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NOTE: Update the catalog whenever you update the test cas

Test Cases Coverage Details

Functionality Course structure, Navigation, Hyperlinks, Pop-
up/windows, Progress tracking, Keyword
interactions, CYU functionality, Sniffer functionality
2 Content Mapping Text Mapping, Graphic Mapping
Audio Testing Audio Mapping, Quality, Synchronization, and
3 Controls
Graphic Testing Graphic clarity, integrity, read-through, animation,
and grab-based graphics/Demos/Try-Its
Read-through Language, Content Relevance, Spacing,
5 Instructional design
6 Layout Testing Layout and scrollbars
7 Platform Testing File naming convention, Formatting, Functionality
8 LMS Testing Bookmarking and Completion Status
9 Performance Testing Response time
10 ADA Compliance ADA compliance
11 Global Elements Opening animation, Help, Glossary
12 ILT_PPTs ILT standard checks

Release Note: Name of person updating

First Release





Addition Nitin Kumar

Addition Anjali Ahuja

Addition Amita Mujoo

Addition Sachin Malhotra

Addition Priti Sibal

Addition Priyanka
ver you update the test cases.

# Test Cases





Location and name of the

Date of Update test case updated What triggered this update

Notes, Print,Search test cases

31-Oct-08 added in Global Elements.

(1) LMS Testing: Securing Risk

(CS_1 to CS_6, Con_1)
(2) Functionality-> Navigation:
20-May-09 Auto advance feature (Nav_16)
Test case SB_4 added for
4-Jun-09 testing Scroll bar functionality

30-Sep-09 Included MCQ_3 and MMCQ_5

Included Scroll Bar_4 and
13-Jan-10 Print_7
-Audio synching
14-Jan-10 updation of generic test cases. -Multiple audio
Addition of sniffer testcases:
10-Mar-10 functionality
Addition of graphic
content/relevance test case
under Graphic Testing tab. Based on the client feedback
13-May-10 (GRT_3) for Salesforce.
Addition of the test case: Links ITT Courses--Lesson
6 under the Functionality tab Presentation in Questa during
1-Jul-10 Live Server testing
Addition of the test case: Audio Laureate - University of
Mapping_4 under the Audio Liverpool courses - during
30-Aug-10 Testing tab audio testing
Test # Test Case Summary


Course Structure (7)

CS_1 The course structure follows the
correct naming convention.

CS_2 All file names are in lowercase

without any spaces in between.

CS_3 There are no extra or backup files.

CS_4 All basic necessary files are present.

CS_5 The attributes of the files are

correct. <CT to provide the correct
expected attributes of the files>

CS_6 The course launches smoothly.

CS_7 All modules are present and clicking

on menu items opens the correct

Navigation (18)
Nav_1 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_2 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_3 Navigation buttons on the first and
last pages work correctly

Nav_4 Page counter works correctly.

Nav_5 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_6 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_7 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_8 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_9 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_10 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_11 Navigation buttons work correctly..

Nav_12 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_13 Navigation buttons work correctly.

Nav_14 States of the buttons are consistent.

Nav_15 Branch page navigation works


Nav_16 Components that are not available

in a version display an appropriate

Nav_17 Auto advance feature is set to off in

case of any interaction on the page

Nav_18 Text disappears on selection

Hyperlinks (5)
Links_1 All links work correctly.

Links_2 All links are accessible.

Links_3 All links are consistent in treatment.

Links_4 Hotspots on the links are correctly

Links_5 The cursor changes to the hand

cursor only where required.

Links_6 The hot area of the page should be

correct for all the resolutions

Pop-ups/Windows (11)
Pop_1 Course window is titled correctly.

Pop_2 Pop-ups are smaller than the course


Pop_3 Pop-up windows are not resizable.

Pop_4 Pop-up windows are titled correctly.

Pop_5 Pop-up windows are consistent in


Pop_6 Pop-up windows open at a fixed

Pop_7 Pop-up windows can be closed

Pop_8 Pop-up windows close automatically

on moving away from the page.

Pop_9 Pop-up windows do not hide the link

they open from or overlap any other

Pop_10 Any link / interaction beneath a pop-

up is not activated.

Pop_11 Popups disappearing when clicking

close should not stop on click.
Esp. springbok

Progress Tracking (3)

Prog_1 Progress tracking works correctly.

Prog_2 Course Home tracking is working


Prog_3 Course Home tracking is working


Keyboard Interactions (3)

Key_1 Scroll bar is synchronized with the
Tab action.
Key_2 Tab action follows the correct order.

Key_3 Tab action follows the correct order.

CYU Functionality
Generic (11)
CYU_1 Submit button works correctly.

CYU_2 Submit button works correctly.

CYU_3 Submit button works correctly.

CYU_4 Submit button works correctly.

CYU_5 Appropriate feedback is displayed

on attempting the CYU.

CYU_6 Number of attempts are as per


CYU_7 Quiz questions have correct

functionality. (Scored component)
CYU_8 Scoring works correctly (0-100 test).

CYU_9 Media controller works correctly on

CYU pages.

CYU_10 The certificate appears correctly and

prints as visible on the screen with
correct scores.
CYU_11 Bookmarking works correctly on the
CYU pages.

Fill In The Blanks (6)

FIB_1 Fill In The Blank questions work

FIB_2 Fill In The Blank questions work


FIB_3 Fill In The Blank questions work


FIB_4 Fill In The Blank questions work


FIB_5 Fill In The Blank questions work

FIB_6 Fill In The Blank answers have
consistent look and feel.

Match The Following (4)

MTF_1 Match The Following questions work

MTF_2 Match The Following questions work

MTF_3 Match The Following questions work

MTF_4 Match The Following questions work

Drag and Drop (10)
DnD_1 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_2 Drag and Drop questions work


DnD_3 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_4 Drag and Drop questions work
DnD_5 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_6 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_7 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_8 Drag and Drop questions work


DnD_9 Drag and Drop questions work

DnD_10 Submit button for Drag and Drop
questions works correctly.

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) (3)

MCQ_1 Multiple Choice (MC) questions use
the correct template.
MCQ_2 Multiple Choice (MC) questions
work correctly.
MCQ_3 Multiple Choice (MC) questions
work correctly.

Multiple-Multiple Choice Question (MMCQ) (5)

MMCQ_1 Multiple Choice (MMC) questions
use the correct template.
MMCQ_2 Multiple Choice (MMC) questions
work correctly.
MMCQ_3 Multiple Choice (MMC) questions
work correctly.

MMCQ_4 Multiple Choice (MMC) questions

work correctly.

MMCQ_5 Multiple Multiple Choice (MC)

questions work correctly.

Ordering (2)
ORD_1 Order of the options is not a
ORD_2 Ordering questions work correctly.

Sniffer Functionality (11)

SF_1 Check requirement of IE 6, 7 and 8
on Windows

SF_2 Check requirement of Firefox

subversions on Windows and Mac

SF_3 Check requirement of Safari and

Opera on Mac

SF_4 Check requirement of Shockwave

Flash Player v8, 9, and 10.

SF_5 Check requirement of Java Run-


SF_6 Requirement check result

SF_7 Bandwidth detection requirement

SF_8 Check for operating system - XP,

Mac, Vista

SF_9 Message text if either one or all

parameter fails

SF_10 Check requirement of Windows

Media Player .

SF_11 Check requirement of Quick Time

on Mac.

Check the file sizes if there are any such client specification.
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

In the Course folder, check the course structure The file names are as per the client
and file names against the client specifications. specs.
<Add client specs>
In the Course folder, check the file names and (1) The file names do not have
extensions for uppercase characters and blank uppercase characters and blank
spaces.. spaces.
<Add client specs, if any> (2) The file names are as per client
specs, if any.
(1) In the Course folder, check the files present. (1) There should not be any extra files
(2) Look for any .bak or .bk files present in the folder.
(3) Look for any source files. (2) There should not be any .bak or .bk
<Add client specs, if any> files present in the folder.
(3) There should not be any source
files present in the folder.

In the Course folder, look for basic necessary files All basic files should be present.
(e.g. imsmainifest.xml necessary for running the
course on an LMS).
<Add client specs, if any>

In the Course folder, check the attributes of the files The attributes of the files should be
against the list provided by CT. correct as per the list provided by CT.

Click the launch/Start file for the course. (1) The course should launch in a new
(2) The window should not be blank.

(1) From the Home page/Course Home, click all the The module names match the ones on
modules one-by-one. the Home page/Course Home.
(2) Check the name of the module that you are
taken to.

(1) Click Next to navigate through the (1) The course progresses to the next
module/course. page and displays it.
(2) Check the Page counter. (2) Page numbers increase by 1.
(3) The maximum page number shown
should be the same as the actual
number of pages in the module/course.

(1) Click Previous to navigate through the (1) The course progresses to the
module/course. previous page and displays it.
(2) Check the Page counter. (2) Page numbers decrease without
any jumps or do not go into negative
(1) Go to the first page of the course / module. Buttons in both instances should be
(2) Check the Previous button on this page. disabled or absent.
(3) Go to the last page of the course / module.
(4) Check the Next button on this page.

(1) Click Next very quickly without a pause to (1) The page counter should not throw
navigate through the module/course. up any number beyond the maximum
(2) Check the Page counter. number of pages.
(3) Click Previous very quickly without a pause to (2) The page counter should not throw
navigate through the module/course. up zero or negative number.
(4) Check the Page counter.

Click Menu/Home/Course Map. Menu/Home/Course Map page opens.

<in a new window>

Click Help. (1) Help window opens.

(2) In case Help is not integrated in the
current version, a pop-up with a
relevant message is displayed.
<in a new window>

Click Resources. Resources page opens.

<in a new window>

Click Job Aids. Job Aids page opens.

<in a new window>
Click Glossary. Glossary page opens.
<in a new window>
Click Audio On/Off. (1) If there is audio, the state is
(2) If there is no audio, the link/button
is disabled or a pop-up with a relevant
message is displayed. Incase audio is
not there in the current version.)
<in a new window>

Click next/back while listening to the audio. Multiple Only one audio should play.
audio should not be heard.

Click Exit. (1) A message is displayed confirming

that the learner wants to exit the
(2) On clicking Yes, the course is
(3) On clicking No, the course remains
open at the same page.
Click Bookmark. A popup asking to specify Book mark
name is displayed.
(1) Check the disabled state of the buttons / links. The state of the buttons / links should
(2) Check the normal state of the buttons / links. be consistent.
(3) Check the rollover / mouse over state of the
buttons / links.

(1) Navigate through all the branch pages. (1) The main page from which the
(2) Click Next on the last branch page. branch started should be displayed.

(2) Branch page numbering should be

Click all the global buttons. (1) The appropriate component should
(2) If the component is not integrated in
the current version, an appropriate
message should be displayed.

(1) Navigate to the page (1) On launching the popup/demo the

(2) Launch the popup/demo from the main page main page navigation should change to
(3) Check the navigation panel on the main page a paused state
(2) On completion/closing of the
popup/demo the main page navigation
should either:
a. automatically restart, or
(1) Select the text in flash based courses and then The textinteraction
b. user in flash based courses
is required forshould
drag the mouse. Check that the text should not not disappear
navigation if we select the text and
to continue
disappear on dragging it. then drag the mouse.

(1) Delete the cookies on your machine. (1) No error is encountered.

(2) Run the entire course. (2) Pages/pop-ups from the link open
(3) Click all the links. in a new window.
(3) The links change color when they
are clicked.
(4) In there is audio, the audio should
stop when the pop-up opens.

(1) Run the entire course. There are no links in the rollover /
(2) Check for links in the rollover / mouse over mouse over popup as the user will not
popup. be able to click them.
(1) Delete the cookies on your machine. (1) The links should be treated
(2) Run the entire course. consistently for all states throughout
(3) Note the unvisited state of the links. the course.
(4) Point the mouse on the link and note the rollover
state of the link. Standard treatment for the unvisited
(5) Click the link and note the visited state of the state is blue underline text.
link. <Add client specs>
(1) Run the entire course. (1) The hotspots cover the button/link
(2) Check the hotspot placed on the links. text completely including the spaces
between the words..
(2) Hotspots can cover a negligible
extra area. However, they should not
be too large and should not overlap
with other hotspots.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The cursor should change to the
(2) Place the cursor on the links / hotspots. hand cursor when pointing to a link /
(3) Randomly, place the cursor on the area around hotspot.
the link / hotspots and on other areas of the page. (2) The hand cursor should not appear
on areas other than the link / hotspot.

(1) Run the entire course on the Liver Server. (1) The hotspots cover the button/link
(2) Check for the hot area on each page of the text completely including the spaces
course. between the words in all the screen
(refer to the client specs)
(2) Hotspots can cover a negligible
extra area. However, they should not
be too large and should not overlap
with other hotspots.

(1) Launch the course. The name on the title bar should match
(2) Check the title bar of the course window. the course name.

(1) Run the entire course. Pop-ups should be smaller than the
(2) Click the links to open popups. course window.
(3) Check the size of the pop-up.

(1) Run the entire course. Pop-up windows should not be

(2) Click the links to open popups. resizable.
(3) Try and resize the pop-up window by dragging <Add client specs, if any>
the bottom right corner of the window.

(1) Run the entire course. The name on the title bar should match
(2) Click the links to open popups. the link text.
(3) Check the title bar of the pop-up window.
(1) Run the entire course. Pop-up windows should be consistent
(2) Click the links to open popups. in style.
(3) Check the borders / styles of the pop-up
(1) Run the entire course. Pop-up windows should open at a fixed
(2) Click the links to open popups. place, as far as possible.
(3) Check the position of the popups across pages.
(1) Run the entire course. (1) All pop-up windows should have a
(2) Click the links to open popups. Close button/link.
(3) Check that all pop-up windows have a Close (2) Alternatively, there can be an
button / link and appropriate closing instruction. instruction to use the X on the top right
of the window.

(1) Run the entire course. Pop-up windows should close

(2) Click the links to open popups. automatically on moving away from the
(3) Click Next to move to the next page. page.
<Add client specs, if any>
(1) Run the entire course. Pop-up windows should not hide the
(2) Click the links to open popups. link they open from or any overlap
(3) Check the position of the popup on the page. other text.

(1) Run the entire course. Any link / interaction beneath a pop-up
(2) Click the links to open popups. should not be activated.
(3)Try and perform any interactivity present beneath
the pop-up.

(1) Click close button on the popup. Pop-ups should not freeze when a click
(2) while the popup is disappearing, click on the action is performed while closing the
popup. same.
(3) Check if the popup/screen freezes.

(1) Navigate the entire course. (1) The progress bar shows the
(2) Check the progress bar and/or the page percentage completion visually.
counter. (2) The page numbers are incremented
in proportion to the progress along the
Check the status of each module. (1) The status for an unvisited module
is Start.
(2) The status for a partially completed
module is Resume.
(3) The status for a completed module
is Review.

(1) Navigate the course module-wise. (1) Only the subsequent section gets
(2) Check the status of the subsequent module enabled after visiting a module.
after completing each module. (1) The Assessment section gets
(3) Check the status of the Assessment section enabled after visiting all modules.
after completing each module. <This is design dependent, so refer to
the design doc for accurate

(1) Run the entire course. The focus areas should be completely
(2) On pages where there is Tab functionality, press visible. If there is a scroll bar, the page
the tab and check the focus areas. should scroll with the Tab action.
(1) Run the entire course. The tab order should go from left to
(2) On pages where there is Tab functionality, press right and top to bottom.
the tab and check the order of the focus areas.

(1) Run the entire course. The tab should not highlight any blank
(2) use the tab key, only hotareas/buttons should areas on the screen, it should only
be highlighted. highlight hot area.

Check the Submit button without attempting the The Submit button should be disabled
CYU. before attempting the CYU.

Click the Submit button without attempting the CYU. An error message asking to attempt
the CYU should be displayed.
Check the Submit button after attempting the CYU. The Submit button should be enabled
after attempting the CYU.

(1) After attempting the CYU (e.g. clicking (1) The Submit button should be
checkboxes in MMCQ, dragging options in Drag enabled on attempting the CYU.
and Drop), undo the actions. (2) The Submit button should be
(2) Check the Submit button after attempting the disabled on undoing the action.

(1) Attempt the CYU incorrectly. (1) Attempting the CYU incorrectly
(2) Attempt the CYU partially correctly. should display the incorrect feedback.
(3) Attempt the CYU correctly. (2) Attempting the CYU partially
(4) Try to attempt the CYU after the feedback is correctly should display the partially
displayed. correct feedback.
(3) Attempting the CYU correctly
should display the correct feedback.
(4) It should not be possible to attempt
the CYU after the feedback is

(1) Attempt the CYU incorrectly till the time all (1) The no. of attempts allowed should
attempts are exhausted. be as per design.
(2) Check the CYU state after an incorrect feedback (2) If the no. of attempts is not
to try the CYU again. exhausted, the CYU should be reset.

(1) Try to attempt the Quiz question multiple times. (1) Only 1 attempt should be allowed in
(2) Attempt the Quiz question incorrectly. each Quiz question.
(3) Attempt the Quiz question correctly. (2) No incorrect feedback should
(3) No correct feedback should appear.

<Add client specs, if any>

(1) Attempt all the questions incorrectly (0 run). (1) Each individual question should be
(2) Note the scores for individual questions (if scored correctly.
applicable) and the overall quiz. (2) Scoring for the 0 run should be 0%.
(3) Attempt all the questions correctly (100 run). (3) Scoring for the 100 run should be
(4) Note the scores for individual questions (if 100%.
applicable) and the overall quiz. (4) Scoring for the mixed run should be
(3) Attempt some questions correctly and others correct.
incorrectly. (5) The format of the score should be
(4) Note the scores for individual questions (if in percentage.
applicable) and the overall quiz. <Add client specs, if any>
(5) Check the format of the displayed score.

Where CYUs have more than 1 attempt: (1) The audio should begin from the
(1) Attempt the CYU incorrectly and display the start.
incorrect feedback. (2) The feedback box should
(2) Move the media controller manually to the disappear.
beginning. (3) The correct / incorrect mark that
appear against the options should
disappear from the page.

Click the Print Certificate button (Check the name in The certificate should have correct
the course.) format and data and should print
(1) From the CYU page, exit the course. The CYU page should be reset on re-
(2) Relaunch the course. launch of the course.
(3) Check the status of the CYU pages.

Fill in characters other than the correct answer. (1) An error message asking to fill in
(e.g. for a text answer try filling in numbers or the correct type of characters should
special characters. be displayed. Or,
(2) The entry of the incorrect type of
characters should not be permitted.

<Please include all the validation rules

as part of test cases>

Fill in an unlimited number of characters. It should not be possible to enter an

(1) Some text unlimited number of characters.
(2) More text with minimal scroll
(3) Lots of scroll
Fill in answers with spaces / special characters Answers with spaces / special
embedded in them. characters embedded in them should
be marked incorrect.
For alphanumeric entries, fill in answers in Answers should be marked correct
uppercase, lowercase and mixed case. irrespective of the casing. <Add client
specs, if any>
For numeric answers, fill in -ve, numbers, 0, and For numeric answers, all incorrect
decimal values. entries should give some response and
not take the CYU in a loop.
Check the font style and size of the answers being The font style and size of the answers
entered. should be same as displayed after the
question is attempted.

Check the order of the options and the answers. The order of the options should be
jumbled (The correct answers should
not be in front of the options).

Check the spacing and alignment of the options The spacing and alignment should be
and the answers. consistent.
Match the options to other options. It should not be possible to match an
option to another option.

Check the lines that join the options to the answers. The lines should be straight and of
consistent thickness.

Check the order of the options and the drop areas. The order of the options should be
jumbled (The correct drop areas should
not be in front of the options).

Check the spacing and alignment of the options The spacing and alignment should be
and the drop areas. consistent.

Drag only one option to the correct drag area n The CYU should not be marked correct
times, where n = total number of drop areas. on this action.
Drag the options out of the window. It should not be possible to drag the
options out of the window.
Drag the options to areas other than the drop areas (1) The option should move back to the
or between the drop areas. drag area. It should not be possible to
drag the options between the drop
(2) No feedback should be displayed.

Drag multiple options on each other. Dragging multiple options on each

other should not be valid/allowed.
(1) Attempt the CYU to display the feedback. It should not be possible to drag the
(2) Try to move the options back to the drag area. options after feedback is displayed.

Double-click the options. The options should remain in the drag

areas and not be automatically placed
in the drop areas.
When there is more than 1 attempt defined, attempt It should be possible to drag the
the CYU incorrectly by dragging an option to an options to incorrect drag areas and
incorrect drag area. display the incorrect feedback.
(1) Note the status of the Submit button before (1) The Submit button should not be
completing a correct drop action. enabled before at least one correct
(2) Attempt a correct drop action. drop action is complete.
(3) Take away this option from the drop area. (2) The Submit button should get
disabled when there are no options in
the drop areas.

<Reset button should be available for

drag and drop options unless specified
in the design.>

Check the templates being used. The templates should be radio button
Try to click the blank space after the text. The blank space after the text should
not be clickable.
Check all the MCQ pages. (1) Should not present "All of the
above" and/or "None of the above"
options. If we cannot avoid, please get
these options changed to "All of the
listed" and/or "None of the listed"

Check the templates being used. The templates should be checkbox

Try to click the blank space after the text. The blank space after the text should
not be clickable.
Click all the correct options and an incorrect option. Clicking all the correct options and an
incorrect option should result in an
incorrect attempt.
(1) Attempt the CYU with all possible combinations (1) Clicking all the correct options and
of correct and incorrect answers. an incorrect option should result in an
(2) Vary the order of clicking the correct answer and incorrect attempt.
attempt the CYU. (2) Varying the order of clicking the
correct answer should not affect the
correct answer.

Check all the MMCQ pages. (1) Should not present "All of the
above" and/or "None of the above"
options. If we cannot avoid, please get
these options changed to "All of the
listed" and/or "None of the listed"

Check the order of the options. The order of the options should be
In case the ordering is done by dragging numbers It should not be possible to drag more
to placeholders, try to drag more than one number than one number to one placeholder.
to one placeholder.
(1) Check IE 6 or greater is installed on the system. The status for requirement of IE 6 or
(2) Run the course. greater should show "Passed".

(1) Check Firefox is installed on the system. The status for requirement of Firefox
(2) Run the course. with subversions should show
(1) Check Safari or Opera is installed on the The status for requirement of Safari or
system. Opera should show "Passed".
(2) Run the course.
(1) Check that Shockwave Flash Player v8 or The status for requirement of Flash
greater is installed on the system. player v8 or greater should show
(2) Run the course. "Passed".

(1) Check that any version of Java Run-time is The status for requirement of Java
installed on the system. Run-time should show "Passed".
(2) Run the course.
1) Run the course. The requirement check result
(2) Check that the requirement check result (passed/failed status) should appear
(passed/failed status) is appearing only when it fails only when it fails on any or all the
on any or all the parameters. parameter.

(3) Check that sniffer page should not appear when The sniffer page should not appear
all the requirements are met. when all the requirements are met.

(1) Run the course. The requirement of specified

(2) Check that sniffer is testing for Bandwidth. Bandwidth should show "Passed".

(1) Check that required operating system is The status for requirement of operating
installed on the system. system with XP, Mac, or Vista should
(2) Run the course. show "Passed".
(1) Run the course. When one or all parameters fail, the
(2) Check that if either one or all parameters fail below stated message should appear
then the following message should appear: onscreen:

This computer does not meet the minimum This computer does not meet the
requirements to run this eLearning program. minimum requirements to run this
eLearning program.

(1) Check that Windows Media Player is installed The status for requirement of Windows
on the system. media player should show "Passed".
(2) Run the course.

(1) Check that Quick Time is installed on the The status for requirement of Quick
system. Time on Mac should show "Passed".
(2) Run the course.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary Test Case Description

Content Mapping

Text Mapping (3)

TM_1 The content text maps with the Map the course name, module names,
storyboard. topic names, page titles, onscreen text.

TM_2 The style of the text maps with the Check the bold, italics, underlined,
style used in the storyboard. superscript, subscript parts of the text.

TM_3 Fonts and spacing are consistent. (1) Run the entire course.
(To be done here if Read-through (2) Check the font and spacing being
is not in the scope of testing) used in the content area.

Graphic Mapping (8)

GM_1 The graphic text maps with the Map the visuals with the visual
storyboard. description.

GM_2 Check for placeholders If there is a visual description in the

graphic but graphics are not being
delivered in this version, then there
should be a graphic placeholder on the
GM_3 Check for consistency in graphics. If course has two states audio on/off in
which audio on has animation and
audio off static images, check on toggle
if the graphics are following consistent
style for e.g. border thickness.

GM_4 The style of the text in graphics Check the bold, italics, underlined,
maps with the style used in the superscript, subscript parts of the text in
storyboard. graphics.
GM_5 Fonts and spacing of the text in (1) Run the entire course.
graphics are consistent. (2) Check the font and spacing being
used in the graphic area.

GM_6 The graphic must exactly map (1) View the graphic reference is full
with the graphic reference. view.
(2) Map with the graphic.
GM_7 Asterisk point expansion should (1) Check graphics for asterix.
always be present. (2) asterix expansion should be

GM_8 Color of the text is consistent. (1) Run the entire course.
(2) Check the color being used for the
graphic text..


If the script is client-provided, do share your observation well-in-advance with the client so that all do
Do not make changes in the course without first updating the scripts.
If you are aware of any deviations and known issues, update the QC team before submitting the course
Testing Result Regression Result
Expected Result Actual Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)

The text in the course should

map with the Storyboard (SB).

The styles used in the course

should map with the SB.

The font and spacing should be

consistent for similar text bodies
in the content area. (e.g.
Headings, examples, notes etc.)

The visual description and text in

graphics should map with the SB.

Placeholders should be present

in the absence of graphics.

graphic style should be consistent

on toggle.

The styles used in the course

should map with the SB.

The font and spacing should be

consistent for similar elements in
the graphic area. (e.g. Headings,
Labels, )

The graphic should map with the

graphic reference.

C:\Documents and
Settings\anjali.ahuja\Desktop\grab 1.J PG
all asterisk should be
corresponded with expansions. C:\Documents and
Settings\anjali.ahuja\Desktop\grab 1.J PG

The color should be consistent for

similar elements in the graphic
area. (e.g. Headings, Labels, )

ith the client so that all doubts are resolved prior to course construction.

efore submitting the course along with the reasons and the places of exception.
Test # Test Case Summary

Audio Testing

Audio Mapping (4)

AM_1 The audio maps with the audio
script. (In case the audio is different
from the Onscreen Text (OST))

AM_2 The audio maps with the course. (In

case the audio is same as the OST)

AM_3 The pronunciation is as per the

audio script / pronunciation word list.

AM_4 and' or 'or' is pronounced before the

last bullet point in a list.

Audio Quality (7)

AQ_1 The voice of the same audio artist(s)
is used.

AQ_2 The volume is consistent across the


AQ_3 There are no background noises /

AQ_4 The audio is clear and

AQ_5 The Rate of Speech (ROS) is


AQ_6 The audio does not end abruptly.

AQ_7 The pauses are appropriate.

Audio Synchronization (3)

AS_1 The audio is synchronized with the
OST / animation.

AS_2 The audio is synchronized with the

OST bullets starting position or
when the particular phrase appears.
<as per client specs>

AS_3 The audio does not run in a loop

and ends properly.

Audio Controls (13)

AC_1 The global level Audio On / Off
button works correctly.

AC_2 Correct tool-tips are displayed on

the global level Audio On / Off ,
Pause, Play, Mute, Volume, Replay
AC_3 The audio stops playing on clicking
any global button.

AC_4 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_5 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_6 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_7 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_8 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_9 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_10 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_11 The audio controls work correctly.

AC_12 The audio controls are disabled

where there is no audio.

AC_13 The audio controls are consistent.


In some cases audio may not be verbatim as the audio script. In such cases, check if the intent of the a
Pronunciations may vary for US or UK English. Check for pronunciation with the customer or on approp
In some projects there are specific pronunciations used. In this case, check against the word list for sp
In some projects, multiple characters / roles may be used across the course. The voice over for a chara
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Open the course in one window. The audio in the course should
(2) Open the audio script in another window. map with the audio script.
(3) Listen to the audio and map it with the audio
(1) Complete the script mapping before proceeding The audio in the course should
with this test case. map with the text in the course.
(2) Map the audio with the onscreen text.

Note: The first step will be map the onscreen

text/transcript with the storyboard. Once this is
done, then proceed to the audio Vs. OST mapping.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The pronunciation of all words
(2) Check the pronunciation of typical words against should be as per the audio script /
the ones provided in the audio script / pronunciation pronunciation word list.
word list. (2) The accent should map to the
(3) Check for the correct accent. E.g. if it is a US one asked by the client.
project the accent should be American and not (3) The slashes should not be
British. read out while stating the path.
(Again, please check the course

Check that 'and' or 'or' is pronounced before the and' or 'or' should be pronounced
last bullet point in a list. before the last bullet point in a

(1) Run the entire course. The voice of the same audio
(2) Check that the same voice(s) are used on each artist(s) should be used across
page and across pages. the course / series unless agreed
(3) If the course is one in a series, check that the upon by the customer to use
other courses use the same voice(s). different voices.

(1) Run the entire course. The volume of the audio should
(2) Set the volume controls on your machine to a be consistent within a page and
single setting. across pages.
(3) Listen for the volume to be consistent on each
and across pages.

(1) Run the entire course. There should be no background

(2) Listen for any the background noises like echo noise / echo / break in the audio.
or hissing sounds.
(3) Listen for jerks / breaks in the audio.
(1) Run the entire course. The audio should be clear and
(2) Listen for clarity of speech. understandable.

(1) Run the entire course. The audio should neither be too
(2) Check the speed of the audio on each page. fast nor too slow.
(3) Check for speed of the audio across pages.
The ideal ROS is between one
hundred and eighty to two
hundred words per minute.

(1) Run the entire course. There should be a smooth ending

(2) Check the audio does not end abruptly on each and audio should not end
page. abruptly.
(1) Run the entire course. The pauses in the audio should
(2) Check for appropriate pauses at the following be appropriate.
(a) When a sentence completes i.e. there is a There should not be any pause
period. while reading an acronym.
(b) When there is a comma.
(c) Before the beginning of the a paragraph.
(d) At the beginning of bullets or after lead-in lines.
(e) In simulation, when there is an action to be
(3) Check for unnecessary pauses.

(1) Run the entire course. The audio should be

(2) Listen to the audio while watching the OST / synchronized with the OST /
animation. animation.
(1) Run the entire course. Map the bullet point with start
(2) Listen to the audio while watching the OST / position or when particular word
animation. is said as per client specs.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The audio should not restart
(2) Listen to the audio on each page. by itself.
(3) On completion of the audio, wait for about 30 (2) No junk characters or graphic
seconds. should not appear on the screen.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The audio should play on
(2) On each page, click the Audio On / Off button 2- clicking the Audio On state.
3 times. (2) The audio should stop playing
on clicking the Audio Off state.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The Audio On state should
(2) On each page, click the audio controls 2-3 display the Audio On tool tip.
times. (2) The buttons should display
relevant tool tips.
(1) Run the entire course with the audio on. (1) The audio should stop playing
(2) On each page, click all the global buttons one on clicking any global buttons.
by one. (2) The audio should either start
(3) Close the resultant popups. from where it stopped or you may
be require to click the Play

Click Play. The audio should start playing

and the button should change to
Click Pause. (1) The audio should pause and
the button should change to Play.
(2) On playing again, the audio
plays from this point onwards.

Click Replay / Rewind. The audio should restart from the

first frame.
Click Stop. The audio should stop. On
playing again, it restarts from the
first frame.
Click Mute. The volume of the audio should
become zero.
Use the Volume button. The volume of the audio should
be adjusted.
Use the Slider. (1) The audio should run frame-
(2) There should not be any blank
audio at the end.
(3) The slider bar should not keep
moving if the audio has stopped.
(4) The slider bar should reach
the end when the audio finishes.
(5) The audio should not pause
on moving the slider.

(1) When the audio completes, click the Audio Off The button should not show the
button. Mute state once the audio is on.
(2) Click Replay.

(1) Run through the course. The audio controls should be

(2) Check for audio controls on all the pages. disabled if there is no audio on a
(1) Run through the course. The audio controls should be
(2) Check for audio controls on all the pages. consistent in look and feel across
the pages.
udio script. In such cases, check if the intent of the audio maps with the audio script.
ck for pronunciation with the customer or on appropriate language websites. E.g. m-w etc.
used. In this case, check against the word list for specific pronunciations.
be used across the course. The voice over for a character / role should be consistent throughout the course.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
throughout the course.
Test # Test Case Summary

Graphic Testing

Graphic Clarity (3)

GC_1 Graphics text and elements are not
blurred or patchy.

GC_2 Highlights are clear and consistent

in thickness.

GC_3 Border style for the graphics is


Graphic Integrity (4)

GI_1 The graphic is sized correctly.

GI_2 No elements or text are truncated.

GI_3 Progressive graphics do not have


GI_4 Callouts do not hide any critical area

of the graphic

Graphic Read-through (3)

GRT_1 Text in graphics is correct.

GRT_2 Graphics are labeled.

GRT_3 Graphic relevance with respect to

Grab-based Graphics / Demos / Try-Its (9)

Grab_1 Grabs do not show unnecessary

Grab_2 There is no shift in the series of

grabs used.
Grab_3 Progressive grabs have correct
highlights on folder and file names.

Grab_4 The demo callouts are consistent

across the frames.

Grab_5 Speed of the demo is appropriate to

enable reading of all callouts.

Grab_6 The highlights and callouts point

towards the correct option.

Grab_7 The demo callouts are synchronized

with the audio.

Grab_8 The audio does not run in a loop

and ends properly.

Grab_9 Try-Its show appropriate feedback

and the resultant screens are
Animation Functionality (16)
Anim_1 The animation steps map with the

Anim_2 A pre-loader is present at the

beginning of the animation.

Anim_3 Animation is not truncated.

Anim_4 There are no blank frames at the

start or end of the animation.

Anim_5 The animation does not run in a


Anim_6 The speed of the animation is


Anim_7 The animation has proper user

controls and they are working
Anim_8 The animation has proper user
controls and they are working

Anim_9 The animation has proper user

controls and they are working
Anim_10 The animation has proper user
controls and they are working
Anim_11 The animation has proper user
controls and they are working
Anim_12 The animation has proper user
controls and they are working
Anim_13 The animation has proper user
controls and they are working
Anim_14 There is no shift in the still graphics
and animation (used in toggle
Anim_15 Audio stops playing on stopping the
Anim_16 Right-click option on Flash elements
is disabled or displays only
appropriate options.

SWF Authentication (2)

SWF_AU_1 SWFs should not be self-running

SWF_AU_2 ANIMATION_Background specific:

Background combinations should be
defined and consistent throughout
the course


Graphic text may not be mapped if graphics are client-provided. However, the ideation is checked.
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The text and elements should
(2) Check the graphics for haziness, broken not have haziness, broken lines,
lines, blurs. blurs.
(3) Check the graphic for patches. (2) There should be no patches
on the graphic.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The highlights used in the
(2) Check that the highlights used in the graphic should be clear.
graphic are clear (2) The highlights should be
(4) Check that the highlights are consistent consistent in thickness.
in thickness.
(1) Run the entire course. (1) Border style of the graphics
(2) Check for the border style of all the should be consistent.
graphics for consistency. (2) The font should be consistent
(3) Check the font being used in the graphic for elements in the graphic area.
area. (e.g. Headings, Labels, )

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The graphic should be of

(2) Check the size of the graphics across uniform size(s).
the course. (if the course uses a template). (2) There should be no stretching
(3) Check the graphic for squeezing or or squeezing.

(1) Run the entire course. All the elements and text should
(2) Check the completeness of the be visible and not truncated.
elements and text.
(1) Run the entire course. The position of the base elements
(2) Wherever there are progressive should not change from one page
graphics, check the position of the base to next.
(1) Display all the callouts for rollovers / The callouts should not hide any
links. critical area of the graphic.
(2) Check the position of the callouts.

(1) Read through all the text in the graphics. (1) The graphic should map to the
(2) Check the text for spelling mistakes / idea of the content in the text
typos. area.
(2) The text should not have any
spelling mistakes / typos.
Check the labels on the graphics. The graphics should have labels.
Check all the graphics within the tabs. In case of tabbed interface, check
that each tab is allocated with
correct graphic. i.e. graphic
content/relevance should map to
the tab heading.

(1) Check the grabs for developer/NIIT (1) Grabs should not have
machine names. developer / NIIT machine names.
(2) Check the taskbar in the grab for (2) Grabs should not have
unnecessary window tiles. unnecessary window tiles.

Check for the positioning of the grabs There should be no shift in the
Check the blue highlights on the grabs. Progressive grabs should have
correct highlights on folder and
file names.
(1) Run the demo. (1) The instructions in the demo
(2) Read-through the text of callouts for callouts should be written
consistency and style. consistently.
(2) The callout style should be
(3) Any reference to the grab
component should be highlighted
and written in a consistent way in
the callouts.
(4) The style of the options in the
callouts should map with those in
the grab.

(1) Run the demo. The speed of the demo should be

(2) Read-through the text of callouts at such that all the text of the
normal speed to ensure you are able to callouts is read properly.
read the text of all callouts with ease.
(1) Run the demo. (1) The callouts should point
(2) Check the highlights and the callout towards the correct options.
pointers. (2) Appropriate button / option
should be highlighted.
(3) Correct sequence of grabs
should be shown.

(1) Run the demo. The demo callouts should be

(2) Check for the synchronization of callouts synchronized with the audio (if
with the audio. there is audio)
(1) Run the demo. The demo should not run into a
(2) Wait for 30 seconds after completion of loop and replay by itself.
demo or till the slider bar reaches the end.

(1) Run the Try-It. Try-Its should show appropriate

(2) Perform the interactions. feedback as per the design and
should be consistent across.
(Add specific test cases as per
the project guidelines)
Map the steps of the animation with the SB. The steps in the course should
map with the SB.

Start the animation. A pre-loader should be present at

the beginning of the animation.

Run the animation to the end and wait for a The animation is complete and
while. not truncated.

There are no junk characters or

screens appearing.
Run the animation to the end and wait for a There should not be any blank
while. frames at the start or end of the
(1) Run the animation to the end and wait The animation should not restart
for a while. by itself.
(2) Wait for about 30 seconds.
(1) If there is no audio, read the captions / (1) The caption / text should be
text. completely readable at a
(2) If there is audio, hear the complete comfortable pace.
audio. (2) The animation should be
synchronized with the audio and
be understandable.

Click Play. The animation should start

playing and the button should
change to Pause.
Click Pause. (1) The animation should pause
and the button should change to
(2) On playing again, the
animation plays from this point

Click Replay / Rewind. The animation should restart from

the first frame.

Click Stop. The animation should stop. On

playing again, it restarts from the
first frame.
Click Mute. The volume of the audio should
become zero.

Use the Volume button. The volume of the audio should

be adjusted.

Use the Slider. (1) The animation should run

(2) No blank screen should be
Check the position of the still graphics and There should be no shift in the 2
the animation. graphic elements.

On all animation pages, stop the animation. Audio should stop playing on
stopping the animation.
(1) Run the entire course. (1) If the right-click option is
(2) On each Flash element, right-click. disabled, no pop-up is displayed.
(3) If there is a right-click menu pop-up, (2) If a pop-up is displayed, only 2
note the options displayed on it. options, Settings and About are

(1) SWF should not be self-running (1) Click each individual SWF
(2) On clicking the SWF, an error message (2) Error message display:
should be displayed. Unauthorized access, Permission
(3) That is DRM functionality should be denied
Check the assets folder for animation and (1) Background color combination
slides background. should be consistent according to
the SRS.

owever, the ideation is checked.

Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary


Language (9)
LG_1 There are no spelling errors / typos
in text and graphics.

LG_2 Correct punctuation is used.

LG_3 Hyphens are used appropriately.

LG_4 Em- / En- dashes are used


LG_5 Casing of the text is correct.

LG_6 Terms are consistent.

LG_7 Article usage is correct.

LG_8 There are no cultural issues.

LG_9 The sentence does not read


Content Relevance (4)

CR_1 Content is relevant and appropriate
to the topic.

CR_2 Content presented is in correct

sequence and flow.

CR_3 There are no content vs. graphic


CR_4 Graphic labels are appropriate and


Spacing (2)
SG_1 There are no extra or missing

SG_2 Paragraph breaks are appropriate.

Instructional Design (7)

ID_1 Appropriate instruction text is used.

ID_2 Instruction text is consistent in look

and feel.

ID_3 Words are not repeated.

ID_4 Bulleted text is parallel in sentence


ID_5 Style of bullets should be correct

and consistent.

ID_6 Use of acronyms is correct.

ID_7 Appropriate title is given to a popup.


Spellings may vary for US or UK English. Check for spellings on appropriate language websites. E.g. m-w
In some projects, there is a specific casing requirement. In such cases, please refer and map to the wo
In some projects, a project-specific style guide is followed. Conduct a read-through keeping in mind th
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Perform a spell check on the Storyboard There should be no spelling

(SB). errors / typos in the course.
(2) Read through the text / graphics in the
course for spelling errors / typos.
(1) Read through the entire text. (1) There should be appropriate
(2) Check the end of all sentences for a punctuation marks at the end of
period. sentences, paragraphs,
(3) Check the end of all paragraph for a questions, lead-ins.
period. (2) There should be no duplicate
(4) Check the end of all question for a punctuation marks.
question mark.
(5) Check the end of all lead-ins for a colon.

(1) Read through the entire text. The text should have correct
(2) Check that the hyphens are used as hyphenations.
appropriate or as per the style guide.
(1) Read through the entire text. The text should have correct
(2) Check that the em- / en- dashes are dashes.
used as appropriate or as per the style
(1) Read through the entire text. (1) The headings should use
(2) Check the headings for correct casing. correct casing. Words of 3 or less
(3) Check that there is no running text in letters should be written in
title case unless specified as part of the sentence case.
standard. (2) Normal running text should
not have title cased words.
(3) The casing should comply
with the grammar rules. For e.g.
proper nouns should always be
title cased.

(1) Search for all instances of terms / (1) The casing of terms and
terminologies / acronyms specified in the terminologies should be correct
style guide / word list . and consistent across the pages.
(2) Check for consistency of casing and (2) The terms used in the course
usage on each page and across pages. should be consistent for a page
and across pages.

(1) Read through the entire text. The sentences should have
(2) Check that the correct articles are correct article usage.
present wherever appropriate. For e.g.,
articles should not be present before proper
(1) Read through the entire text. The language used should
(2) Check for correct language usage in comply to the requirements / style
each frame and then across frames. guide.
For e.g., if a project requires UK English,
then summarize should be written instead
of summarize.
(1) Check that the sentence formation is The sentences should have
correct and does not read awkward. correct sentence structure.
(2) Check that the subject verbs are in
accordance with the grammar rules.
(3) Check that multiple verbs are not used
in the same sentence.

Check that the content is relevant to the The content should be relevant to
topic that is being discussed on the page. the topic that is being discussed.

(1) Check for the flow of content. For e.g. The content should have the
the introduction should come before correct flow.
summary. The content should be in logical
(2) Check the sequence of the content. sequence.
(1) Map the graphic with the OST. (1) The graphic should convey
(2) Check the content on the graphic the same message and be
completeness and clarity (not blurred). relevant to the OST.
(3) Check that the text on the graphic is the
same as mentioned on the screen.
(1) Check the presence of labels for each (1) Labels should be present for
graphic. all graphics.
(2) Map the description on the labels with (2) The labels should explain
the graphic. what the graphic is. There should
(3) Check the sequence of labels. be no mismatch between the
(4) Check the labels for consistent naming label and the graphic.
convention / style. (3) The sequence of the labels
should be correct. E.g., if the first
graphic is labeled image 1.1, the
next one should be 1.2.
(4) Labels should be use a
consistent naming convention /

Check for spaces in the script/course. There should be no extra or

missing spaces in the course.

(1) There should be a line space after the There should be an appropriate
end of each paragraph. line space between paragraphs.
(2) Check that the two paragraphs are not
merged into one.
(1) Check for the presence of instruction (1) Instruction text should be
text wherever the user is required to present wherever required and be
perform an action. clear enough for the user to learn
(2) Perform the required action using the easily.
instruction text. (2) Instruction text is appropriate,
clear, and complete to enable the
user to perform the required
(1) Run the entire course. Instruction text should be
(2) Check all the instruction text across consistent in wording,
pages. presentation and style.
Check for redundant word usage on each There should be no redundant /
screen. repeated words.
Check for parallelism in bulleted text. Bulleted text should be parallel in
E.g. What if the test criterion in the Methods sentence construction.
page differs from that in the Standard?
What if information is missing in the

(1) Run the entire course. (1) Bullet style should be

(2) Check the bullets used across pages. consistent.
(2) Any procedure or sequence of
events should have numbered
(1) Run the entire course. (1) Only the first instance of an
(2) Check the first instance and subsequent acronym should be expanded.
usage of an acronym <across pages / (2) The acronym should be
modules>. introduced such that the
(3) Check the first instance of the acronym. expansion should be followed by
the acronym in parenthesis. E.g.
Quality Control (QC)
(3) All terms with acronyms
should be title cased.

(1) Run the entire course. The popups should have a title /
(2) On pages with multiple links, click all the heading. This is to enable the
links. users to locate which link out of
the several on the page is being

for spellings on appropriate language websites. E.g. m-w etc.

uirement. In such cases, please refer and map to the word list.
is followed. Conduct a read-through keeping in mind the standard guidelines.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

Layout Testing

Layout (5)
LT_1 Layout is not awkward / odd.

LT_2 There is consistency in style and

layout within and across pages.

LT_3 There are no shifts in the elements

and text while moving from one
page to the next.

LT_4 Text in boxes is not touching the


LT_5 The text on buttons / labels is


Scrollbars (4)
SB_1 Scrollbars appear only where their
use is necessary.
SB_2 Scrollbars do not leave large white
spaces at the bottom of the page.

SB_3 Scrollbars work correctly.

SB_4 Scrollbars function correctly.

Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The text is not running out of
(2) Check for text running out of the screen the screen or truncated on any
or getting truncated on each page. page.
(3) Check that the graphics and text are not (2) There should be no overlap of
overlapping on each page. graphics and text on any page.
(4) Check that there are no large white (3) There should be no large
spaces on each page. white spaces on any page.
(4) There should be no
disproportionate or odd-looking

(1) Run the entire course. (1) The margins should be

(2) Check the margins across the pages. consistent across the pages.
(3) Check the position of the graphics (2) The position of the graphics
across the pages. should be consistent across the
(4) Check the indentation of the bullets on pages.
each page and across pages. (3) The bullets should be correctly
(5) Check the alignment of the text in and consistently indented as per
callouts on each page their hierarchy on each page and
across pages.

(1) Run the entire course. There should not be any shift
(2) Check the position of the course name, between the elements and text
module name, topic name, page titles, across pages.
onscreen text, and visuals.
(1) Run the entire course. Text in boxes should not touch
(2) Check all the text enclosed in boxes. the borders.

(1) Run the entire course. The text on buttons, labels should
(2) Check all the text on buttons and labels. be center-aligned.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) Scrollbars should appear on

(2) Check all the pages for scrollbars. pages where text is not fully
(2) Scrollbars should not appear
on pages where text is fully
(3) Vertical scrollbars are
(4) Horizontal scroll bars should
be avoided.
(1) Run the entire course. (1) There should not be large
(2) Check all the pages with scrollbars. white space at the bottom of the
(3) Drag the scrollbar down on each page. page.
(4) Check the white space after the text at (2) The white space at the bottom
the bottom of the page. of the page should be consistent
(5) Check the white space at the bottom of across the pages.
the page across pages.

(1) Run the entire course. (1) Scrollbars should appear only
(2) Check all the pages with scrollbars. where their use is necessary
(3) Drag the scrollbar down on each page, (2) The position of the scrollbar
go to the previous page, come back to the should be initialized when moving
original page. between pages.

(1) Run the entire course. 1) Scroll bars should function

(2) Check all the pages with scrollbars. correctly.
(3) Check the functionality of the scrollbar
by dragging the slider and by using the up
and down arrows.
4) Also check by clicking on the white
space in the scroll bar.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

Platform Testing

File Naming Convention (1)

Formatting (8)
Functionality (6)


Ensure that the course is tested in the primary OS/Browser combination before releasing the course to
Specific requirements for multiple OS/Browser combinations need to be captured and tested.

Multiplatform Testing Checklist

Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

Browser combination before releasing the course to QC.

binations need to be captured and tested.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

LMS Testing

SCORM Testing
Bookmarking (4)
Completion Status (2)
CS_1 (scenario 1 If LMS access is Course completion is tracked
available) correctly on LMS.

CS_1 (scenario 1 If LMS access is (1) Run the ADL test suite on the
not available) course.
(2) Visit some pages in the course
and exit the course through the Exit
button or (close).

CS_2 Course completion is tracked

correctly on standalone version. (For
CogArts courses)

AICC Testing
Security Risk

Caching Security (6)

Confidentiality (1)
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Check the status before launching the (1) Before starting the lesson, the
course. completion status should show Not
(2) Launch the course on LMS. Started / Not complete (check the LMS
(3) Go through all the main and branch terminology)
pages. (2) After visiting all the pages the
(4) Check the completion status. status should change to Complete.

(1) The ADL test suite report should be ok In report as per the specification
for all parameters. please check for:

Following ADL test suite reports need to be (1) LMS Execution State (initialize and
generated: Finish)
- Sharable Content Object (SCO) Run-Time (2) LMS (GetValue(), SetValue() and
Environment Conformance Test Commit())
- Meta-data Conformance Test (3) At least Check for Data Model
Support, (session_time, lesson_status
or --------------------------------------------- "Not Attempted, Incomplete,
- Content Package Conformance Test completed/passed, score.raw (in case
of assessment required))

Refer to the attached document for



(1) Launch the course.

(2) Once the course is launched, press
Alt+Shift+D. --> Write "belushi" in the
prompt. --> Click on the link 'Show current
State' appearing at the bottom right of the
course --> a window appears with all the
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

Performance Testing

Response Time (1)

RT_1 Response Time meets client


Performance testing is performed using various tools. The choice of a tool will depend on the technolo
For example, for conducting a performance test on HTML pages, we use Load runner, Silk Performer e
For conducting a performance test on response time for flash based applications, simulator (XAT) and

Test cases will be added based on inputs from LT team.

Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Run the course in a simulator. E.g., Note down the observations to map to
XAT. your SLAs.
(2) Note how long the system takes to
complete a requested task or group of

ools. The choice of a tool will depend on the technology used to develop the courseware.
on HTML pages, we use Load runner, Silk Performer etc.
me for flash based applications, simulator (XAT) and fiddler can be used
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

ADA Compliance

ADA Compliance (5)

ADA_1 Every image, Java applet, Flash file,
video file, audio file, plug-in, etc. that
conveys content has an equivalent
Alt description or text description, or
is described in the adjacent text.

ADA_2 Complex graphics (graphs, charts,

etc.) are accompanied by detailed
text descriptions or through a
description in the body of the page.

ADA_3 Row and column headers should be

identified for data tables through
Screen Reader tool. E.g. Jaws

ADA_4 The reader tool should be able to

read the text as intended.

ADA_5 The Alt text is closed within

double/single quotes.
If the enclosed text has apostrophe
anywhere then care should be taken
with starting and closing quotes.


Please refer to project-specific requirements for ADA compliance.

This is not the complete list. The requirements vary from project to project. However, this covers the
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Run the course Alt description or text description

(2) Point your mouse over images, flash should be there for images, flash files
files, video files to view the text description. etc.

(1) Run the course Alt description or text description

(2) Point your mouse over graphics for should appear for all graphics. The
detailed descriptions. description should map with the text
provided in the storyboard.

Run the course through a screen reader Rows and column headers should be
tool (Jaws Reader). appropriate in alt text. In case there
are alt text issues, you need to correct

Run the course through screen reader tool The reader will read the text as
(Jaws Reader). appearing in the course. Any issues
encountered need to be corrected.

e.g. World War II > If in simple text the

reader will read as “World War i i”. For
reader to read as intended this should
be converted to image with alt text

Check the way alt text is written for all the The alt text should be closed within
components. double/single quotes.
If the enclosed text has apostrophe
anywhere then care should be taken
with starting and closing quotes.

ADA compliance.
ary from project to project. However, this covers the basic ADA compliance functionality.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

Global Elements

Opening Animation / Splash Screen(3)

Open_1 The opening animation runs

Open_2 The opening animation displays the

correct course name.

Open_3 The Start button functions correctly.

Help (7)
Help_1 Help runs correctly.

Help_2 Grabs used in Help are correct.

Help_3 Icons / buttons used in Help are


Help_4 Description for the icons / buttons

used in Help are correct.
Help_5 Rollovers / Hotspots are correctly
placed over the components.

Help_6 Numbered labeling of the

components on the help screen is
Help_7 Numbered labels are described

Glossary (8)
Gloss_1 Glossary runs correctly.

Gloss_2 The letters should be in an

alphabetical order.

Gloss_3 Only the populated letters are


Gloss_4 The order of the terms is correct.

Gloss_5 The casing of the terms is

Gloss_6 The Glossary terms have the correct

Gloss_7 The correct description is displayed

on clicking the Glossary term from
the course.

Gloss_8 All the Glossary terms are present at

least once in the course.

Notes (6)
Notes_1 Notes button opens a blank

Notes_2 The cursor on notepad should be at

the first line.
Notes_3 On clicking the save button
whatever is written in the notepad
should be saved.

Notes_4 In notepad there should be a

character limit.

Notes_5 On clicking the print button the

content in notepad should be

Notes_6 Clicking help in notepad should

open notepad specific help.

Print (6)
Print_1 print button prints the onscreen

Print_2 No text/graphics should


Print_3 Printer setting should be mentioned

if different from the default.

Print_4 No global elements/buttons should

be part of print layout.

Print_5 The print out should consist of the

name of the course and the Page
Print_6 The print out should be clear and
easily readable.
Print_7 Check the Printouts in the following
three scenarios:
1. Just few lines of text
2. Immediately when the scroll
3. Lot of text with good scrolling

Search Criteria (7)

Ser_1_a Launch Search window

Ser_1_b Launch Search window

Ser_2 check basic Search functionality





In case of any global buttons esp. in flash-based courses, ask the PM if there is just on
Note: there are multiple files please check from all locations.
Test Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

(1) Launch the course. (1) The screen should not be

(2) Check the course window. blank.
(2) The opening animation should
run without any delay.
(3) If there are any delays, the
first frame should display a

(1) Check the course name. (1) The course name should be
(2) Check any other captions. correct.
(2) The captions should be
(1) Delete the cookies. (1) The button should be 'Start'
(2) Launch the course. when launching the course for the
(3) Check the Start button. first time.
(4) Click the Start button and navigate (2) The first page of the course
through the course. should be displayed on clicking
(5) Exit and relaunch the course. 'Start'.
(6) Check the Start button. (3) The button should change to
'Resume' on subsequent

From the course window, click the Help Help opens in a new window.
(1) For global help, open Help from any (1) For global Help, the grabs
page. should be of the course.
(2) For page-specific help, open Help on (2) For page-specific help, grabs
each page. used in Help should match the
(3) Match the grab in the Help window with page from where Help was
the page from where Help was opened. opened.

Match the icons / buttons with the ones The icons / buttons used in Help
used in the actual course. should match the ones used in
the actual course.

Match the description of the icons / buttons The description of the icons /
with the actual functioning of the buttons / buttons should match the actual
icons. functioning of the buttons / icons.
Check the rollover / hotspot areas used in (1) The hotspots cover the
the Help window. components completely.
(2) Hotspots can cover a
negligible extra area. However,
they should not be too large and
should not overlap with other

Check the sequence of the numbered There should not be any missing
labels used to describe components. numbers in the sequence of
Match the numbered labels with the (1) The descriptions should be
descriptions. present for all labels.
(2) The descriptions should match
the functioning of the labeled

From the course window, click the Glossary Glossary should open in a new
button. window.
Check the order of the letters at the top. The terms should be arranged in
an alphabetical order.

Click all the letters at the top. (1) Letters that have
corresponding terms should be
clickable and display the terms.
(2) Letters that do not have
corresponding terms should be
either disabled or display a
message conveying that the
terms are not available.

Check the order of the terms under each The terms should be arranged in
letter. an alphabetical order as used in a
Check the casing of the terms under each All the terms under each letter
letter. should use consistent casing.
(1) Run the course. The Glossary term should have
(2) Check all the Glossary terms. the same treatment for visited as
well as unvisited states.

(1) Run the course. The correct description should be

(2) Click all the Glossary terms. displayed on clicking the Glossary
term from the course.

Search for all Glossary terms in the course. All the Glossary terms should be
present at least once in the
On clicking the notes button for the first a blank notepad should open.
time a blank notepad should appear in a
pop-up window.
check for the cursor to be present at the the cursor should be present at
first line. the first line.
1. write notes in the notepad. the text saved should be intact on
2. click save. opening notepad again.
3. exit notepad reopen notepad - the text
that you typed should be intact.
Type text until you reach the character limit user should be prompted that no
once the limit is crossed a prompt should more characters can be entered
appear saying that the character limit has when the limit is reached.
been reached and no more characters can
be added.
Click the print button -> the printout should printout should print only the text
print only the text in notepad not any other in the notepad and that should be
information or buttons. The complete text clear and readable.
including the hidden part should appear in
the printout. On taking the printout of the page
the complete text including the
Check that the text should not be truncated part not visible in the page(i.e. in
or overlapped. case of scroll bars) should be

click help icon on notepad and the help for Help icon in notepad should open
the same should appear explaining the notepad specific help.
buttons in the notes popup window and
what they intend to do.

On clicking the print button the printer All elements onscreen should be
dialogue box should appear and on clicking printed.
OK the onscreen text and graphic should
be printed.
in the print out check for overlapping or the print out should have all
truncation of text/graphics. elements without anything getting
truncated or overlapped.
in case the print out needs to be taken in in case of setting different from
the landscape mode the same should be default instruction text should
present in the instruction text. state the settings required.
Check that the global buttons do not appear The print out should not have any
in the print document. global buttons appearing on it.

Check that the print out should consist of The course name and the Page
the name of the course and the page Number should appear in the
number. Print out.
Ensure that the print out should be clear The printout should not consist of
and visible, there should be nothing any extra or unrequired
appearing in the background. information.
Put the text in the print area as per the The printout should be complete
three scenarios mentioned --> Print and and readable. There should be no
check. truncation/overlap.

1. Click on search link and see if editable Search Window/Tab should be

search window is launching available to user without throwing
any JavaScript error
2. If course is accessible then repeat this
exercise with key combination (Ctrl + S)

Repeated the entire exercise after closing

the search window

If more the then one options for exiting Search Window/Tab should be
Search is available then repeat the entire available to user without throwing
exercise with all possible combination. any JavaScript error

1. Specify the search criteria in the editable Validate the result

Search box <parameter>

2. Press <find next> or <Go>

Specify any search criteria in the editable <any button> which is available
box and clean the box there to proceed should not
remain active
Specify search criteria in the editable box Should throw err msg if exactly
with Special char, wildcard combo doesn’t map
Check the char limit of editable search
User should be able to specify any type of
search criteria (Char, Alpha-numeric,

tons esp. in flash-based courses, ask the PM if there is just one file being used in the backend or not. If
ease check from all locations.
Testing Result Regression Result
(Pass/Fail) (Pass/Fail)
Test # Test Case Summary

PPT_Print_1 Check for Images.

PPT_Print_2 Check for Graphic.

PPT_Print_3 Check for Print version.

PPT_Print_4 Check for Gray Scale.

PPT_Print_5 Check for Paper size.

Projection_1 Monitor resolution.

Projection_2 Color

Projection_3 Backgrond color.

Projection_4 Reverse Contrast.

Projection_5 Ambient Lighting.

Projection_6 Consistent usage of fonts.

Projection_7 Check for images consistency.

Projection_8 Links
Projection_9 Slide masters
Projection_10 Title master
Basic Windows(13)
Basic Windows_1 Font

Basic Windows_2 Alt Text and images

Basic Windows_3 Shifts

Basic Windows_4 Layout

Basic Windows_5 Onscreen text

Basic Windows_6 Background

Basic Windows_7 Color combination

Basic Windows_8 Tables

Basic Windows_9 Illustrations

Basic Windows_10 Bullet points

Basic Windows_11 Onscreen text - Paragraphs

Basic Windows_12 Graphics

Basic Windows_13 Animation

Test Case Description Expected Result

Check for Image DPI(Depth per resolution). Images DPI should be 96 x 96.
(72dpi also works fine, if the target is
only projection or slide printouts, and not
printing for mass distribution. The delivery
mechanism is important.)
Check for graphic type. It should be vector graphic
i.e. when we zoom in the graphic, it should
not dither.
Check the print out. If the print is intended to be colored, take a
print out and check that the colors appear as
intended and are not dull or stretched.
(recommend to use a full color in color offset
printer as checkpoint and testing.)

Check the same for black and white print out.

Always take a print out to check positioning
and color.

Check for gray scale constraints. There should be no grey scale areas.
i.e. there should be no shadows or
<as per design specs>
Check paper size. Paper size should be A4 or more or
<as per client specs>

Check for monitor resolution. Universal fonts like arial, times new roman or
verdana should be used for onscreen text.

Check for light colors. Do not use light colors on PPTs as it dulls out
the content. However the fonts/content should
also be in high contrast. or
<as per design specs>

Check for background/foreground color. Background should be light in color. or

<as per design specs>
Avoid reverse contrast. Avoid reverse contrast as it dulls out
the PPTs content. or
<as per design specs>
Check the PPTs in ambient lighting. The PPTs should be tested in
ambient lighting.
Check the font in header/footer/content. All header/footer/content font should be
having same family and similar size.
(especially when content is more)
Consistent usage of images with logical All images used will have a logical manner of
deviation of style. usage, style (for example same slide may
have a 300x200 image and 300x300 image,
but consistent in proportion)

Links are checked. All links working as per content

Clean slide masters Clean Slide masters
Clean Title master Clean Title master

Check for font style. Font style should be readable and consistent
Content text should not be smaller than
Verdana 24 point. Small fonts are allowed
only for the footer.
Universal fonts like arial, times new roman or
verdana should be used for onscreen text.

Check for Alt Text and images Alt text and images should be placed within
95% of the PowerPoint slide. Refer to the
embedded file. ppt.bmp

Check for shifts in headings, subheading, Headings, subheadings, and logos should
logos show up in the same spot on each slide

Check for: - Margins, fonts, font size, and colors should

- Margins, fonts, font size, and colors be consistent with graphics located in the
- Lines, boxes, borders, and open spaces same general position on each frame
- Lines, boxes, borders, and open spaces
should be consistent
Check for Capitalization and Italicization
All Caps should not be used except for
Italics shoud only be used for:
- Quotes
- Highlighting thoughts or ideas
- Books, Journals or Magazine titles
Check the background colour and style Background used on all slides should be the
Check the color combination of the
background and the text using Color The result displayed by the tool should be
Contrast Analyzer tool pass.
Dark slides with light colored text should be
used for large hall events.
For print and paper, dark text on a light
background should be used.
Check the tables
Tables should be placed on a separate slide.
Check the illustrations The illustrations should be relevant to the
content and should not distract.

Check the bullet points

- The bullet points should not exceed more
than two lines.
- There should not be more than five (+/-2)
bullets per slide
- There should not be more than five (+/-2)
words per bullet
- The bullets should be left justified and not
center aligned

Check for paragraphs Large block paragraphs should not be used

on the slides.
Check for alignment of graphics Graphics should not be center aligned. They
should be off-center to provide room for text.
Left placement leads the eye to the text.

Check the animation The same animation style should be used

throughout the animation
Testing Result Regression
Actual Result (Pass/Fail) Result

For Dev team only

For Dev team only

For Dev team only
For Dev team only

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