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Test 2020 – Dragasani

1. … is a hamburger and chips?

a. How many b. How much

c. How often d. How long
2. Had I studied more, I … the exam.

a. would have passed b. would pass

c. passed d. had passed
3. I would rather you … more time with your friends.

a. will spend b. spent

c. would spend d. would have spend
4. There are not my … books.
a. childrens’ b. childs
c. children’s d. childs’
5. “Why are you crying?” He asked me why I …

a. am crying b. cried
c. have been crying c. was crying
6. I will help you as soon as I … free time.
a. have b. had
c. will have d. would have
7. We … watching television.
a. don’t like b. doesn’t like
c. not like d. isn’t like
8. I came to live here 3 years … .
a. before b. last
c. ago d. now
9. There is … cheese on the table.
a. some b. any
c. a d. an
10. I … the truth if I were you.
a. will tell b. tell
c. would tell d. told
11. You … here. It’s forbidden.
a. mustn’t smoke b. ought not smoke
c. don’t have to smoke c. mustn’t to smoke
12. Why did you leave London? You had … job.
a. the better b. the goodest
c. the gooder c. the best
13. You played tennis, …?
a. don’t you b. did you
c. didn’t you c. do you
14. I haven’t finished my homework … .
a. just b. yet
c. since already
15. …. of being tired, he managed to finish the race.
a. Although b. Despite
c. In spite d. Even if
16. I am … the Mexican culture.
a. interested in b. interested of
c. interesting on c. interested off
17. He would have bought the house if he … enough money.
a. have had b. has had
b. has d. had had
18. I … Peter tonight.
a. sees b. am seeing
c. has seen d. seeing
19. I’m … Anne. Do you know where she is?
a. looking for b. looking in
c. looking off d. looking about
20. I had my car … yesterday.
a. washing b. was washing
c. washed d. washes
21. I … trees when I was a child.
a. used to climb b. uses to climb
c. used climb d. used climb
22. You… revealed his secret last week.
a. mustn’t b. ought have
c. should d. shouldn’t have
23. My friend goes to the gym once in a … .
a. blue moon b. yellow moon
c. red moon d. moon
24. I dislike … in the garden .
a. works b. working
c. worked d. was working
25. Nobody …. play the guitar.
a. can’t b. couldn’t
c. can d. isn’t
26. Do you relax …. Weekends?
a. at b. by
c. of d. off
27. I … a book while my mother was cooking.
a. were reading c. reading
b. was reading d. has been reading
28. Look at those black clouds! It …. .
a. is going rain b. is going to rain
c. would rain d. would rain
29. Unless you … more, you won’t pass the exam.
a. don’t study b. study
c. won’t study d. would study
30. He suggested … out with their friends.
a. went b. to going
c. to go d. going

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