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Economic Consequences of Abortion

• Less than zero population growth: Not enough skilled workers to support the
   elderly on Social Security — partly as a result of abortion in America.[6]
 Physical Consequences of Abortion
• Tremendous increase in the level of promiscuity and sexually transmitted

• Fifth leading cause of maternal death in the United States.[6] 

• An increased risk of breast, cervical, ovarian and liver cancer.[6]

• Complications, such as uterine perforation, cervical laceration, and placenta

previa can not only cause very severe problems, but they can also lead to problems in
future pregnancies, such as miscarriages, premature births, fetal
deaths and children born with handicaps, because any problem or change with a
woman's reproductive organs may affect the development of her children.[6]

• Infection, including pelvic inflammatory disease, occur in 30% of abortions; if not

stopped soon enough, they can leave a woman barren.[6]

• Ectopic pregnancies-pregnancies developing in the tube-are increasing because

sometimes the uterus is scarred and the fertilized egg, the zygote, cannot get down the
   tube into the uterus and implant. There's scar tissue there from scraping during
previous abortions.[6] 

• Up to 127% risk for premature births in subsequent pregnancies; the rate is
higher with multiple abortions.

• 2% of women who have abortions suffer life threatening complications, such
as bleeding, fever, infections, etc.,[6]

• After reviewing thousands of cases, Life Dynamics, Inc., found that injuries and
deaths at the hands of abortionists "are not accidents." They are "the result of a
persistent callous disregard for human life" -- the baby's and the mother's.[30]

• A growing body of research that shows a definite link between abortion and
breast cancer. The risk increases when a hormonally normal pregnancy is terminated
before 32 weeks. Although abortion advocates picture themselves as being primarily
concerned with women's health, they have covered up this information.[12]

Click here to view two case histories

 Psychological Consequences of Abortion
• Diminished respect for human life.[6]

• Denial: A sense of relief followed by repressed guilt, sadness, and grieving at the
death of the aborted baby that would be a woman's natural, feminine feelings and

• More than 100 different psychological reactions including alcoholism, smoking,

drug abuse, eating disorders, sexual addictions, and self-destructive behavior.

• Post abortion syndrome -- a series of psychological effects experienced by 19% to

60% of women, ranging from mild depression to suicide or attempted suicide.[6] 

• Overwhelming feelings of regret or guilt during later pregnancies.[6] 

• Flashbacks and nightmares.[6]

• Destruction of trust between men and women.

• Increased rates of divorce, domestic violence and child abuse.[6]

• Feelings of guilt or regret among fathers of aborted children.

  "... fathers experience the same negative post-abortion reactions that women do: anger,  
depression, guilt, and broken relationships. ... No matter how you look at it, a male who pushes
a female into an abortion knows he's taking the coward's way out. And a female who goes
   along with the decision will grieve over it for the rest of her life." -- Men and Abortion by
Wayne Brauning, leader of Men's Abortion Recovery Ministries[25]
 All About the Aftermath of Abortion
Click here for the Elliott Institute: After Abortion Review web site

   • [The knowledge] that abortion kills a child, was discovered too late for millions of
women. They are now speaking out, describing the pain and life-long regret of their
abortions and the damage that this choice visited on them and their families. Their
testimonies speak louder than the seven male justices' opinions inRoe that treated
abortion as something good and necessary for women.[44]

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