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Assessment & Answer Sheet

Entry Level 1 Hydraulic – English Version


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Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic Assessment & Answer Sheet – English Version

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Please Print: ANSWER SHEET


1. A= Work Force Hydraulics Pressure

B= Work Force Hydraulics Pressure
C= Work Force Hydraulics Pressure
D= Work Force Hydraulics Pressure
2. A B C D
3. A B C D
4. A B C D
5. A B C D
6. A B C D
7. A B C D E F G H
8. A B C D
9. A B C D E F G H I J
10. A B C D
11. A B C D E F G
12. A B C D E F G H
13. A B C D
14. A B C D
15. A B C D
16. A= (a) (b) (c)
B= (a) (b) (c)
C= (a) (b) (c)
17. (a) (b)
18. (a) (b)
19. A B C D
20. A B C D
21. A B C D
22. A B C D
23. A B C D
24. A B C D
25. A B C D
26. True False
27. True False
28. (a)= Variable displacement hydraulic motor
Fixed displacement hydraulic motor
(b)= Variable displacement hydraulic motor
Fixed displacement hydraulic motor
29. A B C D
30. A B C D

Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic Assessment & Answer Sheet – English Version

Answer Sheet Page 1
Please Print: ANSWER SHEET


31. A B C D
32. A B C D
33. A B C D
34. A B C D
35. A B C D
36. (a)= Internal pilot, external drain
External pilot, external drain
(b)= Internal pilot, external drain
External pilot, external drain
37. A B C D
38. A B C D
39. A B C D
40. A B C D
41. A B C D
42. A B C D
43. A B C D
44. A B C D
45. A B C D
46. A B C D
47. A B C D
48. A B C D
49. A B C D
50. A B C D
51. A= (a) (b) (c)
B= (a) (b) (c)
C= (a) (b) (c)
52. A B C D
53. A B C D
54. A B C D
55. A B C D E F G
56. A B C D E F
57. A= (a) (b) (c)
B= (a) (b) (c)
C= (a) (b) (c)
58. True False
59. True False
60. A B C D
61. A B C D

Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic Assessment & Answer Sheet – English Version

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62. A B C D
63. A B C D
64. A B C D
65. A B C D
66. What does this symbol represent? Write answer:
67. True False
68. A B C D

Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic Assessment & Answer Sheet – English Version

Answer Sheet Page 3
68 Questions
1.48 points each.

Entry Level 1 – Hydraulics Assessment

This is a Knowledge Check of Entry Level 1 Hydraulic material you just covered. Select
your response by marking an “X” in the box beside the answer, or follow instructions
given on the question. A passing score is 80% or above.

At the end of the assessment, you will see how well you did. Your score will be
recorded in your student profile in the Doosan Learning Management System.


1. BASIC HYDRAULICS - Match the word to the definition. Input the letter choice into
the box beside the definition.

Definition Answer
A. The science of transmitting force A= Work
and or motion through the medium Force
of a confined liquid. Hydraulics
B. Force exerted against a specific B= Work
area. Force
C. Anything that tends to produce or C= Work
modify (push or pull) motion. Force
D. A measure of force multiplied by D= Work
distance. Force

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 1 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

2. BASIC HYDRAULICS - How is pressure expressed?

Answer Choice
A. Pounds
B. Weight
C. Force
D. Pounds per square inch

3. BASIC HYDRAULICS - A key element to creating pressure is ...?

Answer Choice
A. The depth of the ocean
B. Resistance to flow
C. The size of the tube
D. The motion of the fluid

4. BASIC HYDRAULICS - What are two ways to measure flow?

Answer Choice
A. 600 Bar gauge
B. The force applied to an area and speed
C. Motion of a fluid and resistance
D. Velocity and flow rate

5. BASIC HYDRAULICS - How is velocity measured?

Answer Choice

6. BASIC HYDRAULICS - Flow Rate is best described as ... ?

Answer Choice
A. The movement of hydraulic oil
B. The speed which oil moves past a given point
C. How much volume of a liquid passes a point in a given time
D. None of the above

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 2 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

7. BASIC HYDRAULICS - Select the three forms of energy from the list below. Put an
“X” beside your answers.

Answer Choice
A. Work
B. Speed
C. Potential
D. Heat
E. Time
F. Pressure
G. Force
H. Kinectic

8. BASIC HYDRAULICS - Energy is the ability to do what?

Answer Choice
A. Build heat
B. Move liquid
C. Increases speed
D. Work

9. BASIC HYDRAULICS - Select three causes of friction in hydraulic systems from the
list below. Put an “X” beside your answers.

Answer Choice
A. Heat
B. Pressure
C. Volume
D. Long Lines
E. Force
F. High speeds
G. Numerous bends and fittings
H. Large lines
I. Excessive velocity from undersized lines
J. Joints

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 3 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

10. BASIC HYDRAULICS - What is the correct equation used to find Power?

Answer Choice
A. P=dXf/t
B. P=dXt/f
C. F=PXf/t
D. P=fXd/t

11. BASIC HYDRAULICS - In relationship to pumps, what are the two different types of
displacement? Put an “X” beside your answers.

Answer Choice
A. High
B. Low
C. Fast
D. Fixed
E. Forced
F. Positive
G. Variable

12. BASIC HYDRAULICS - What are three types of gear pumps? Put an “X” beside
your answers.

Answer Choice
A. Fixed
B. Positive
C. External
D. Internal
E. Non-positive
F. Kinetic
G. Variable
H Lobe

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 4 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

13. LINE GRAPHICS - In the image displayed, what does the envelope represent?

Answer Choice
A. Hydraulic line
B. Pilot line
C. Components in assembly
D. Check valve

14. LINE GRAPHICS - In the image displayed, what does the crossing mean?

Answer Choice
A. Lines cross each other
B. Lines connect to each other
C. Lines intersect each other
D. None of the above

15. LINE GRAPHICS - In the image displayed, what does the dot mean?

Answer Choice
A. Lines stop at the dot
B. Lines cross over at the dot
C. Lines junction at the dot
D. The dot blocks the lines

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 5 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

16. LINE GRAPHICS - These symbols describe Lines to Tank. Match the correct
symbol to the letter.

Definition Answer
A. Line terminates below fluid level A= (a)
B. Line terminates above fluid level B= (a)
C. Tank symbol C= (a)

17. LINE GRAPHICS - These symbols denote primary movers. Which symbol
represents an electric motor?

Answer Choice

18. LINE GRAPHICS - These symbols denote primary movers. Which symbol
represents a hydraulic motor?

Answer Choice

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 6 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

19. LINE GRAPHICS - This image denotes a fixed orifice. Which explanation best
describes the function represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. Oil is variable
B. Will not allow oil to pass
C. Changes oil flow direction
D. Throttles the line

20. LINE GRAPHICS - This images denotes a variable orifice. Which explanation best
describes the function represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. Changes oil flow direction
B. Stops oil flow one way
C. Throttle is adjustable
D. Oil crosses over orifice

21. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - This image denotes a pump. Which
explanation best describes the function represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. Fixed displacement pump with liquid medium
B. Flixed displacement with gas medium
C. Variable displacement
D. None of the above.

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 7 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

22. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - This image denotes a pump. Which
explanation best describes the function represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. Fixed displacement with two way flow
B. Variable displacement with gas medium
C. Fixed displacement wtih hand control
D. Variable displacement pump with liquid medium

23. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - What is pump displacement?

Answer Choice
A. Discharged fluid amount per 1 revolution of pump shaft
B. Pump removal
C. Flow testing pumps
D. Changes in pump flow

24. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - This image denotes a pump and
primary mover or drive connected. Which explanation best describes the function
represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. One directional drive
B. Bi-directional drive
C. Hand control unidirectional drive
D. None of the above

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 8 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

25. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - This image denotes pumps and
primary mover or drive connected. Which explanation best describes the function
represented by this symbol?

Answer Choice
A. Unidirectional tandem pumps
B. Two pump flow
C. Two pumps sharing a common drive or primary mover
D. Variable displacement tandem pumps

26. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - True or False? A solid equilateral

triangle denotes a hydraulic motor.

Answer Choice

27. FLUID MOVEMENT & PRESSURIZATION - True or False? A hollow equilateral

triangle denotes a liquid medium.

Answer Choice

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 9 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

28. ROTARY & LINEAR ACTUATORS - This image denotes types of hydraulic motors.
Match the correct letter on the graphic to the defintion.

(a) = Variable displacement hydraulic motor
Fixed displacement hydraulic motor
(b) = Variable displacement hydraulic motor
Fixed displacement hydraulic motor

29. ROTARY & LINEAR ACTUATORS - The two cylinders denoted in the image
denotes what kind of hydraulic motor?

Answer Choice
A. Single acting
B. Three-way acting
C. Double acting
D. Fixed

30. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Two-way valve
B. Normally open two-way valve
C. Normally closed two-way valve
D. Pressure releif valve

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 10 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

31. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Flow path open, Normal
B. Flow path closed, Normal
C. Flow path open, Actuated
D. Flow path closed, Actuated

32. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Flow path open, Normal
B. Flow path open, Actuated
C. Flow path closed, Normal
D. Flow path closed, Actuated

33. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Check valve
B. By-pass valve
C. Load valve
D. Pressure relief valve

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 11 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

34. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Actuated by-pass condition
B. Normal, not relieving pressure
C. Normal, relieving pressure
D. Actuated, relieving pressure

35. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Normal, not relieving pressure
B. Actuated, not relieving pressure
C. Normal, relieving pressure
D. Actuated, relieving pressure

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 12 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

36. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - This image denotes types of sequence valves.
Match the correct letter on the graphic to the defintion.

(a) = Internal pilot, external drain
External pilot, external drain
(b) = Internal pilot, external drain
External pilot, external drain

37. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Sequence check valve
B. Holding valve
C. Pressure switch
D. Pilot operated check valve

38. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Pilot valve
B. Holding valve
C. Check valve
D. Unloading valve

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 13 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

39. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What valve does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Reducing valve, Normally open
B. Reducing valve, Normally closed
C. Check valve, Normally open
D. Holding valve, Normally open

40. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Spring loaded check valve
B. Pilot check valve
C. Tank suction relief valve
D. Reducing valve with check

41. PRESSURE CONTROL VALVES - To operate this valve, the following must happen.

Answer Choice
A. An electrical signal is sent to the valve to operate the flow of oil.
B. Pilot oil holds the valve in place.
C. A pressure signal actuates the switch to make or break an electrical contact.
D. The spring only operates the switch.

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 14 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

42. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Unidirectional check valve
B. By-pass check valve
C. Shuttle valve
D. Check valve

43. PRESSURE CONTROL DEVICES - Which best describes the operation of this

Answer Choice
A. Spring loaded, only opens if the pressure drops on the inlet side of the
B. Only opens when the outlet pressure is higher than the inlet pressure.
C. Spring loaded and opens if the inlet pressure is greater than the outlet
pressure to overcome the spring value.
D. Pilot only on the spring side and opens at low pressure.

44. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - How does this valve operate?

Answer Choice
A. Free flow in both directions
B. One directional check with pilot pressure keeping it closed
C. Free flow in one direction and restricted flow in the other direction
D. No flow restrictions, no check

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 15 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

45. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Check valve, when pressure is relieved the check will open
B. Pressure relief valve, when pressure relieves the valve will open
C. Pilot operated check valve, pressure must be applied to open the valve
D. Check valve, pilot pressure must be applied to close the valve

46. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. When pilot pressure is relieved the valve will close.
B. When pilot pressure is applied the valve will close.
C. When pilot pressure is applied the valve will open.
D. When pilot pressure is relieved the valve will open.

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 16 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

47. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - In the drawing of this shuttle valve, which
pressure will be higher, A, B or C?

Answer Choice
A. A will be higher
B. B will be higher
C. C will be higher
D. All will be equal

48. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Electric motor
B. Liquid motor
C. Hydraulic fan
D. Manual shutoff

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 17 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

49. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What do these symbols represent?

Answer Choice
A. Control valves
B. Cylinders
C. Basic and multiple envelopes
D. Flow ports

50. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What do these symbols represent?

Answer Choice
A. Control valves
B. Basic and multiple envelopes
C. Fan symbols
D. Envelopes with ports attached

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 18 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

51. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - Match the correct letter on the graphic to the

Definition Answer
A. Blocked port, two position A= (a)
B. Three position, blocked ports in B= (a)
neutral position (b)
C. Blocked port C= (a)

52. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Closed port
B. Open center port
C. Orifice port
D. Open port, infinite position

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 19 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

53. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Normally open, two position valve
B. Normally closed, two position valve
C. Normally open orifice
D. Normally closed envelope

54. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Cross over relief
B. Open relief
C. Three position closed relief
D. Open center, three position

55. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What type of valve do these symbols


Answer Choice
A. Two position, two way valve
B. Two position, two connection, three way valve
C. Three position, two way valve
D. Two position, three connection, three way valve

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 20 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

56. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What type of valve do these symbols


Answer Choice
A. Cross over open center valve
B. Three position, two connection, cross over valve
C. Two position, four connection, four way valve
D. Two position, cross over, four way connection valve

57. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - Match the correct letter on the graphic to the

Definition Answer
A. Actuated to the left A= (a)
B. Normal position B= (a)
C. Actuated position to the right C= (a)

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 21 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

58. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES – True or False? The correct description for all
three basic symbols in this image is three position, four connection, four way
directional control valves.

Answer Choice

59. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES – True or False? The symbol shown in the
image indicates that it is electrically operated.

Answer Choice

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 22 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

60. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Main pressure
B. Relief pressure
C. Pilot pressure
D. Drain pressure

61. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What do these symbols represent?

Answer Choice
A. Spring centered, pilot operated, three position valve assembly
B. Unidirectional, spring operated control valve
C. Three position, pilot centered, valve assembly
D. Spring applied, pilot released, shuttle valve

62. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Hydraulic cylinder
B. Boom attachment
C. Pedal
D. Manual control lever

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 23 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

63. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Manual control lever
B. Pedal
C. Hydraulic cylinder
D. Coupler attachment

64. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does symbol (a) represent?

Answer Choice
A. Gas loaded accumulator
B. High pressure filter
C. Preheat element
D. Spring loaded accumulator

65. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does symbol (b) represent?

Answer Choice
A. Spring loaded accumulator
B. Liquid accumulator
C. Gas loaded accumulator
D. Cooler

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 24 July 2008

68 Questions
1.48 points each.

66. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent? Write
your answer into the blank below.

67. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES – True or False? In the symbol shown, the
black arrows indicate heat dissipation.

Answer Choice

68. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES - What does this symbol represent?

Answer Choice
A. Cooler with filter
B. Accumulator with heat exchanger
C. Filter or strainer
D. Gas charged filter

Doosan Entry Level 1 – Hydraulic 25 July 2008

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