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11th Grade Exam

Name : …………………………… 25th, Dec 2016

: Part One : Vocabulary
Q1 : Match the words in the box with their meanings below : (5 pts )
adapt , tips , social learner , visual learner , aural learner , details
.pieces of advise : ..…………………… . 1
.small points : ..…………………… . 2
.learning by seeing : ..…………………… . 3
.change : ..…………………… . 4
.learning with other students : ..…………………… . 5

Q2 : Complete the sentences below with a suitable phrasal verb from the box : ( 5 pts )
broke into , turn into , take in , go in , came into
. .……………………… When I'm tired of studying, the information won't . 1
.To offer a suggestion, Sami ……………………….. the conversation . 2
.The teacher is speaking fast, and I can't ……………………… what he's saying . 3
.He ………………………… a lot of money when his rich father died . 4
.It helps when you ……………….. written notes …………… diagrams . 5

: Part Two : Language

Q1 : Write full sentences using { either … or, both … and or neither … nor } :( 5 pts )
.Students don't like the new system. Their parents agree with them . 1
.We can stop and have a break, or we can keep working . 2
.This way of learning is useful, it is also fun . 3

*** Good Luck ***

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