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Solutions to terrorism from ideology to intelligence

Solutions to terrorism changes with time. Why? This is because ideology and the

reasons of the terrorist groups in doing their acts changes with time. According to CPS

International (n.d.), one of the main reasons why terrorism is present today is because

of the ideology of Violence. It was explained that it is the duty of all Muslims to establish

Islamic rule in the world. Since this ideology already is widespread in the Muslim world

today, this has been the leading cause of the present-day violence.

However, in another article written in WashingtonsBlog (2013), it was written that

terrorism is just a cover for other shenanigans. It was further elaborated that the main

reason for terrorism is the fight for natural gas. Ideology is not anymore the reason why

terrorism continues until today.

Some of the other reasons for terrorist attacks that was laid down by Shil1978

(n.d.) and these are the presence of intelligent people, poverty, ethnicity, and


So with these causes of terrorism, how could the nation solve the terrorism

problem? In one of the blog written by Naik, S. (n.d.), he said that terrorism is not a

problem but it is a by-product of another problem; which I believe is true. To combat

terrorism, nations must eradicate the source of terrorism.

On my own opinion, I think that we can never eradicate terrorism. What we can

do is to just minimize or control its commission. Why did I say so? This is because as

what the CPS International said that one of the reason why Muslims create attacks is

because of their ideology. Ideology is very hard to combat or eradicate because we

cannot change a persons’ beliefs and ideals. International law also states that one
cannot be persecuted because of his beliefs and ideals. What we can persecute is his

actions and not his ideals.

Ideology cannot be eradicated, especially when they base their ideology to what

is written on the Quoran or the Muslim bible. Logically speaking, the only way to

eradicate terrorism caused by ideology is to kill all the Muslims; but this is not plausible

because this would violate the internationally accepted principle of human rights. This is

the reason why I think that terrorism can never be eradicated, but it can be controlled or


How do we minimize or control terrorism? Many of the articles and blog are

saying that to be able to solve the problem of terrorism, the nations must cut the

sources of funds of the terrorist groups, they must enhance their military forces,

increase intelligence activities, increase funds to counter terrorism, find ways to stop the

production of weapons of mass destruction and the like.

Ambassador Cofer Black even summarized these solutions into two. First is to

sustain and enhance the political will of states to fight terrorism; and second is to

enhance the capacity of all states to fight terrorism. In his discussion, he said that the

key to maintaining a coalition is underscoring to its member every day that the fight is

not over and that sustained effort is clearly in their long-term interest. That the United

States cannot by itself investigate every lead, arrest every suspect, gather and analyse

intelligence, effectively sanction every sponsor of terrorism, prevent the proliferation of

weapons of mass destruction, or find and fight every terrorist cell.

On my own opinion, I think that the only solution to minimize and control

terrorism is to have unity and understanding among all nations, only then can we control

and minimize terrorism.

Why did I say so? The reason is clear, unity and understanding among the

nations is the key to solving all problems. If every nation would only try to understand

the other nations and to communicate with them, then there would not be any

misunderstanding and attacks between nations. Compare it to a family. If every member

of the family works and understands each other, then there would be a harmonious

household. I believe that is the same with all the nations. If every nation would only

have unity and understanding, then terrorism attacks would be minimized and controlled

at its minimum.

CPS International (n.d.). Solution to Terrorism. Retrieved November 26, 2013.

Naik, S. (n.d.). Simple solutions for complex problems. Retieved Novemer 26, 2013.

Shil1978 (n.d.). What are the Causes of and Solutions to Terrorism. Retrieved
November 26, 2013.

WashingtonsBlog (October 21, 2013). U.S. “War On Terror” Has Increased Terrorism.

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