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WAYS Focus of the Month:

Our 'Always & Never' Standards

Ship :
Meeting Leader:

1 Introduce It!
For Leader- Focus On: Always & Never service standards
Watch the Video : How does practicing our 'Always' standards impact the guest experience?

Our World, at Your Service vision, pillars and standards make up our Celebrity service culture. The vision is what we live by in every interaction, the pillars
are what bring the vision to life, and the 'always & nevers' give us easy to follow, tangible examples of what we mean by 'luxury service'. It's actually quite
simple and reiterates all of the monthly focuses from last year: smiling & greeting, using guests' last names, finding alternatives, offering solutions, using
elevated positive language, remembering preferences, and consistency with treating each and every guest with genuine interest.

2 Learn It!
For Leaders- What we expect our teams to take away:

We have 10 'Always' standards with 10 'Never' standards that tell us how we should behave with our guests.

The standards are easy ways to understand how to deliver luxury service.

For example: We give guests our full attention during any interaction- creating personalized experiences by using their last names, making eye contact, smiling
& greeting them first.

We would never avoid eye contact, frown or ignore a guest.

3 Discuss It!

Have the team actionize examples & stories:

Brainstorm ways the team can demonstrate our 'Always & Never' standards by citing specific examples. The goal is to have the team use the new knowledge
they have just learned.

4 Demonstrate It!
Share your knowledge through Role playing
Role play using a scenario commonly occuring in your area. Have a crew member(s):

Demonstrate a conversation in which you practice an 'always' standard in the given scenario. (i.e. we always show them the way, keep
conversations positive & professional, etc.)

Practice showing a 'Never' standard. (showing frustration, ignoring a guest, saying 'No, I don't know I've never been there before", etc.)
WAYS Focus of the Month:

Ship :
Meeting Leader:

1 Introduce It!
For Leader- Focus On:
Watch the Video :

2 Learn It!
For Leaders- What we expect our teams to take away:

3 Discuss It!
Have the team actionize examples & stories:

4 Demonstrate It!
Share your knowledge through Role playing

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