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Global Warming.

What is global warming? 

Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises).  It happens when
greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and
light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. 

What causes global warming?  

Many things cause global warming.  One thing that causes global warming is electrical
pollution.  Electricity causes pollution in many ways, some worse than others.  In most
cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity.  Fossil fuels are made of dead plants and
animals. Some examples of fossil fuels are oil and petroleum.  Many pollutants (chemicals
that pollute the air, water, and land) are sent into the air when fossil fuels are
burned.  Some of these chemicals are called greenhouse gasses.We use these sources of
energy much more than the sources that give off less pollution.  Petroleum, one of the
sources of energy, is used a lot.  It is used for transportation, making electricity, and
making many other things.  Although this source of energy gives off a lot of pollution, it is
used for the entire world’s energy.

What are the effects of global warming?

Global warming makes the sea rise This is a big problem for many of the plants, animals,
and people on islands.  The water covers the plants and causes some of them to die.  When
they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat. Although animals have
a better ability to adapt to what happens than plants do, they may die also.  When the
plants and animals die, people lose two sources of food, plant food and animal food.  They
may also lose their homes.  As a result, they would also have to leave the area or die.  This
would be called a break in the food chain, or a chain reaction, one thing happening that
leads to another and so on.  

Preventing Global Warming.

We should try whatever is possible to reduce the usage of energy in and around our homes
and yards. Do whatever we can to ensure that the carbon dioxide emitted into the
atmosphere is reduced. Plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and during this they
give out oxygen. Planting trees and plants around our homes will help reducing the carbon
dioxide present around as the plants would use up the carbon dioxide. Lawns need
maintenance and an average lawnmower takes up a lot of energy. So plant more trees and
do use a manual lawnmower to maintain your lawn. Destroying forests to make way for
residential and industrial development are also reasons for increased global warming. So
population control also can help reduce global warming.
Greenhouse effect
What is greenhouse effect?
Atmospheric heating caused by solar radiation being readily transmitted inward through
the earth's atmosphere but long wave radiation less readily transmitted outward, due to
absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere. 

What causes greenhouse effect?

The main reason for greenhouse effect is the emission of gases like nitrous
oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water vapor. Moreover, the
causes of these emissions are deforestation, burning of Fossil Fuels,
electrical appliances, industries, automobiles and population growth .

What are the effects of greenhouse

The effects of it is sea level rising, violent storm activity will increase,
warming also causes faster evaporation on land, disease carriers will
expand and climate change happens suddenly and violently.

How to prevent greenhouse effects?

The ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle, replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent light (CFL)
bulbs, drive less and drive smart, use Energy-Efficient Products, Plant
a Tree and car pool or find another way to travel in order to preserve the
earth's natural resources. 

What is landslide?
A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rock
falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore
environments. Although the action of gravity is the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are
other contributing factors affecting the original slope stability. Typically, pre-conditional factors build up
specific sub-surface conditions that make the area/slope prone to failure, whereas the actual landslide
often requires a trigger before being released.

What causes landslide?

Landslides occur when the stability of slope changes from a stable to an unstable condition. A change in
the stability of a slope can be caused by a number of factors, acting together or alone. Natural causes of
landslides are groundwater (porewater) pressure acting to destabilize the slope, loss or absence of
vertical vegetative structure, soil nutrients, and soil structure (e.g. after a wildfire), erosion of the toe of a
slope by rivers or ocean waves, weakening of a slope through saturation by snowmelt, glaciers melting, or
heavy rains, earthquakes adding loads to barely-stable slope, earthquake-
caused liquefaction destabilizing slopes and volcanic eruptions

What are the effects of landslide?

The effects are that many building and lives will be lost if a landslide occurred in a populated area, it will
destroy the habitat of wild life as well as destroying trees.

Preventing landslide
It is important for engineers and geologists to evaluate slope stability and any landslide threat during
development assessments so that effective and timely remedial measures can be implemented.
Ozone Depletion

What is ozone depletion?

 Destruction of ozone in the ozone layer attributed to the presence of chlorine from manmade CFCs and
other forces. The layer is thinning because ozone is being destroyed at a faster rate than it is being
regenerated by natural forces.

What causes ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion occurs when the natural balance between the production and
destruction of stratospheric ozone is tipped in favour of destruction. Although
natural phenomena can cause temporary ozone loss, chlorine and bromine released
from man-made compounds such as CFCs are now accepted as the main cause of
this depletion.

What’s the effect of ozone depletion?

Effects of ozone depletion are: 
1. Ultra violet rays will cause more sunburns, cancer and cataracts (blurring and clouding of eye
that lead to blindness) and immune impair systems, damage of the deoxyribonnucleic acid
2. Effects to plants. Many plants that are sensitive to ultraviolet will died out, especially key
crops such as cotton, soyabeas, rice, beans, peas, and others. 

Preventing ozone depletion

The ways are it is best to use unleaded gasoline instead of crude oil for the
vehicle,replace an old vehicle which has been used for ten years or more and renew it
to prevent air pollutants, equip vehicles with catalytic converters which turn pollutants
into harmless substances, be alert to get the plate number of the smoke-belching
vehicle and immediately report it to the nearest police authority station or to the
environmental office, disseminate information to members of the family, friends and
neighbors about the dangers of air pollution, walk, use a bike or join a car pool as much
as possible and avoid smoking.

What is pollution?
Pollution is when water, air or land becomes very dirty. Pollution can come in 4 different types
effecting different types of areas in the world. Air pollution affects the air, water pollution affects
the water and marine life, land pollution affects the land destroying life and the environment and
there is also noise pollution that can affect our hearing. We all contribute to pollution in some
way or another. Whether it is with a large amount or small amount we can still cause major
damage to our health and the environment.

What causes pollution?

The cause are human activity across the world. Example, human dumped toxic substances into
the river, industries releases harmful gasses without treating the gases, oil leakage in vehicle
and also the constructing site of a building.

What are the effects of pollution?

The effects are respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, throat inflammation, chest pain,
and congestion in the human body. It also destroys the habitat of wild animals as well as destroying
endangered plants species. It also could pollute the river and contaminate safe drinking water for

Preventing pollutions
Pollution can be prevented by maintain a high standard of house keeping, especially in outside areas, recycle and
reuse materials and always place litter in a bin, keep vehicles properly tuned and free of leaks and drips, store all
liquid chemicals and wastes in an appropriate matter, always be prepared to deal with spills promptly; never allow
them to soak into the ground or to flow or be washed down an outside drain and dispose of all wastes properly
Renewable energy
What is renewable energy?
Renewable energy is derived from an energy source that is rapidly replaced, or
renewed, by a natural process.

Such renewable energy sources include wind, sun, hydropower, biological

processes and geothermal processes.

What is renewable energy when you look at its

The sun’s warmth and light produce solar energy. Passive use of solar energy involves
directly capturing its warmth and light through building design. Active use happens by using
technology to transform the sun’s energy into electricity. Photovoltaic cells and solar hot
water systems are examples of active use.

Wind energy is the world’s fastest-growing energy source. It is a form of solar energy as
weather processes that are influenced by the sun cause wind. Windmills have been used for
hundreds of years. Large and small wind turbines in many countries now generate
electricity, for industry, homes and remote dwellings and villages. Wind turbines can be
situated on land or off-shore.

The force of flowing water, or the movement of tides and waves, can be used to generate
electricity. Again, the sun is a prime influence on natural cycles that create rain and melts
ice that makes rivers flow into oceans and lakes.

Many great rivers have been dammed to use this power. Whereas hydropower is clean in
that it does not produce harmful emissions, other effects are problematic. For instance,
habitats have been harmed and many people have been displaced from their traditional
villages by damming rivers for hydropower.

Geothermal processes
Geothermal energy is not solar but is renewable. It is derived from heat that is stored deep
in the Earth's crust. Where this heat rises to the near-surface and heats groundwater, hot
water and steam is produced. It can be directly used for domestic heating or for generation
of electricity.
Sustainable development

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving
the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come.

The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent
parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and sociopolitical sustainability.

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