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Types of Elaboration

Elaboration using WH + other Examples

Who You can do this with friends.
Teachers can help us.
Where The event was held in the classroom.
The hall was the venue of the event.
When The extra class will be held after school.
How We can overcome this problem by alerting the authorities.
Through counselling, students can pour out their problems.
Why This is because they can express their feelings.
One of the reasons is students can express their feelings.
What If? If this is done, students may not feel depressed.
If we delay doing this, our environment may be in peril.
Give examples There are many activities during the camp. For instance …
We can try a variety of activities such as …


The first reason is genetics.

Another reason is bad eating habits. For example,

Lack of exercise is another possible reason. Most students

To overcome this problem, students should eat a A balanced diet consists of

balanced diet.

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