team.
disabilities in the community through day programme Ageing & Disability Services (ADS)
services at the K. Margaret Carter Centre (formerly Continental Building, 25 Church Street, Hamilton HM12
Opportunity Workshop). T: 441-292-7802 • F: 441-292-9125 • Email:
Department of Health

in Place
By Annabel Cooper

As we and the people we love get older, our dations for equipment and she continued. “Make sure Group allow the user to our customers to help them
homes can be more difficult to live in, particularly the most necessary home your toilet height is at least communicate with their with a planned payment
in Bermuda where many involve steps just to get modifications and adapta- 17 inches from the floor,” central station, permit schedule.”
to the front door, and that’s before negotiating tions.” and when buying furniture, caregivers to keep in touch, Certain insurance poli-
According to Mike “make sure it is not too low, can be programmed to give cies, such as one offered by
slippery bathroom floors, staircases, low chairs
Serebrennik, Director of or that there is at least a bar automated reminders, and BF&M will cover 80 per cent
and high beds. Clinical Affairs at Lighthouse stool or living room set that include a GPS system so the of the cost “of the necessary
Medical Supplies Ltd., when is up higher.” Anything that wearer can be located easily medical equipment that a
We speak to some experts Tinee Furbert, Occupational it comes to fixtures and is 15 inches from the ground in an emergency. senior might need.” Howev-
about how to retrofit your Therapist at Medical House. fittings, the most commonly or less is usually too low. er, they do not cover “any
house so you can maintain If you want to remain at needed equipment for se- For the bedroom, Ms A major concern for associated home renova-
the independence and com- home, she said “you should niors includes bathroom and Furbert said that if she had seniors needing to retrofit tions or installation costs.”
fort that only your own home definitely consider widening bedroom safety equipment, to get a new bed now, she their homes is cost. Because of the sums
will allow. your doorways to at least mobility aids and accessi- would get one where the Renovations and medical involved in necessary home
Once we enter our 32-34 inches. You also want bility equipment. He also head or the feet rise, “so I equipment are not cheap. renovations for seniors to
twilight years, accessibility to make sure that the most warned that “falls are most can put my feet up and my One way to ease the funding age in place, a govern-
generally can start to be- commonly used areas are frequent and most severe head up, and that will help issue, said Ms Furbert, is ment-backed loan scheme
come a problem. Common accessible and that your in bathrooms, where there me as I age, in case I expe- to think about this early on. was announced in January,
issues people could experi- bedroom, bathroom and are many hard and slippery rience swelling in my legs or “When people are build- making interest free loans of
ence “are that they become kitchen (or kitchenette) are surfaces.” digestive issues. They make ing their homes initially, or up to $15,000 available for
unsteady on their feet, start all on one level.” He particularly recom- beds that don’t look like buying a home, take into “family members of persons
to lose peripheral vision, or Walette Cross, BHB Allied mended removing tripping hospital beds, but still have consideration that we age, in need of financing home
develop memory loss just to Health Services’ Occupa- hazards such as rugs, im- those features.” and ask yourself, how are renovations, modifications
name a few,” said Bermuda tional Therapist Clinical proving lighting throughout Other general modifica- you going to use the home and/or goods or services
Red Cross Executive Direc- Supervisor, added that the premises and installing tions that she recommended as you age?” that support a safe, long-
accessibility aids such for older people include If renting equipment from term care setting for a loved
as wheelchair ramps, if a replacing knobs on cabinets, the Red Cross, Ms Spen- one living at home.” The
person uses a wheelchair. doors, or faucets with a lever cer-Arscott encouraged loan term is for a maximum
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS CAN Grab bars in the bathroom as it is “easier to manipulate customers “to speak to their of 10 years and is provided
PROBLEM SOLVE CHALLENGES AND and lift chairs, generally, can a lever versus a knob.” insurance company to find through the Bermuda Hous-
help someone rise from the Another useful device, out if rented equipment is ing Corporation, in conjunc-
LIMITATIONS IN AND AROUND THE HOME sitting position more easily. particularly for seniors living covered under their poli- tion with Age Concern.
Stairlifts can make floors on their own, is a medical cy.” She added that “where
tor, Ann Spencer-Arscott. “significant changes and more reachable, and he said alert system. “Person- possible we do work with
While there is a wide appropriate adaptations and that “accessible bathtubs al alarm systems for the
range of specialised equip- modifications can be costly can make bathing possible elderly have their benefits,”
ment available to either and can mean major reno- again.” said Ms Cross. “Most are
rent from the Bermuda Red
Cross or buy from Medical
vations.” With this in mind,
she advised consulting an
Similarly, Ms Furbert
explained that it is quite
common to install bath
activated by a push button
on a wearable device such
as a pendant or wrist band.”
House or Lighthouse Medi- Occupational Therapist be-
cal, it is useless if you can’t fore embarking on such an or shower chairs into the She added that for those
Personalized service with
get through your front door endeavour: bathtub or shower. “They who are able to use them
even make a device whereby efficiently, they are good for
financial and tax planning
or down your corridors. “Occupational therapists
“A lot of homes in Ber- can problem solve challeng- you sit in the tub, and it will providing quick access to
muda are old cottages, and es and limitations in and lower you down into it.” medical help and peace of
have tight and tiny entrances around the home,” she said. Toilet and furniture height mind.
into their rooms,” explained “They can make recommen- can make a difference to The devices available | 1 441 232-5888
the quality of life as we age, from Bermuda Security

70 • A Light, a Lock
and a Good Dog
Home and Personal Security Considerations as You Age
by Amoti K. Nyabongo

To say these are interesting times would be a When discussing home say that most companies if patience, then this may not advert on tv with an elderly
massive understatement; however embracing security with Ms Leleath Bai- requested, will agree to pro- be for you. person on the floor saying,
change as best we can, life goes on. We must ley, she referenced a situa- vide a service representative “Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t
strive to embrace what semblance of normalcy tion where an intruder gained with a security word to en- INSTALL A SECURITY SYSTEM get up.” ICSS provides a lo-
access to a home through a able you to confirm that they The next option for home cal version of this. His com-
we can grasp every day. As we move from
bathroom window that ap- are in fact, who they claim security would be an alarm pany has been in existence
shelter in place to moving about our respective peared to be too small for an to be. This security word is for five years, and the word
community and other areas, some challenges system for your home or
adult to fit through. We usu- initiated and agreed upon apartment. The market has a has been slow to get out, but
remain. ally think of an intruder being by you, the consumer. She he is persistent because he
wide variety of offerings and
of average stature, however, suggests this is a necessity prices ranges, from stand- knows what his company is
Our personal safety, safety to install a few more. He this was not the case in this for seniors who live alone alone systems to 24-hour offering is needed.
for our loved ones and for says that when he comes instance. as it adds another layer of 7-day monitoring linked to a Through the use of locally
our home still remains a in at night, his driveway is Installing a deadbolt with security to mitigate risk. network. There are systems available infrastructure, when
major concern. As society lit when his vehicle triggers a key on both sides of the It is also a good idea to available that you as an in- the client presses the alert
and technology evolve, so the sensor, which gives him lock on main and secondary have trusted family mem- dividual, can install, such as button, Mr Smith’s company
do folks who would take a sense of security. Anoth- access doors is another de- bers or neighbours regularly the new Ring Home Security is able to provide alarm ac-
advantage of us. The good er option with lighting is to System. This system allows tivation to alert the Bermuda
news is that through tech- have exterior lighting on a you, through your personal Police Service, Bermuda
nology, planning and security timer which can be adjusted device (Cell phone, iPad, or Fire and Rescue as well as
AS SOCIETY AND TECHNOLOGY concerned family members
techniques, we can make it throughout the seasons or if tablet) to visually monitor
harder for those who would you are going to be away for EVOLVE, SO DO FOLKS WHO WOULD who is on your property via of the emergency. ICSS
take advantage of us (if not a time. sensor alert or who rings technology also has the
totally guarantee our safety). Another consideration is TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US. your doorbell. You can also capability to detect when an
What follows are some street lighting. Advocating have it connected to a mon- individual has fallen, the de-
ideas and suggestions for additional street lighting terrent as an intruder would check on those living alone. itoring centre for a monthly vice can generate an alarm/
regarding personal safety in with your neighbours, block have to leave the way they Mrs Erlor Dean says that she, fee. The upside is that you alert. They also have the
and around the home that watcher group, the local came in, which limits the size her family, and neighbours can tailor this DIY system to ability to track and locate the
have been offered by fellow church, parish council, or of what they can take. check on each other regular- your budget. individuals where-abouts in
Bermudian residents. minister would be the best Most new windows have ly. They are familiar with each Most security companies, real-time. This is good news
way to approach this issue. security tabs that limit how other’s routine, and if there as well as the Bermuda for families or caregivers
ADD EXTERIOR LIGHTING high the lower pane can be is a break in the routine, they Police Service, are willing that have relatives, friends
INSTALL LOCKS raised. For those who may make a phone call or inves- to conduct security surveys or clients that suffer from
Lighting is probably the
have older or wood-frame tigate. These trusted folks or audits for free to advise Alzheimer’s or dementia and
easiest to install and most Good locks are a key to
windows, it is suggested that have each other’s pertinent you on how you can to have a history of leaving the
cost-effective for personal peace of mind. Mrs Lise Fox,
you pin the window. This phone numbers and addi- minimize risk in your apart- residence unsupervised.
and home security. In talking who says she is always on
can be achieved, by drilling tional information in case of ment, on your property, or In speaking with Mr
with Mr Stanley Williams, guard, locks everything; win-
a hole about an inch deep an emergency. in the home. For seniors on Smith, he informed me that
he suggested that having all dows, screen doors, sliding
into the frame of the upper a fixed income, 24-hour while the cost of his services
areas around your home lit glass doors. While she does
pane and inserting a 2 ½” CONSIDER ADOPTING A DOG 7-day monitoring may not be is reasonable, Government
at night can cut down on in- not personally know anyone
nail, thus limiting the height Three of the interviewees an option, but it is always a Health Insurance (GHI),
truders trespassing. He also who has suffered through a
that the lower pane can be advocated for owning a dog. good idea to check and see Financial Assistance, Argus
suggested that having blinds burglary or home invasion,
raised. You can contact your Dogs can sense or detect what security companies are and BF&M are all willing to
on your windows so people she does not want to be-
local carpenter or check You- intruders or trespassers and offering as no two individual assist with the cost of the
cannot look in to see if you come a victim.
Tube to see how it is done. in barking scare them off or situations are the same. service and subscription.
are home, or what valuables In talking with Ms Esme
This can be done in less than best case…would-be intrud- In conducting research The website is,
you may have. Williams, who is also a
five minutes per window. ers just pass your property for this article, I talked with and the phone contact is 441
One may say that illumi- staunch advocate for seniors
(N.B. The diameter of the nail altogether. This writer has a Mr Dwain Smith CEO and 295 4277. They also have a
nating the exterior of your with disabilities/physical
should not be too snug and neighbour who has a good founder of ICSS Bermuda. Facebook page.
house could be expensive; challenges, says that people
hard to remove, or too loose dog. Depending on the tone This local based business The link for the Ring Sys-
however using LED lights should keep their screen
as to fall out.) of his bark, I may get up and provides 24/7 personal moni- tem:
instead of incandescent doors locked even with the
look outside. (Maybe I should toring services. Their mission pages/security-system
bulbs estimated savings are front door closed. People
BE ALERT buy him a cheeseburger for is “to provide our customers
about $150 over a 20 years. may come to your house Additional safety information
Another cost-saving option claiming an emergency sit- Be on the lookout for individ- services rendered.) with exemplary customer
uals posing as representa- Bear in mind that while a can be found on The Bermu-
is to get spot lamps that are uation…having your screen service, by removing the
tives from utility companies dog may be a good option da Police Service website:
triggered by motion sensors. door locked just gives you stress for those who are
and service providers in an for some, it may not be the http://www.bermudapolice.
Similarly, Mr Clyde Bur- an added layer of protection concerned about the protec-
attempt to gain access to best for all. Dogs require bm/content/senior-citi-
gess has some installed on when you open your front tion of their personal well-
your home. care and training of sorts. If zen-advice.
his property and is looking door. being…” We’ve all seen the
Ms Williams goes on to you do not have the time or

Should You Rent or Not to

Supplement Your Income?
A Life in Paint By Bill Storie

and their type of work.

THE ANSWER IS SIMPLY YES, It is absolutely essential that you have
Given the increased vulnerability of older people to COVID-19, many of
Bermuda’s seniors continue to self-isolate. They are spending more time
NO OR MAYBE. a watertight lease regarding rent, deposit,
damage, additional repairs during the tenancy,
alone than ever before. But how do you stay positive and maintain a The primary issue is whether you need the termination, pets, etc. to fully protect yourself
passion for life during this difficult time? money to augment your company pension – once again a rental agent can be immensely
and social insurance. Ideally, in retirement, helpful here. Additionally, you may well need to
you don’t want to be in shortfall – where your amend your home insurance policy so it would
For Jill Amos Raine the an- to perfect her craft. She thing that you can hold in income is less than your expenses year over be a good idea to speak to your insurance
swer is paint. attributes her keen interest in your hand.” year. A temporary blip is fine if it corrects soon company before signing a lease.
Chatting on the painting to the fact that “art When asked what she at- thereafter. But if you are permanently in short-
web-meeting platform called keeps you going because tributes to her ability to lead fall, then your lifestyle will be impacted. So,
Zoom, the much-loved for- you never arrive”. For her, a thriving life, she replied extra income must come from somewhere. KEEP IN MIND THAT
mer schoolteacher and now each painting is a journey, that to remain independent If you have a side apartment or even a THERE IS A GREAT DEAL
a prolific creator of greatly and no two paintings are the you have to remain healthy spare room in your house which could gen-
admired watercolour scenes same. and to remain healthy you erate some rental income then given your TO CONSIDER BESIDES
of Bermuda, remains upbeat “It’s the act of painting have to keep active, and to shortfall circumstances, you might very well
about her time in isolation itself that is important, not remain active you just have go ahead and rent it out. But keep in mind that JUST THE NEED FOR
and the opportunity it has whether or not anyone buys to get yourself up every day there is a great deal to consider besides just ADDITIONAL INCOME
given her to focus on her art. it, because you are always and do things. Among her the need for additional income.
When asked how she is striving to be better”. many interests - when the For starters, having an extra person either
fairing, she replied, “I think In a sense, painting is Bermuda College is open as in your home or even in the apartment with a Regardless of the reason for choosing to
you just have to keep your literally the glue that keeps normal - she is a regular at separate entrance may be a challenge. What rent out part of your property, there are im-
perspective. I remember her going. She has been the Senior’s Ballet class. She if they are nocturnal and they wander around portant pros and cons that all would-be live-in
attending a VE (Victory in Eu- challenging herself to do a is also a fan of Tai Chi and making noise when you are trying to sleep? landlords should consider before taking this
rope) Street Party in London painting a day during the Line Dancing. What if they are party animals or smokers? leap. You must factor in your age as well. Can
at the end of World War Two pandemic and is showing no Mrs Amos Raine is an ac- What if they have overnight guests on a reg- you sustain having someone around for years
as a child. So, this current signs of slowing down. tive member of the Bermuda ular basis. Maybe they are just noisy. Do they to come even though you need the money?
situation is easily compared “First you must engage Plein Aire Painting Group, make sure the place is clean and tidy? Do they Don’t wake up one morning and suddenly
to sheltering in tunnels in the your mind to find a subject to and she also exhibits her put the trash out on time? declare you are going to rent out the apart-
middle of the night to avoid paint, and then you have to paintings and prints with The Equally, you must check out the details of ment without doing your homework and
warfare bombing”. concentrate so hard on what Dragon’s Lair Gallery in St. any prospective tenant before you agree to speaking with your family, your friends, your
Now in her late seventies, you are doing that your mind Georges, The Dockyard Art rent to them, and it might be wise to use a rental agent etc. Take your time.
Mrs Amos Raine is essen- becomes so immersed in Centre and the gift shop of rental agent to both find and then check out Then sit back and imagine in your mind
tially a self-taught artist. She the task at hand that all your The Masterworks Museum of a tenant for you. The final decision is yours what it would be like to have someone in the
was initially inspired during mundane problems simply Bermuda Art. certainly, but any piece of information might next room or next door close by you. Imagine
a weekend course featuring go away,” she explains. “And Her enthusiasm for life is a prove useful over time. Just because he or she various scenarios and how they would look
visiting artist Steve Schmalz once you are done, you get lesson for us all. looks nice doesn’t automatically mean they with another person nearby.
many years ago and has to experience the satisfaction will be good tenants. Check their ability to pay It’s not all about the money.
worked steadily ever since of having produced some-


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