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Requirement 4 3 2 1 Total
Display an Student clearly Student clearly Student did not Student did not
understanding conveyed an conveyed an clearly convey an demonstrate any
of “censorship” undegrading of understanding of understanding of understanding of
and the many these concepts the concepts, the topic; the issues behind
issues and addressed the however, did not however, the censorship
surrounding it, issues appropriately issue was
especially in appropriately in addresses them in addressed in
regard to their regard to their them in regard to regard to the
specific book in the their book student’s topic
literature presentation Total: _____ / 20
Provide Student chose a Student chose a Student chose a Student did not
accurate real banned book real banned book real banned book choose a banned
information and provided an and provided an but did not book nor provide
accurate accurate provide an an accurate
description of the description of the accurate description of the
book book description of the book
Total: _____ / 20
Organization The organization The organization There is little There is no
is excellent and is neat but not organization, organization
visually pleasing. too visually presentation is
The layout of the appealing understood but
information is not visually
appropriate. appealing
Total: _____ / 20
Delivery Information was The delivery was The delivery was Poor delivery,
delivered fine, a few fine, a few obviously no
effectively and mistakes were mistakes were preparation
clearly. Correct made. Little made. Little
vocabulary was preparation. preparation.
used, and
presenter made
eye contact with
audience. Clearly Total: _____ / 20
well prepared for.
Participation Student prepared Student prepared Student prepared Student prepared
for the discussion for the discussion for the discussion for the discussion
and participated and participated and participated and participated
in the seminar in the seminar in the seminar in the seminar Total: _____ / 20
with valid points with valid points with valid points with valid points

Total: ____ / 100

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