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University “Daniel Alcides Carrion” – Language Center

Student Names: ________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________

I) Find the mistake or put a check (8 points)

1. We doesn’t live in Arequipa :______________________________________
2. Do he play the guitar? : _______________________________________
3. Lorena and Luis don’t surf internet : _______________________________________
4. What time does you get up? :_______________________________________
5. You don’t wake up early. :_______________________________________
6. Does my sister has lunch at 1:30 pm :_______________________________________
7. Where is you from? :_______________________________________
8. My friends goes shopping on the weekend. :_______________________________________

II) Write the sentences in negative and interrogative form (3 points)

a. Maria plays in the garden (not).
b. Helen and Peter study modern languages. (?).
c. I use the internet a lot of in the evening , (?)
d. Carlos wants to be a doctor. (not)
e. They live in Huancayo. (?)
f. Helen cries every day.(not)

III) choose the correct word (4 points)

a. (Do/Does) you play basketball?
b. Yes, I (do/does).
c. What time does she ( get/gets up)?
d. She doesn’t (get/gets) up at 7 o’clock.
e. He (don’t/doesn’t) like fish.
f. They (play/plays) basketball every day.
g. What time (do / does) they get up?
h. She (go/goes) every Saturday
University “Daniel Alcides Carrion” – Language Center

IV) Write about your routine (2 points)


V) Put in order these word (3 points)

a. bfkerast : __________________
b. og mhoe:___________________
c. owsehr :___________________
d. ifsnih :__________________
e. omhwerko:_________________
f. azaginsme:_________________

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