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Summer Assessment 2020

Economics 24 Hour Examination Coversheet

CANDIDATE NUMBER: This is the five-digit number available via

4 5 2 4 0
LSE for You – this is not your LSE ID card number.
Monetary Ecoomics E C 4 2 4
QUESTIONS ATTEMPTED: Please list the question
1, 2, 4, 6
numbers attempted
Please mark X in the box if you consent to your work being used as an example for future
students. (All identifying features will be removed).
Submission instructions
1. You must complete ALL sections of this coversheet and attach it to the front of your answers.
2. Your submission should be saved (with this coversheet at the front) as a pdf file and uploaded as
ONE individual file. You are advised to keep a copy of your submission.
3. Name your file using your five-digit candidate number followed by the course code (e.g. 78654-
4. Your name must NOT appear anywhere in your submission.
5. You must ensure you submit your answers, with the completed coversheet, before the deadline.
Submission after the deadline could result in the application of late submission penalties.
6. You MUST click the ‘Submit assignment’ button and submission is final.
Fit to sit /submit
By submitting this work you declare yourself fit enough to do so. “Fit” in this instance is not only
physical or mental health, but also other factors that may affect your academic performance. If you do
not feel fit to submit, or submit the work but experience extenuating circumstances, please follow the
School’s exceptional circumstances procedure.
Students with a disability
If you have been provided with a 'Letter of Notification' (LoN) from the LSE then you must ensure you
include the LoN as part of the single pdf document. You are advised to place it after the coversheet,
before your answers.
Academic Integrity
The work you submit should be entirely your own. You must also not assist others in their work.
Therefore, you must not collaborate or confer with anyone during the assessment. The Department of
Economics and the School will carry out checks to ensure the academic integrity of submitted work.
This may include contacting you to conduct an interview after submission. By submitting you confirm
that you have read this integrity statement and understand School regulations on assessment offences,
which can be found here and here.
Department of Economics Honour Code
The Department of Economics is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity in every
aspect of academic work. All students and staff are expected to uphold these standards both
individually and collectively, and to act honourably in the pursuit of learning, teaching and research.
Academic misconduct in all its forms contravenes the values of the LSE, as well as those of the wider
academic community.
DECLARATION: Please write or type the
I solemnly undertake to abide by the Department
of Economics Honour Code during this
I solemnly undertake to abide by the Department
of Economics Honour Code during this assessment.
Summer Assessment 2020

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