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EKAB2033/MKAM1033 Assignment Sem I 2017-18 Mac 2017

Group Assignment - Q1: 22 marks; Q2: 21 marks Q3: 19; Q4: 13 marks - Total marks 75 %

Q1 Site investigation (SI) must be planned accordingly so that optimum data can be acquired
at minimal cost and time. Methods used for SI may consist of preliminary and detail
methods, and instrumentation, depending on the stage and types of structure to be
constructed at a site. Answer the following questions.

(a) Document like aerial photos, geological and topographic maps are essential source of
information for planning an effective SI. Describe briefly two (2) types of information of a
site that can be obtained from any of these document? (3 marks)

Accessibility of site for mobilisation of equipment (1.5 marks)

Vegetation and types of geological materials in an area (1.5 marks)
OR topography for mobilisation of equipment

(b) 'For determining the depth of interface between bedrock and soil substrata and the types
of substrata at any depth, geophysical method like seismic survey is often considered as
supplementary method'.
With regard to the above statement, explain the related weaknesses of the seismic method.
(4 marks)

Depth of interface between soil and rock cannot be determine reliably based on seismic
waves as the interface is not a sudden change but a gradual one (2 marks).
Seismic method has no capability of retrieving samples of the sub-strata and as such, the
soil/rock type cannot be identified directly (2 marks)

(c) Figure 1 shows the cross-section of a proposed excavation to a depth of 19.0 m. The
boreholes data indicates that the substrata consists of 3 layers of materials; sandy CLAY,
SAND and granite (bedrock); the depth and thickness of the respective layer are in the
figure. How many disturbed (DS/SPT) and undisturbed (UD) samples need to be collected
throughout the depth between 0 and 13 m. Indicate the respective depth and sample
number for the DS/SPT and UD samples collected throughout this depth. (note: assume
sampling starts immediately at 0.00 m depth, and changes from sand to bedrock is
immediate and distinctive). (5

Layer 1 sandy CLAY from 0 m to 8 m:

Depth Sample number
0.0 m UD 1 (1 mark)
1.5 m UD 2 (1 mark)
3.0 m UD 3 (1 mark)
4.5 m UD 4 (1 mark)
6.0 m UD 5 (1 mark)
7.5 m UD 6 (1 mark)
At 8.0 m Change from sandy CLAY to sand
Layer 2 SAND from 8 m to 13 m:
Depth Sample number
8.0 m DS1/SPT1 (1 mark)
9.5 m DS2/SPT2 (1 mark)
11.0 m DS3/SPT3 (1 mark)
12.5 m DS4/SPT4 (1 mark)

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EKAB2033/MKAM1033 Assignment Sem I 2017-18 Mac 2017

13.0 m Change from Sand to granite rock

(d) Typical core sample obtained from drilling in a bedrock is shown in Figure 2. Calculate the
Core Recovery Ratio (CRR) and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) for this core.
(5 marks)

Core length = 1430 mm (1 mark)

CRR = 1430/1500 × 100 = 97 % (1 mark)

RQD = [(210+110)+(80+150)+(100+80)+140+190+120)/1430] x 100% (1 mark)

RQD = 1180/1430 x 100% (1 mark)
RQD = 82.5 = 83 % (1 mark)

(e) For slope excavation in rock, state one reason for obtaining core samples of the in situ
bedrock? (2 marks)
To verify the in situ condition of the rock mass particularly regarding its excavatability
(2 marks)

(f) Explain why when drilling through profiles of weathered granite (Zone 4 to Zone 3 with
the presence of rock boulders), it is highly recommended to undertake multiple coring (say
3 to 4 times coring in sequence) to verify the suitability of the granite bedrock for
foundation? (3 marks)

The multiple coring is to verify whether the rock body being cored is actually a
large/small boulder or a massive bedrock (3 marks)

Q2 Drilling and blasting is an important method for surface and underground excavation in
rocks. Although it is a versatile method, it does suffer from several set-backs. As such,
blast design must be carefully considered so the operation can be carried out safely and
effectively. Answer the following questions.

(a) Besides amount of explosive (MIC and powder factor), name another two (2) blast design
parameters that affect maximum travel distance of flyrocks. (2 marks)

Thickness of stemming and diameter of blasthole (2 marks)

(b) In underground excavation, explain why excavation using blasting method can lead to a
thicker yield (disturbed) zone in rock mass around the excavation? (3 marks)

Blasting utilises dynamic/shock waves (vibration) to break rock to smaller pieces. This
wave is difficult to control and may induce further cracks/fractures in the already jointed
rock mass. Consequently, this may weaken the rock further and leads to a thicker yield
zone (3 marks)

(c) Described briefly one advantage of multiple delay multiple round blasting for excavation
of circular shape tunnel. (3 marks)

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It allows to control sequence of blasting and the amount of charge to be used in each round,
least charges for the final round (at perimeter of tunnel) ensures a good finish profile for
the circular tunnel (3 marks).
OR Controlled blasting can reduce amount of charges used, especially the final round at the
perimeter of the tunnel, and this reduces the vibration and consequently helps to conserve
the inherent strength of the rock around the tunnel.

(d) Blasting work is to be undertaken at a proposed rock slope, which is at a distance (D) 450
m from a sensitive receiver. Related parameters for the blast design and other information
for evaluating the probable impact due to vibration and noise are given in Table 1, and the
predictor equations are given below:

Ground vibration:
V = K(D/Q1/2)B mm/s

Noise level:
A = 165 - [24 log10 (D/Q1/3)] dBL

Verify whether the ground vibration and noise level produced by the blasting work would
be critical to the sensitive receiver? (6 marks)

Ground vibration = 1244(450/79.51/2) 1.45 mm/s (1 mark)

= 4.22 mm/s (1 mark)
Limit for ground vibration is 4.22 < 5mm/s, not critical (1 mark)

Noise level: = 165  [24log10(450/79.51/3)] dBL (1 mark)

= 116.53 dBL (1 mark)
Limit for ground vibration is 116.53 < 124 dBL, not critical (1 mark)

(e) A slope of 8 m height and 20 m length is to be excavated in massive sandstone (a

sedimentary rock). The slope angle is 60 0 from horizontal and without any benching.
Relevant laboratory test results on the rock samples are listed in Table 2.

Using Table 2 and Figure 3, verify the excavatability of the proposed slope material?
(3 marks)

Plotted lines in the figure (1 mark)

Based on the plot the rock material falls within 2 zones; ZONE of RIPPABLE & ZONE of
TRANSITION from ripping to blasting (2 marks)

(f) Based on the excavatability of the slope material in (e) above, recommend a suitable
method to excavate the proposed slope. Justify your answer. (4 marks)

Method for slope excavation is BLASTING (1 mark)

Explanation: Although the rock properties indicate that the rock slope can be excavated
using ripper dozer (RIPPING) however, the shape and massive volume of excavation (8 m
height and 20 m length and sloping at 60 0) make the use of heavy machinery like ripper
dozer will be impossible. (3 marks)

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Q3 Multiple-headings/sections is NATM method used for excavating a large underground

cavern. Each heading/section can be excavated in sequence or parallel depending on the
suitability. Excavation can be undertaken using drilling and blasting or mechanical method.
Figure 4 shows a large cavern, width = 18 m and height = 24 m, which has been proposed
for installation of turbine system for a hydro-electric project. The following conditions are

Maximum time required to clear the shot-pile (mucking) and to install temporary
support system on the wall and roof, per 2 m advance is 4 hours. Time required for
drilling & blasting for each 2 m advance is 2 hours. Based on the RMR ratings, the
stand-up time for unsupported roof and walls, per 2 m advance, are listed in Table 3. If
the excavation is not supported within the specified time, failure of rock mass will

To excavate the cavern, 3 excavation designs have been proposed; as shown in Figure
5(a), (b) and (c). The dimensions and sequence of excavation for each heading and section
are explained in Table 4.

(a) For the excavation design in Figure 5(a), explain the problem that would be faced by
the working crew during installation of temporary support system on the roof of the
cavern? (3 marks)
Excavation as Figure 5(a) will lead to free span of 18 m on the roof (1 mark)
18 m free span gives a stand-up of the roof less than 0.5 hours (1 mark)
0.5 hours is too short a time to install temporary support system as it requires at
least 4 hours (1 mark)

(b) Explain why, for excavating the top-heading of the cavern (with large free span on
the roof), it is recommended to adopt either excavation design shown in Figure 5(b)
or Figure 3(c)? (3 marks)

Excavation as Figure 5(b) and 5(c) adopts multiple sections method in excavating
the top-heading (1 mark)
This leads to a shorter roof span for each section and subsequently, a longer stand-
up time for installing temporary support system (2 marks).

(c) Explain the min advantages for adopting excavation design shown in Figure 5(c)
(2 marks)
Excavation as Fig 5(c) allows section 1 and section 1 to be excavated in parallel and
this enables for the working crew to be fully utilised (2 marks)

(d) By simple calculation, show that the excavation design in Figure 5(c) will take a
longer time than Figure 5(b) (4 marks)
Per 2 m advancement:
To excavate the 2 sections in Figure 5(b) will require 2 (2 + 4) = 12 hours to
complete the top heading. (2 marks)
To excavate the 3 sections in Figure 5(c) will require 3(2 + 4) = 18 hours to
complete the top-heading. (2 marks)

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Thus excavation design Figure 5(c) takes a longer time than 5(b)

(e) If Section 1 and Section 1 in the top-heading in Figure 5(c) are to be excavated in
parallel, explain why Section 2 must be the last portion to be excavated? (3 marks)
The rock column in Section 2 acts as buffer/protection zone for the working crew
during blasting operation (3 marks)

(f) For underground excavation, explain why instrumentation system is an important

scope to be included in design of the underground cavern. (3 marks)
Design of underground cavern is associated with a lot of uncertainties and higher
FOS. So the instrumentation is used to monitor and to check the reliability of the
design approach adopted (3 marks)

Q4 Underground structures like tunnel and cavern require careful consideration on their design
and excavation. Even the basic design parameters like shape and size must be given due
consideration for their stability. Figure 6 shows 3 different shape of tunnel [(a), (b) and (c)]
excavated in same rock type. The in situ rock displays 2 inclined joint sets (discontinuous)
which are intersecting. All the excavations have similar cross-sectional area.

(a) Which tunnel will display the shortest stand-up and state one appropriate reason for
your answer. (3 marks)
Tunnel [a] (1 mark)
Tunnel [a] displays the longest roof span and flat roof. Since the rock displays 2
inclined and intersecting joint sets therefore, it will be the weakest and exhibits the
shortest stand-up time (2 marks).

(b) If the width of tunnel [b] and [c] is similar, explain why tunnel [c] is more stable
than tunnel [b] (2 marks)
For a give roof span, a curve shape roof will display a higher capability to sustain
vertical loading (overburden pressure), and this leads to a more stable excavation. (2
(c) Among the 3 shape of tunnels shown, which tunnel is likely to induce the highest
level of disturbance into the surrounding rock mass after its excavation. Explain
your answer (4 marks)
Tunnel [a] (1 mark)
With regard to shape, disturbance induced into the rock mass is associated with the
most unstable shape. Tunnel [a] is the most unstable, hence it will induce the highest
level of disturbance (3 marks)

(d) Ground Reaction Curve (GRC) for a given rock condition is an important element in
NATM. With reference to installation of support system, explain the main purpose
of GRC? (3 marks)
Upon excavation, the rock mass around the excavation (i.e. the yield zone), will
move towards the excavation. This rock movement must be stop as soon as possible
by installing support system as continuous deformation will eventually lead to
failure. So, GRC is a means to determine the best time and amount of deformation to
install the support system (3 marks).

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