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Grammar & Verbs Clear and simple | explanations | © Comprehensive and easy to use Ce ei UCM Cm aC Peete ie @ Clear and simple explanations Bree Clue Ly @ All grammatical terms explained in a glossary prec me occ cure ATT CU) PC ame ed Associate Director of the Japan Centre at the University of Manchester. CEC ae My Ur rom on eat) aT ya cha teg Bree UCC ta lL ccm ll) ill h es tasene £9.99 par $14.95 usa 9"780198'603825 ANOHCKUM ASLIK ORNAAH - OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford it furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi $40 Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York c Oxford University Press 2003 First published 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press. or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Data available ISBN 0-19-860382-7 10987654321 ‘Typeset by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong Printed in Great Britain by Clays Lid, Bungay, Suffolk AMNOHCKU A3bIK OHNAaH - Sn ae ee Contents | Preface vii Acknowledgements ix Parts of speech 1 Topic, comment, and predicate 5 In-group and out-group 7 Style 10 eer 15 Verbs 20 Adjectives 96 Adverbs 111 Nouns 122 Conjunctions and conjunctive particles 129 Particles 149 Auxiliary suffixes 181 The - + #- & group of words 186 Numbers, counters, time, dates 191 Nominalization: the nominalizer @ and the noun CE 206 Keigo 213 Interrogatives 224 Perspective and pronouns 231 Punctuation and script terms 240 Glossary of grammatical terms 243 Appendices 255 Hiragana chart 255 Katakana chart 256 Word endings for finding the dictionary form 258 English index 261 Japanese index 267 ANOHCKUK A3bIK OHNAH - ANOHCKU ASZbIK OHNAH - Preface | The Japanese Grammar and Verbs is part of a series of Oxford grammars of modern languages. It includes information on a wide number of structures likely to be encountered in the first few years of studying Japanese at school or college and contains everything that is essential up to A level. For those living and working in Japan, it presents commonly seen and heard material. It is designed to serve both as a source of information in itself, and as a supplementary reference for users of textbooks which may not cover grammar topics adequately. The book is largely organized according to parts of speech. This is not an approach often taken in textbooks and it has been adopted here to try to present a picture of Japanese grammar overall. Japanese parts of speech are discussed in their own chapter (see pp. 1-4), | About the example sentences The issue of style in Japanese grammar is crucial. In this book the examples are presented in a mixture of styles to reflect formal and informal spoken and written usage. If you are uncertain about the styles of Japanese you should look at the chapter on style (p. 10). To allow the book to be as widely usable as possible, a romanized form of Japanese example sentences has been given. As learning the kana scripts as quickly as possible will aid the learner's pronunciation (and because the rows and lines of the kana chart are important in making/explaining certain ‘forms’), there are kana charts as appendices. The example sentences are given in two Japanese versions. The first version presents a normal, Japanese version without spaces, in a mixture of kanji (Chinese characters) and kana. Numerals are not given in kanji as this is unnatural in horizontal ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - i SE __-__-__ a | viii | Preface text. Whether or not kanji should be used to write a particular word is sometimes a matter of personal choice or of a sense of ‘balance’ between kanji and kana in a sentence, but the examples try to reflect current usage. Some words are mostly in kana although the kanji forms may also be common, e.g. < 4 and & &. Learners need to grow used to varied orthography at an early stage. The second Japanese version is a romanized one with spaces between ‘words’ although this should not be taken to imply that the Japanese can or should be separated in this way. The romanization is given simply as an aid to learners and is very much secondary to the ‘real’ Japanese version. The system used for romanization is modified Hepburn. The Japanese examples have been kept as natural as possible while the English translations, while trying to sound natural, have sometimes been made slightly literal where this may help the user understand a structure in use. Jonathan Bunt ANOHCKUK A3bIK OHNAH - Acknowledgements | Many people have contributed to the writing of this book. The Series Adviser (Dr Richard Ingham) and Academic Adviser (Dr Phillip Harries) made helpful and constructive comments and suggestions. Lynne Strugnell was heroic, cheerful, and clear-sighted in editing the text into its final form and getting this project to completion. The author would like to especially thank the Trustees of The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and Mike Barrett, the Chief Executive, whose support enabled him to take leave from teaching in order to complete this book. The author would also like to thank: Suzuko Anai at the University of Essex; my friend and colleague Yukiko Shaw; Noriko Kajihara, Atsumi Griffiths, Minako Oshima, and Motoi Kitamura at the Japan Centre North West; and friends and colleagues in the British Association for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language (BATJ). Special thanks are due to the author’s wife Atsuko (RF), and sons George (#34), and Harry (38 #8). Thanks are also due to those students at the University of Salford, Manchester Metropolitan University, and Manchester University who tried out sections of the book. The editors at OUP were extremely helpful and thanks go to Della Thompson and Vivian Marr for their support. The author's sincere hope is that users of this book will sometimes say (sincerely) SIZE as well as KU ? ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - | Proprietary terms The inclusion in this book of any words which are, or are asserted to be, proprietary names or trademarks (labelled propr.) does not imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-proprietary or general significance, nor is any other judgement implied concerning their legal status. ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNaH - Parts of speech Japanese and English are considerably different in structure as well as vocabulary, For example, meanings expressed with verbs in English may use adjectives in Japanese, and words that do not change form in English may do so in Japanese (and vice versa), The English sentence ‘I want a car’ features a pronoun (‘I’), a verb (‘want’), and a direct object noun (‘car’) with an indefinite article (‘a’), but the Japanese translation @@8@k L(Y has no pronoun, no article, and ‘car’ is the subject of an adjective. The grammatical terms for Japanese parts of speech vary a great deal in textbooks, dictionaries, grammars, and more scholarly works. The system for parts of speech used in this book is basically that taught in Japanese schools (sometimes called Hashimoto grammar, or Kokugo grammar) but with modifications to include terminology widely used in teaching Japanese as a foreign language (see, for example, the discussion of stems in the chapter on verbs, pp. 21-24). Japanese classification recognizes as parts of speech certain dependent words such as~¥ 3 and ~#£4\ which cannot appear in sentences as words in their own right, but only when they are attached to other ‘words’, Japanese classification also makes a distinction between words that change their forms (to indicate, for example, past tense or negation) and those that do not. The term ‘conjugate’ is used to describe changes in the form of verbs and adjectives. Information about the part of speech of a Japanese word can usually be found in a Japanese dictionary designed for native speakers of Japanese (<< “UTA, + BIRBEESR). Textbooks and dictionaries for non-Japanese learners do not usually use the Kokugo categories for parts of speech. The English names 8iven here are for guidance only. ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNAH - | 2 | Partsof speech | A list of Japanese parts of speech Independent words part of speech examples | characteristics EDU: He ERS dictionary forms* end (verb)* to with a sound from the (seo > line of the kana HD chart; conjugate (TWKIL + HEBER | SKS end with a sound from or SSE the (’ line of the kana 4A (tWkal Ff |e chart; conjugate Bsa (-i adjective) THEKDEDSL= Zt) (£) end with # or related Reba Bh) (4) form (including 7% in or (Fe (&) front of a following F THKSL-F|FAe CE) noun); viewed as Ba Lom (#) conjugating part of (-na adjective) LIm (7%) speech, as = conjugate OWL: 2 Sone can be joined to other (noun) (ZA nouns with particle D; tat do not change form T3l- Re WED expressions for (counter) WEY counting; do not AY change form SAIEA Bom AS UL + allie Ske used in front of verbs (adverb) £< or adjectives, or to TE IPTED introduce certain SL phrases; do not change form ANOHCKM A3bIK OHNAaH - Parts of speech | 3 | part of speech examples [ characteristics MAEWL: BH [CO - CA only used in front of (no English ED - EA nouns; do not change equivalent) BO - BAI form most words classified | (}4 Avs as Mi(KER] are dealt | various... S527 big... BWanw small... 28 our... (\49')S what's known as... HSS every kind of ... with in the chapters oni: t:H-e and adjectives; others (apart from the last three listed) are relatively uncommon tot CF (p. 15). Japanese has a range of polite, humble, and respectful ways of speaking which are collectively called keigo ( && ), sometimes referred to in English as ‘respect language’ or ‘honorifics’. The polite style with ~ &F is a part of keigo. Learners usually begin to study verbs with the ~# form, and its usage is covered in the chapter on verbs (p. 20). The issue of keigo as a system is discussed separately (p. 213). To understand how Japanese verbs work, it is essential to know the plain style forms as well as the polite style forms. Plain forms can be made regularly from the dictionary form, which is so called as it is the form under which verbs are listed in most Japanese dictionaries. For example, the verb ‘to go’ is probably most familiar to learners as \\@ EV, but this form is not usually found in dictionaries, as it is derived from the dictionary form 4\<. Both (\< and (\@£F mean ‘to go’, and they are to some extent interchangeable, but (\< is in the plain style and WaT is in the polite style. To help learners still unfamiliar with the dictionary form, there is a chart of endings of verbs as an appendix, with suggestions for changing them to find the dictionary form (p. 258). Within the plain style, or futsiitai (#73 ), and the polite style, or keitai ( 44 ), there are a range of ‘forms’. The polite style forms are collectively called desu-masu-kei (7A + YAAZ), and the plain style forms are collectively called futsikei ( #i872). The following chart shows the plain and polite style forms of the verb (WA ET ‘to go’: | ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNaH - Style 1 11 | polite style plain style non-past WAT ive past WEELE Woe negative W&EtA past negative WAETATLE W\D7EUN WDE In the following examples, the first Japanese sentence in each pair is in the polite style and the second is in the plain style: BLK AWSHE BET BLE AVME AS Iwill see a film tomorrow EOD AUME HELA EOD AWUME HK I saw a film yesterday R4ycz (SEA K4yz (a7t7E I can't speak German HEINE KNREGATLE BECMAE ENED OK I didn't eat breakfast BkDLHOUTH ZEDLHOU It’s hot today (Frees (Fz (7) I'm fine Only the ending of a sentence needs to be in the polite form to give the whole sentence the tone of the polite style. Any verbs or adjectives used within a complex sentence are in plain forms, tegardless of the context and choice of style at the end (modifiers) . If there seem to be two polite forms of a verb in a single sentence, it is probable that there are two sentences joined with a conjunction (p. 129). In the following sentence there are four Verbs, and although the overall style of speech is polite, note that it is only the final verb which has a~~ £¥ ending: = ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNaH - | 12 | Style © BABICBEA—OVANNT (ld) THES or Cand attributive & iB 1 For more on #, see below and the section on adjectives (p. 96): © COL VIER CEL OHTA ZABOWTWEST Kono shatsu wa nagasode de o-share-na kafusu ga tsuite imasu This shirt is long-sleeved and has stylish cuffs ° AABSHAREECH OC. HBREORBCHEVU THETA Nihongo wa tokuydi na gengo de atte kinrinshokoku no gengo to amari nite imasen Japanese is a very distinctive language, and does not much resemble the languages of neighbouring countries © SAOLMADIRE SKS MICMBERICATCI LE Raisht no doydbi ga hima dattara issho ni eiga 0 mini ik6 yo Ifyou are free next Saturday, let’s go and see a film together © RBOLMBSBCLES, —BICSRBTHESTID Raishd no doydbi o-hima deshitara issho ni o-shokuji demo dd desu ka If you are free next Saturday, would you like to have dinner or something? © HegosFeclkozvRoT Suki nara suki to hakkiri itte If you like it, say so clearly ANOHCKUM AZbIK OHNAMH - eer liz | The classical form 7% Y is sometimes found as a predicate: ° BidkaU Tokiwakanenari = Time is money 1Uses of © - CF After nouns and 7& adjectives, 7¢ is used to mark the ending of a sentence or clause. It can be in the plain form or polite form, and shows tense and negation: © RISA CH Shiken wa ashita desu The exam is tomorrow © ST liseee Yukiko wasenseida = Yukiko is a teacher © CHISRO - TUS is commonly used to seek agreement with a statement. This is similar in function to the tag question in English: * SREAIARATL ES Okasan wa Nihonjindesh6 = Your mum's Japanese, isn’t she? ° MESKSRAaMRWTL ES Ame dattara, shiai ga nai deshd If it rains, there won't be a match, will there? 24> + TL & 3 is also discussed in the chapter on auxiliary suffixes (see p. 181). ANOHCKMK A3bIK OHNAH - | Verbs | What is a verb? A verb is a word which expresses an action or a process: I watched TV last night The door opened A verb can also describe a state of affairs: The horse is standing in the field All the cups are broken | Properties of Japanese verbs English verbs change their endings according to the person doing the action (‘I go’, ‘she goes’), but this is not the case with Japanese verbs. Neither do they need a pronoun (‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, etc.) to show the grammatical subject. The subject of the sentence is usually clear from the context. This means that many of the examples given below have pronouns such as ‘I’ or ‘she’ in the English translations but not in the Japanese (see pronouns) . The main verb comes at the end of a Japanese sentence, although both verbs and verb phrases are also used in clauses within complex sentences. In this latter use they are often referred to as ‘modifiers’ because the verb or clause modifies the following noun or noun phrase (see p. 209). 1 Verb forms Japanese verbs are usually spoken of as having ‘forms’, e.g. ‘~# form’ and ‘~2x6\ form’. In fact, ~#F and ~7\ are auxiliaries which are attached to particular stems of verbs, and are called jodéshi ( B)&)E5) ) in Japanese. This book refers to ‘forms’ of verbs, in line with most textbooks, but also uses the term ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNAH - Verbs | 21 | ‘auxiliary’ as an English equivalent of joddshi. Auxiliaries are very important in Japanese, and they are considered in their own chapter (see p. 181). All verbs have dictionary forms ending in one of the syllables from the 3 line of the kana chart (see p. 255). The possible endings are~9,~<,. ~ 6, 99, 69, ~~ ~~. ! Verb stems Japanese verbs have a series of stems to which suffixes are added. The following chart gives the stems together with their names, examples, and the most common suffixes attached to them. The verbs used as examples are the “72 A, verbs 4 5 ‘to meet’, ED ‘to wait’, #< ‘to write’, ES ‘to take’, (tA ‘to speak’, the (\6 7A) verbs &% ‘to see’, ‘to watch’, XS ‘to eat’, and the irregular verbs $4 ‘to do’ and < 4 ‘to come’. Chart of verb stems with common suffix elements Japanese and English | example | dictionary| common names (where form structures commonly iised) based on this for stem stem include... | conjunctive De~ |D< ~EW (pre-= 3) stem Bu~ [Hd ~ PLN ~ke (~EtaA, ~ELK etc.) HAKDIT + AE (see ae~ BA Conjunctive EA~ [ERS [form L~ tS a~ <3 ~7E4. stem PP~ [P< ~BUW bSh~ |B ~75.\\ form ANOHCKM A3bIK OHNAH - | 22 | Verbs Japanese and English | example | dictionary) common | names (where form structures commonly used) based on this for stem stem include . . . BEAT RME [RE~ [ED @tz | t5~ |&% (see causative) (de ~ | te (6) nS a~ |B (see passive) ER~ [ERS L~ v4 ay <3 dictionary form D< DS CLEd: CLS) + FRE H> 4? EAD also called Lip 5 LISS + BIE ED or ink TATEVMT US + ETE ~bBLUW xD zD ~BRW The reason forhaving | ¢® 3 | 7 alternative names is that (see CkEDL the dictionary form p. 181) can be sentence final (= Lb 3 LITU) or Also used to form part of a modifying modify nouns clause and join toa i following main clause (see modifiers (= HAEUITLY). Both p. 209) forms are the same in modern Japanese, soUL &IFL) is the preferred term. (see Uses of the dictionary form) ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNAH - MONE Lee ets tii i Rae gee anes eae BC ey Verbs | 23 | ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - Japanese and English | example | dictionary| common names (where form structures commonly used) based on this for stem stem include . . | DTUIFUS + GRATE Dit~ |D< ~ls BA~ |H5 (conditional) (see Conjunctive particles) Et~ |KO éth~ [t4% (dett~ | a aN~ [4S ENh~|EXS th~ |t4 ~TEMES Kok |KO ~HED AU étvk |&3 ~HE (tL | sas Ble AS (see ~7& form) FSand |@< [wt [fo [RX [Ro wet HW [m= [pL |eB jeu jake [eV eo [eo [es led [ex [eo [er conjunctive|#l. [me |PL [kB [EU | ke [EU (pre- £3) stem ~TEMN eW [pe [Pl [eB [Eu [ke [eV feu |reey [aby feu fety fee [ee ~TEL bb |[>m [me [EA [ele [ke [E5 wey |mety freer faety fmety |zeuy [7k ~e HocC|PUc| PLT Kot | CAT EAT [CT wit Hot|PveE[PLE| KOK |EAK|KAK led ~ES Bb. lo |p fko [eau [kA [ED ne |ne les [re [KS [KS [eS ~EY Bo low |>L |#> [EA [EA [E> zy lay jev |ey [ey [eu ley wid Bale ouie| mud |e cid | exig | kore | ens potential |bAS MIS |MES|HTS [ENS | EHS (ENS passive |b [om loa [ke [ele [ke [45 na [na |ne [ne |no [ne [no causative |b |om |[me [Ke [els [LE [ES _|#s [es les [to les [ee les causative- | H4ott | 2th | not EKt | cls | LEt| cot passive 5HnS|5nSlused |5nS|5NS|5nS| SHS volitional |H55|P—5|Mt3| HED | c1F3 |£B3/ E55 imperative |S2 [mit [mt [ec [Ex [ko [en negative [Hoa D UW [HUET ees to receive 2 > WW /BSuesy [P< -B< |towrite E > & [Peet WEI -B< [tohurry <> & [Weekes av - RS tolend vo > L |pusesy leeF + GBF | to speak vo> Lb |te@vet I+ HD | towait 2 > 6 /kbeT Lia: Ft | todie am > [LEKT CR: RH | to fly KR > U SEUET £0 Ro ‘ieread b> & |kaey |és to take 2 > ) [ever [BAILS todoone'sbest |S > VU [MAIVET Making the ~£% form of (\5 72 verbs The final ~4 of the dictionary form is dropped, and the auxiliary ~&T is added: dictionary form meaning with ~% |\~kT dropped _| form 4S -RS to see, towatch |&~ [eer B24 -H25 to get up ébe~ bexky ESS -BRXS — [tocat zN~ [AREF BLAS - BAS |toteach totel |BLA~ [BLAET Making the ~ 4 form of #3 and< JB The~#¥ form of FS is LET. The~#t form of < Sis Set. Conjugation of ~# + The conjugation chart of ~#& 4 is given below: ANOHCKUK A3bIK OHNAH - J | 32 | Verbs form ending non-past ~kT past ~RELE negative ~RtA WEEtA won't go past negative |~RtATLA |WSRUATLE | didn't go volitional ~ELES WekELSS let's go | There is alsoa~T form of ~# VF, with the ending ~* LT, but this is relatively rare. It is used to connect sentences in formal spoken situations: © FISSLUSLBEVAEZELT. MICHUMLDCS WELK Subarashii omiyage 0 itadakimashite, makoto ni arigat6 gozaimashita lam sincerely grateful for the marvellous present | have received Other forms of ~#¥ may be encountered on rare occasions, but the only common one not in the chart above is (}5 3 Le Wktt, the expression frequently used by staff in shops and businesses to greet customers. Use of ~ET The ~#T form is generally used in conversation rather than writing (except in the case of letters, where keigo including ~#T is common). It is used at the end of sentences only, and not in modifying clauses (see p. 209). The auxiliary ~&F makes sentences polite in style (see style}, and so is very common in everyday conversational exchanges between adults who are not familiar with each other: © THEA, MMSE , or be said with rising intonation, but in these cases it is asking for confirmation. For example, a mother looking at her child yawning might say 5 4a/£4\? ‘You (obviously) want to go to bed, don’t you?’, but this is essentially a statement based on the evidence, rather than a question. ~RES ~I=04 is a combination of the auxiliaries ~7£4\ and ~#4 (see the section on adjectives of emotion, pp. 102-104). Itis used to show that someone other than the speaker wants to do something: © WHA AISA OMRICDUTMNEM SAL Yamada san wa jibun no kako ni tsuite furetagaranai Yamada doesn't want his past brought up = ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNAH - | 36 | Verbs © Fitts kHMSBICAVEMT TNS SRUC ETA Kodomo ga zutto mae kara kimi ni aitagatte iru kara asobi nikitene The children have been wanting to meet you for ages, 50 please come and visit ~#% conjugates asa CEA, verb. | The conjunctive (pre- & J ) form/stem The conjunctive (pre-&F ) stem of [Ay verbs is made by changing the final kana from one in the > line of the kana chart to one in the UM line. With |\ 572A verbs, it is made by removing the final 4: dictionary form | meaning change in pre ET _|finat kana form CEA verbs We ets to.go <7 @ We (£0NB* AB |toenter a> 5 fase 40 - RO to read $7 #& os #O- 8 “[eowa oD > B #6 WO5EA verbs EXS-BSS |tocat remove final @ | 7E*% HS-RS to see, towatch | remove final & | & _| The conjunctive stem of $4 is L, and the conjunctive stem of < Bis. Uses of the conjunctive (pre- 3") stem This stem is used for adding ~ & 3 and other auxiliaries. The conjunctive (pre- & J) stem with (< + verb of mation The conjunctive (pre- &3) stem can be used with the particle {< and a verb of motion to express ‘go and . . .’, ‘come in order 1D) cin tO ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - Verbs | 37 | © SRRBERICTARWTT Konban eiga o mi ni ikitai desu | want to go and see a film tonight © FAA, RROHUICRS Ashita, tomodachi ga asobi ni kuru A friend is coming to visit tomorrow © BLDENYLERWCHAIT « ~H: ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNaiH - | 38 | Verbs © Hen kakikata way of writing © RAR CEUNARHRL< BUTHVET Setsumeisho ni tsukaikata ga kuwashiku kaite arimasu Instructions for use are given in detail in the instruction manual © CORFORSAESENTLEDE Kono kanji no yomikata o wasurete shimatta | have forgotten the way of reading this kanji The conjunctive (pre- £3) stem with ~ (<< l\ and ~P TU The endings ~(< < t) (or less commonly ~D 4.) and ~P TU mean ‘difficult to . . .” and ‘easy to. . .’ respectively: © NY bREOFORAIC< ICT Banto sensei no ji ga yominikui desu Mr Bunt’s handwriting is difficult to read * COBSsBELH Kono kuruma wa unten shiyasui This car is easy to drive The conjunctive (pre-¥) stems of certain verbs can also be used as nouns (see p. 122), for forming compound verbs | (see pp. 85-87), and in keigo (see p. 213). For the conjunctive (pre-¥¥) stem plus ~% 3 Z, see pp. 182-183. For conjunctive (pre-#& 3) stem plus ~7a055, see pp. 136-137. |The ~T form This is essentially a conjunctive form which allows the addition of other verbs, phrases, or sentences. The structures thus produced give a range of meanings which generally show a time or aspect | relationship (see glossary) between what is expressed by the verb and the predicate (see p. 5) or clause that follows it. There are numerous uses of the form, and various structures based on it. Although usually taught as part of the conjugation of verbs, it is best regarded as a conjunctive particle (see p. 129). ANOHCKUA A3bIK OHNAaH - Verbs | 39 | Making the ~C form of “7A, verbs The method of making the ~T form depends on the final kana of the dictionary form. There are four groups: verbs ending in~3, ~D, ~8, verbs ending in~& , ~3, ~80, verbs ending in ~%, and verbs endingin~<,~<. Verbs ending in~5,~2D,~4 The final kana of the dictionary form is dropped, and > T is added: dictionary form | meaning ~T form HD +5 to meet HoT 65 - BS to think bboT ED: D to wait kot 6D -1D to hold, to have boT tS*MS +S | totake éaT DE*RS toride, to travel (onfby) |OoT The verbs ¢ 5 - 5 ‘to ask’, ‘to enquire’ and 25 - #95 -E5D ‘to entreat’, ‘to beg’ have the ~T forms & 5 T and [3T tespectively. The ~T forms of these verbs are relatively uncommon. Verbs ending in~t; ,~3., ~ab The final kana of the dictionary form is dropped, and AyC is added: dictionary form panne |=T form kb - Bt; to read tat SIZAG + (HR) [to smile [IAAT tay RK to fly EAT 4SoR to rejoice, to be delighted | kSBCAT bit - 5E x to die [LAT ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - | 40 | Verbs Verbs ending in ~~ 3 The final ¥ of the dictionary form is dropped, and LT is added: dictionary form meaning ~T form at- Rt tolend PUT aeoy - ar to speak (47 LT Verbs ending in~<,~< A final < of the dictionary form is dropped, and l\T is added. A final <‘is replaced by \\t: dictionary form meaning ~T form DS BK to write DWT SE 5< + MS to work (SE5BWT WE BS to hurry WEWE DIRS to smell, to sniff DUT An important exception is the verb (\< + #7< ‘to go’, which has the irregular ~ TC form l‘3T. Making the ~T form of (\57¢ Ay verbs The final ~ 4 of the dictionary form is replaced with T: dictionary form meaning ~T form HS*-RS to see, to watch ae 625 -HAS to get up BET KASD: BAS toeat KAT DItS-AS to turn on, te light DIT ~T forms of £S and < 4H The ~T form of FS is UT. The~T form of < Sis #T. Uses of the ~ CT form ~T joins sentences and clauses, so linking the verb with a following word, clause, or sentence. Use of ~T shows an ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - s Verbs | 41 | 3 -aspectual relationship (see glossary) with what follows, usually ij dicating prior completion, but the meaning depends on the context. English translations of sentences with ~T forms can Vary greatly, as shown below. 0 show a sequence of actions More than one ~ T form can be used within one sentence to show a sequence of events or actions: ° THICKET. D+ I-ERUT, MOMERNELE Shichi-ji ni okite, shawa o abite, asagohan o tabemashita | got up at seven, had a shower and ate breakfast BltHe ike. HASEHLA Kare wa kuruma o tomete, chizu o dashita He stopped the car and got out the map _ To show a reason or cause The first part of the sentence with a~C form can show a reason Or cause for what follows in the second part of the sentence: * SMS ASRERRICHIT. BICBRELE Morioka san wa kétsijiko ni atte, ashi ni kega o shita Ms Morioka had a traffic accident and injured her leq * BAACHUT. BBEDUTLEOK __ Mainichi soto de hataraite, kaze o hiite shimatta ___ | was working outside every day and ended up catching a cold To show circumstances The ~'T form can be used to show the circumstances of an action, or the means of doing something: © RRLFEDRAWCHEELL Kanojo to te o tsunaide arukimashita | walked holding hands with my girlfriend © SREGSCOMERSELE __ O-hashio tsukatte gohan o tabemashita late the meal using chopsticks To show manner of an action ‘The ~T form can show the manner in which something is done: i ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH - | 42 | Verbs © BHP SBUTRU ELE Kaisha kara aruite kaerimashita | came home from the office on foot/l walked home * LMOHCBWN THU ELE Shigoto no ato isoide kaerimashita After work | hurried home © TTCHRERLELA Awatete saifu wo sagashimashita | frantically searched for my wallet To mark contrast The ~T form can be used to highlight a contrast with the following part of the sentence: © RSF UAMST, RRILISYAICBOKE Boku wa Igirisu ni kaette, kanojo wa Furansu ni nokotta | returned to England but my girlfriend stayed in France The ~T form + (\B The ~T form with |} can have various meanings, depending on the type of verb with which it used. With verbs describing actions that continue or can be repeated, the ~T form plus l\S shows continuous or habitual action: * SBASRSCRBCRLCOUET Haruki kun wa tomodachi to denwa de hanashite imasu Haruki is talking to a friend on the phone © HEC CHMERA TUSASHAEATHE Asoko de shinbun 0 yonde iru hito wa Suzuki san desu The person over there reading the paper is Suzuki © BMY AFD (4) UTWET Maiasa jogingu (0) shite imasu | jog every morning © FRELATHA TNS Kodomotachi wa soto de asonde iru The children are playing outside However, with verbs which describe momentary actions that cannot be repeated, the ~T form plus (\4 shows that the action is completed: ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAHH - www.nihongo.aikidoka.ru_ Verbs | 43 AOD BORA BAIN TZ Soto no jiddhanbaiki ga kowarete iru The vending machine outside is broken MBIT 5RboTU SH CH Eiga wa md owatte iru hazu desu __ The film should have finished by now © FMMBSTS Tegami ga ochite iru » The letter has fallen down (and is onthe floor) With verbs describing states and processes, the ~T form with 41% shows that the state continues: © ROSECKRSOMoTWKtH Kare ga ima doko ni iru ka shitte imasu ka Do you know where he is now? © YattrmxsTINS Jonasan ga futotte iru Jonathan has put on weight (=is fat) * MISSRECADTUS Ane wa o-furo ni haitte iru My sister is in the bath ¢ RRA Alt=a-A-D cA TUES Kajiwara san wa Nyd Yoku ni sunde imasu Mr Kajiwara is living in New York With positive predicates, ~T with 4\% shows completion: * MHlL6 5H TUS Eiga wa mo owatte iru The film has already finished * AMANTS Kigataoreteiru The tree has fallen over * 65 BEOHOTHS MO densha gatsuiteiru The train has already arrived In negative predicates, ~T plus (\#£\ shows actions not yet Undertaken or completed: * FERN TUAL Mada tabeteinai | haven't eaten yet * HAMS hEOCELMMLTIKEA Ashita ga tesuto na no ni mada benky®6 shite imasen - There is a test tomorrow but | haven't done any studying yet ANOHCKU A3bIK OHNAH -

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