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Estimation of the long-term slip, surface uplift and block rotation along the
northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone: Inferences from
geomorphology of the Almacık Block

Article  in  Geomorphology · September 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.08.038


7 829

2 authors:

Cengiz Yıldırım Okan Tuysuz

Istanbul Technical University Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences


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Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

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Estimation of the long-term slip, surface uplift and block rotation along
the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault Zone: Inferences from
geomorphology of the Almacık Block
Cengiz Yıldırım ⁎, Okan Tüysüz
İstanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Almacık Block is one of the key morphotectonic units in the eastern Marmara Region associated with the
Received 20 May 2016 long-term slip partitioning within the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). In this study, we provide new geomor-
Received in revised form 12 June 2017 phic reconstructions of offset drainage basins, morphometric analysis of topography, and longitudinal profiles of
Accepted 12 August 2017
the rivers crossing different flanks of the Almacık Block. Our geomorphic reconstructions of offset drainage basins
Available online 13 September 2017
along the Hendek and Karadere faults imply mean offsets of 2.3 ± 0.4 km and 8.4 ± 0.7 km, respectively, during
the Quaternary. Our dataset also imply that slip partitioning occurs in a broader zone than previously proposed,
and that the total 10.7 ± 0.6 km offset along the Hendek and Karadere faults of the northern strand must be taken
into account for long-term slip partitioning in the Eastern Marmara Region. Together with previously suggested
10 km offset along the southern strand (Yaltırak, 2002), 16 ± 1.0 km offset along the middle strand (Özalp et al.,
2013) and the 52 ± 1.0 km offset along the Mudurnu Segment of the northern strand (Akbayram et al., 2016) our
newly proposed geomorphic markers raise the cumulative offset in the eastern Marmara region associated with
the NAF to 89 ± 1.0 km since the Latest Pliocene – Quaternary. In addition to these lateral displacements, our
morphometric analysis and longitudinal profiles of the rivers imply up to 1130 ± 130 m surface uplift of the
Almacık Block as a combined result of vertical displacement within the deformation zone of the northern strand
of the NAFZ. Finally, by assuming that river basins act as passive deformation markers, our basin azimuth analyses
imply 20° ± 2° clockwise rotation of the Almacık Block associated with the NAFZ.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction topographic relief with respect to adjacent areas. They may be con-
currently displaced, uplifted, and rotated to different degrees by on-
Tectonically active strike-slip fault systems including the going activity of the different fault segments (Ron et al., 1984; Tatar
San Andreas, the Dead Sea, the Alpine, the Altyn Tagh and the North et al., 1995; Piper et al., 1997; Lamb, 2011; Rood et al., 2011; Fazzito
Anatolian Fault Zones might be characterized by not only by lateral et al., 2013). Therefore they provide a unique environment to ex-
but also vertical slip, which induces subsidence, uplift and/or rotation plore complex tectonic deformation at a local scale.
of crustal blocks (Ketin, 1948; Ambraseys, 1969; Şengör, 1979, 1995; The Almacık Block is one of the most pronounced push-up structures
Şengör et al., 1985, 2005; Bilham and King, 1989; Taymaz et al., 1991; located between the major segments of northern strand of the North
Barka, 1992; Barka and Kadinsky-Cade, 1988; Armijo et al., 1999, Anatolian Fault (NAF) where it bifurcates in the eastern Marmara
2002; Cunningham et al., 2003, 2007; Cunningham, 2005; Cowgill Region. These strands delimit boundaries of the block that has been
et al., 2004; Castelltort et al., 2012; Goren et al., 2015; Guerit et al., right-laterally displaced, uplifted, and rotated as a consequence of
2016). These fault systems may create continental-scale tectonic fault movement in the area since the latest Pliocene-Quaternary
troughs juxtaposing different rock units, pronounced relief contrasts, (Emre et al., 1998; Ünay et al., 2001; Yaltırak, 2002).
and deflected drainage systems. Positive push-up structures are intrigu- Geologic affinities between the Almacık and Armutlu blocks allow
ing geomorphic features in areas of undergoing active strike-slip estimating long-term cumulative displacement along the northern
tectonics (Crowell, 1974; Dewey et al., 1998; Cunningham, 2007). Due strand of the NAF. Nevertheless, the presence of beheaded and deflected
to their position between major strike-slip fault strands, these features river channels upon the Hendek, Karadere and Almacık blocks help to
are often elongated or lens-shaped in plan view, and have pronounced reconstruct offset drainage networks and allow estimating Pleistocene
displacements along the Hendek and Karadere segments of the
northern strand. The major geomorphic feature of this region is concor-
⁎ Corresponding author. dant summit surfaces that are characterized by well preserved, perched
E-mail address: (C. Yıldırım). remnants of a low relief landscape and a well-developed drainage
0169-555X/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
56 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

network. Longitudinal profiles of drainage networks, allow estimating The northern strand takes up the majority of the displacement and
surface uplift on the Almacık Block between to major strands of the NAF. forms the main trough of the NAF. It comprises a number of large-
Here we present geomorphic reconstructions of offset drainage scale segments and actively developing basins, including the Düzce,
basins, re-evaluation of geologic reconstructions, and morphometric Adapazarı, and İzmit basins and the Marmara Sea, and push-up struc-
analyses of topography and stream channels on the Almacık Block. tures including the Armutlu Block and the Almacık Block (Fig. 1B). The
Our data suggest that each fault within the northern strand must middle strand bifurcates from the Mudurnu Valley southwest of the
be taken into account for long-term slip partitioning, and that the Almacık Block (Fig. 1B) and includes a number of splay faults distributed
bifurcation of the NAF caused differential surface uplift and vertical in a wedge-like geometry extending to the west along the southern
axis rotation in the eastern Marmara Region. coast of the Marmara Sea (Fig. 1B). Nonetheless, the southern strand
is described as a splay that bifurcates from the middle strand in the
2. Regional setting southern part of the Pamukova Basin toward Yenişehir Basin and farther
west. Recent right-lateral strike slip rates from block models of the geo-
The NAF is a c. 1200-km long strike-slip fault that accommodates detic velocity field associated with northern, middle, and southern
right-lateral motion of the Anatolian plate relative to the Eurasian strands are 25.2 ± 2.0 mm/yr, 4.9 ± 2.0 mm/yr and 3.6 ± 2.0 mm/yr,
plate between eastern Anatolia and the northern Aegean Sea (Fig. 1A) respectively (Meade et al., 2002).
(Ketin, 1948, 1957; Şengör, 1979; Barka and Kadinsky-Cade, 1988; The boundaries of the Almacık Block are delimited by active faults,
Taymaz et al., 1991; Barka, 1992). The NAF is a relatively simple and nearly all of which have ruptured over the past century, including
narrow structure along its eastern and central sections, however, it during the 1944 Bolu-Gerede, 1957 Abant, 1967 Mudurnu Valley,
bifurcates into several strands in the eastern Marmara region (Fig. 1B) 1999 İzmit, and 1999 Düzce earthquakes (Fig. 2) (Barka, 1992; Kondo
(McKenzie, 1972; Koçyiğit, 1988; Taymaz et al., 1991; Taymaz, 2001; et al., 2005, 2010; Duman et al., 2005; Pucci et al., 2007; Emre et al.,
Barka, 1992; Bozkurt, 2001; Alpar and Yaltırak, 2002; Yaltırak, 2002; 2011; Seyitoğlu et al., 2015). The southern boundary of the block is
Şengör et al., 2005, 2014; Hergert and Heidbach, 2010). These fault controlled by segments of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede, 1957 Abant, and
strands are prominent and easily distinguishable based on the distinct 1967 Mudurnu Valley earthquake ruptures. The epicenters of the 1957
topography along the fault strands, seismic activity, and GPS-derived Abant and 1967 Mudurnu Valley earthquakes are located in the study
slip rates (McClusky et al., 2000; Ayhan et al., 2001; Meade et al., area, and focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes reveal vertical
2002; Reilinger et al., 2006; Kozacı et al., 2009) (Fig. 1B). The onset of fault planes dipping slightly to the south with dextral fault kinematics
the deformation in the eastern Marmara Region associated with the (Fig. 1B) (Canıtez and Üçer, 1967; Taymaz et al., 1991; Barka, 1992;
northern strand of the NAF is dated to the latest Pliocene-Quaternary Bohnhoff et al., 2006), which are compatible with surface deformation
(between 3 and 2.5 Ma) (Emre et al., 1998; Ünay et al., 2001), based of the faults. The easternmost segment of the 1999 İzmit earthquake
on rodent fauna obtained from the oldest fault-related deposits in the rupture, the Karadere Fault, delimits the NW boundary of the block.
Adapazarı Basin, near west of the Almacık Block (Fig. 2). The focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes related to the

Fig. 1. (A) Topography and geometry of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). Inset box indicate limits of the lower panel, (B) Main strands of the NAF in the Eastern Marmara Region (adapted
from Barka, 1992; Armijo et al., 1999, 2002; Emre et al., 2011) and epicenter locations and focal mechanism solutions of the major earthquakes from Canıtez and Üçer (1967), Taymaz et al.
(1991), Barka (1992) and Harvard CMT. Numbers indicate slip rate and their one-sigma uncertainty estimates. The upper values with negative sign indicate right-lateral motion; the lower
values indicate fault-normal motion and negative values indicate opening (Meade et al., 2002).
C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68 57

Fig. 2. Regional topography. Red lines indicate active faults after Emre et al. (2011). Black outlined white triangles indicate limits of the surface ruptures. Labels with capital letters indicate
major tectonic blocks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Karadere Segment indicate moderately north-dipping (67°), oblique, Because of strike-slip character of the NAF the Almacık Block has also
reverse fault kinematics (Bulut et al., 2007). The rest of the northern been right laterally displaced. Geological units on the Almacık Block are
flank of the block is defined by the Düzce Fault, which recently ruptured correlated with the same geological units within the Armutlu Block in
during the 1999 Düzce earthquake. The epicenter of the 1999 Düzce the 50 km west. Herece and Akay (2003) suggested right lateral offset
earthquake is located 8 km north of the fault, and the focal mechanism between 33 and 66 km based on rock units having different age
solution of the earthquake (Harward CMT) indicates moderately north- and lithological properties. Recently, Akbayram et al. (2016) proposed
dipping (55°–66°), dextral fault kinematics with a small normal compo- 52 ± 1 km right lateral offset by using Cretaceous faults and Eocene
nent (Fig. 1B) (Bürgman et al., 2002). Data associated with the internal volcanic units. There are no younger units of Neogene or Quaternary
deformation within the Almacık Block are very limited. Focal mecha- age on the block and they are generally distributed along the margins
nism solutions of microseismic events indicate mainly right lateral of the block (Fig. 3).
internal deformation within block in contrary to the normal faulting in
the Düzce and Adapazarı basins (Bulut et al., 2007; Görgün et al., 3. Data and methods
2010; Poyraz et al., 2015).
The eastern Marmara region is characterized by alluvial depressions 3.1. Topography and geological maps
and steep mountain fronts (Fig. 1B). Depressions are east-west oriented
pull-apart basins developed between segments of the NAF. The moun- A 25 m resolution digital elevation map (DEM) of the Almacık Block
tains are capped by flat-lying, low relief, perched erosional surfaces was generated from digitized 1:25,000 scale topographic maps. The
that are deeply incised and dissected, unlike the Kocaeli Peneplain just synthetic drainage network was extracted from these data using
west of the Almacık Block. A river network that flows from south to standard hydrology tools in ESRI's ArcGIS to fill sinks and to calculate
north toward the Black Sea drains the region. The Sakarya and Melen flow directions and flow accumulations. The local topographic relief
rivers are major rivers traversing the east-west oriented mountains map is produced by focal statistics in the neighborhood analyses
and basins along the NAF (Fig. 1B). also in ESRI's ArcGIS. Using the stream profiler tool (available from
Within this tectonic setting, the Almacık Block covers an area of, we extracted longitudinal profiles, steepness
80 × 21 km, with a mean altitude of 981 m and maximum altitude values, and concavity values of rivers within the synthetic network.
of 1830 m (Fig. 2). The main drainage divide is very close to the To assess the impacts of variable bedrock features on the longitudinal
southern boundary of the block. The four major rivers draining the profiles of rivers we examined geological contacts and formations from
block are Aksu and Uğursuyu rivers in the north, the Abant River in the 1:100,000 scale geological atlas of the NAF published by Herece
the east, and the Mudurnu River in the south (Fig. 2). These rivers and Akay (2003).
flow over complicated geological units within the Intra-Pontide
suture zone (Okay and Tüysüz, 1999). The block is mainly made up 3.2. Lateral offset measurements
of Precambrian ophiolites (Yigitbaş et al., 2008; Bozkurt et al.,
2008, 2013), metamorphic units of unknown age, and Late Cretaceous The cumulative offset of stream channels has already been
flysch-type chaotic units imbricated with each other and unconform- documented along the NAF (Erinç et al., 1961; Koçyiğit, 1988;
ably overlying Eocene volcanic and clastic rocks (Şenel, 2002). Şengör Barka, 1992; Hubert-Ferrari et al., 2002; Yaltırak, 2002; Şengör
et al. (1985) proposed 110° clockwise rotation of the block based on et al., 2005). In this study, we propose new drainage offsets that
modified strike of the ophiolitic mélange units located southeastern have not formerly been considered along the northern strand of the
flank of the Almacık Block. Paleomagnetic investigations were mostly fault zone. The right-lateral activity of the northern strand has offset sev-
implemented on Eocene volcanic rocks within the Almacık Block. eral rivers, resulting in beheaded drainage basins with upstream parts
Based on their paleomagnetic measurements Sarıbudak et al. (1990) located on the Hendek, Karadere, and Almacık blocks (Fig. 4A, B). To
proposed 212° clockwise rotation of the block while İşseven et al. measure lateral offsets we use drainage networks as linear geomorphic
(2009) proposed 26.7° ± 9.5° clockwise rotation of the block. markers. We identify pairs based on their channel size that are
58 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

Fig. 3. Geological map of the Almacık block and its nearby (compiled from Şenel, 2002 and Herece and Akay, 2003). Red lines indicate active faults after Emre et al. (2011). Labels with
capital letters indicate major tectonic blocks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

comparable with the size of theirs contributing drainage areas. We sampling window was chosen because it is large enough to include at
matched larger channels with basins having larger contributing least two major ridges and/or valleys along the major ranges within
drainage areas. We painted pairs with same colors and illustrated the study area, and therefore shows the characteristic valley-to-ridge
this reconstruction as a scaled cartoon (Fig. 4B). Until to have best- relief pattern (Fig. 5). These analyses together with other topographic
fit geometry that may represent original position of the drainage derivatives such as elevation, slope and channel gradients allow us to
networks we moved them laterally. Hence we measured amount of define limits high and low incision regions and hence limits of the
right lateral displacements along the Hendek and Karadere faults of perched low relief landscapes. Perched low relief landscapes are rem-
the northern strand. For the regional slip partitioning calculations nant surfaces that are characterized by high elevation, low relief, gentle
we used Akbayram et al. (2016) for the Mudurnu Segment of channel gradients and knickpoints separating upstream (Clark et al.,
the northern strand, Özalp et al. (2013) for the middle strand and 2006). They are important because their reconstruction provides a ref-
Yaltırak (2002) for the southern strand. erence datum to measure spatial distribution of vertical displacement
(surface uplift) among different crustal blocks (Yang et al., 2015). We
3.3. Local topographical relief and surface uplift estimations used low relief landscape on the Kocaeli Peneplain as a reference geo-
morphic datum since it is accepted as the most preserved pre-NAF
In tectonically active areas, higher topographic relief tends to paleotopography (Yılmaz et al., 2009). It was much larger than today
correspond with active stream incision in response to higher surface and was covering whole eastern Marmara Region including the Almacık
uplift rates (e.g., Bürgmann et al., 1994; Blythe et al., 2000; Molin Block during the Pliocene (Emre et al., 1998). The NAF fragmented the
et al., 2004; Gomez et al., 2006; Wobus et al., 2006). Local topographic Kocaeli Peneplain, remnants of which are situated as low relief perched
relief analysis subtracts minimum elevations (valley bottoms) from landscapes on different blocks in the Eastern Marmara Region.
maximum elevations (ridge tops) and averages it over a given sampling
window to illustrate relief variations across the landscape (Stearns, 3.4. Channel steepness and longitudinal profile of rivers
1967). We created a local topographical relief map by subtracting
minimum from maximum elevations averaged over a sampling window Typical graded longitudinal profiles of bedrock channels are
of 2 km by using focal statistics tool in ArcGIS toolbox. The 2-km concave-up and smooth under steady tectonic and climatic conditions
C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68 59

Fig. 4. (A) Offset pairs of channels along the Hendek and Karadere faults. See Fig. 2 for location of the figure. Red lines indicate active faults after Emre et al. (2011). (B) Retrodeformed
offset along the Hendek and Karadere faults. Note the match of the same colored drainage networks when slip is restored along the faults. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(Mackin, 1948; Hack, 1973; Whipple, 2001). Lithology, climate, sediment erosion rates are relatively low (such as in areas where perched, relict
flux, transient profile evolution, or non-uniform rock uplift across active landscapes are preserved), and drainage basin area were not changed,
structures may give rise deviations from this equilibrium (Kirby and the elevation difference between the modern river at the outlet and the
Whipple, 2001; Wobus et al., 2006; Cyr et al., 2010). Transition from an projected level of the relict part of the river at the outlet reveals the
original (relict) to recent profile of the rivers marked by knickpoints im- amount of surface uplift since faster uplift began (e.g., Kirby and
plies transient changing of the steady state character of the landscape as Whipple, 2012; Schildgen et al., 2012). In this framework, we calculated
a result of local and/or regional tectonic/climatic perturbations. When steepness indexes along the drainage basins on the Almacık Block
60 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

Fig. 5. Local topographical relief map of the study area calculated over a circular 2-km radius-sampling window. Polygons with dashed line pattern indicate perched low relief landscape at
the top of the block. Bold blue lines indicate representative rivers in Fig. 6. Red lines indicate active faults after Emre et al. (2011). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(Fig. 6). We generated a synthetic drainage network from digital elevation where S = local channel slope, or channel gradient, A = upstream drain-
model of the block and used standard hydrology tools in ESRI's ArcGIS to age area, ks = channel steepness index and θ = channel concavity index.
calculate flow directions and flow accumulations. We extracted longitudi- The steepness index has been shown to correlate with rock uplift rate (U),
nal river profiles, concavity and steepness values of rivers by using stream lithology, and climate (e.g. Merritts and Vincent, 1989; Whipple and
profiler tool (available from Essentially, Tucker, 1999; Snyder et al., 2000; Kirby and Whipple, 2001; Wobus
steepness index is the slope of a channel that is normalized to its contri- et al., 2003; Kirby et al., 2003; Duvall et al., 2004; Wobus et al., 2006).
bution drainage area. The index provides a simple metric to compare The steepness index is typically calculated using a reference concavity
slopes in rivers of different size and to detect slope-breaks in longitudinal (θref), because concavity tends to vary little across different landscapes
channel profiles from a graded form. Under steady state conditions, the (Snyder et al., 2000; Wobus et al., 2003, 2006). In this study we used
slope of a channel decreases as a power-law function of contributing θref = 0.45, a value used in many other active tectonic settings (Wobus
drainage area (e.g. Hack, 1973; Flint, 1974; Howard and Kerby, 1983). et al., 2003, 2006). The steepness index and concavity are measured
The local channel slope can be expressed as: directly by linear regression analysis of channels from log-log plots of
drainage area (A) and slope (S) (Montgomery, 1994; Snyder et al.,
2000; Kirby et al., 2003; Wobus et al., 2006). To project paleo-
S ¼ ks A−θ ð1Þ longitudinal profiles of the four representative rivers we found best-fit

Fig. 6. Active faults and channel steepness index values for major rivers and their tributaries larger than 5 km2 overlain on shaded relief. Brown polygons indicate outline of low steepness
area and perched low relief top surfaces. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68 61

Fig. 7. Longitudinal profiles of the representative rivers discharged from perched low relief landscape at the top of the Almacık Block. Concepts are from Kirby and Whipple (2012).
See Fig. 5 for locations of the rivers. Please note that horizontal scale of the River 1 is different than other rivers.
62 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

concavity (θ) and steepness index value of the each channel from zones. They initially develop perpendicular to orientation of the defor-
Eq. (1) to define slope-area relationship for the projections, then deter- mation zone and progressively rotate along with ongoing deformation
mined paleo-longitudinal river profiles (Fig. 7). We focused on the up- (Castelltort et al., 2012; Goren et al., 2015). In this case clockwise rota-
stream reaches that are located on the highest elevated knickpoints tions with respect to initial perpendicular orientation indicate dextral
and projected their channel gradients toward downstream along their and counterclockwise rotations due to sinisterly deformation. Based
longitudinal profiles. This projected profile correspond former steady on this concepts we use general orientation of the deformation zone
state longitudinal profile, and elevation difference between former (which is east to west) as reference frame and basin midlines as objects.
and current longitudinal profiles of the river represents amount of Since basins have simpler geometry indicating no stream piracy and/or
surface uplift (Kirby and Whipple, 2012). We calculated amount of structural control that may change basin geometry and orientation, we
surface uplift by applying this method to four major bedrock rivers focused on the southern slopes of the Almacık Block drained by the
that are representative of different parts of the block to assess the Mudurnu Valley. We measured azimuths of the drainage basins along
pattern of the incision as a proxy of the surface uplift. the northern (Fig. 8B) and the southern slopes (Fig. 8C) of the Mudurnu
Valley. The northern slopes are on the Almacık Block but the southern
3.5. Basin azimuth (BA) slopes are not. Hence we can compare orientation of basin midlines
from outside of the Almacık Block to control if rotation of basins only
Drainage basins' azimuths were used to define basin orientation and occur on the Almacık Block or it is a regional phenomenon. Firstly, we
hence the amount of block rotation (Ramsey et al., 2007; Castelltort drew perpendicular lines between the southern strand and drainage
et al., 2012; Goren et al., 2015, Guerit et al., 2016). Basin azimuth (BA) divides (Fig. 7). We employed same method also along the southern
is a measure in clockwise degree of a projected midline between slopes of the Mudurnu Valley. We accepted that these perpendicular
the top and outlet along the main channel of a basin. Examples lines to the deformation zone represent initial geometry of the basins
from Taiwan (Ramsey et al., 2007), and numerical modeling from as it is observed in New Zealand (Castelltort et al., 2012) and Lebanon
New Zealand (Castelltort et al., 2012) and Lebanon (Goren et al., (Goren et al., 2015). If basins rotate orientation of midlines must deviate
2015), and analog modeling (Guerit et al., 2016) reveal that drainage from to perpendicular lines between the southern strand and drainage
basins are rotating when they are located within strike-slip deformation divide. We use rose diagrams of the basin azimuths to display the

Fig. 8. (A) Drainage basins for which we employed basin azimuth analysis. Dashed black line indicate drainage divide and red lines indicate active faults after Emre et al. (2011).(B) Rose
diagram of the basin azimuth analysis including only drainage basins on the northern slopes (Almacık Block) of the Mudurnu Valley (C) Rose diagram of the basin azimuth analysis
including only drainage basins on the southern slopes of the Mudurnu Valley. (D) Geometrical calculation (tangent) when we consider width of the Almacık Block and offset along the
northern flank of the block. It agrees well with the basin azimuth analysis of the Mudurnu Valley north. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68 63

frequency of drainage basin orientations either northern slope or 4.4. Basin azimuth (BA) and degree of block rotation
southern slope of the Mudurnu Valley to compare response of drainage
basins inside and outside of the Almacık Block (Fig. 8D) and accept that To define the degree of block rotation, we delineated midlines be-
basins are rotated if their orientation deviate from perpendicular lines. tween the outlet and top of the drainage basins (Fig. 8A), and measured
azimuths of the drainage basins along the northern (the Almacık Block)
(Fig. 8B) and the southern slopes (Fig. 8C) of the Mudurnu Valley. The
4. Results rose diagram of the northern slope basins (within the Almacık Block)
reveal a predominant direction of 20° ± 2° (NE-SW orientation)
The geomorphic reconstructions and morphometric analyses (Fig. 8C), albeit that the southern slope basins reveal a prominent direc-
that we performed on the Almacık Block provide insights into long- tion of 325°–360° (NNW-SSE orientation) (Fig. 8D). As the Almacık
term right - lateral slip, surface uplift, and rotation along the NAF in Block is delimited by both the northern and southern strands of
the Eastern Marmara Region. the NAF it represents deformation zone, we believe that the 20° ± 2°
NE-SW orientation of the drainage basins on the Almacık Block indicate
the degree of the block rotation since the initiation of the NAF in
4.1. Lateral offset estimations the region.

Our lateral offset estimations rely on reconstruction of the offset 5. Discussion

drainage network pairs along the Hendek and Karadere faults.
Accordingly, it yields 2.3 ± 0.4 km right lateral offset along the 5.1. Long-term slip-partitioning between major strands of the NAF
Hendek Fault (Fig. 4B) and 8.4 ± 0.7 km right lateral offset along the
Karadere Fault (Fig. 4B). These values imply additional 10.7 ± 0.6 km The long-term, cumulative offset of the NAF and partitioning of slip
slip partitioning in the Eastern Marmara Region. among its major strands have long been debated based on different geo-
logic, structural, and geomorphic markers. Realistic estimates of the
total amount of offset vary between 25 km (Barka and Hancock, 1984)
4.2. Local topographic relief and depth of erosion and 85 km (Tokay, 1973; Seymen, 1975; Şengör, 1979; Şengör et al.,
1985; Dewey et al., 1989; Yaltırak, 2002; Hubert-Ferrari et al., 2002;
The local topographical relief map demonstrates distinct low- and Herece and Akay, 2003) since Pliocene (3 Ma) to Tortonian (11 Ma)
high-relief areas on the Almacık Block (Fig. 5). The low relief areas are times, but the generally accepted value is around 85 ± 10 km. Never-
mainly located at the top of the block. They are distributed between theless, in the eastern Marmara region (where the Almacık Block is lo-
1200 and 1400 m. Their surface areas are very narrow in the west cated), offset values vary widely due to bifurcation and partitioning of
compared with those in the east. They are fragmented and dissected strain among different strands of the NAF. None of the previous estima-
by the upstream reaches of streams, especially along the southern tions considered contribution of the Hendek and Karadere faults despite
flank of the block. Nonetheless, high relief areas shown by reddish the fact that theirs evident tectonic geomorphology and intense
colors are distributed along the down- and midstream-reaches of the earthquake activity.
streams, particularly along the northern and southern flanks, indicating Our dataset implies that slip partitioning occurs in a broader zone
up to 969 ± 186 m of relief and/or depth of erosion between the valley (32 km) that previously proposed (20 km, Herece and Akay, 2003).
bottom and ridge tops across the block (Fig. 5). These faults contribute additional 2.3 ± 0.4 km and 8.4 ± 0.7 km of
offsets, respectively (Fig. 9). Since offset estimations from the Mudurnu
Segment of the northern strand and middle and southern strands
4.3. Channel steepness and longitudinal river profiles and surface uplift have already been proposed we grab those estimations to calculate
cumulative slip along the fault zone. Accordingly, Yaltırak (2002)
Our channel steepness analysis displays low steepness (blue colored proposed 10 km right lateral offset for the southern strand, Özalp et al.
lines) that refers low channel gradients at the upstream part of the (2013) proposed 16 ± 1 km for the middle strand and Akbayram
major drainage basins especially within the northern catchment of the et al. (2016) proposed minimum 52 ± 1 km for the northern strand.
block (Fig. 6). Their spatial distribution is closely related to fragments In fact geomorphic reconstructions usually underestimate this kind of
of the low-relief top surfaces that are representative of perched paleo- long term offset calculations. Therefore it is probable that they might
erosional surfaces (Figs. 5, 6). Perched paleo-erosional surfaces are be a bit longer. When we consider all these estimations together with
defined as high-elevated, low relief erosional surfaces with low our results, we propose 89 ± 1.0 km slip of the NAFZ in the Eastern
channel steepness indices separated from high channel steepness Marmara Region. As segments of the most seismically active northern
with knickpoints at the summits of the highs or mountain ranges strand of the NAFZ it is interesting to see relatively less long-term
(Clark et al., 2006). In general, channel steepness is very high slip along these faults. We believe that this situation might indicate
(N120, red colored lines) at the mid- and downstream reaches of the that Hendek and Karadere faults are younger structures within the
rivers that drain to the northern, western and southern catchments on deformation zone with respect to Mudurnu Segment.
the block (Fig. 6). We selected four representative rivers sourced from
low relief, perched surfaces along the western, northern, and southern 5.2. Differential surface uplift
sectors of the Almacık Block (Fig. 5). We estimated surface uplift by
using elevation difference between their projected former steady state Our surface uplift estimates are based on elevation difference
and current longitudinal profiles (Fig. 7). Accordingly, we calculated between low relief landscapes atop the Almacık Block and the Kocaeli
surface uplift as 1020 ± 70 m from River 1, 900 ± 67 m from River 2, Peneplain besides elevation difference between former steady state
980 ± 66 m from River 3 and 1130 ± 130 m from River 4 (Fig. 7). Errors and current transient longitudinal profiles of the major rivers on the
are given at the 1-sigma level (e.g. standard deviation). Although Almacık Block. The most preserved part of low relief landscape in the
surface uplift values are slightly different when we consider errors at Marmara Region is the Kocaeli Peneplain (Fig. 9) (Pamir, 1938). This
2-sigma level the results would largely overlap each other. We believe peneplain is a key regional geomorphic marker because of its cross-
that these results indicate a 1008 ± 83 m mean surface uplift of cutting relationship with the NAF. The peneplain truncates any rocks
the Almacık Block, which is compatible with the 969 ± 186 m local older than Pliocene (Pamir, 1938), which defines pre-NAF topography
topographic analysis indicating fluvial incision. in the eastern Marmara region (Pamir, 1938; Emre et al., 1998; Sakınç
64 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

Fig. 9. Main strands of the NAF in the Eastern Marmara Region (compiled from Barka, 1992; Armijo et al., 1999, 2002; Yaltırak, 2002; Emre et al., 2011) and right-lateral geomorphic and
geologic offsets along the major strands of the NAF between A and E from this study, F and F′ from Akbayram et al., 2016, G-G′ is from Özalp et al. (2013) but also Koçyiğit (1988), Yaltırak
(2002), Şengör et al. (2005) proposed different estimations and, H-H′ is from Yaltırak (2002). Colored polygons and stars denote displaced geological units from Herece and Akay (2003)
and Akbayram et al. (2016) (see Fig. 3 for color codes of geological units).

et al., 1999; Yılmaz et al., 2009). We used this surface as paleo- derived from elevation difference (1100 − 1300) between perched
topographic datum to estimate surface uplift on the Almacık Block. landscapes on the Almacık Block and the Kocaeli Peneplain. On the
The mean elevation of the surface is 100–150 m (Yılmaz et al., 2009), other hand, the presence of several knickpoints along the longitudinal
which is about 1000–1300 m lower than its fragments on the Almacık profiles of the representative rivers (Fig. 7) reveal an episodic surface
Block. The local topographic relief map illustrates remnants of this relict uplift history for the Almacık Block. Unfortunately there are no datable
landscape between 1200 and 1500 m at the top of the block (Fig. 5) with geomorphic or sedimentological markers to quantify timing of these
up to 969 ± 186 m of local relief produced through fluvial incision as multiple uplift phases.
response to uplift. Although we cannot constrain directly age of this
perched landscape on the Almacık Block, its geological affinity with 5.3. Differential block rotation
Armutlu Block help us to constrain age of this surface. From Figs. 1b
and 9 it is evident that there is a topographical discordance between Rotation of crustal blocks along their vertical axes is a common
the Kocaeli Peneplain and the Armutlu Block. The Armutlu Block is phenomenon in strike-slip fault systems (McKenzie and Jackson,
much higher than the Kocaeli Peneplain, despite the fact that short 1983; Şengör et al., 1985; Nicholson and Seeber, 1989). This type of
distance between them. Nevertheless, the age of gently inclined top deformation is commonly determined by using structural and paleo-
surface of the Armutlu Block is also Late Pliocene. It truncates Upper magnetic properties of rocks (Ron et al., 1984; Garfunkel, 1989;
Miocene – Lower Pliocene limestone sequences (Yılmaz et al., 2009). Schreurs, 1994; Piper et al., 1997; Armijo et al., 1999; İşseven and
Therefore it is very reasonable to imagine these two same aged surfaces Tüysüz, 2006). In this study, unlike previous methods, we applied a
were parts of a single peneplain surface when you retrodeform the İzmit geomorphic approach to define degree of the rotation based on the
Bay, which is directly result of the NAF deformation. In accordance with response of river basins to the block rotation.
Emre et al. (1998) and Yılmaz et al. (2009) we suggest that the Armutlu The geomorphically revealed clockwise rotation is also compatible
Block is an uplifted part of the Kocaeli Peneplain. Since the Almacık with structural, geodetical and paleomagnetic studies in the Almacık
Block was a part of the Armutlu Block (when we consider 52 ± 1 km Block (Şengör et al., 1985; Sarıbudak et al., 1990; Armijo et al., 1999;
geological offset) the top surface on the Almacık Block had also been Ayhan et al., 2002; İşseven et al., 2009; Hisarlı et al., 2011). The available
part of that peneplain. The presence of dissected fragments of an paleomagnetic data indicate clockwise block rotations throughout the
erosional surface atop the Almacık Block must be fragments of the NAFZ (Piper et al., 1997; Tatar et al., 1995; Piper et al., 2010; Avşar
Kocaeli Peneplain too. Additionally, projections of the longitudinal pro- and İşseven, 2009). Structural (Şengör et al., 1985), paleomagnetic
files of the streams draining from this perched landscape on the Almacık (Sarıbudak et al., 1990 and İşseven et al., 2009) geodetical data
Block reveal 1008 ± 80 m incision as a result of total uplift of the block (Ayhan et al., 2002) also indicate vertical axis clockwise rotation of
(Fig. 7). This result corroborates with our surface uplift estimation the Almacık Block. Şengör et al. (1985) proposed 110° clockwise
C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68 65

rotation of the block based on rotation of ophiolites located at with ongoing deformation (Castelltort et al., 2012; Goren et al., 2015).
the southern flank of the Almacık Block. Sarıbudak et al. (1990) proposed Orientation of the deformation zone is east-west along the Almacık
212° however İşseven et al. (2009) proposed 26.7° ± 9.5° clockwise Block and initial development of the drainage network is north-south.
rotation based on paleomagnetic measurements from Eocene volcanic For the Mudurnu Valley, where we applied basin azimuth analysis,
rocks. Apart from structural and paleomagnetic estimations Ayhan it is evident that drainage networks are roughly perpendicular to
et al. (2002) proposed 10° clockwise rotation for the last 1 Ma based east-west orientation of the deformation zone. Based on deviation of
on geodetic data. On the other hand Armijo et al. (1999) proposed 10° drainage networks from their initial perpendicular geometry our basin
counterclockwise rotation based on reconstructed contacts between off- azimuth results indicate that the drainage networks has undergone
set geological units on the Almacık and Armutlu blocks and Hisarlı et al. about 20° ± 2° of clockwise rotation (Fig. 8). We assume that rotation
(2011) also proposed 22.3° ± 7.8° counterclockwise tectonic rotations commenced when Karadere and Düzce faults started their activity
based on paleomagnetic measurements from the same Eocene volcanic along the northern flank of the block and the Düzce Fault has same
rocks as those studied by İşseven et al. (2009) within the Almacık amount of right lateral displacement (8.4 ± 0.7-km) as the Karadere
Block. The possible explanations associated with different paleomagnetic Fault. When we consider the width of the Almacık Block (21 km) and
measurements could be local tectonic effects, chemical magnetizations offset of the northern flank (8.4 ± 0.4 km) their tangent angle yields
due to hydrothermal activities, or impacts of stress on magnetization 22° clockwise rotation of the Almacık Block (Fig. 8D). This geometrical
and rotation of small blocks within the Almacık Block (Hisarlı et al., calculation fits pretty well with the basin azimuth results we obtained
2011). Since paleomagnetic samples were taken only from the Eocene from the orientation of the basins located northern slopes of the
volcanic units in the western part of the block, their results may not Mudurnu Valley. This amount of rotation is within the bounds of the
be representative for the entire block. In addition, the presence of a 26.7° ± 9.5° clockwise rotation that was obtained by paleomagnetic
very large time span between Eocene and onset of the NAF in the region measurements by İşseven et al. (2009). In fact, estimation of 20° ± 2°
(3–2.5 Ma) may indicate effects of pre-NAF deformations in the block clockwise rotation indicates 7–9° clockwise rotation of the block per
rotation estimations. 1 Ma that is consisted with 10° clockwise rotation estimation per 1 Ma
Nevertheless, our dataset is based on drainage basins. As we ex- of the Ayhan et al. (2002) that means 25° to 30° clockwise rotation
plained in section 3.5 drainage networks initially develop perpendicular when we consider onset of the NAF deformation in the Eastern
to orientation of the deformation zone and progressively rotate along Marmara between 3 and 2.5 Ma.

Fig. 10. A conceptual model for the Almacık Block, which demonstrates fragmentation of the Kocaeli Peneplain and development of the Almacık Block and Düzce Basin between middle and
northern strands of the NAF.
66 C. Yıldırım, O. Tüysüz / Geomorphology 297 (2017) 55–68

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