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Applying for State Center Communitiy College

Applying for Community College and Creating a CCCApply Account

If your high school uses California Colleges you can apply for college and financial aid all in one place. If
you have never used California Colleges you will need to register for an account. If you have an existing
account you will need to “Sign In” to your account. Check with your high school to help you with any
username and password help.

If your high school is not using California Colleges you can skip to page 3 to begin creating your
CCCApply Account and start your application.

Click Sign In.

If you have an existing account

you will sign in with the email
address and password you used to
create your account.

For example, your FUSD or school

email address and password

Once you are logged in, click

on the Account Icon to access
your account.

Scroll down to the Connections box
and choose the College you want to
add a connection for. If you are
applying to Fresno City College, find
Fresno City College in the drop-down
menu and click Add Connection.

You can connect to more than one

school (Example, connect to Fresno
City College and Fresno State).

Once you have successfully added the

school connection you will see the
name of the school you are connected

You can apply for Community College

by selecting College and choosing the
Ci l
California Community Colleges

Choose the community college you are

applying to from the drop-down menu
and click Launch.

After you click Launch, you will be be directed to the CCCApply page.

Creating/Signing into your CCCApply Account
If you have never taken a college course you will be creating a new account with CCCApply. Be prepared
to create a username and password and save them for future use.

If you have taken college courses at SCCCD through Dual Enrollment or High School Enrichment you will
need to “Sign In” to your account. If you forgot your username and password click “Sign In” and follow
the steps to recover your account. If you are unable to recover your account through the “Forgot” tab
you will need to call the CCCApply Helpdesk at 1-877-247-4836 for assistance.

Create an Account, or Sign In.

When creating an account,

use your personal email
(Google, Yahoo, Ymail, etc.)
account to create your
account. Do not use your high
school email address as you
will not have access to this
after you graduate.
If you do not have a personal
email you can set one up here.

Click Begin Creating My


Steps to Creating a CCCApply Account
There are three steps (pages) you need to complete to create your account. Page 1 includes inputing
your personal information. On Page 1 you must enter: Legal Name: First, middle, and last name (what is
listed on your birth certificate, social security card, or resident card).

Tip: Use the ? Help icon next to each

question to get more information
about that question.

Enter your full legal name as shown on

your birth certificate or social security

If you HAVE a social security number

(SSN) enter it here without the dashes.
Continue creating your account.

If you do not know your SSN and need

to get it from your parents, click the
“No” option and you can add this
number in at a later time. Continue
creating your account.

If you do NOT have a social security

number, select the “No” option and
continue creating your account.

Click Continue

The next steps on page 2 include inputting your contact information so we know the best way to
communicate with you. This should be your information, not your parents information.

Use your personal email address to

create your account, do not use your
high school email address.

Input your cell phone or home phone

number. This is YOUR information not
your parent’s. Only one phone
number is required.

Enter your home address or the

address where you receive your mail.

If your status is homeless, mark the

appropriate box.

Click Continue

Step three on Page 3 of creating your account is where you will create a username and password, a 4-
digit PIN number and choose three security questions and answers.


Verify you
Choose are not a robot
a Username (you may
that meets the be
asked tolisted
criteria choose
is not in and
use then click
by anyone
Create My Account.

Choose a Password that meets the criteria

and repeat your password to confirm.

Write this info down or put it in your cell


Create a 4-digit security PIN and confirm.

Choosing 3 security questions & answers.

A list of security questions to choose from:

Congratulations! You have successfully created your account! Take a picture of this screen with your
phone then click Continue. You will automatically be directed into the SCCCD Application.

Overview of the Application
There are 9 sections to complete in the application: Enrollment, Account, Education,
Citizenship/Military, Residency, Needs & Interests, Demographic Informaiton, Supplemental Questions,
and Submission. After completing each section you will see a green checkmark to show it has been
completed. Each section must be completed before you submit your application. Before you submit
your application make sure it is complete and accurate. You can have your FCC college representative or
high school counselor help you review before you submit.

In this section you will choose the Term you are applying for, your Educational Goal, and your College
Major based on the Pathways (Major Category) offered at each college.

Current high school seniors must

select the Summer/Fall 2021 term.

Choose an Educational Goal.

Each college major falls under a

Pathway. Select the major you want
to pursue by finding it under the
corresponding Pathway. If you are
unsure of which Pathway your major
falls under you can select All Majors
to view a list of all majors offered at
the college you are applying to.

Choose something that has the

abbreviation AA, AS, AS-T, or AS-T.
Clicking Continue will save all
progress on the page and take you
to the next section of the

In this section you will need to verify your address, verify your parental and/or guardian information and
enter your parent/guardian information if you are under 19 years of age.

Review your Account

information and verify or
make any necessary

Enter parental/guardian
information that is
relevant to you.

Verify your current

mailing address.

In this section you will enter your educational status as of July 1, 2021. Review this information to make
sure you enter the correct educational information.

Current high school seniors will select

first time student in college,


select received high school diploma

from U.S. school.

Enter your graduation date (any date

in June 2020) and answer the other
questions in this section.

Select Yes for Did you receive your

GED in California?

Once you answer your high
school status, you can find
the name of your high
school by typing it in the
field. Once the high school
name appears, select it.

You will need your:

• Cumulative GPA
• 11th grade final grade
for Math and English

HS Seniors: This information

can be found in your high
school student portal.

Clicking Continue will save all

progress on the page and take
you to the next section of the

In this section you will enter information related to your Citizenship status and military status (if

Depending on your
citizenship/immigration status
you may be prompted to enter
numbers, or additional
information pertaining to your
status. Make sure you have
this information available to

If you are an undocumented

student select “other” and
check the box “No

If you do not know your

parents military status you can
mark “none apply to me” to
move on with the application.
Once you attend FCC you can
visit the Veteran’s Office to
inquire about services.

Clicking Continue will save all

progress on the page and take
you to the next section of the

In this section you will enter information about your residency (how long you/your parents have lived in
California) to determine how you will be charged for tuition.

Do not check these boxes if they

do not apply to your parent or

These questions will help us

determine if you qualify for services
available to foster-youth or homeless

Needs & Interests
In this section you will enter information about programs and services you are interested in. You will
also include your demographic information here.

This question is asking if YOU are

receiving any government
financial assistance (food
stamps, etc), not your

You can choose as many options

as you are interested in, or leave
this section blank.

Clicking Continue will save all

progress on the page and take
you to the next section of the

If you do not know your
education level
information you can
select “unknown”.

Answer the following

demographic questions.

Supplemental Questions
In this section you will choose the primary college where you will be taking the majority of your classes,
choose to opting into our text messaging system and answer questions regarding household size and
family income level.

In this section you will

choose the primary
college where you plan on
taking the majority of
your classes.

If there are questions that you are

unsure how to answer and there
is an option for “decline to state”
or “unknown”, you can choose
that to continue with your

Otherwise, answer questions to

the best of your ability.

This question is for YOU, not

your parent or guardian.

This question is for YOU, not

your parent or guardian.

Answer the following
supplemental questions.

Clicking Continue will save

all progress on the page
and take you to the next
section of the application.

In this section you will review and submit your application once it is complete and correct. If you see
something is entered incorrectly you can make a correction by clicking on the appropriate tab and
correcting the information.



Verify that you selected the

Summer/Fall 2021 term
and selected a major with
an AS, AS, AS-T or AA-T

Make sure your name is

spelled correctly (legal
name) birthdate, address,
phone number and email
are correct. You can make
corrections by going back to
the ‘Account’ tab in your

If you have a Social Security Number
(SSN) and entered it, you can submit
your application after reviewing it. If
you did not enter your SSN, save your
application and logout. Submit once
you enter the SSN.

If you are an undocumented student

you can submit without a social
security number.

Your information should look familiar

to this screen (be sure the
enrollment status, high school
education level and diploma
information match what is outlined
in red).

This is your cumulative unweighted

GPA (current).

Your English and Math information

is based on the class you took in 11th

Verify your Citizenship information

is correct.

You must choose to either “Consent” or
“Do Not Consent” to release of your
application information to the California
Chancellor’s Office.

You must read and acknowledge both

questions before you are able to submit
the application.

Once your application has been

reviewed for accuracy and is ready to
submit, click Submit My Application.

You will receive an immediate

confirmation once the application is
submitted. Take a picture of this screen
with your phone.

After submitting your application you will receive two emails from SCCCD Admissions and Records. You
will receive an Admission Application Receipt of your submission immediately after completing the
application. You will then receive an Admission Acknowledgment containing your 7-digit SCCCD ID
Number within 48 hours of submitting your application.


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