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Question 1 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question The amniotic fluid reaches it’s maximum amount at: Select one: © a. 30 weeks © b, 32 weeks © ¢.36 weeks \ d.34 weeks Scanned with CamScanner Question 2 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 26 year old G5P2 (0221) on her 30-31 weeks age of gestation came in due to watery vaginal discharge. She however has no bleeding nor hypogastric pain. She claims to have good fetal movement. What will you do next? Select one: ’ a. Give her steroids \ b. Do BPS \ ¢. Do speculum exam and IE \ d. Give her tocolytics Scanned with CamScanner Question 3 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question If aterm patient had NST and after 20 minutes failed to have recorded accelerations, what are you going to do? Select one: “a. Deliver © b. Non-reactive NST, request for a BPS ©. c. Prolong the trace to 40 minutes \ d. Ask her to come back after 5 minutes and ask a friend what you will do Scanned with CamScanner Question 4 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question The following test are routinely requested during the 1° prenatal visit EXCEPT: Select one: \ a. Blood Typing b. X-ray pelvimetry \ ¢. Complete Blood Count \ d. Urinalysis \ e. Pap smear Scanned with CamScanner Question 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question A patient was given Misoprostol during her first 2 weeks of pregnancy. She is afraid that this might affect the baby. However now on her 8-9 th week age of gestation she is asymptomatic. What will probably happen to her baby? Select one: a. Her pregnancy will proceed but her baby might have fetal anomalies b. She will have preterm delivery Oe. Nothing will happen. Since the insult happened during the all-or none period d. She might have an abortion Scanned with CamScanner Question 6 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 40-year-old woman complains of frequent urination and a burning sensation on urination. She also had this feeling of a bearing-down sensation in her womb. Physical examination by her gynecologist showed that she has uterine prolapse. Which of the following structures provides the primary support for the cervix of the uterus? Select one: ’ a. Pubocervical ligament \ b. Suspensory ligament of the ovary ’ c. Broad ligament of the uterus \ d. Cardinal (transverse cervical) ligament ’ e, Round ligament of the uterus Scanned with CamScanner Question 7 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Twin pregnancy will require higher nutritional requirement, How many kilocalories should be added to the total caloric requirement of the twin pregnancy during the third trimester Select one: ’ a. 450 kcal © b. 300 kcal © ©. 350 kcal © d. 400 kcal Scanned with CamScanner Question 8 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Which of the following intrapartum fetal heart rate pattern is reassuring? Select one: Oa. Early decelerations © b. Variable decelerations Oc. Tachycardia d. Accelerations Scanned with CamScanner Question 9 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 23 y.o patient sought consult at the e.r. at because of labor pains. Her BP = 120/80, PR = 96, RR = 18. FHR= 138/min. Initial IE done at 2 pm revealed a cervix that is 4-5cm dilated, 90% effaced, cephalic, (-) BOW, st. 0. What could have been the 1st symptom that the patient have experience to show that she was already in labor. Select one: a. regular uterine contractions b. irregular uterine contractions c. bloody mucoid discharge d. watery vaginal discharge Scanned with CamScanner Question 10 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 28 yo was admitted at 8:20am because of labor pains. Her admitting IE showed a cervix which is 4-5cm, 90% eff, breech, (-) BOW, st -4. Repeat IE on your patient at 10am showed her cervix is 5-6cm dilated. The patient delivered spontaneously at 11am. Had the patient not delivered, and the labor progressed normally, what component of dystocia would most likely be the reason for the IE finding of 5-6 cm at 9pm Select one: ~) a. Powers and Passageway — b. Passageway c. Powers d. Passenger Scanned with CamScanner | Question 11 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 23 y.o patient sought consult at the e.r. at because of labor pains. Her BP = 120/80, PR = 96, RR = 18. FHR= 138/min. Initial IE done at 2 pm revealed a cervix that is 4-5cm dilated, 90% effaced, cephalic, (+) BOW, st. 0. The patient was then admitted to the labor room. Uterine contractions in the labor room showed that the contractions were 40-50 secs. in duration, 5-6mins interval, moderate to strong intensity. Uterine Contractions showed an average of 45 mm Hg amnionic pressure. FHR was 150/min. Repeat IE at 8pm showed that the patient is fully dilated, fully effaced, st +1. Amniotomy was done with thinly stained AF. The patient delivered at around 9:45 pm by normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. Bleeding of about 100 cc was noted prior to the delivery of the placenta. The umbilical cord was noted to be greenish in color. What type of placental separation could have occurred for this Scanned with CamScanner greenish in color. What type of placental separation could have occurred for this patient? Select one: \ a. Histopath of the Placenta is needed to answer the question © b. Duncan _) ¢. Cannot tell based on the history provided \ d. Schultze Scanned with CamScanner Question 12 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 19 year old G2P1 (1001) 38-39 weeks came in due to vaginal spotting with passage of mucoid material. The obstetrician said that the discharge is probably due to mucus plug. What is NOT true regarding the mucus plug? Select one: ’ a. Rich in cytokines \ b. All choices are correct ») c. Produced by the bacteria seen in the vagina \ d. When spread over a glass slide it will show beading pattern Scanned with CamScanner Question 13 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question The amnion is 1* identifiable during this stage of development: Select one: \ a, Fetal stage b. Blastocyst stage Oc. Embryonic stage d. Zygote stage Scanned with CamScanner Question 14 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question JT is a 36 y/o G10P9 (9009) on her 16-17 weeks age of gestation came in for follow-up. She is asking why fasting blood glucose should be done during this pregnancy. She has no family history nor symptoms of a probable diabetes mellitus. The following is/are true with carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy: Select one: ’ a. Half-life on insulin is shorter during pregnancy, thus requiring more insulin to lower down increased blood glucose. — b, Pregnancy is a state of prolonged fasting hypoglycemia. — c. Insulin sensitivity is 30-70% lower in normal pregnant women. ) d. Post-prandial hyperglycemia is shorter in duration in the pregnant woman. Scanned with CamScanner Question 1 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A patient on her 29-30 weeks age of gestation was admitted in labor at 6 cm 70% effaced, cephalic (+) BOW, station 0. What will you give to her to prevent some of the complication of a preterm neonate? Select one: © a. MgSO4 \ b. Antenatal steroids \ ce. Both MgSO4 and antenatal steroids © d. MgS04, antenatal steroids, and antibiotics Scanned with CamScanner Question 16 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A pregnant patient came in with an ultrasound result. An embryo was seen with crown rump length equivalent to 6.5 weeks. However your patient is worried that there was a cystic mass seen on the right measuring 7 x 5.4 cm. What will you do as her physician? Select one: ) a. Repeat the ultrasound now — b. Repeat the ultrasound after 4-5 weeks © ¢. Reassure her that it is physiologic \ d. Schedule her for an operation Scanned with CamScanner Question 17 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Trophoblast primarily involved with transport of oxygen, nutrients & other compounds: Select one: a. extravillous trophoblast b. villous trophoblast © c¢. endovascular trophoblast © d. interstitial trophoblast Scanned with CamScanner Question 18 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question A full thickness defect of the abdominal wall usually to the right of the umbilical cordisa Select one: ( a. Body stalk anomaly b. Gastroschisis c. Omphalocele © d. Bladder extrophy Scanned with CamScanner Question 19 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Which of the following is medically manageable Select one: \” a. Protracted Descent © b. Protracted Dilatation » c. Arrest in Descent \” d. Arrest in Dilatation Scanned with CamScanner Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question Which of the following is an absolute indication to deliver abdominally? Select one: © a. Brow presentation b. Breech, Shoulder presentation c. Breech presentation d. Shoulder presentation Scanned with CamScanner Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 28 yo was admitted at 8:20am because of labor pains. Her IE showed a cervix which is 4-5cm, 90% eff, cephalic, (-) BOW, st -4. What test could you do to assess if the presenting part can engage: Select one: \ a. Mueller Hillis maneuver \ b. X ray pelvimetry \ ¢, Maureceau maneuver © d. Fetal US to estimate fetal size Scanned with CamScanner Question 22 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 25 year old G2P1 (1001) on her 33-34 weeks age of gestation. She was given indomethacin for control of the preterm labor. What effects of the medication will most likely happen to the baby? Select one: © a. Constriction of the ductus arteriosus © b. Polyhydramnios \ ¢. IUGR \) d. Closure of the foramen ovale Scanned with CamScanner Question 23 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Fetal cells that become engrafted in the mother during pregnancy is termed: Select one: a. Mosaicism b. Microchimerism © ¢.No appropriate choice d. Microchimerism, Mosaicism Scanned with CamScanner Question 24 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question True regarding vaginal examination late in pregnancy Select one: © a. Confirmation of presenting part and station b. Clinical pelvimetry c. Assessment of cervical dilatation \ d. Repeating a pap smear Scanned with CamScanner Question 25 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question Majority of the caloric requirement of pregnancy is needed during the: Select one: a. before pregnancy b. 2"¢ half of pregnancy ~ c. 3" trimester / d. 1S‘ half of pregnancy Scanned with CamScanner Question 26 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 27-year old primigravida presents with abdominal pain, syncope and vaginal spotting. Assessment reveals that she has an ectopic pregnancy. Which part of the uterine tube is the most common site of ectopic pregnancy? Select one: \ a. isthmus \ b. uterine part \ c. ampulla © d. infundibulum Scanned with CamScanner Question 27 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 24 y/o G1P0 came in for prenatal check- up. She is on her 29-30" weeks age of gestation. She has been diagnosed with Bronchial asthma since 12 years old. Her last attack was 3 years ago. Currently she is asymptomatic. Fundic Height is 29 cm. FHT is 143 beats per minute. What will antenatal test will you request at this time? Select one: a. CST b. BPS @ c. NST d. Doppler studies Clear my_choice Scanned with CamScanner Question 28 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question LK G2P1 (1001) previous NSD has been diagnosed with monochorionic monoamnionic twin pregnancy. Currently she is on her 33-34 weeks age of gestation. She is asymptomatic and reports good fetal movement. What will you do in this prenatal check-up? Select one: a. Do repeat 75 gram OGTT b. Send her home and advice ff-up after 2 weeks ~ c. Admit her for steroids and primary cs d. Do antenatal testing Scanned with CamScanner Question 29 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 23 y.o patient sought consult at the e.r. because of labor pains. Her BP = 120/80, PR = 96, RR = 18. FHR= 138/min. Initial IE done at 10 am revealed a cervix that is 4- 5cm dilated, 90% effaced, cephalic, (+) BOW, st. 0. The patient was then admitted to the labor room. Uterine contractions in the labor room showed that the contractions were 40-50 secs. in duration, 5-6mins interval, moderate to strong intensity. Uterine Contractions showed an average of 45 mm Hg amnionic pressure. FHR was 150/min. What is the most important force during this stage of labor that would propel the baby towards a normal vaginal delivery. Scanned with CamScanner Select one: \ a. Valsalva Maneuver + Uterine Contractions © b. No appropriate choice available \ ¢. Valsalva Maneuver \ d, Uterine Contractions Scanned with CamScanner Question 30 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 28 yo was admitted at 8:20am because of labor pains. Her admitting IE showed a cervix which is 4-5cm, 90% eff, cephalic, (-) BOW, st -4. Repeat IE on your patient at 10am showed her cervix is 5-6cm dilated. The patient delivered spontaneously at 11am. What type of labor has most likely occurred? Select one: ’ a. Precipitate labor ’ b. Quick labor / c. Precipitation labor ) d. Normal labor Scanned with CamScanner Question 31 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The most reliable indicator of fetal well- being in the EFM is Select one: \” a. Baseline heart rate b. Presence of accelerations \” c. Normal variability \” d. Absence of decelerations Scanned with CamScanner Question 32 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 21 y/o G1P0 sought consult today June 22, 2020 for the first time. Her LMP was May 27, 2020, Ht: 1.55 meters, Wt: 52.88 kg . You expect her to deliver her baby on Select one: \) a. March 31, 2021 _) b. February 28, 2021 ' c, January 4, 2021 ») d. March 4, 2021 Scanned with CamScanner Question 33 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Fetal presentation is usually diagnosed at term by: Select one: Oa. Leopolds maneuver b. Pelvic Ultrasound ~ ¢. Abdominal x-ray ( d. Internal Examination Scanned with CamScanner Question 34 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 40 year old G4P3 (0300) came in for prenatal check-up. Currently she is on her 14-15 weeks age of gestation. When asked what did she feel prior to the preterm deliveries. She said she did not feel any pain prior. She only felt the pain when she was already about to deliver the head. She also denies any history of prior infections. What is the cause of the repeated preterm deliveries of this woman? Select one: — a. Incompetent cervix b. Spontaneous preterm labor — c. Subclinical infection d. Decidual hemorrhage Scanned with CamScanner Question 35 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question A 23 y.o patient sought consult at the e.r. because of labor pains. Her BP = 100/70, PR = 91, RR = 18. FHR= 148/min. Initial 1E done at 8am showed that the cervix is 1-2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, cephalic, (+) BOW, st. 0. The patient was asked to come back with increase frequency of contractions. The patient is in what stage of labor? Select one: a. Stage 3 b. Stage 1 c. Stage 4 d. Stage 2 Scanned with CamScanner Question 36 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The pregnancy test kits principally react to: Select one: \” a. alpha and beta hCG b. beta-hCG © ¢.no choice is appropriate d. alpha-hCG Scanned with CamScanner Question 37 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question is a pattern involving an acceleration followed by a variable deceleration with no acceleration at the end of the deceleration. Select one: ' a. Beta — b. Lambda Jc. Alpha ' d. Theta Scanned with CamScanner Question 38 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 19 year old twin pregnancy had ultrasound results of estiamated fetal weight A — 1898 grams B — 1598 grams. The SVP is A 8 and B is 1.4. Determine the percentage of growth discordancy in the twins Select one: ' a. 18.8% © b.17.1% ) 6.14.6 % © d. 15.8% Scanned with CamScanner Question 39 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 23 y.o patient sought consult at the e.r. because of labor pains. Her BP = 100/70, PR = 91, RR = 18. FHR= 148/min. Initial 1E done at 8am showed that the cervix is 1-2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, cephalic, (+) BOW, st. 0. The patient was asked to come back with increase frequency of contractions.The patient is in what phase of cervical dilatation? Select one: a. Active Phase ' b. Phase of Maximum Slope ~ c. Deceleration Phase » d. Latent Phase Scanned with CamScanner Question 40 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The recommended ferrous iron supplement to be given during pregnancy is: Select one: \ a. 23 mg/ day b. 27 mg/ day c. 21 mg/ day \ d. 25 mg/ day Scanned with CamScanner Question 41 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 26 year old has caudal regression sequence seen on ultrasound. It is most commonly associated with what maternal condition? Select one: — a. Goiter b. Polio ' ce. Acromegaly © d. Diabetes mellitus Scanned with CamScanner Question 42 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question This index measures the relative probability that the examination might increase the temperature potentially high enough to induce fetal injury. Select one: ‘a. Mechanical Index b. Thermal index \ c. Pulsatility index \) d. Resistance index Scanned with CamScanner Question 43 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 27 year old primigravid on her 34-35 weeks age of gestation came in due to dizziness she felt while she was lying supine. She took her blood pressure and noted it to be 80/60 mmHg. She denies any other symptoms. What is the plausible cause of this finding? Select one: ) a. She has supine hypotension syndrome © b. She is dehydrated © ¢. She has abruption placenta \ d. She has orthostatic hypotension Scanned with CamScanner Question 44 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question The flowing are conditions that may necessitate a label of high risk pregnancy EXCEPT: Select one: a, Nabothian cyst ‘© b. Prior cesarean section \) ¢. Condyloma accuminata ' d. Uterine myomas Scanned with CamScanner Question 45 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question This are risk factors for a transverse lie: Select one: a. Macrosomia b. Oligohydramnios \ c. Placenta previa \ d. Uterine didelphys Scanned with CamScanner Question 46 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question KL is a 41 y/o G3P2 (2002) on her 23-24 weeks age of gestation. She is a known hypertensive. But her prenatal check-up since the first trimester showed normal BP. Her doctor said this is expected during this time of the pregnancy. It does not mean that she is not hypertensive anymore. What is the physiologic adaptation that would explain this finding? Scanned with CamScanner Select one: a. There is an increase in cardiac output due to the increase in blood volume b. The heart rate remains unchanged c. The pregnant woman is more responsive to the effect of the Renin- angiotensin — aldosterone system ’ d. There is a decrease in peripheral resistance Scanned with CamScanner Question 47 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question UV is a 22 y/o G2P1 (1001) 38 weeks age of gestation, previous normal deliveries. She has twin pregnancy both with cephalic presentation. She delivered the first of a twin vaginally. After 30 minutes it was noted that the head of the second twin is still floating. What can you do to deliver the 2" of a twin faster? Select one: a. Do Cesarean Section b. Do internal podalic version \— c. Use the vacuum to deliver the baby ~ d. Ask your assistant to apply fundal pressure Scanned with CamScanner Question 48 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question LR is a G3P1 (0110) 30-31 weeks age of gestation who came in for check-up. Fundic Height is 26 cm, FHT is 155 bpm. What antenatal test will evaluate placental function? Select one: \ a. BPS © b. Umbilical artery Doppler © ¢. NST © d. CST Scanned with CamScanner Question 49 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question What is the vitamin thought to play a role in lung development? Select one: a. Vitamin B complex b. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D Scanned with CamScanner Question 50 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Failure of formation of the right and left truncal swellings or septum will result in what congenital heart disease? Select one: a. Truncus arteriosus b. TOF © ¢. TGA © d. TAPVR Scanned with CamScanner Question 51 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question The mesonephros is seen at what age of gestation? Select one: © a.4 weeks © b. 12 weeks ~ c. 7 weeks d. 10 weeks Scanned with CamScanner Question 52 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question This is the least Montevideo units that can induce cervical dilation. Select one: a. 150 © b.100 c. 250 © d.200 Scanned with CamScanner Question 53 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question In doing an oophorectomy, the ovarian vessels need to be ligated. These vessels can be found in which of the following ligaments? Select one: \ a. ovarian \ b. suspensory ( \ c. round © d. broad Scanned with CamScanner Question 54 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Blood from the spiral arteries basically will be driven towards the: Select one: a. Chorionic Villus © b. Chorionic Plate ~ c. Basal Plate d. Decidual septum Scanned with CamScanner Question 55 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 23 yo G1P0 sought consult for labor pains. L2: fetal small parts left On IE the sacrum was noted to be on the side of the fetal small parts and is close to the ischial spines. The position of the presenting part is: Select one: © a. LST © b. RST © ec. LSA Od. SA Scanned with CamScanner Question 56 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 35-year old woman came to the clinic because of pain on the right lower abdominal region. The woman just gave birth 4 days ago. Ultrasound showed an ovarian vein thrombosis on the right extending proximally.The thrombus most likely extends into the: Select one: \© a. inferior vena cava © b. hepatic portal vein © ¢. renal vein \ d. right internal iliac vein ‘© e. ascending lumbar vein Scanned with CamScanner Question 57 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The usually cause of an arrest of descent at the level of the ischial spines is: Select one: \ a. OA © b. OT, OP » c.OP d. OT Scanned with CamScanner Question 58 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Progesterone is primarily secreted by which of the following structures? Select one: a. Secondary follicle b. Graafian follicle c. Corpus luteum \ d. Primary follicle Scanned with CamScanner Question 59 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question During a hysterectomy, the uterine vessels are ligated. However, the patients’s uterus continues to bleed. The most likely source of blood is from: Select one: — a. Superior vesical ~ b. Internal pudendal ’ c. Inferior vesical ») d. Middle rectal \ e. Ovarian Scanned with CamScanner Question 60 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Vascular invasion of the decidual vessels primarily involve the: Select one: \ a. spiral vein \ b. no correct choice \” ¢. spiral vein and artery d. spiral artery Scanned with CamScanner Question 61 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The maneuver that is performed for the completion of the 3" stage of labor is: Select one: © a. Brandt-Andrews Maneuver © b. MacDonalds Maneuver ~ c. McRoberts Maneuver \” d. Pinard’s Maneuver Scanned with CamScanner Question 62 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question HL is a 43 year old G10P9 (9009) 41-42 weeks came in for prenatal check-up. She is worried that her baby is post-term. What antenatal test is the best for this patient? Select one: \ a. BPS © b. CST © ¢.NST © d. Doppler studies Scanned with CamScanner Question 63 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question In a patient with diabetes what tocolytic is not recommended to stop preterm labor and delivery. Select one: \ a. Corticosteroids b. Magnesium sulfate © ¢. Calcium channel blockers © d. Beta agonist Scanned with CamScanner Question 64 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A patient had an ultrasound which showed Twin A - estimated weight 1909 grams, Single vertical pocket 2.2 cm Twin B - estimated weight 2067 grams, Single vertical pocket 3.2 cm Both are females Dividing membranes is 0.33 cm. What is the possible chorionicity and amnionicity of the pregnancy? Select one: a. Monochorionic, diamnionic ~ b. Dichorionic, diamnionic \ ¢. Monochorionic, monoamnionic Scanned with CamScanner Question 65 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Identify the variability in this tracing. 141 13139 140 000 OL/OUEE dem imis GD —Tocoet Scanned with CamScanner 141 13139 140 feet RO. C4044 Iem'me OD ure jt mind r ToC i { e N \4\ beh Wye tg abet Select one: \ a, Reduced \ b. Normal — c. Increased Scanned with CamScanner Question 66 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 21 y/o came in with an ultrasound result that showed this picture. What is the chorionicity? Select one: a. Monochorionic b. Trichorionic c. Dichorionic Scanned with CamScanner Question 67 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question A 23 yo G1P0 sought consult for labor pains. L1 showed a nodular mass, L2 fetal small parts on the left, L3 engaged L4 cephalic prominence on the opposite side of the fetal small. IE revealed cx is 3-4 cm dilated, (-) BOW. What anatomical fetal land mark is the cephalic prominence in this case? Select one: a, Mentum © b. Acromium c. Occiput / d. Sacrum Scanned with CamScanner Question 68 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question A 34 y/o G1P0 22-23 weeks, monochorionic, diamnionic came in for follow-up, she is asymptomatic. What labs will you request at this current check-up? Select one: \ a. Congenital anomaly scan \ b. Fetal Biometry ~ c. Uterine doppler © d4.cBe Scanned with CamScanner Question 69 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question The total iron requirement during pregnancy is consumed by: Select one: ( \ a. Fetal iron + Placental requirements + Maternal hemoglobin b. Fetal iron requirements c. Placenta \ d. Maternal hemoglobin mass Scanned with CamScanner Question 70 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Pregnancy is a diabetogenic state due to what substances? Select one: © a. Cortisol b. Prostaglandin Oe Estrogen \ d. Relaxin Scanned with CamScanner Question 71 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question This hormones are relatively increase after 20 weeks AOG: Select one: ~ a.CRH b. HPL © ¢. hPL + CRH © d. hCG + hPL + CRH © e. hCG Scanned with CamScanner Question 72 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A patient is very anxious about getting pregnant. She is a known asthmatic. What changes in pregnancy might affect her disease condition? Select one: a. Total pulmonary resistance is decreased b. Airway conductance remains the same \ ¢, Lung compliance is increased d. Functional residual capacity is increased Scanned with CamScanner Question 73 | Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Possible causes of this type of tracing is Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Possible causes of this type of tracing is Select one: © a. Fetal heart failure © b. No correct choice © c¢. Maternal sedation © d. Fetal anemia Clear my_choice Scanned with CamScanner Question 74 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 19-year-old female consulted because of warty lesions on her external genitalia for the past 6 months. On physical examination, lesions were exclusively seen on the vulvar area. Which of the following structures would not show the presence of these lesions? Select one: a. fourchette “© b. hymen \ ce. vagina © d. clitoris \ e. labia minora Scanned with CamScanner Question 75 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 32-year-old woman with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is admitted to a hospital for culdocentesis. A long needle on the syringe is most efficiently inserted through which of the following structures? Select one: a. Anterior fornix of the vagina © b. Posterior fornix of the vagina c. Posterior wall of the uterine body d. Anterior wall of the rectum \ e. Posterior wall of the bladder Scanned with CamScanner Question 76 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question The main source of maternal estrogen comes from: Select one: \ a, Fetal Adrenals + Maternal ovaries b. Placenta \ ¢, Maternal adrenals \ d. Fetal adrenals \ e. Ovaries Scanned with CamScanner Question 77 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question The cranial end of the neural tube closes by ____ days from the last menstrual period. Select one: \ a. 40 b. 30 © 6.38 © 4.42 Scanned with CamScanner Question 78 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 21 y/o G1P0 sought consult today June 22, 2020 for the first time. Her LMP was March 13, 2020, Ht: 1.55 meters, Wt: 52.88 kg You would expect to feel fetal movement as early as: Select one: \ a. 16 weeks © b. 22 weeks © ¢. 20 weeks © d.18 weeks Scanned with CamScanner Question 79 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Spiral arteries during pregnancy would Select one: \ a. Vasodilate and preserve their contractility \ b. Widen, elongate and preserve their contractility De. Elongate only but not preserve their contractility © d. Vasodilate and lose their contractility Scanned with CamScanner Question 80 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question A 21 y/o G1P0 sought consult today June 22, 2020 for the first time. Her LMP was March 13, 2020, Ht: 1.55 meters, Wt: 52.88 kg . What is her Age of Gestation? Select one: \ a. 13 weeks 3/7 days b. 13 weeks 6/7 days c. 14 weeks 6/7 days \ d.14 weeks 3/7 days Scanned with CamScanner Question 81 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question A patient has been diagnosed with monochorionic, diamnionic twins. This patient will be prone to this complications except: Select one: © a. TRAP “© b, Poly-Oli sequence c. Amniotic band syndrome d. Twin Twin transfusion syndrome Scanned with CamScanner Question 82 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question In performing a hysterectomy, this structure is commonly mistakenly ligated by the surgeon because it is just superior to the uterine artery: Select one: ’ a. Uterine tube ~) b. Ovarian ligament ’ c. Ureter ’ d. Ovarian artery ) e. Round ligament of the uterus Scanned with CamScanner Question 83 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question True of the foramen ovale Select one: © a. Will only allow oxygenated blood to enter the left atrium ~ b. Will close if indomethacin is used for tocolysis c. The leaflet should always open to the left atrium d. All choices are correct Scanned with CamScanner Question 84 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 36 year old primigravid 33-34 weeks came in due to hypogastric pain. The patient’s baby has been diagnosed with multiple congenital anomalies, the baby probably has Edward's syndrome. What will you do at this time? Select one: \” a. Do cesarean section b. Allow the baby to be delivered prematurely without giving steroids \ ¢. Give steroids \ d. Give tocolytics and give steroids Scanned with CamScanner Question 85 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question Fetal brain damage in TTTS is because of Select one: a. Hypotension in the donor twin — b. Hypertension in the recipient c. Hypertension in the donor d. Polycythemia in the donor Scanned with CamScanner Question 86 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Classify this intrapartum trace. 14f 13139 140 ROOD CHOKE Yeminis 0D om mind EN . ‘m7 \ Toei j \ \ fet WA iat rE TN ye os Ae “ine Scanned with CamScanner J *conometeics oO 13140 139 | @ ‘tardies | pete RI L SYS FEMS. 15 13141 | rr { t | } ~1e0-4 Zz | ee Scanned with CamScanner Classify this intrapartum trace. 14f 13139 140 8 BY RO 00 OU/OKIEE temimia oot min . r { | —ToCoet j Select one: © a. Normal © b, Pathologic \ c. Suspicious Scanned with CamScanner Question 87 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 VY Flag question Expressions of Human Leukocyte Antigen that is known to be restricted in: Select one: ~ a. extravillous trophoblast O b. trophoblast, decidua, uNK cells © ¢. decidua d. uNK cells Scanned with CamScanner Question 88 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question A 28 yo was admitted at 8:20am because of labor pains. Her admitting IE showed a cervix which is 4-5cm, 90% eff, cephalic, (-) BOW, st -4. Repeat IE on your patient at 10am showed her cervix is 5-6cm dilated. The patient delivered spontaneously at 11am. What possible complications do we expect? Select one: ’ a. Neonatal death \ b. Post partum bleeding © ¢. Anemia \) d. Puerperal infection Scanned with CamScanner Question 89 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question KL 17 y/o primigravid came in due to vaginal spotting. She is currently on her 28-29 weeks age of gestation. She would complain of occasional contractions over the past 3 weeks. On physical examination FHT is 145 bpm. You noted contractions occurring every 4-7 minutes, mild to moderate. What will you do next? Select one: ~ a. Do CBC b. Do a pelvic ultrasound \ c. Do an internal exam to evaluate the cervix d. Do urinalysis Scanned with CamScanner Question 90 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 23 yo G1P0 sought consult for labor pains. L1 showed a nodular mass, L2 fetal small parts on the left, L3 engaged L4 cephalic prominence on the opposite side of the fetal small. IE revealed cx is 3-4 cm dilated, (-) BOW. What is the presentation? Select one: ’ a. Vertex © b. Brow “) ¢. Shoulder \O d. Face Scanned with CamScanner Question 91 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 36 y/o G3P2 (2002) on her 35-36 weeks age of gestation came in due to preterm labor. You decided to give her medications. What will be of benefit for your patient now? Select one: \ a. Magnesium sulfate © b. Progesterone supplementation © ¢. Antenatal steroids © d. Antibiotics Scanned with CamScanner Question 92 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question PL is a 32 y/o G1PO on her 41-42 weeks age of gestation. She has no symptoms and latest BPS was 10/10. On internal examination, cervix is 2 cm dilated, 60% effaced, posterior, soft, (+) BOW, station -2 and posterior. What is the bishop score of the woman? Select one: Ooa.7 O b.5 J c.4 ) 4.6 Scanned with CamScanner Question 93 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y¥ Flag question GH is a 26 year old primigravid on her 28- 29 weeks age of gestation. GH has error of refraction and is wearing her glasses or contact lenses to be able to see clearly. But recently, she complains of “not being comfortable when she uses her contact lenses”. She denies any blurring of vision nor visual field cuts nor redness of the eye. What is the correct thing to say to her? Scanned with CamScanner Select one: a. GH needs to change the brand of her contact lenses to another brand b. This is a danger sign and you need to admit GH in the hospital c. During pregnancy the cornea sometimes thickens that might cause her to be uncomfortable with her contact lenses ) d. You will refer her to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation Scanned with CamScanner Question 94 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question HP is a 39 y/o G5P4 (4004) on her 28-29 weeks age of gestation came in due to vaginal spotting with hypogastric pain. Speculum exam showed a violaceous cervix with minimal whitish vaginal discharge. IE at this time showed the cervix is 2. cm dilated, 60% effaced, cephalic, + BOW, station -2. What laboratories are you going to request? Select one: a. CBC, Urinalysis, Group B strep recto-vaginal swab b. CBC, Urinalysis, BPS c. CBC and urinalysis d. CBC and urinalysis and gram stain of discharge Scanned with CamScanner Question 95 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 30-year-old woman is examined by her gynecologist. Upon rectal examination, a firm structure directly in front of the rectum in the midline is palpated through the anterior wall of the rectum. This structure is the: Select one: ’ a. pubic symphysis \ b, bladder “© c. body of uterus \ d. cervix Scanned with CamScanner Question 96 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question The following will predispose a patient with gall stones to have an acute attack of cholecystitis in pregnancy. Select one: \ a. There is increased contractions of the gallbladder during pregnancy © b. Progesterone affects the contractions of the gallbladder \ e. Cholesterol increases during pregnancy \) d. CCK increases during pregnancy Scanned with CamScanner Question 97 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 37 G3P2 (2002) 37-38 weeks came in for elevated blood sugar. Her vital signs were normal. Fundic Height is 39 cm. Fetal heart tone were not appreciated by handheld Doppler and stethoscope. What will you do next? Select one: \ a. Request for BPS © b. Call for help “© c, Admit for delivery © d.Do NST Scanned with CamScanner Question 98 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 V Flag question Fetal erythropoiesis is controlled by Select one: \ a. Fetal thrombopoietin © b. Maternal erythropoietin © ¢. Fetal cortisol © d. Fetal erythropoietin Clear my choice Scanned with CamScanner Question 99 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A patient is complaining of difficulty of breathing. She is having twin pregnancy and on her last ultrasound one of her babies had polyhydramnios. The other twin had normal AFI. She is on her 35-36 weeks. What can you do or give to relieve her of the dyspnea? Select one: a. Give indomethacin \ b. Do amnioreduction \ ¢. Deliver the baby \ d. Give her beta agonist Scanned with CamScanner Question 100 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A 21 y/o G1P0 sought consult today June 22, 2020 for the first time. Her LMP was May 13, 2020, Ht: 1.55 meters, Wt: 52.88 kg . You requested for a pregnancy test. You know for a fact that pregnancy test is dependent on the presence of ___ in the patient's urine: Select one: a. Prolactin © b. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin \ e. Human Placental Lactogen \ d. Progesterone Scanned with CamScanner

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