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The following words were ordered alphabetically and chosen according to

the use we have given them during this term and the previous ones
according to the International Business degree.
 Business – Negocios
A business is any activity, occupation or method that aims to make a profit. A
fundamental pillar in my degree.
 Company – Empresa
A company is an organization or institution dedicated to activities or pursuit of
economic or commercial purposes to satisfy the needs for goods or services of
society. I would love to create and run a company.
 Corporate – Corporativo
This word refers to a large company or an organization made up of people who
govern it.
 Export – Exportacion
Exports are the set of goods and services sold by a country in foreign territory
for their use.
 Goods and services – Bienes y servicios
Goods and services are the result of human efforts to satisfy the needs and
wants of people.
 Goals – Objetivos
One goal that I pursue with great desire is that I would love to create something
that is new and incredible for humanity and that at the same time, can improve
the world.
 Organization – Organizacion
Organizations are administrative structures and administrative systems created
to achieve goals or objectives with the support of the people themselves, or with
the support of human talent or other similar characteristics.
 Strategy – Estrategia
A strategy is a plan that specifies a series of steps or core concepts that aim to
achieve a certain objective.
 Teamwork – Trabajo en equipo
Teamwork is the work done by several people where each one plays a part but
all have a common goal.
 International Trade – Comercio Internacional
International trade, foreign trade or world trade is defined as the movement of
goods and services through different countries and their markets.

The following verbs like the previous words were ordered alphabetically in
addition to being related to the current degree. Throughout this we have
developed different exhibitions on the following ...
I. Export- Exportar
An export is any legitimate product and / or service that the producing or issuing
country (the exporter) sends as merchandise to a third party (importer), for its
purchase or use. This verb is commonly used in international negotiations when
dealing with merchandise from or received.

II. Import- Importar

Importing is the purchase of goods and services produced abroad. Like the
previous verb, Import is a term that is commonly used in the international
business degree, as it is merchandise that is bought from abroad.

III. Invest- Invertir

This verb consists of using capital in an entrepreneurial activity with the
objective of obtaining a benefit, additional profit or income.

IV. Lead- Dirigir

This verb will be used throughout the degree, either in its development or as a
professional, whether it is a team, a company, a movement or some strategy.

V. Negotiate- Negociar
The most important thing in a negotiation is that both parties benefit from an
agreement, not only to have a successful negotiation but also to create
connections for future negotiations or deals with that person, company or
organization. And create good links.
Who knows? We can change a small percentage of the world one step at a
VI. Organize- Organizar
Organizing is an action that includes planning, it is necessary to be clear about
the objective or purpose of the organization and the relationships that you want
to establish between the different elements.

VII. Expose- Exhibith - Exponer

Exhibiting is simply something for other people to see, hear, and appreciate.

VIII. Study- Estudiar

It is to apply intelligence or exercise understanding to acquire knowledge of a
thing, learn an art or a profession, memorize the content of something, etc.
Before being super-trained professionals in our degree, we must study hard to
be the best in our specialty.
IX. Talk- Hablar
The best weapon of the human being is his mouth, with it he can do
anything, from creating a war, to achieving world peace, it always costs us
too much to say what we think but sometimes it is useful, to be able to
change this world, it is only enough say only a few words a day.

X. Travel- Viajar
The best part of this degree, being able to know the world, thousands of
people with a new history to know, learn new customs, new food, new ways
of thinking ... Anyway ... Traveling is Amazing!!!
These last 10 words are adjectives that must be developed for the
fulfillment of the objectives in the degree, I took the liberty of choosing
the most according to what I think and a small description that denotes
my own point of view.
 Charismatic- Carismático
I consider myself a charismatic and energetic person, I love meeting people and
making a good impression on them, being surrounded by friends and people
who trust is the best.
 Creative – Creativo
Creativity and I go hand in hand, I just need to know what the activity consists of
to be able to develop all my creativity and I promise an incredible result.
Although this is very good at times, I can also be very lazy to finish it.
 Disciplined – Disciplinado
I think it is the adjective that I have the least but I want to learn to polish, with
enough discipline, anything is possible.
 Energetic – Energetico
Most of the time I am super lazy, I call it saving energy because when it is
necessary to work I am the one, and this energy also becomes positive energy
and a better relationship with everything around me.
 Humble – Humilde
You have to know how to lose as well as win, not to brag but to celebrate your
achievements, and above all be kind to those who help you and fair to all
people. "Always visualize yourself as equal to others, nobody is better or worse
than you, we all have the same possibilities"
 Intelligent – Inteligente
Not only in school, this adjective is about making good decisions and not
deviating from the path you are pursuing. "Hang on, Breathe, Bear it and
 Leader – Lider
Something that I have visualized since I was little is that some people are born
with this gift called leadership, others like me, we have developed it over time
according to each situation presented in life. A good leader will always take care
of his subordinates as much as he does.
 Organized – Organizado
A good organization in a team can make a difference in any situation, this is
achieved by knowing your team, its weaknesses and the strongest to perform in
a particular activity.
 Positive – Positivo
Having a positive mind can always be useful in the worst situation, always
maintaining hope is when it manifests itself in skills that we dream of having.
 Responsible – Responsible
It is always good to be grateful and responsible not only with work but with the
friends you have, since this is defined as a good relationship and at the same
time a better performance as a work group.
 Strategist – Estratega
One of the most developed skills I have, strategies in any area of life are very
useful, with a good strategy everything can be possible.

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