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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Measure, test and analyse digital media

Submission details

Qualification code and title

Unit code and title BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Learner’s name Phone no.

Learner’s ID number

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

Further details

Learner’s declaration I declare that the work submitted for this assessment is my
own work.

Learner’s signature


The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Your assessor must approve
any variations to this arrangement in writing.

This task forms part of your assessment for BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact.
This assessment will focus on the skills and knowledge needed to analyse the impact of digital
media and establish an experimentation framework. This will involve accessing websites,
talking to clients and utilising other sources of information.

Your task
You are required to develop a digital marking report that outlines how you would measure,
analyse and test the impact of a digital media communication before it goes live.
Complete the steps outlined below and include the relevant information in a digital marketing

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

1. Select a suitable organisation for this activity.
a. You may use your current workplace or an organisation with which you are
b. Alternatively, you may use Appendix 1: HARV Industries case study as the
source material for your assessment.
c. Discuss your choice with your assessor to ensure this is a suitable choice to use
as the basis for this task.
2. Develop a plan for measuring the organisation’s current online and offline channel data.
Detail in this plan how each channel will be measured.
In order to achieve an optimal measurement, it is necessary to take into account sales and
leads are now and then set short and long term goals based on Executive Team forecasts and
projections. it is fairly simple to take goals and deconstruct them backwards to determine
how many visits are needed, how many visitors, how many hits, etc. Those then become KPIs
to be measured at regular intervals.

● Once the specific KPIs needed to obtain goals is identified, then a differential study
needs to occur that specifies growth increase percentages, etc. These numbers also
become KPIs and can be used for future forecasting.
● Develop a clear definition of USP and Ideal Customer. Map both fully.
● Create an experiential e-commerce vision board / “story board”
● Create or fortify a full branding manual. For digital, specifically address style / tone /
voices standards.
● Develop a customer follow-up process (If there is not already one in place. If there is,
strengthen with deeper follow-up: surveys – reward for completion; request photos;
request reviews; etc. These are all things that can be used to develop content for
Experiential Commerce updates / upgrades).

● Develop a strong content creation strategy for blog and experiential ecommerce
positioning; important for SEO and Google quality scoring.
● Institute a progressive social bookmarking strategy (helps with brand awareness and
quality backlinks if done correctly).

3. Develop a digital media plan for this organisation. Outline which channels you plan to
use, what performance outcomes you expect and how you plan to test these channels
prior to launch. Include the following in your plan:
a. an overview of industry tools and technologies currently used in digital media
b. current industry level performance metrics and measures
c. typical characteristics of users across different digital channels
d. nodes of integration across multiple digital environments.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Marketing Strategy
HARV Industries strategy will be based on communicating HARV Industries value to the
targeted segments. This will be done through a variety of methods. The first method will be a
holistic content marketing strategy across email (Email marketing), paid advertising,
blogging, video and social media outreach.
Then a new dynamic website based on content management technology to enable rapid
updates and publication control
A digital conversion strategy to stimulate sales, including easier contact form, downloadable
technical content and a ‘members only’ site with premium information
Improved use of targeted email marketing
Increased use of social media and digital media content to target preferred clients in both
residential and commercial areas.

Marketing Objectives
⮚ Increase website traffic
⮚ Increase the number of enquiries (phone, email, online forms) from the website
⮚ Increase sales as a ‘return on investment’ for the web presence costs.
Financial Objectives
⮚ A double digit growth rate for each future year.
⮚ Reduce the variable costs through efficiency gains.
⮚ Reach profitability within the first year.
Target Markets
HARV Industries customers can be broken down into two groups, business is both business-
to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B).
The demographics of business-to-consumer are:
● 60% were families with the main income earner over 40.
● 20% were young families with two children under 10.
● 5% were over 65.
● 20% were ‘blue collar’, 70% ‘white collar professionals’.
● For residential clients, average annual income was between $75,000 and $150,000.
● 75% had post-school qualifications.
The demographics of business-to-business are:
✔ 35% of clients were industrial, 30% professional services, 20% hospitality and the
remainder health and education.
✔ Over 30% had indicated they were moving to new premises within the next two years.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

✔ All commercial clients maintained a property and facility manager of some kind who
made purchasing decisions within limits.
✔ Most commercial clients leased their buildings, and were responsible for maintenance
of heating, air conditioning, etc.
✔ Clients for new installations were usually architects or property developers.
HARV Industries will position itself as a Company in the air conditioning and heating
industry with a reasonably priced that has an innovative, effective system for installation,
repair and maintenance of the air conditioning and heating industry.

4. Write a detailed plan of at least 1,000 words, for measuring and analysing this
organisation’s digital media marketing communications. Your plan will include:
a. impact objectives of the digital media communications
b. performance expectations of the digital channels being used
c. data insights from online and offline channels to be used
d. tools and technology to be used
e. audience engagement characteristics, expectations and responses
f. how gaps in digital media engagement and expectations will be addressed.

Considering HARV Industries' digital media plan the objectives and expectations of the media
are to generate brand awareness so that customers are in touch with your brand all the time, it
is vital that you have an online presence. Positioning the brand in the mind of the national
consumer, expanding market share, generates brand awareness. increase sales and increase

The investment can be used to its fullest to achieve more and better results with an excellent
strategy. Digital marketing ensures the acquisition of higher quality customers.

This is why within digital marketing there is a wide range of data or results analysis software.
With these tools you can evaluate the results you get with each campaign or strategy
undertaken, and thus stop, pause or promote measures and actions as most appropriate for the
efficiency of the plan.

This will be achieved through tools such as Google analytics which is basically a web analysis
service with which you can obtain different types of information about a site, such as the
number of visitors or the conversion rate, for example, all in real time. Metrics such as NPS is
a system and an indicator to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. to know if customers
are satisfied with the brand and if they recommend it, based on the realization of a simple

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

question to the customer, which may vary in style and formulation, but always maintaining
the same essence.

indicators such as ROI or Return on Investment to know if the strategies investments are
having an effect there is a very important metric that must become your great ally: Cost per
Acquisition (CPA). With it you will be able to answer if your campaign is succeeding or not,
KPI Social Media and the analysis of the opinions or perspective of how HARV Industries
sees, through social networks, the way the market in which your campaign is developing
reacts says a lot about its impact.

Open Rate is the essential metric in email marketing. The opening rate gives an account of the
number of messages sent that have finally been opened. It is not a metric that can measure the
reader's interest in the content of the message itself, nor does it give information about the
quality of the content itself, but it does give a picture of the number of messages opened.

Conversion rate is the transversal metric in digital marketing, since all digital marketing
actions are aimed at achieving a higher conversion rate. The conversion rate is the measure
that shows the number of users who have completed the action you expected from them.

This rate measures from the moment the user has started with the action until it is completely

Click rate is the essential metric, and can be used in any type of digital marketing action. The
click rate measures similarly to the opening rate, with a total number of clicks counting on the
success or otherwise of the users' own action.

The click rate is an interesting metric to combine with the heat maps, which offer the
overprinted drawing of those points of the website where users click most, the sections that
interest them most and the path they follow when navigating

among many other metrics, tools and software that can be implemented the goal will always
be to get the best results in the media plan in order to generate an approach, participation and
interaction with consumers or buyers generating value through customer service and thanks to
web analytics we can collect the right data for decision making and future marketing
campaigns to improve results

Nowadays almost everything can be measured on the internet, although it can be complex to
be able to analyze a lot of data, there are tools that allow to know the results of the actions in a
complete and simple way like Google Analytics.

This way, it is possible to know what content works and what the audience likes in the short
term; and to rethink new actions and objectives that respond to what the target audience really
needs and benefits from.
It is important to have a digital marketing strategy such as user segmentation based on
demographic data that can provide the analytics and generate actions that can attract them to
the web.
Another of the most common objectives is to achieve greater interaction with the content
published on social networks. A good strategy is to know what day and time will be the most
appropriate; the analytics will help to know when most of the users are connected and get
better results.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Considering the above, the following general strategy is proposed:

Design a digital marketing campaign using the tools available to reach the target audience, so
as to attract new international customers by offering quality products and generating a good
experience at the time of interaction with the company.

Initially, it is required to design and strengthen the company's website, in an attractive way
that provides good interaction with customers, with the option of handling several languages,
mainly English.

After that, within the tools to be used, SEO* and SEM** actions will be applied to favorably
position the website within the search engines, send email marketing campaigns to current and
potential clients, and be actively present in the main social networks.
To achieve the partial objectives set out through the strategy, the company will select the tools
to be used explaining how and for what purpose each one will be used.

Selection of tools:
 Self-managing web, backlinks
 Adwords
 Email marketing
 Social networks:
 Facebook
 Twitter

Digital marketing tools

Tool Characteristics Resources Actions Required


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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

The fact of having a self- Multimedia

Self- administrable Web offers the designer, which Begin to delve into "experiential e-
managing possibility that any person charges a monthly commerce" (the corporate history;
web within the company, in this fee, dedicated to the big trend in e-commerce)
case the person hired for the keeping the site in
marketing area, can easily keep good condition. Testimonials (plus social proof -
it updated day by day, In addition to the great in digital marketing) on the
uploading new products, news, visual design of the home page
promotions, events, news, etc., site, he is in charge
thus offering the customer a of the Add a blog
good experience within it, in administration of
Modernize blog
which they can find all the keywords and the
design/appearance; incorporate
information they are looking optimization of the
important SEO/Google best
for in a clear, fast and simple site in terms of
practices and elements
way. This is something that search engines, thus
allows to generate satisfaction allowing a good
in the client causing that the organic positioning
person who enters by first time within the search
returns it to make, and that the engines.
habitual user continues making

Generate links to the company's Website Design the website with an attractive
Backlinks website from other websites, blogs, Administrator home page, designed with bright
or social networks that maintain a Marketing colors and a logical order of
relationship with it. This is Director information.
important in the positioning within
the search engines and is indicative For the site to obtain a good organic
of the importance of the site, since positioning (SEO), it is fundamental
there is a relationship between the to keep it updated and in optimal
number of links conditions, taking into account the
and the position it can occupy most popular parameters among the
in the search engine rankings. public, as well as generating the
greatest amount of backlinks.
possible to achieve good organic
positioning in search engines.

Analyze the sites of related companies

that are better positioned organically
in order to obtain good ideas to apply
to the company's site at the level of
content and design, that is, analyzing
issues of distribution of information,
functionality, and designs pleasant to
the eye, which attract and keep the
browsers within the site.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Use the Google Trends tool, in order

to identify which are the words related
to the area most searched by people in

Once identified, apply them within the

site as keywords to achieve a
good positioning every time those
words are entered in the search

Search and analyze those sites, blogs

or social network profiles in which
you can obtain

a mention of the company's

website to get as many backlinks as

The company must use an Monthly budget to

Email email marketing platform to advance email Design each email, well armed and
marketin send communications, news, marketing campaign attractive.
g promotions periodically to a list
of contacts that will be formed Website Administrator
over the years, but in the midst Marketing Manager
of a previously armed Email Marketing For the email marketing campaign to
communication strategy. Provide be effective in the first place it is
essential to have an updated and
complete database, to know exactly
who is being sent and for what purpose.

Be constant over time by maintaining a

previously established communication

Taking care of the aspects related to

design, colors, shapes and texts must be
attractive and effective.

The email must have an interesting and

attractive subject that invites the
recipient to read its content, this is
fundamental since otherwise the email
runs the risk of going directly to the
deleted folder without even being read.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Once inside the mail the design of the

message must be careful and detailed,
with a title that summarizes what you
want to communicate, images that
illustrate it and clear text.

It should be completed with complete

contact information, links to the
website and to the company's
networks, in order to generate internal



5. Design a learning environment for digital media communications and write a

description of this environment. Include the following:
a. the platform(s) used
b. strategies for real-time responses
c. channel interaction options
d. interaction with target groups
e. current technologies and platforms.
A learning environment for digital media communications for HARV Industries will be given
through the use of CRM type software, digital assistants, use of self-service terminals through
which the customer interacts with the company's information systems. Personalized, non-
presential interaction through telephone communication or electronic media (chat, e-mail, fax,
etc.), creation of groups of interest through social networks, chats through social networks
multi-channel to offer the customer the opportunity to choose the means of communication
with which they are most familiar.

6. Based on the learning environment you designed, implement this design using your
preferred environment and record your testing results.

According to the report obtained, the communication channel with which they interact most
Record of the tests

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75% 20% 5%

5% 80% 15%

7. Prepare a report outlining the testing process and findings.

According to the report obtained, the communication channel with which they interact most
Record of the tests



75% 20% 5%

5% 80% 15%

In the case of this B2C group, unlike the B2B group, its interactivity in social networks is
superior, indicating that it has more popularity and a wider community of followers. It has
shared resources 200 times and 92 Like, as well as strong interaction on Twitter with 100
followers and 730 tweets,
statistics show that your traffic estimate is low, however, compared to your first month's
On the other hand, in the case of this B2B group, unlike the B2C group, their interactivity in
social networks is lower, their interactivity is focused on the website, which indicates that it
has more popularity in that target and has a larger community. It has 500 visits and a 40%
bounce rate.
statistics show that your traffic estimate is high, as it is a page with quality content, page
architecture, and easy interactivity
8. Check that your reports include information about your methods, your analysis, the
testing process and your findings.
9. Implement your plan to measure and analyse the impact of this organisation’s digital
media marketing communications. Prepare a report on the outcomes using the analysed

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

According to the report obtained, the communication channel with which they interact most
Record of the tests



75% 20% 5%

5% 80% 15%

In the case of this B2C group, unlike the B2B group, its interactivity in social networks is
superior, indicating that it has more popularity and a wider community of followers. It has
shared resources 200 times and 92 Like, as well as strong interaction on Twitter with 100
followers and 730 tweets,
statistics show that your traffic estimate is low, however, compared to your first month's
On the other hand, in the case of this B2B group, unlike the B2C group, their interactivity in
social networks is lower, their interactivity is focused on the website, which indicates that it
has more popularity in that target and has a larger community. It has 500 visits and a 40%
bounce rate.
statistics show that your traffic estimate is high, as it is a page with quality content, page
architecture, and easy interactivity.
The impact on the communications of HARV Industries are positive because it achieved a
greater approach to customers and potential buyers, it is clear that the implementation of the
website and social networks are important tools to achieve greater visibility, greater security
for the customer gives an image of reliability and security for our brand, which will make the
customer have fewer doubts when it comes to hitting the button to contact.

10. Compile all documentation in the required format and submit within the timeframe
agreed with your assessor.

Evidence requirements
You must:
● submit the following:

○ a plan for analysing the impact of digital media communications

○ an analysis of the impact of digital media communications

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

○ a description of the testing and learning environment

○ evidence that you completed testing in a learning environment
○ a report of the result of the testing process.
● submit all documentation in the format and within the timeframe agreed with your

Your assessor will be looking for evidence that you:

● established realistic channel performance measures

● analysed digital media data and offline information to determine the engagement
characteristics of target audience
● identified the variation between target and actual performance

● created a digital media learning environment

● modelled and tested alternative methods and techniques to optimise the impact of the
digital media
● planned to respond rapidly to changing expectations, feedback and technological
● utilised tools and technologies to monitor digital activity.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Appendix 1: HARV Industries case study

The industry
HARV Industries is part of the Australian air conditioning and heating industry.
Companies in the air conditioning and heating industry undertake installation, repair and
maintenance of:
● heating

● air conditioning

● refrigeration

● ventilation.

Companies service both residential and commercial buildings, so their business is both
business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). Most revenue comes from
commercial work, but the residential consumer market provides a steady cash flow and
growth, and is not subject to fluctuations of the commercial sector.
There has been a slowdown in the industry over the last few years. However, the market is
expected to improve dramatically over the next twelve months with both housing and
commercial building works on the rise.
Australia wide, there are over 6,000 businesses in the industry, accounting for revenue just
under $8 billion per year. Latest figures suggest nearly 19,000 people are employed in the
The industry employs a significant number of licensed plumbers and gas fitters, and is a
source of training and skill development.
Main industry activities include:
● air conditioning duct work

● air conditioning equipment

● cool room and freezer room refrigeration

● heating equipment

● temperature controlled structures

● ventilation equipment.

There are few very large organisations, with a large small and medium size enterprise (SME)
cohort employing usually around 10–50 people per business. At the other end of the spectrum,
there are a number of microbusinesses, usually family based, that employ from one to five

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

The SMEs and larger corporations are finding it a challenge to maintain a leading position in
this environment, and the marketing of services of these organisation has been progressively
moving online.

Company background
HARV Industries is a mid-sized company employing around 80 full time staff. Approximately
20 are involved in sales, marketing, management and administration, with the majority
undertaking installation and maintenance work for clients. It is based in Adelaide, but has
clients in both Melbourne and Sydney, and associated regional areas.

Digital history
The company has been utilising traditional ‘call and quote’ sales techniques in the past, and it
maintains a legacy website built around eight years ago. The website provides static
information about HARV Industries, some information about contracts and technologies, and
traditional means of contact (email and phone).
In effect the company’s digital presence is not significant, and is yet to embrace newer web
technologies such as online quotations, video and other content marketing tools.

HARV Industries has recently appointed a digital marketing consultant to advise on the best
way to bring its web presence up to date.
The brief for the consultant included a requirement to:
1. advise on ways to increase website traffic
2. increase the number of enquiries (phone, email, online forms) from the website
3. increase sales as a ‘return on investment’ for the web presence costs.

Customer profile
By segment, a recent survey and analysis of HARV Industries revealed the following profile
over the last two years.

Geographic Residential
● Most residential customers lived within a 30 kilometre radius
of a major city.
● 75% of residential customers were based in middle and outer
suburban locations.
● 85% of residential income came from new installs; only 15%
for maintenance.
● All residential customers owned or were purchasing their
● 90% of commercial clients were based within cities and

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

regional centres.
● Only 40% of income came from new installs, with the
remainder from maintenance and support.

Demographic Residential
● 60% were families with the main income earner over 40.

● 20% were young families with two children under 10.

● 5% were over 65.

● 20% were ‘blue collar’, 70% ‘white collar professionals’.

● For residential clients, average annual income was between

$75,000 and $150,000.
● 75% had post-school qualifications.

● 35% of clients were industrial, 30% professional services,
20% hospitality and the remainder health and education.
● Over 30% had indicated they were moving to new premises
within the next two years.
● All commercial clients maintained a property and facility
manager of some kind who made purchasing decisions within
● Most commercial clients leased their buildings, and were
responsible for maintenance of heating, air conditioning, etc.
● Clients for new installations were usually architects or
property developers.

Psychographic Residential
● Significant number of professionals.

● The ‘green’ causes dominated their choices across a range of

product categories: motor vehicles, recreation, holidays, etc.
● Cultural groups represented were predominately Caucasian.

● Most were not active in traditional religions.

● There was a strong interest in ‘smart’ technology in order to

integrate services and access remote control facilities.
● Most had the latest smartphones and used them extensively.

● Most were educated to diploma level or had equivalent
● Strong interest in industrial technology and the latest

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

● Cost and value for money on purchase and maintenance

always a high consideration.
● Most preferred a streamlined communication with their
clients in a business fashion.

Behavioural Residential
● 60% of customers take over two months to confirm an order,
with extensive consultation requirements.
● Most customers identified saving money over the long term
as a significant motivator.
● Some clients like to have their solar panels and equipment
visible as a badge of their ‘green’ credentials where they have
selected energy efficient installations.
● Business owners and facilities managers who purchased for
business premises often had services installed in their homes.
● Developing an ongoing network relationship with key
commercial decision-makers was very important.
● Many commercial decisions were based on evidence, trust
and reputation.

Digital Residential
● 98% of customers had a smartphone with internet access.

● 30% actively used Instagram, 65% Facebook and 70%

● 60% said they used multiple device on any one day (desktop,
smartphone, tablet, etc.).
● 40% said they had increased listening to podcasts and reading
internet-only news blogs over the last twelve months.
● 75% had bought something online in the last month.

● 65% of commercial clients had implemented online digital
● 5% had no significant web presence.

● 30% had a legacy webpage similar to HARV Industries.

● There was a constant demand from their clients for more

technical information available on-site to support
maintenance requirements.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

Current marketing mix

HARV Industries has been using a traditional marketing and promotion mix since the business
started. This had been effective when turnover was almost guaranteed by booming business
conditions, but with new pressures and products HARV has found new approaches will be
needed to drive customer growth.
These channels and methods have been tried and tested to date:
● advertising in local and regional newspapers

● pamphlet letterbox drops to business and residential homes

● thirty-second radio advertisements

● promotions and sponsorships with industry groups, conferences and trade shows

● established website and email.

Digital strategy
The HARV Industries marketing consultant has considered ways to progress the client’s
digital futures. The following measures have been recommended:
● a holistic content marketing strategy across email, paid advertising, blogging, video and
social media outreach
● a new dynamic website based on content management technology to enable rapid
updates and publication control
● a digital conversion strategy to stimulate sales, including easier contact form,
downloadable technical content and a ‘members only’ site with premium information
● improved use of targeted email marketing

● increased use of social media and digital media content to target preferred clients in
both residential and commercial areas.

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