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II TRIMESTER VOCABULARY (May- June- July) Preparatory Ms. Alejandra Contreras

COGNITION: Objective: To learn about themselves and their environment. / Aprender acerca de ellos mismos y su alrededor.

1. farmer / granjero / farmer

2. teacher / maestro / ticher Days of the Week / Dias de la semana / Deis of da wik
3. doctor / doctor / doctor 1. Monday / Mondei / lunes
4. nurse / enfermera / norse 2. Tuesday / Tiusdei / martes
5. dentist / dentist / dentist 3. Wednesdei / Wednesdei / Miercoles
6. police officer / policia / polis ofiser 4. Thursday / Torsdei / jueves/
7. fire fighter / bomber / faier faiter 5. Friday / Fraidei / viernes
8. chef / cocinero / chef 6. Saturday / Saturdei / sabado
9. wash your hands / lavarse las manos / wash your jands 7. Sunday / Sondei / Domingo
10. wash your face / lavarse la cara / wash yor feis
11. exercise / ejercitarse / ecsersais
12. brush your teeth / cepillarse los dientes / brosh yor tiz
13. comb your hair / peinarse / comb yor jeir
14. eat healthy food / comer comida saludable / it jelti fus
15. sleep / dormer / slip
16. face / cara / feis
17. eyes / ojos / ais
18. nose / nariz / nous
19. ears / orejas / iers
20. hair / cabello / jeir
21. mouth / boca / mauz
22. head / cabeza / jed
23. shoulders / hombros / sholders
24. arms / brazos / arms
25. hand / manos / jand
26. fingers/ dedos / finguers
27. stomach / estomago /estomac
28. legs / piernas / legs
29. feet / pies / fit
PHONICS: Objective: Write letters and identify its pictures. Escribir
letras e identificar dibujos.
MATH : Write and identify numbers 31 to 50.
Dd(di) Pp(pi) Cc(ci) 31 thirty one (tirti uan)
dog/dog/perro pencil/pensil/lapiz cake/caic/pastel
32 thirty two (tirti chu)
duck/doc/ pato plate/plait/plato cat/cat/gato
door/dor/puerta pet/pet/mascota car/car/carro 33 thirty three (tirti zri)
dolphin/dolfin/delfin pumpkin/punkin/calaba carrot/carot/zanahori
doll/dol/muñeca za a 34 thirty four (tirti four)
desk/desc/escritorio pickle/picol/pepinillo coat/coat/abrigo 35 thirty five (tirti faiv)
pig/pig/cerdo candy/candi/dulce
36 thirty six (tirti six)
Ww(dobliu) Yy(guay) Zz (zi)
37 thirty seven (tirti seven)
watch/guach/reloj yellow/yelow/amarillo Zebra/zibra/zebra
wall/guol/pared yes/yes/si Zipper/siper/cremalle 38 thirty eight (tirti eigt)
whale/guel/ballena yard/yard/patio ra
watermelon/warermelo Yogurt / yogur / yogurt Zoo/Zu/zoologico 39 thirty nine (tirti nain)
n Zero/ciro/ cero 40 forty (fourti)
Vv(vi) Xx(ex) Nn ( en) 41 forty one (fourti uan)
Van/van/camioneta Box/box/caja Nest / nido / nest
42 forty two (fourti chu)
Veterinarian/veterinaria Six/six/seis Nine / nueve / nain
n/ veterinario(a) Fox/fox/zorro Net / red / net 43 forty three (fourti zri)
Violin/vaiolin/violin Ox/
Vest/vest/chaleco 44 forty four (fourti four)

Rr ( ar) Qq (kiu) Ll (el) 45 forty five (fourti faiv)

Rake / rastrillo / reik Question mark / signo Lemon / limón /
Rocket / cohete / roquet de pregunta / lemon 46 forty six (fourti six)
Ring / anillo / ring cuoteichion marc Ladder / escalera/ 47 forty seven (fourti seven)
Quilt / cobija / cuilt lader
Quiet / silencio / cuaiet Lips / labios / lips 48 forty eight (fourti eigt)
49 forty nine (fourti nain)
50 fifty (fifti)
READING: Objective, Read and write the following words. Leer y
- Escritura del segundo nombre y primer apellido
escribir las siguientes palabras.
- La letras p, s, l, n, t, d, r y sus respectivas silabas.
do ( du) me (mi) is - it - Aprender abotonar ( traer una camisa con botones)
look (luc) you (yu) for – (for)
like – ( laik) she – (shi) he – ( ji)
come ( com) like (laik) on (on)

SCIENCE: Identify the classification of animals.

vertebrates vertebraits vertebrados

Mammals memals Mamíferos
Birds berds aves
Reptile Reptil Reptiles
amphibians anfibians anfibios
fish fich Peces

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