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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 15607 PROPERTY OF BV BIOS ‘Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — General rules esr equation don ode ple sou aos matron ndtatiques Régis gar NEM BY. BIDOC PERMANENT LOAN TO ac COPY No., etrare nen 150 tor 038) 180200 180 18607:2003(6) POF decor ‘hs PF se my cron ena Wotan ccc se ag ato, may ld ed i ‘tn sn toe ond ahem naar at preg seg Scie rg fenton ero pay he CSc os arose oo Satan wor Sa mt an FM on Ge ee ein [ESTinay setae wang stuns me Cre Cases sas ne ‘ig me on seri po a pen ye mn tt my m9 yr Sede eastern eae ed yeaa Pgh coe een brs Sorts nm aces ‘sonmrgestes tages mn q 180200 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15607:2003 TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Pubes 2006.08.01 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — General rules TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 Deserpi tqualiaton cn mode epee de sousege pours matriux mila — Ries ‘naraos PRECTIICATIFTECHOUGUE | Technical Corgendum 1 te 180 158072005 was prepared by Tactical Commitee ISOITC 44, Wels and eg process, Subsarmitie SC 0, Unica of remont nthe a of el ng. Pag Foreword Aa he flonng new paragraph arte fit parspraph: “This fat eston cancels and replaces 1S0 $056-1:1995 and ISO 0056-100S/Amd:188, wich ‘hve ben foctncayreviod 180 18607:2005(€) Foreword | (the irterstonl Organization for Standarszatn) 2 worlwide federation of atonal standards basis (080 member bodes), The work of propanng teratonal Stanaare e normaly stred Gt tNoupr ISO {echnical commiies, Each member body Plreeed ma sue! fr whch 9 focal commiiee ae been ‘abished has to ight to be represerted on tat comma, ricmatenal xgniiene, goverment sd fongovermerdal, in aon wah 1S0, ao take porn tho wore ISO calabrsies cocely wih te Interatonal Eecotctical Conmissch (EC) ona mates of eceechncs saaroaaton International Standards re cated in accordance weh heres given the ISONEC Drcvs, Pat 2 ‘Toe mn ask of ecnealcommitees I © prepare iteratonal Stender. Dra Iieratonl Standards adopted by the teevicalconmioos oe cles to the mamber bodes fr ving, Publier Sean Intemational Standard requires approval by at as 75 % fe member bodes casing tole /Atenton s drm to te possibilty tat some of he coments of thi dosent maybe the sue of pfont "igs. 180 sha not be nad espe for ervey oral sua pet gE |80 15007 was prepared ty the European Commitee fr Standacéeaton (CEN) In eallabraton wah Tectnical Gonmites 1SOITC 44, Wong and ‘allod precassos, Sacommee SC 40, Unicon of eguroments nthe fed of mata woldng, In accorsanee wih te Adreemert cn facil cooperaion Between [50 ané CEN (Verna Agteomert “Trouhout ie text of tis document read “bis European Standard." {0 mean “this Iniematins! Standard 160200 Ae ren " 180 18607:2003(6) Contents Foreword. ne 2 Normative reference... — 3 Terms and den nnn 5 5 & 62 63 ea es ee ‘Annex (formative) New numbering sytem - Deals ofthe standards dealing with specification and ‘ualiaton of welding procedures en tt [Annex 8 (formative) Different phases in wong procedure QURAN nvnwnnnnnne 2 [Annex ¢(hfomatv) Flow lagram forthe development and qualifcation Of 8 WPS coven 4 BIIOG APY nen st 180 18607:2003(6) Foreword ‘This dccument (EN 180 15807-2009) has boon prepared by Teena Commitee CENTE 121 Weide’ he secretariat of which is held by DS, in colaborelon wih Technical Conmatee ISOC 44 “Weng end ted rocossoe ‘Thi European Standard EN ISO 156072009 shal be given the status ofa national tncad eer by pubeafon of an identical text o by endorsement, tthe lest by Ap 2008, and config nat! standard shat be wehraw ahaa Apt 2008 ‘This document supersodes EN 288-1092, ‘Annexe A, B ad Care noma, According the CENICENELEC Ill Rogultons the natnal stands ogorizatrs ofthe fotowng ‘unties ar bound oimplement hs European Standars: Asta, Balu. Croc Repu, Derma Fra, France, Gemany Greeos, Hungay lear, lane aly, Lixembous Mal, Noterands, Norway, Foruga ‘Shvata, Spin, Sweden, Suzi an he Uno Kingdom, Introduction Wilding procedure specications ae needed in ode fo provide a wall defied basis for gain ofthe welding ‘operations and for ually conto ding wesing. Weg i oxnsdere a spec proces inthe rranoogy ot ‘Standards fr qust sys lands for quay stor: usualy require tha pecalpocases bo arog Oath ‘sczoance wi wien procedure speoticaton. Preparation ofa wetingprocodure specication provides the necessary basi fo, but dos ot aa nau hat, ‘he weds ul hs requrements, Some doviaoe, notably mparecions and dstrians, cam be erakinoa by nom ‘oatuctie method on he iihos pedis, ‘Metres deviations conte a speci rblam, however, because non este vation of he ‘mectangalpropotis fs mposstl tbe posor va of nan destuetve asmolgy ts has rested ne {siabisarent ofa se ofrs for quaicaton of he weil procedure prior lo he ogee ore spats 12 ‘ca production. This European Standard denes theses “ 0180 201 Agnreanes $80 45607:200%6) 1 Scope “This Eurpaan Standard spat of «sees of standards, Amex A gives deals of this eres of tinder, annex 8 (Ges a onehartfor the use of thee sandards and Annex C gies & ow Gagram tr he devlopnen and ‘ualcaton of aWPS. ‘This standard defines general rules forthe spcication and quaifiston of welding proces for metal ‘malo Ths Standard ls farsa stvera oer taste a epee dead rue frenetic appcatons “This standard is aplcabo fo manval, mechanized and automate weg. ios procedures aro qualified by cafeming to one or mere wong rocodre qusttcaton reco (WPOR), "Tho une ofa partir method of quasi cena feguremento an apsteaton sana, ‘Quacaton of pWPS by mare than one math! is nk recommended fe sesunad tht welding procedure ‘spoatcasone ar usd in preducton by competent welders, alld im accordance wih fe reeves EN 27 or EN TSO 0606 or by Sompetetcpeatars golem scxorance th EN Tat 2 Normative references “This European Standar incorporate by dele or undated referene,groviions fom her publestions, These ‘ermatorforencos a ced st he aperopiate acs inthe Yo, andthe puotesbon re lea hart or ‘eiogrforencas, subeoquont amendments to errevsions of any of ese pubesbons apply fo te Europea Standard ony fon noororsod nt by avanamen’ a oven. For undated reference fe latest eden te pubcaton ferred to apts (clang amendment) EN 130 4068, Woliing and alled processes - Nomencisue of procassos and reference numbers 1180 4069-1998) ENISO 14555, Welding — Are stud welding of mete materi: (SO 148651808) DEN 180 15600-1, Speceaton and approval of welding procedures fr mealle mates - Weling proceoue Speciteaton- Pat Are meting (SO'DIS T6500-1.2000) EN 1S0 15000-2, Speciation and qualification of walang procedures fr metal mateal - Wali proceawe specication Par 2 Gas wong (ISO 18608-22001) [FEN SO 18800-8, Spsciicaton and qulfeaten of wating process for maalic matatls- Wein procedre Specicaton- Par: Becton beam wong (SO/DIS 15000°3:2000 [FEN 180 18600.4, Spectiatan and quaieaton of wong procedures for talc mata - Weng procedre Epectcaton- Par Laser beam welang (SOIDIS 16000-12000) EN 180 15800:5, Speciation and aproal of wating rocadies for metalic mater - Woking procodte Spectcaton- Parts Resistance welding (SOS 1550962000) EN ISO 15810, Speciation and quaicaton of waking procedures fe metalic materi -Quaicaton based cn tested woldng consumables 150 15510:2009) EN 180 18611, pecteaton and qusifeaon of wei procedures for maalemataree- Quaifation based on [rovious welding expenance (80 186112009)) EN 180 15612, Speciation and quafcaton of wating procedures fr mete mates - Approval by @ "Sena walang procedure (SOND 195122000) In, peered gunn wg ante fr rate mat unt and on ‘reprint 80 18013-2000), 2180208 Al pte 1 180 18607:2009(6) EN 180 18644-, Spoficaton and quaieation of wating procedires fr metale materi - Weltng procedure test-Pat 1: rc and gas welding of stot and are wong ack and rc aly (ISO 156141 200%), EN ISO 18614:2, Speciation and approval of wong precedes for metalic matriae - Wang procedre fess -Part2 Arc wating of urn a te aloye (SONS 15814-22000), FEN 180 18614-3, Speciation and qualiicston af wang procedures for maaic mater - Woking procedure Tats Part 3: Weng procedure fst forthe ac wel cats Fon (vas submited fo CEN Enqury ae YEN ein, FEN 180 18614-4, Spcieaton and quticton of wang procecures for maalc mater - Waking procure sis Par 4: Fnshing welding of lumium casings vas submited to CEN Engi ae prEN 28e-13) FEN ISO 156145, Speciteatn and approval of wang procadias for metal mati - Wing procedre fess -PartS: Arc wang of tan. scanum and no aloye (SOVDIS 16614-52000), FEN 180 18614-8, Speciation and quaiicaton of wang prococwes for meaie materi - Woking procedre test Past: Copper and copper alloys EN 180 186148, Specscaton and qualitaton of woking procedures fr maac materi - Weltng proces tes!= Pa 8 Woling of ibe o tube pate (ISO T5094 002) FEN 180 18614-9, Spoiteaton and qualiiaton of wating procecres for metalic mater - Woking proce fess -Par 8: Undetr hyperbaric we wen (.SOPDIS 15014 9:2000), FEN 180 1561410, Secieaton and approve of weling procedures fr meal materi - Weng procedkre fest-Par 10: Hyperbaric cy wed ('SO/DIS13614-10:2000, EN 180 18614-11, Spoicaion and qualiiaton of woking procedures er mete materia - Welng proces test= Pal 1: lector and aco bam wong (iSO T3514 2002). PEN 50 1581412, Specifeaton and approval of weling procedures fr maac materi - Wing proces {ests Pat 12: Spo seam and projection wong (ISOIDIS 15614-22000), FEN 180 1561413, Specteaton and quaicaton of woking procedures for mote materiel - Wating Drocedire ast - Para: Reltan but and fash welding ISODIS T5548 2002) ENISO 15620, Walang Friston welding of metalic matoal (IO 18620:2000) 10 657-1, Woldng and lind processes — Vocabulary — Pat 1: Metal weting processes 3. Terms and definitions For be purposes ofthe Exropean Standard he flowing ams and desiniions api a welding procedure ected couse of soton to be folowed in making @ wot, inducing tho waldng preces(s), reeronce to Mater, welding consumables, preparation, proneatng fnocorsary), method and conl ef weg and post ‘Wot Peat roan! (relvan). and necesary equipment obo sod a2 welding process {ortho welding processes, the romencaure and defitons gvan In 1S0 857-1 ar folowes in Bis standard. The numbering system for welding process n ENISO 4063 Is lo flowed 2 (2190200 atts rane 180 18607:2003(6) Drtiminary welding procedure specication (pWPS) § document contaning the reaured varables ofthe wating prosocu which hes tobe quis has fo be quafed ling one of tre mathe described In accordance wah aie a4 ‘welding procedure speciation (WPS) 2 soourent tat has been qusifed by one ofthe methods descbad in cause 6 and provides the requ ‘Varios of i wading proce to ensure repeatbity ding production wang. as ‘work netuction |Smpfed soeciicston of the wating produ, subi fr cect applcaon nthe worktop a8 ‘Welding procedure qualifston record (WEAR) ‘ecord eompring al ecestary daa nodes for gualifcaon of praiinary woking proeare spectton a7 welding procedure test Ming sd testing os wansarcizod test pices naeatad nthe PVPS, order to quay a wedng procedure Pre-production wong tat Ving lest having the sare function os a welding procedure tot, but based on a nonstandard eat pace "eprsertate of he preductoncondtons ‘standard welding procedure specication \weiting procedure specfeaton which has been quaied by @ woldng procedure test not rlted 12 the ancl and qual by an oxaminr er examining boy NOTE Astana wang posed moyen bo madeaaae to ny mance, 310 rovious welding experience ‘then i can be shown by autontcoid test data thet the manutctirers ostabied producton welsng ‘rocedues have bee capate of consistent reduing wal of acopable gatly overs ponod of ime {ested welding consumable viding consunabie of consumo combination tesod sczosing to appropriate standards for tsting ol weldng ‘oneuabea ‘waling consumable "tras consumod tho making ofa wold, lusing Me mela and mary mateale 313 sont variable ‘Welding condition that equies qustcaton a ‘hom essen! variable Velen condo adressed inthe WPS but not equing cuafeaton ass ange of qualification ‘want of quslileston or an este weking variable tse snag neo 3 180 15607:2003(6) arent materi ati} e joined by woling aar teat loco welded assombly wich is used fe tstng purposes ase {est specimon Pt of prton cut rom th tet plac a rer to parfom speed desbuciv tot ase hhomogensousjlnt Weld Jatin ch th wold metal and parent mato have no sgicantdifeenoes in mechanics ropes ‘naor comical ompceton " NOTE Awol jn mato fins pron msl wit lr mal cone temogenei 220 terooenous inet ‘dtm whith he wold et nd parent stata Nave isan ec noch propa andor chemical composition , aa ‘isemar materi joint ‘tld je in wish he parent materiale have sgniicantdteranoes in mechanical proprtes andor chemical ‘Samposion az Ipertecton ‘Freon inthe wold or & cevaon trem the intended goomtry. Inperfocsons ara e9. cracks, lack of ponovaton, pecs, seg mesons NOTE ENISO E520 andEN 180 68202 corsa compton eo imperecne, manutsctrer erson or eganizaton reponse or the wating production a2 Seeminor Dorson who hes boon appointed to verity complance wih the appablesandaré NOTE Hentan cars, an earl pendent ior canbe ied framing body ‘aniston that has boon appointed to very complance with the alc standard NOTE ent ees, sn earl aapendent eiaing body canbe agi 328 ‘manufacturer of consumables ary whan he osurais tayo proms he fal par of pon, Wc amines the ‘ust ofthe consumables ‘welding co-ordination personnal Personnel who have responses inthe maratactrng operation fer welding ard welding mated ates hose impotanco and knowlege boon somonsated by 0g nfang eston andor Slovant monufocurng 4 (80 20~Areaned 180 18607:2003(€) 328 hat input ‘hey vodued it the wal elon ding wading 320 parent material thekness Romina teknes ofthe matteo be welded a0 ‘weld metal thickness Tlemnas of he weld metal exuding ary reinforcement 4. Abbreviations Forth puposos of quaticaton of welding procedures, the abbreviations ead in Tabet apy, Table 1 — Abbreviations ‘Aobreviaton| Description fa Praeinary Wold Procedure Speciation WPOR Woling recede QualicationRocord Ws Wold Procidure Speciation 5. Welding procedure specification format EN 180 15808-1, EN ISO 15000-2,pEN ISO 156005, EN ISO 15800-4 and prEN 1SO 15609-5 detine Fermat forme welding procedure spoccatone forthe flowing wading prosessar” = re walting = oe wang — ct hn ig: beam wel — resist wong, WPS for otter wating processes an for special appcaons may be covered by specie dancards, fer example — forstud welding. se EN ISO 14855; — ertcton welding, see EN 80 15820. [WPS shat be lassie a pWPS unt quae using an soproprite maths nacordance wt cause. 6 Development and qualification of welding procedures. 6.1 General ‘Quncaton of wolsng procedure shal be perormd reo actual waking in production 180200 nt anes 5 180 46607:20096) ‘Toa manufacturer shat propare a WPS snd shall ensure Het apcabe for he ata prodution,uting ‘exponence rom previous preductons andthe gnerl undo krowledge of weidng tocol ach pWPS shal be used as a beso estabishment ef WPOR qualifed scoring to ane fhe methods se in 180 15607:2005(6) “Table 2— Methods of qualification "eplcatn Mod based on Waking Prooeaire lod (Can always bo apples, unass te procedure fst dou not adequately ey ‘rTospond te ont geome, retain. socosity of a wel, Application sited io welng procedures wing consumables. [ested wating |The testing of the consumables shall cover the parent mat used in Jconsumases | proctor c0063) Furterlimtatons as regards mri and oer parameters ae epee in ENIO 136 Previous wena [Appicaton i tinted to procedures used provovaly fre large numberof experience elds n comparables, mts and materale. Rogurements se spectod| e004) IneN 60 105 | Standare wa zi Freceau"? |Siniar 10 welding procedue test snd niaions se specfed in| [ENISO 18612 60065) I Freprositon [can aways be apped in principle but requires manufac of a test ooo Jwekzna test Gre produesoncondions. Sulabl for mace produton. Requenen s00 08) ‘Spectiod a EN ISO 15819. the qusilestion inaves welding of test pecs, thn tho tet pcos shall e wold in socordanoe withthe pws “Tne WPGR shal comprise al variables (essontal ang non essa) 2s wel asthe specfod ranges of quafeston {ven in he aproprate sansa. On Bal of ho WOR, th WPS fer moduon wolng is Soveoped under the ‘espana ofthe menfarsrer ries otarwze rus (2ce annex 8) 6.2 Qualification bese on welding procedure text ‘Tis meted species Now a welding proceduro canbe quate bythe welding and es ing of standard tes pace, ‘Awolng poco lt maybe requitod whenover he properties of the mater nthe weld metal andthe hat Mec Zone se ical fore apleaton. ‘Te diferent pas of YEN 18015614 define he welding procodre foes forthe flowing welding processes: = ac woling — os wong: — eiecton beam welding: — esr beam woking — resistance wang, 0180200 - Arter 7 180 15607:2003(€) ‘Welding procedure tats for other woling processes and for speci! epplcatons may ke covered by spactic Sando, fr example: — lors weling, soo ENISO 14555; — for cton welding, soe EN ISO 18820. {6.3 Qualification based on tested welding consumables “This method species how a welding procedure canbe quella by using tested welting consumables. Sore malaise donot terra signa nthe hes tected zones. In ths caso, this method of qusieaton maybe uted £180 18610 defines the mati of quficaton by using esd wating consumabios fr he flowing welding = me weling: = wong. uit byte men ae wel poses and fo speci pletone may Se one by spec {4 Qualification based on previous welding experience This moths spats how a walang procedue canbe usiies by demanstaton of revue satactory welding aay ‘Armanuacturer may have a p¥PS qualed by rotoring to previous exparencs In welding 0 conn that he can prove by appropriate authentic documentation ofan ndopendet nau hat he has prev atsacoy weed ‘he ype attend matorals nquoton, ‘ony welding procecreskrcwn rom experionos to be alla shuld be utein sch cas 150 18641 dofnes the method of quliiaton by reference to previous welding experince for the flowing wong prososess: = mewoling: 928 welding — elect beam wel: — taser beam woking: — resistance wang, ‘Guacaion by his methes for ether wong proasses and for special sopeatons may be aio coved by spoof standart, for example: — for std wong, s00 EN 180 14555; _— tor fcston woking, soo EN ISO 15620. {6.5 Qualification basod on a standard welding procedure ‘Ths mothod species how a welding smesdurecan be quid by use of standard wong procedure 8 (190.9 een 180 18607:2009(6) ‘A pWPS prepared by a manutacturr is quae th angos fr avaible ae win he range pari by @ ‘andar walang procedure A standard welding prod shal be issue as a specication in the format of @ WPS or WPOR based on @ ‘uafcaon othe rtvant part of prEN 80 18614 for welding poses ton suo andamandient of standard welding procedures shall be made by to examiner cr exemining body iakng responsibly forthe rial ‘uatfoaton ‘aplication ofa stanars welding procedure alo sujet a condton ob sts by he use. EN 150 18812 dothos the meted f qaiizstion by us of = sanders waking posed for tho folowing ‘Wotingprososses! = me weting: — a8 wong: — elector beam welding: — loser boam welding: umeasn by his metodo her wong roses ard spel apcatlons mer be conte by speci 6.6 Qualification based on a pre-production welding test ‘This mated species how a wong rooadure canbe quail by pre-reducon welding “This mathod is the ony rolable mata of quaifcaton for some wading procedures. in which the reeuting [ropertos ofthe weld stonglycopand on cen canons sucha component pac estan canons haat ‘nts et, whieh canna bo roproducod by standarzed tet cas ‘Quaeaton by a preproduction malting test may bo usod where te shape end dimensions of standards ‘loces donot adeqatly represent ne ar obe woled, 09. atlacre weld ohn pp. nach cases, one ‘more epoca est poces shal be made to amit he prodictn jomt nh esse aus, Th tat Sal So ‘arid ut ror and under the conor o be uso prosuton Inspacton and tasting ofthe test pice shall bo cared out in acctdance withthe eoproptate standard for ‘rood ting. bu is testing may need to bo supplemented or replaced by speck fests sotoreg to Dt fare ofthe jot in question. EN ISO 18618 dene te method of quliaton by pre-pradveton wong tse ft {ho folowing walang processes: — mewoking: sae woldng: = etoceon beam wedng — letorboam welding: reste wong alibi by this method for other welding processes and for special appleatons may be aeo covered by serie tandares 21802 ners ° 180 1607:2003(€) 7 Valiaty ‘Acualifation i vad infty forthe ranges qusifed unless thei speciied 0 ‘2190200 ane 80 45607:200%6) 02951 O81NA ‘ET OsR| ‘rasrosrrese| Fiesroarvs ti tem anpecais ape Sheet ostte 1981 o51¥a waaay 9 OS Na rp eran oe feet coeur poe wosrosina | sssriosina | sents, osine | rscostosina | coma osine | coer oa | reer ose on ees 08! ae aN oer) (inf Gach sos © 2098 O81N3 oc, Tapa Gaon ee ee Ee ee swoon anon Bape uoPE=UAT po neUUEe am BOP BE AAG vemos Ff seinpsooid Buypjom Jo uopeoysrenb pue uoneoyroeds \aym Bujleep spuepueys ot Jo SIEIOG - we}eKs BuLequiNU MON (enjewuojul) yxeuuy $80 18607:200%€) Annex B (informative) Different phases in welding procedure qualification See Tale 8, “Tablo 8.1 —Ditforent phases in welding procadure qualification ney Reset Pari nved| ‘Development the WPS Manutactzer rocedu ‘Qusstcatonbyany | WPOR ncudng he range of Wanutoczor ‘mated ‘alist eed on fhe erat nd appao, andar of qaliaton examinalesamng toy Finatzaion atthe | WPS based on thie WPOR Manutoczer procedure oleate or production | Gapy of WPS ewok ection Manuiecaer 2 ‘150201 ne Flow diagram for the development and qualification of a WPS 150 45607:200%6) Annex C (informative) oma canon np ante sane ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ oosten, | | catisse | Petecmes|| sttonaee |} ounennane consumaties | | provius wading] |weitra recedue| | omen || nae z z ¥ + seen oees ¥ WAR by he manatee, spell by he eaminereanting bay [Wes papas emanate i —— else fr podton WPS or wa bution (ces propery te manatee 0180200 At teens % 180 15607:200346) “ e287, E2872, evi, eviso 65204, Evis065202, 150 9006-1, 150 9606-2, ENIso e606, ENIso 0606-4, ENIso 0606s, 150 14732, Bibliography _Aoproval testing of waders — Fusion welling — Pa 1: Stes. ‘Agproval testing of wes —Fason wet — Pat 2: Alumina atin = Wiking personnal — Approval tasting of welding operates fr fon woking and resttance wold solo or fly mechanized ad automate waking of etal ‘rats Woking nd alied processes - Clasiizaton of geometc mpercsion I metale ‘matrate"Pat : Psion woking (SO 68201990) ling and ali processes - Cissitcaton of geometc mpertecson In matale ‘mata Pat 2: Wo with pressure (180 6520-22001), Avoroval esing of welders — Fusion wading — Pat 1 Stale. Approval testing of waters — Fusion welding — Pt 2: Akin and auminum ‘toys ‘Approval testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 3: Copper and copper ays (180 B606-5:1009) Anproval testing of welders — Fusion wong — Part 4: Nk ond nike ays (180 B606-4 1080) Approval testing of welders - Fusion walding- Part & Tham and tanum aos, ‘zrcanium and arcanium aye (180 9606:5:2000, Welding personnel — Approval esting of weg operators for Kson wading and resistance Wald sete fo fly mecheized and automate wsing of etl ‘natris ‘190 Alene ‘Srnec eosom cpm eae ehag $80 15607:2003(6) tos 25,160.10 21s02000- Alterman

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