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Hello, my name is Aseneth.

I'm going to Leticia Let me describe to you my

checklist of my "trip to Leticia-Amazonas".

Vaccination and Immunization

Visit the doctor to check my vaccines.
Plan my vaccination schedule - At least fifteen days prior to my trip
Get a vaccine certificate.
Arrange a meet-and-great service – Location: The General Alfredo
Vásquez International Airport.
Get tennis shoes.
Get light clothing like long pants and long-sleeved shirts
Get a water resistant jacket or poncho.
Money and payment
Authorize credit cards for international use.
Exchange money – I need Colombian pesos bills and coins
Animal behavior
Do not interfere with animal behaviour.
Do not go out to buy animal species


My checklist includes five important aspects:.

The first, and most important, vaccination and immunization: In Colombia, in areas
at risk of yellow fever, you must be vaccinated. I also need to verify that I have all
common vaccines. For that reason, I have to visit the doctor to verify my
vaccination record at least fifteen days before my departure.

The second item on my list is arrival. The hotel is close to the airport, so I need to
organize a welcome service. Hotel people can pick me up at General Alfredo
Vásquez International Airport. I have to speak to them to inform them of my arrival
time and flight number.

Also, I need to make sure I have the right clothes for Leticia - Amazonas is a
tropical city, so the days are hot and there is a lot of humidity. For that reason, I
need to buy light, warm-colored clothing, such as long pants and long-sleeved
shirts. There are also many mosquitoes in Letecia. I need to wear a water resistant
jacket it can be cold at night and it can rain.

The fourth item on my list is money, Leticia is small there are not several ATMs in
town, I need to make sure I have enough cash with me in case I can't find one, it is
nice to have coins. I can pay for the hotel and buy souvenirs with a credit card, so I
have to call my bank to make sure my credit card has space. An additional task is
to find out about the real the currency of Brazil to Colombian pesos, to cross the

Finally, contact with animals, I cannot interfere with animal behavior, I cannot buy
animal species during the trip, it can be very dangerous and it is better to prevent.

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