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Educación Primaria Inglés 2020-2021

Hand out - 1st week

4th grade
1. Complete the names of the household chores.

a. C_______n the living room e. W_____k the dog

b. V________________m the carpet f. M_____p the floor

c. W_____h your clothes g. S______p the floor

d. T_____y your room

2. Read the dialogues and complete them with household chores words.

Mom: Charles, your room is untidy.

Charles: I know mom.
Mom: I want you to ______________________ your bed.

Becky: Today is my party.

Andy: Can I help you?
Becky: Yes, please. I need you to _______________ the dishes.

Dad: Lalo, can you help me?

Lalo: Yes, dad.
Dad: I want you to _____________________ the trash.
Lalo: Ok, dad.

3. Read and complete them with the correct word according to the
information given.
( pick – feed – wash – sweep – vacuum )

a. The floor is dirty. I need you to ______________ the floor.

b. The cat is hungry. I want you to _____________ the cat.

c. Your toys are all over the floor. I need you to _______________ them up.

d. Could you please ______________ the living room carpet? It is very dirty.

e. Mom, can you ______________ my uniform, please?

Lainitas Primaria 2020-2021
Educación Primaria Inglés 2020-2021

Extra activities 1st week

4th Grade

1. Match the words with the pictures.

Wash the dishes

Sweep the floor

Feed the cat

Take out the trash

Pick up the toys

Make my bed

Dust the living room

2. Order the words.

a. Pom eht folor: ________________________________________

b. Wsah yuor cetlohs:_____________________________________

c. Vucaum eht cpeart:_____________________________________

d. Defe eht ogd:__________________________________________

e. Calen eht hsuoe:________________________________________

f. Wlak eht ogd:__________________________________________

Lainitas Primaria 2020-2021
Educación Primaria Inglés 2020-2021

Hand out – 2nd week

4th grade
1. Match the names with the pictures.








2. Circle the correct word to describe this animal.

a. It is a spider / ladybug.

b. It has two / zero ears.

c. It has ten / eight legs.

d. It has no / an antennae.

Lainitas Primaria 2020-2021
Educación Primaria Inglés 2020-2021

3. Complete the information about the lion.

Lions are the second largest big cats in the world. Lions have 2
________________. They have ________________ like small cats.
They also have a ________________. Lions have a long
_____________ like monkeys, and they have 4 _______________.

Two ears


A mane
A long tail

Four paws

Lainitas Primaria 2020-2021
Extra activities 2nd week
4th Grade
1. Complete the names of the body parts.

N____se Mo____th

Ey_____s H____rns

L_____gs Tr____nk

P_____ws Fe_____thers

T____il Cl______ws

2. Write the names of the bull’s body parts.

Hand out – 3rd week

4th grade
1. Answer the questions about the following event.

a. What kind of event is it?______________________________

b. When is it?___________________________________

c. Where is it?___________________________________

d. How much is the ticket?_______________________________

e. What time is it?_____________________________________

Valentine’s Ball
Friday 14th February
Washington School Hall
18:00 to 21:00
Tickets: $25

2. Read the dialogue and complete the information in the announcement.

Tom: Hi, Ann.
Ann: Hello, Tom. Are you ready for Science Fair?

Tom: Yes, I am very excited. When is it?

Ann: It’s next Friday 28th at the school Auditorium.

Tom: What time? I don’t want to be late.

Ann: It starts at 4:00.

Tom: Thank you, Ann. See you there.

Ann: Bye, Tom.





3. Cut and paste the information for an event.

Free entrance Gallery Theater Talent Show 4:00 p.m.

Show them what you’ve got!
August 29th

Extra activities 3rd week

4th Grade
1. Read the information and make posters for the events.
Event Spelling Bee Competition
Date Friday, September 11th
Time 5:00 p.m.
Place Downtown Mall
Information Come support your favorite!
Cost Free entrance

Event Zoo Puppets Show

Date Sunday, September 6th
Time 4:00 p.m.
Place Town Theater
Information Come with your family and friends!
Cost $150 per person

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