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'I'h -S

Look crt thc follow1ng 1ntroductl0t\S Charle!Violet , Peter and Soph1c want to leclrn Engl.sh So thcy attend a
lcinguags school They ltvc m (but I tronslcited the·r narnes 1nto Englrsti to hclp thc l.Wldcrstand1ng).Read
the following tcxts then do the cicrclSCS.

H My nene Is Olorlcs Charies Taylor l'm Helio I Gt11 V110let Grccnc I om juS1' 22 t11 o studcnt
40 Univcr:s ty of Dcbrue" I'm learn:ng economy I want to
·old I'm from o smoll vill09C neor the capital work
..._....,-....-lt '• callcd N.Dno,. l'm d1d obrood I ncc.d Enghsh to gct m dcgrce cnd hoYC mo
''Ole got a 1wchloe ycar-otd daughtcr nnd a ten chance to apply for o good posltion In an ntel'ftClt•onal
year old -They hvc w1th ttle1r mothcr
I'm o buslnessmon I """ o car wcsh company I'...e o boyfr nd Lut He'• o stucknt, too I 1 1n •
Wc 1en saloon• 111 1hc courrtry I111r-arrt to dontutory bcc I'm f rom Paks I viSt1 my parcms and my
lcam sster, N.4rf tw ce o month
I hCl\lcn 't 90t muc:h free 1 e I 1 k.a bclng w1th my chlldl'cn buT 11\Gny favourlte wro..-. Por ampl•
Agatho and reoding boolr.s I ol.o 1 ke ploy1ng tcnnls wtth my f r1cnd Chrl1r Noro R l'ts ond VoV'(O'I í' le
Wl\cn l John go to ttle c1iiemo Iwatch «t•on f t!r.s
My favourlte colour Is brown I prefel' hlstol'ICal books and comedlCJI 11.y fO"llOUl'ttc Kl"lu are How
mct oct IOfl f 1'71•
your mothcr and CSI I hatc gcn1119 up ccrly
Ht I -,.,_. P'ox I'm Z& I'111 M'/ f1C91c:M
ilt al.o 2& Hw ,_•• ICat• I °"' o c.,.entcl'
but tNCk drNlr Thl• •o
way I COll _., "'°MY
I leom f11fh9h I _, to dltllWI' good9 abrood
My homs ,_ le 0.bNcM M y whoi. fOlfl ly llw MN I
.._ o NOlly 9'l'O"f NllrfloMh1p wtth my two brofhs,.. ond
parwtT• I ,.,......ly my f NC f11M wlth my brids ClllCI my
fOlfl ly It'•o p1ty haw to o lot to eotft ._,,..
I hka ,..,_.., to This 1•whot I do wheot I
My fawur"tt• coloul' 19 ,..-en ond block I don't
liks l'Wldlllf but I'1t1 fOftd of pod --
My fcwowtt• - 111 old clomic the fo"-'
I hoT• the troff k JOlfl• ClllCI bod coff ..


..,.,.._ . t Ma c.111 IM lild-11•111 ..._ A •lrh

... c.Nef - •

. , .... .. .
A )
t -
! l)o-to• C )

D)M•or ·-

7) ... ...

Tult 3 - A-cr thc followl"!iJ quc.stlona

21))WWhhoott ddoocc,. VCrhoalcr4tcw•odto? on TV' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

43)) WWhhGottddoacu•oPcltnc.cr.kdod,w..h.c,n. he d.-..._.?-----------------------------_

)Who' • M or it ' - - - - - - - - - -
6) c lo & M "t P c1 cr IOo ritu o cc rpe nt ? ,

7)WhGt booluldou Chr•l"lllOd ?

8) How often dou Voolct ""'' her fomily? _

http://www.philhpmart1n .1nfo/cl1part/homepoge.htm

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