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of Public
CPHMLS, 1st Semester, AY 2020-2021
Public Health • An occurrence or imminent threat of an illness
Emergency or health condition, caused by bioterrorism,
epidemic or pandemic disease, or a novel and
(WHO) highly infectious agent or biological toxin
• It is not actually different from how
epidemiology is defined and implemented
Disaster • The only difference lies in the circumstances
or events wherein the principles of
Epidemiology epidemiology apply to, which is in this case
disaster and/or emergency situations
• A lot of challenges surround the conduct of
epidemiologic studies in these kinds of
• Assesses short- and long-term adverse health
Disaster effects of disasters to help guide emergency
preparedness and response
Epidemiology • Provides situational awareness of the
disaster/emergency being studied
Prevent or reduce the number of deaths,
or illnesses, and injuries caused by disasters

Objectives of
Disaster Provide Provide timely and accurate health
information for decision-makers
Improve prevention and mitigation
Improve strategies for future disasters by collecting
information for future response preparation
How do • A disaster can be defined as a naturally
occurring geological, meteorological, or
public health biological event, as well as any man-made
event with mass casualties produced by
emergencies biological, chemical, radiological, or
nuclear forces
qualify as • Almost the same definition as a public
health emergency (at least, for the
disasters? biological part)!
COVID-19: • Following the first known case of COVID-19 on
A Public December 31, 2019, other countries started
Health notifying the World Health Organization (WHO)
of their own cases of the coronavirus
Emergency • Collecting all these events, the WHO announced
that the disease is a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC) on January
• PHEIC: An extraordinary event that poses a
public health risk to more than one member-
state due to the international spread of the
WHO Significant Steps on the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020: Publishing of a comprehensive

package of guidance documents to 2020: Convening of a Global
countries on the coronavirus research and Innovation Forum on Reporting of over 1 million COVID-
outbreak management COVID-19 19 cases worldwide

10–12 Jan. 11–12 Feb. 4 Apr. 2020

30 Jan. 2020 18 Mar. 2020

Declaration of COVID-19 as a PHEIC Launching of the SOLIDARITY

megatrial to generate data on the
most effective treatment agents for
WHO Significant Steps on the COVID-19 Pandemic

18–19 May 9 July 2020

2020: 73rd World Health Assembly conducted virtually, Delegation of co-chairpersons for the Independent
with a landmark resolution to bring the world together Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response to
to fight COVID-19 evaluate global COVID-19 response efforts

Announcement of stopping of hydroxychloroquine as

an effective treatment for COVID-19 in the SOLIDARITY

17 June 2020

How about the Philippines?

• Did we address the pandemic according to the objectives set by disaster

• How can we improve on our pandemic response?

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