QAS401 Discussionss

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Assignment 01

Question 1
Contributions from the various quality eras throughout history and how it shapes roles of
modern managers in delivery of quality products and services
Total quality management had its roots in the time and motion studies conducted by Frederick
Taylor in the 1920s. Taylor separated planning and execution of a task, as a basic aspect of
scientific management. Taylor later set out three divisions: the CEO to do the planning,
production workers- to execute the plan and quality person to keep quality from failing.
As the volumes and complexity of the work grew quality became difficult to maintain. Statically
process control chart were developed by Shewhart in 1924 to use as a quality control method. In
1927 W. Edward Deming and Walter Shewhart discussed ideas of management. Deming Taught
SPC to American wartime workers in 1941 but after World War 2 SPC faded in America
1950 W. Edward Deming taught methods for statical analysis and control of quality to Japanese
engineers, managers, executives and scholars. This can be considered as the origin of TQM.
Joseph M. Juran taught the concept of controlling quality and managerial breakthrough. Armand
V. Feigenbaum’s book Total quality control, a forerunner for present understanding of TQM was
published. 1950-1960 quality was about inspections and throwing away the bad parts. Philip B.
Crosby’s promotion of zero defects paved a way for quality improvement in many companies
After World War 2 Japan decided to get more serious about manufacturing quality products and
increase their competitiveness.
The Japanese named their approach to total quality companywide quality control. During that
time quality management system arisen. Kaoru Ishikawa synthesis of the philosophy to the
ascendancy as a quality leader. It took japan about 20 years to see the results. TQM was not an
individual concept, different people contributed by creating a comprehensive approach of doing
business. Quality gurus developed a meaningful concept known today as TQM.

1.2 Five leadership theories and its applicability in the working environment.
1. Transformation leadership: the leader connects with follower in a way that it raises
their level of motivation and morality. This leader do everything in his/her power to help
employees to reach their full potential. They have the ability to make followers willingly
follow the established vision. The leader is very good in communication, their words
inspires and encourages actions.
2. Path-goal theory/ goal orientated leadership: the leader is focused on the result only. It is
important that the leader try to be supportive, approachable and make the work
environment enjoyable for workers. Because most workers do repetitive task i.e.
manufacturing sector.
3. Leader member exchange (LME): the leader have a divided group, the in-group and the
out-group members. The in-group work extremely well with the leader, they even go out
of their way to achieve the organization’s goals and they end up being promoted. The
out-group are less compatible with the leader, they just want to do their daily task only
and even when it is possible for them to do more they won’t. The out-group are likely to
leave their job. It is very important for the leader to develop connection with all the
subordinates. Transformational leader may offer guidance to path-goal leader on how to
convert out-group into in-group members.
4. Servant leadership: the leader put the needs of employees first before his/her own. The
leader is about stewardship in the organization. The leader inspire employees to do what
is necessary to improve the organization’s performance without coercion. Because they
feel an intense and personal responsibility for the company’s performance. This approach
goes beyond employee empowerment to employee autonomy.
5. Situation leadership: is about matching the right leadership style to the situation. The
leadership style is selected based on the circumstances at the time. The leader study the
circumstances precisely before taking any action.
In conclusion all leadership theories can applied to different situations to achieve the goal of the
organization. A leader must be able to inspire employees to make willingly, voluntary
commitment to achieve/exceed the organizational goal.

Question 2

Question 3
The table below indicate the problems observed in the VSM and improvement to reduce the lead
time to our customers

Question 4
ISO 9001 is the international standards for quality management systems. Internal audits is one of
the most effective way to ensure that Quality management system is functioning properly and
effectively. Therefore I will write an audit report to management after conducting an audit to
evaluate the effectiveness of ISO 9001 in the organization.
Audit report on ISO 9001: 2015 follow-up
Scope: this is a follow-up after audit after Certification of ISO 9001 focusing three aspect of
quality management system:
 To confirm that management system comply to the requirement of the audit standard
 To confirm that continuous improvement achieved.
 To confirm that management system is capable of achieving the organizations objectives
which is certified for.
Brief summary
The audit plan covered only the above mentioned aspect of the quality system. It is not possible
to cover all the aspect of the business in a single audit. Where no no-conformance were not
raised does not necessarily mean that they do not exist. Where non-conformance have been
raised make sure to consider other areas where the corrective action could be applicable.
Corrective action on these non-conformance needs to be taken within 60 days from the last day
of the audit.

Details of the audit
Location of audit was on-site audit.
The previous audit was a recertification and 3 minor non-conformances were raised and were
cleared. There is no changes required to the documented management system.
The audit covered all element identified in the audit plan.
The company’s Quality Management system is adequate for its scope and activities. It is fully
implemented and appear to be fully understood by the site head and management team.
Objective have been set for 2019 and they will be reviewed and updated to indicate continual
There is a list of applicable legal/regulatory requirement to supplement company’s quality
management system documentation which is necessary assurance for its activities. This
documents are used as a guideline to ensure that operations do not deviate from the set standard.
There were no non-conformance found during this audit.
Opportunities for improvement:
 New quality policy needs to be displayed for staff members and visitors.
 Staff training is necessary to ensure continual improvement. Please in your business
strategy specify training plan for staff
In conclusion the Quality management system is effective and fully embedded within the
organization. All the information viewed during the internal audit will remain confidential.

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