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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part D:

J Automobile Engineering
227(12) 1723–1733
A review of parallel and series Ó IMechE 2013
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turbocharging for the diesel engine
DOI: 10.1177/0954407013492108

Qingning Zhang, Andrew Pennycott and Chris J Brace

Several turbocharger units can be used for engine boosting in series or parallel arrangements in which they are phased
in and out according to the operating conditions of the engine. This technology has the potential to facilitate downsizing
of automotive engines in order to yield benefits in terms of their transient performance, the fuel consumption and emis-
sions output. This review investigates the benefits and drawbacks of series and parallel turbocharging arrangements.
Since the effectiveness of using the boosting technology crucially depends on the control scheme applied, developments
in the modelling and control approaches used in single-stage, series and parallel turbocharging are also examined. In
comparison with single-stage turbocharging, using several turbochargers in series or parallel can provide a faster transi-
ent response without compromising the fuel consumption, while also having the potential to provide higher boost pres-
sures. Novel non-linear and robust control approaches have demonstrated improvements in performance and
robustness over traditional approaches used in commercial engine control relying on separate control loops for the dif-
ferent engine variables.

Two-stage turbocharging, modelling and control, transient response, downsizing, emission control, fuel efficiency

Date received: 29 July 2012; accepted: 8 May 2013

Introduction higher specific loads, therefore, the frictional losses will

represent a smaller percentage of the total work done
The diesel engine is a fast-response machine: it can be and so result in a more efficient operation.
operated at a lean air-to-fuel ratio such that increments Furthermore, a downsized engine yields a lighter vehi-
in the fuel supply rate can be rapidly burned using the cle and thus even better fuel consumption. For gasoline
readily available excess air in the cylinder to generate engines, downsizing also allows the degree of throttling
additional torque. However, in a naturally aspirated to be reduced, leading to lower pumping losses.4
diesel engine, the intake air flow rate is limited by the However, it should be noted that, since the specific
engine speed and the swept volume.1 This, in turn, lim- loading of the engine is very high in a downsized appli-
its the maximum load that a diesel engine can achieve cation, the bearings may well need to be larger than in
to rather a low level without some form of pressure a similar engine developing a lower specific torque, and
charging. Therefore, supercharging and, in particular, so frictional losses are likely to be reduced by less than
turbocharging technologies are often used on diesel initially hoped.5
engines to increase the density of air in the inlet mani- Increasing the pressure of the incoming air, often
fold and thereby to increase the mass flow rate of air referred to as boosting, is an important route to engine
available to the cylinders for combustion.2 downsizing which is used to achieve improvements in
Downsizing is the replacement of a larger- engine efficiency and to reduce carbon dioxide emis-
displacement engine with one of higher specific power. sions from mass-produced vehicles. Superchargers,
The diesel engine does not employ a throttle in normal
use owing to the very wide range of air-to-fuel ratios
over which the engine is able to operate. There is a ben- Powertrain and Vehicle Research Centre, University of Bath, Bath, UK
efit, however, to running at higher specific loads in a
Corresponding author:
downsized application since the engine bearing friction Qingning Zhang, Powertrain and Vehicle Research Centre, University of
losses typically increase more rapidly as a function of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK.
the engine speed than as a function of the load.3 At Email:

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1724 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(12)

which are mechanically connected to the engine, can a higher efficiency during high-flow conditions but
provide boosting and also deliver very fast transient responds to changes in demand more slowly owing to its
increases in the boost pressure, leading to subjective larger shaft inertia. The larger turbine and compressor
driveability advantages. However, supercharging tech- units also perform poorly during low-flow conditions
nology utilizes power from the crankshaft for boosting since their aerodynamic designs are optimized for much
and thus draws energy for compression directly from higher flow rates, the turbine area being too large to
the engine, acting as a parasitic loss. It is, therefore, less extract the energy from low gas flow rates and low tem-
popular for passenger car applications than turbochar- peratures, causing inefficient operation. Both of these
ging which uses otherwise wasted energy in the exhaust effects combine to deliver a poor low-speed engine tor-
gas.6 Crucially, the materials and techniques needed to que response. On the other hand, in smaller turbochar-
construct a downsized turbocharged engine are cost gers, both the turbine and the compressor can choke in
effective and well understood in comparison with alter- the high-flow region. In the case of the turbine, this can
native schemes designed to deliver similar benefits. result in an excessive exhaust back pressure and high
Indeed, the turbocharger has, for many years, been a turbocharger shaft speeds.10 In the case of the compres-
standard component of diesel engines because of its sor, in addition to the limits on the compressor operat-
ability to increase the engine output.2,7 In addition to ing envelope due to the onset of choke and surge, it is
the uprating effect, the level of emissions production clear that the efficiency of the compressor units is not
can also be lowered. Hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon uniform throughout the operating space. It is desirable
monoxide (CO) emissions are reduced owing to the to operate the compressor in a region of high efficiency
higher charge temperature and the higher oxygen den- where possible and the use of several compressors allows
sity, while the formation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is better matching to be achieved. The performances of the
addressed through injection retardation and the high turbine and compressor units in different regions of the
levels of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) enabled operating space are represented in Figure 1.
through higher engine boosting.2,8,9 These difficulties can be alleviated by employing sev-
As an alternative to using only one turbocharger, eral, differently sized turbocharger units. High efficien-
several turbochargers may be connected in series and cies can thus be delivered for a wider range of operating
parallel arrangements to deliver the required boost speeds. By using the operating regimes of several turbo-
pressure. Using multiple turbocharger units can offer a machinery units, the difficulties of surge at low flow
number of advantages over single-stage turbocharging, rates and choked flow at high speeds typically faced by
but it is also more complex to implement. This review single-stage turbochargers can be alleviated. The use of
investigates various important aspects of boosting using several turbocharger units can also allow greater boost
multiple turbocharger units, with an emphasis on auto- pressures to be reached.11
motive diesel engine applications. The main architec- Nevertheless, using multiple turbocharger units can
tures of parallel and series turbocharging are described, introduce an additional layer of complexity. For
together with their relative advantages and limitations. instance, although matching a multiple-turbocharger
Performance factors such as the achievable boost pres- boosting system to a diesel engine offers more opportu-
sure, the transient response and the range of possible nity for adjustment than a single-stage solution, it is
flow rates are investigated and contrasted for different not a simple task. In addition to the engine breathing
turbocharging architectures. The review then details performance requirements, several essential limit values
modelling and control approaches used thus far for must be considered, including the peak cylinder pres-
series and parallel turbocharging, and the advantages sure, the exhaust gas temperature, the smoke number,
and disadvantages concerning the performance and the the compressor outlet temperature, the speed limits, the
robustness offered by these methods. surge margin, the choke limits, the efficiency from
medium to high engine speed at high loads and the
engine back-pressure limit. Compromises between the
Motivation for parallel and series various performance factors must therefore be made.2
turbocharging An existing working configuration is often used as a
first approach to matching, and mass flow multipliers
One of the critical tasks in designing a turbocharged
can then be used to select the sizes of both stages.
powertrain is that of matching the turbocharger with
Alternatively, an approximate configuration can be
the engine. In essence, this is a case of ensuring that all
generated through analytical modelling before the
engine operating points fall within a desirable region of
iterative procedure to size the turbocharger units.13
operation for the turbomachinery. Although this is a
well-understood task, it imposes some constraints
owing to the limited operating envelope of typical tur- Multiple-turbocharger boosting
bomachinery designs coupled with the need to deliver
an acceptable transient response.
Using only one turbocharger unit can impose restric- The two main forms of multiple-turbocharger boosting
tions on the performance. A larger turbocharger allows systems are parallel and series arrangements of the

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Zhang et al. 1725


contour IC
Pressure ratio

Surge Non-return Bypass
line Constant turbo valve valve
speed line

Increasing C T C T

Main unit Peak unit

Corrected flow rate

Figure 2. Basic parallel turbocharging set-up, incorporating
(a) compressors, turbines and an intercooler.
IC: intercooler; C: compressor; T: turbine.
phases in when the flow through the small turbocharger
begins to become choked.10,14 Depending on the rela-
Corrected flow rate

tive sizes of the matched turbochargers and the design

objectives, which can be different for research and com-

curve mercial applications, different sequencing has been used
for the two turbochargers as discussed in the following
In general, during parallel turbocharging operation,
the different turbocharger units are phased in and out
of operation depending on the engine’s operating state.
This transition between the different phases of opera-
Pressure ratio tion represents one of the most crucial challenges of
parallel turbocharging. Much effort is required in creat-
ing a controller governing in which operative conditions
the transition should be performed in order to avoid
Figure 1. (a) Typical compressor map and (b) typical turbine
unpleasant or even dangerous torque oscillations.10,15
Fluctuations in the torque occur owing to variations in
the intake and exhaust manifolds, the acceleration of
turbocharger units. The relative merits of these two sys- the turbocharger units and the transients in the thermal
tems are discussed in the following sections. conditions.16 The transients in air flow can also inter-
fere with smoke control mechanisms, leading to reduc-
tions in the fuel supply.
Parallel arrangement Various regimes for switching on and off the individ-
In this form of turbocharging, both units are connected ual turbochargers have been devised. Galindo et al.14,16
in parallel to the common manifolds connecting all used two modes of operation where only one turbo-
cylinders. The basic arrangement of this form of turbo- charger is operated at low-speed conditions, while both
charging is shown in Figure 2. During low flow rates, turbocharger units are used at higher-speed conditions.
the smaller unit can be operated solely so that the Zhang et al.15 used a three-phase approach, where the
exhaust energy can be extracted with a high efficiency. first two phases corresponded to operation of the
The larger unit is then phased in as the flow starts to smaller and larger turbochargers only, respectively, and
become choked on the small turbocharger. where the third phase consisted of utilization of both
The use of a smaller turbocharger improves the tran- turbocharger units for boosting. The phase applied
sient response owing to its lower inertia and full usage depended on the position in the torque–speed space;
of the engine’s exhaust flow. Under the same pressure the engine used only one of the turbochargers to boost
ratio, the CO and HC emissions are also reduced as a the engine at low-engine-speed conditions, where the
result of the lower heat losses in the turbocharger.10 On exhaust energy is lower.
the other hand, a wider engine flow range is possible A number of studies have compared the transient
because at higher speeds the second larger turbocharger and steady-state performances of parallel arrangements

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1726 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(12)

with those of single-stage turbocharging. Zhang et al.15 interactively and additional fuel injection control was
compared the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) realized through the engine control unit (ECU).
and the smoke emissions of a parallel turbocharger sys- Moreover, the work highlighted the vulnerability of
tem with those of a conventional single-stage turbo- parallel arrangements to compressor surge during the
charged engine. The parallel turbocharger system phasing in and out of the additional turbocharger.
displayed lower smoke emissions during transient oper- Although it was stated in the paper that surge causes
ation and achieved better fuel efficiency than its con- real damage only when maintained for several seconds,
ventional single-stage turbocharger counterpart. the compressor map showed a disturbingly wide range
Ren et al.17 investigated the operation of a parallel of behaviour in the transition region, possibly requiring
sequential turbocharging system on a medium-speed rematching to alleviate this problem.
24 l diesel engine. Two differently sized turbochargers In a further investigation, Galindo et al.16 explored
were connected in parallel to a six-cylinder marine a number of control strategies aimed at reducing oscil-
engine, with the larger (main) unit being used initially, lations in the torque output following a transition in
and the smaller (peak) unit being phased in as the operating mode. A corrective fuel control strategy
engine speed and the load increased. Despite some achieved significant reductions in the torque oscilla-
degree of air leakage due to the long flexible steel pipe tions but resulted in a low air-to-fuel ratio at full load.
used to connect the peak unit compressor to the inter- A further ‘pre-lift’ strategy involved slightly opening
cooler, the performance in terms of the BSFC showed the valve responsible for controlling the second turbine
some improvement. However, the parallel arrangement during a transition in order to accelerate the corre-
used in the research was not optimally designed. sponding compressor and to pressurize the air down-
Firstly, the inlet of the peak unit turbine was on the far stream of the latter. This strategy effectively reduced
side of the exhaust manifold, separate from the main the fluctuations by a factor of more than two. A third
unit. Since the exhaust manifold was presumably not strategy applied slow actuation to the valves control-
designed for providing exhaust gas to two turbochar- ling the turbochargers but proved less effective than the
gers at either end, it is probable that some kinetic other approaches with respect to reducing oscillations
exhaust energy was lost from one of the units (probably under transient conditions.
the peak unit). The second unfavourable aspect of the Qian et al.18 applied various switching and valve
design was found in the air path of the peak unit com- strategies to a three-phase two-stage parallel turbochar-
pressor. While the non-return valve was very effective ging system. The use of asynchronous valve operation
and necessary for blocking the reverse flow from the when switching from the larger to the smaller turbo-
main unit and reducing the control complexity, it com- charging units and vice versa was compared with sim-
pletely blocked the air path of the peak unit during the ply opening and closing the compressor and turbine
transition between sequences when the peak unit began valves simultaneously. For instance, during switching
to accelerate. Overheat, noise and possibly mechanical from the smaller to the larger turbocharger, the valve
damage from compressor surge are consequently very of the larger turbine was first opened; only when the
likely during the transition. boost pressures of the two compressors were equal were
Control of air flow and, in particular, protection the valves of the larger compressor and the smaller tur-
against compressor surge are important aspects of par- bine then respectively closed and opened, followed by
allel turbocharging. Galindo et al.14 addressed the con- closure of the valve regulating the smaller compressor
trol of air flow through the compressor by introducing (see Figure 1 for an illustration of the surge limits at
a recirculation circuit in which the peak unit valve is different pressure ratios and flow rates). Through this
kept with a slight opening area, even during the single- strategy, the surge observed during synchronous valve
turbocharger operating mode. On the compressor side, operation was avoided. Furthermore, in addition to
the continuously spinning compressor drives air demonstrating reductions in the fuel consumption and
through a recirculation valve back to its inlet. A mini- the smoke emissions in a steady state for the parallel
mal spinning speed of the peak unit is thus maintained, turbocharging as compared with single-stage turbo-
which has benefits for lubrication and could perhaps charging, the use of different switching boundaries for
also help to avoid the surge issue observed during tran- transient operation was explored. For example, in the
sitions reported by Ren et al.17 transition between operation of the smaller turbochar-
Building on the above work, Galindo et al.10 carried ger and operation of both units, the smaller unit was
out further research in order to develop an optimized operated for as long as possible before engaging the
controller and tested the control regime over driving second unit; such strategies reduced the acceleration by
cycles. With smoothness during transition being around 20%.
achieved through extra fuelling, the controller focused A major disadvantage of the parallel arrangement is
heavily on overspeed and surge control with a slightly that, since the differently sized compressors share the
lower emphasis on the fuel efficiency than in the earlier same pressure ratio, the boost level is limited by the
approach. The controller provided a good illustration maximum pressure ratio of the smaller turbocharger.7
of how much effort is needed in order to control a par- Nevertheless, some research has suggested that, in some
allel turbocharging system; four valves were controlled cases, the parallel architecture can cover a higher flow

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Zhang et al. 1727

rate range than the series set-up.19 This is essentially

because, in the series arrangement, the whole air flow
has to pass through all the compressors in turn whereas,
in the parallel set-up, several flow paths are available,
leading to a greater range of feasible flow conditions.20
This has led to a stronger role of parallel turbocharging
being suggested for the gasoline engine which uses
lower boost pressures, since the ability to cope with
large variations in the air flow rate is more crucial in CHP THP valve
this case.21 However, the potential advantage concern-
ing the range of flow rates depends on the properties of
the turbomachinery. In the parallel set-up, both com-
pressors must provide the same pressure ratio. If the
smaller machine reaches a pressure ratio that is too high
to provide useful flow rate range towards the upper
regions of the map (see Figure 1), then a parallel turbo-
charging architecture is unlikely to offer advantages in CLP TLP
terms of the flow rate capacity.

Series arrangement
In series turbocharging, the intake and exhaust air
flows through several turbocharger units in turn. Figure 3. Series turbocharging with a high-pressure bypass. A
Typically, a larger low-pressure turbine utilizes the low-pressure compressor and a low-pressure turbine are
exhaust energy of the gas leaving the smaller high- combined with a high-pressure compressor, a high-pressure
pressure turbine. The air is compressed in two stages, turbine and an intercooler.
achieving high boost pressures and thus a high brake IC: intercooler; CHP: high-pressure compressor; THP: high-pressure
turbine; CLP: low-pressure compressor; TLP: low-pressure turbine.
mean effective pressure (BMEP).2 The basic set-up of
series turbocharging is depicted in Figure 3.
The most distinctive feature of series turbocharging compressor allows a high overall boost rating. The 1:2
is arguably its ability to achieve very high boost pres- size ratio would thus not provide optimal sizing of the
sures while also enabling manageable pressure ratios stages.
across the individual turbomachinery units, thereby As in parallel turbocharging, the phasing in and out
maintaining high efficiencies.22 Because of these advan- of the sequential operation of the different turbocharger
tages, unregulated (i.e. without the high-pressure tur- units is an important aspect of series turbocharging. As
bine bypass valve depicted in Figure 3) two-stage series the air flow rate increases, the capacity of the smaller
turbocharging has been used on a variety of marine turbocharger unit will be approached and the flow will
and commercial diesel engines since the late 1970s.2 consequently become choked. Therefore, in order to
However, this unregulated form of two-stage turbo- avoid excessive back pressures and overspeed of the tur-
charging is not well suited to modern high-speed diesel bocharger shaft, the high-pressure unit is normally
engines. Firstly, the main benefit for the marine appli- bypassed at high flow rates.22,23 Nevertheless, switching
cations is the high boost pressure achievable, whereas between the turbochargers can be problematic; phasing
on modern automotive diesel engines the transient in the second unit may result in a high exhaust pressure
response, the fuel consumption and the emissions pro- resulting from the two-stage expansion.24
duction are also key factors. Secondly, major changes One of the main benefits of series turbocharging is
need to be made on the two-stage turbocharging struc- its ability to improve fuel economy by running in more
ture so that it can be adapted to automotive engines. efficient regions of the operating spaces of the turbo-
For instance, the optimal turbine area (and thus the charger units. This has been confirmed experimentally;
machine size) relationship between the high-pressure for instance, Galindo et al7 compared the brake ther-
and the low-pressure turbochargers was originally mal efficiencies of a series turbocharged engine with
found to be 1:2 so that the compression work was those of a conventional single-stage turbocharger set-
shared equally between stages, achieving a high effi- up. The multiple-stage turbocharged engine demon-
ciency.2 While this is often true for marine and com- strated a better thermal efficiency, particularly at high
mercial diesel engines running under a limited range of boost pressures which were difficult to attain with only
speeds and loads, on a high-speed diesel engine, the a single turbocharger. Choi et al.25 compared two-stage
much wider speed and load ranges render this ratio less series turbocharging with a turbocharging set-up con-
desirable. Frequently, a smaller high-pressure compres- trolled by a variable-geometry turbine (VGT). Using
sor is preferred so that the boost pressure can be built the two-stage series arrangement allowed faster transi-
up quickly at low speeds while the larger low-pressure ent responses at 1000 r/min and 2000 r/min, and also

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1728 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(12)

greater low-speed torques than the VGT. Following effects due to the accumulation volumes.31,32 The main
engine optimization, the BSFC was reduced for the advantage of this type of model is its simplicity, and it
same level of NOx, yielding comparable fuel economy can thus be solved rapidly. This notwithstanding, these
for the two-stage arrangement as for the VGT. models often require a large quantity of data for para-
The use of several turbochargers in series also has meter tuning, and the interpolation and extrapolation
benefits in terms of power and the transient perfor- techniques used to find the response of the engine
mance. Schmitt and Engels26 conducted a study on the between or outside the available data points can be
BorgWarner regulated two-stage (R2S) system, with unreliable.
the test results showing significant improvements in the Mean-value models can represent both steady-state
starting torque and the rated power over a VGT sys- and transient engine behaviour using averaged values
tem, as well as enhancements in the transient response. and maps for the compressors and turbines over many
It has been demonstrated that series turbocharging revolutions; engine characteristics such as the volu-
can help to reduce NOx emissions. In a simulation metric efficiency can be included.33 The timescale is
study, Nitta et al.27 used a one-dimensional (1D) mod- typically of the order of between 3 and 5 rev.34 Because
elling approach to compare the boost pressures and the of their relatively low complexity, short solution time
EGR rates feasible at various levels of excess air ratios and ability to simulate important transient phenomena,
using single-stage, two-stage and three-stage series tur- mean-value models have been extensively applied to
bocharging. It was demonstrated that the multiple- modelling and control of turbocharging. However, the
stage approach allowed higher boost pressures and quality of the model often depends on the quality of
greater proportions of EGR at a given quantity of the maps, which can be poorly discretized and may not
excess air, thus reducing NOx emissions and maintain- cover a sufficiently wide flow area.35
ing soot emissions within acceptable limits. The high Canova et al.36 used a mean-value approach to mod-
EGR at full load is therefore an important route to elling a two-stage turbocharged diesel engine and vali-
meeting EURO5 emission standards.23,26 dated the model with experimental data. Using the
Watel et al.28 focused on using series turbocharging model, the influence of the VGT and the bypass valves
technology in order to reduce NOx emissions. on the response could be investigated, with the results
Simulation points were chosen according to the New highlighting problems relating to the use of the VGT to
European Driving Cycle, and the turbocharger matching regulate the boost pressure while the bypass valve of
was performed solely with emissions reduction in mind. the high-pressure turbine is open.
Consequently, the system behaviour was markedly dif- Zero-order models utilize a chain of control volumes
ferent from those in other work; a larger than normal linked by valves and orifices, applying the ‘filling-and-
high-pressure turbine was chosen to reduce the back emptying’ approach to represent the capacitance of the
pressure, and a low specific power was selected, render- induction and exhaust systems by means of control
ing a relatively slow transient response. Nevertheless, a volumes.32,37 It is a common modelling approach which
faster torque response was achieved by the series turbo- can represent some elements of the transient response.
charging than by the single-stage VGT scheme. Details such as loss mechanisms and heat transfer
Furthermore, a higher torque was maintained at low effects have to be taken into account, while the para-
speed by the series turbocharging scheme compared with meters needed to describe the geometric and material
the single-stage turbocharger with VGT. properties are usually minimal. Therefore, the model
Millo et al.29 combined early valve intake closing can be applied to different turbochargers without a
technology with series turbocharging. A model was great deal of individual adaptation if the lower predic-
developed and validated with experimental data: the tive accuracy can be tolerated.38
results demonstrated significant engine uprating and Yang and Zhu39 employed a mean-value filling-and-
reduced NOx emissions. The BSFC was found to be emptying approach to modelling a dual-stage spark
2% lower with the peak cylinder pressure also being ignition turbocharger set-up and validated the model
well controlled (reaching 160 bar), especially consider- using a more complex 1D code (described in subsequent
ing the very high BMEP (around 25 bar). paragraphs). The model is to be used in a hardware-in-
the-loop structure for control development. Good
agreement between the two modelling approaches was
Modelling approaches
demonstrated for steady-state conditions, although the
Various modelling techniques have been employed as transient behaviour of the model was not validated.
part of the control design and validation approaches for Plianos and Stobart40 used a zero-dimensional
series and parallel turbocharging. In common with many approach to modelling a two-stage series turbocharger
other control engineering applications, there is a trade- for a diesel engine. This modelling basis was subse-
off between the accuracy and fidelity of any given model, quently utilized to derive local linear transfer functions
its computational demands and the ease of calibration.30 in order to develop a series of linear-quadratic-Gaussian
Quasi-linear models use steady-state operating (LQG) controllers for the various operating points of
points to represent the behaviour of the engine and the the engine. Saulnier and Guilain41 used 1D code to
turbocharger, neglecting, for example, the capacitance investigate the transient and steady-state performances

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Zhang et al. 1729

of combinations of various compressor and turbine units As an alternative to the approaches discussed above,
in a two-stage series turbocharging set-up. analytical models can offer detailed insights into the
On the other hand, first-order models utilize a 1D underlying physical processes. Galindo et al.7 devel-
approximation of the Navier–Stokes equations and are oped an analytical model of a two-stage turbocharging
derived by transforming the partial differential equa- system in order to investigate the coupling effects
tions into ordinary differential equations using a mesh; between the engine and the turbochargers and thereby
finite difference methods are then used to solve the to evaluate the influence of various parameters on the
equations.37,42 One of the main advantages of 1D mod- performance of the overall system. The model also
els over their zero-order counterparts is that the 1D demonstrated the ability of the two-stage turbochar-
structures can incorporate wave effects, which consist ging architecture to yield a better efficiency than single-
of pressure disturbances (e.g. due to a rapid opening of stage boosting.
the throttle plate) that travel along the induction pipes The individual components of the turbocharged
at the speed of sound and interact with other such engine have been modelled in standard ways through-
waves.37 Although they are more computationally out much of turbocharging research and development.
intensive, 1D models have been used in various control- The behaviours of the compressors and turbines are
centred applications including simulation,27 validation normally approached using assigned efficiencies via
of control strategies,10,29 turbocharger design,14 optimi- maps, usually obtained experimentally. The dynamics
zation43 and engine calibration.44 of the turbocharger unit itself are modelled using
1D models have also been used to investigate surge Newton’s second law based on the torque balance of
in turbocharger compressors. In a study by Galindo the turbocharger, with individual torques arising from
et al.,45 a 1D wave action model was simulated to pre- the turbine, the compressor and friction. This is com-
dict surge development under pulsating flow. The model bined with the moment of inertia to determine the
corroborated experimental results highlighting that acceleration of the turbocharger shaft. The mass flow
surge margins can be increased through pressure pulsa- rate of air into the engine is often based on the volu-
tions (which are normally induced by the sequential metric efficiency, which is, in turn, determined from an
operations of the engine cylinders) close in frequency to empirical function with arguments of engine speed and
the surge frequency; this would then increase the range intake manifold pressure. Intercoolers are normally
of possible operating conditions for turbocharging. A modelled as basic heat exchangers, assuming negligible
1D model developed by Winkler and Ångström8 was pressure drops,50 or using an empirical model for the
used to simulate the transient performance of a two- latter. Furthermore, the effectiveness is determined
stage turbocharging system. It was necessary to adjust from empirical relationships depending on the type of
the turbine maps in order to achieve a match between heat exchanger (e.g. cross-flow or single pass).51 To
the simulated data and the measured results, partially model flow through the orifices and the valves (e.g. the
because of the uncertainty regarding the behaviour at EGR valve or inlet throttle) a common approach is to
low speeds. Although good agreement was achieved assume an isenthalpic or isentropic process.50
between the measured results and the simulated data
for the pressure, the simulated gas temperatures showed
different behaviours from the measured cases because Control strategies
mass-averaged temperatures were used in the model.
Almeida et al.44 used 1D modelling for a dual-stage tur- Control design and implementation are challenging and
bocharger, achieving close agreement between modelled yet crucial aspects of using two or more turbochargers
and measured results for the BMEP, the fuel consump- for boosting: control underpins the efficient and stable
tion and the turbocharger speed. operation of the turbocharged engines. In general, tur-
Three-dimensional (3D) models include computa- bocharger controllers seek to operate in regions of high
tional-fluid-dynamics-based simulation and can incor- efficiency while also avoiding overspeed and choked
porate more complex flow effects such as turbulence. flow regions of the turbomachinery.52 The majority of
3D models have been used to study in-cylinder pro- turbocharger control research has, thus far, been con-
cesses including fuel injection, spray and mixing,46 ducted on single-stage turbochargers; consequently, the
unsteady flow in turbocharger compressors47 and fric- majority of the literature discussed in this section is
tional losses in turbocharger bearings.48 Moreover, a focused on that application. However, the results and
3D computational fluid dynamics code representing in- outcomes of this research are highly relevant to series
cylinder processes and flow through the turbomachin- and parallel turbocharging as they represent effective
ery has also been integrated into an engine model, approaches to dealing with the inherent challenges of
mostly based on 1D modelling.49 Although this type of turbocharging, discussed in the sections below.
model can provide insights into the underlying physical The variables to be controlled in turbocharging are
processes and can also incorporate a wider range of typically the boost pressure,53–55 the back pressure, the
physical effects, its application in control design and inter-turbine pressure53 and the EGR rate.54
implementation can be limited owing to the far greater Alternatively, some controllers have regulated the
complexity and much longer solution time. air-to-fuel ratio, the power ratio between the turbines

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1730 Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 227(12)

and the burned gas fraction.40,56 The available control regulate the air-to-fuel ratio and the power ratio
inputs (the variables manipulated by the controller to between the two turbines in a two-stage boosting sys-
drive the output variables to the desired values) are tem, and also to drive the EGR rate to the points deter-
normally the effective areas of the waste-gates, the mined via maps for maximum fuel economy under the
bypass valves, the EGR valve and the VGT openings. emissions constraints. A system identification approach
Some of the variables to be regulated are not directly was used to generate linear models in different regions
measurable and, therefore, alternatives such as the of the torque–speed space, enabling an LQG controller
pressure in the intake manifold and the mass flow to be synthesized. The system showed a satisfactory
through the compressor have often been used instead transient response, although the control regime had a
to reflect variables such as the air-to-fuel ratio and the tendency to give rise to saturated control inputs.
exhaust gas fraction.57 Observers such as Kalman fil- Jung and Glover62 used a linear parameter-varying
ters based on the model structures outlined in the previ- (LPV) modelling approach to apply a gain-scheduled
ous section are also common features of turbocharger HN loop-shaping methodology for control design. This
controllers. approach is frequently used to ensure robustness
The control difficulty of multiple-stage turbochar- against a wide range of modelling uncertainties. In
ging boosting arises from several sources; the underly- order to make the optimization problem feasible, the
ing dynamics are complex and non-linear and, parameter space was discretized as a grid, allowing
furthermore, there are interactions between the differ- optimal control parameters to be calculated offline.
ent subsystems.40,52 Conventionally, ECUs use individ- The manifold pressure and the air mass flow rate were
ual single-input single-output (SISO) loops in order to effectively tracked by the controller across the range of
control different variables such as the intake manifold operating conditions covered by the New European
pressure and the flow rate of fresh air.58 Conversely, Driving Cycle. The effect on the emissions of the novel
multiple-input multiple-output control allows internal controller was not investigated, however. Däubler
dynamic coupling between the controlled variables to et al63 also used an LPV approach, deriving linear mod-
be included.58,59 Using two or more turbochargers in a els representing the system’s behaviour at different oper-
parallel or series arrangement introduces an additional ating points via a gradient method. The model structure
layer of complexity for regulation in that transitions enabled the PI parameters to be adapted online.
between the different compressors and turbines must Feedback linearization is a further method used to
also be controlled. In addition to coping with the address the inherent non-linearity of the plant. In this
highly non-linear nature of the underlying dynamics, approach, a linearized version of the highly non-linear
the controller must be sufficiently robust in order to dynamics is produced via feedback and variable trans-
deal with uncertainties arising from errors in the turbo- formation.64 In the turbocharging application, feedback
machinery maps, fluctuations in ambient conditions linearization has often been applied to a simplified
and cyclic variations in the engine.37,60 model of the dynamics, formulated, for example, using
The inherent non-linearity has been approached the singular perturbation method.24,65 Rajamani56 used
using a variety of techniques. These have included the a feedback linearization approach to control the level
conventional use of linear models representing the sys- of burned gas and the air-to-fuel ratio of a turbo-
tem’s local behaviour at different operating points, charged waste-gated engine. Because of the large num-
feedback linearization and other non-linear control ber of terms yielded through differentiation of the
methods such as sliding-mode control. outputs, a hierarchal structure consisting of an upper
Stefanopoulou et al.57 used a non-linear engine controller and a lower controller was used. An estima-
model to calculate the appropriate set points for the tor was used to determine the states of the model based
measured outputs of the compressor flow rate and the on the pressure and the flow rate. Moulin and
intake manifold pressure, based on the desired values of Chauvin65 applied feedback linearization to a simplified
the air-to-fuel ratio and the burned mass fraction. A set engine model developed in earlier work.66 Anti-wind-up
of linear controllers was used to control the EGR valve was incorporated to address potential saturation of the
and the VGT positions. Although good tracking of the actuators. The system was tested at various speed and
reference outputs was achieved, the actuators showed load conditions and performed satisfactorily over the
redundancy – they could not manipulate the output operating range of the system using only one set of con-
variables independently. Malkhede et al.61 used a trol parameters. Jancovic and Kolmanovsky60 used a
Taylor series approach to develop linear models from a constructive Lyapanov function derived via feedback
more complex non-linear engine model in order to linearization to control the air-to-fuel ratio and the
cover the operating range of the engine. A reduced- exhaust gas fraction. By using a domination redesign,67
order version of the set of differential equations was the control design did not rely on exact cancellations in
then used to synthesize a proportional–integral (PI) the system’s dynamics which may not be feasible or
controller for engine speed control using pole place- desirable in practice. Furthermore, the control
ment. The transient performance was enhanced through approach ensures robustness against unmodelled
anti-wind-up implementation which handles situations dynamics and parametric uncertainties. The system
of actuator saturation. Plianos and Stobart40 aimed to behaved satisfactorily in simulation and engine testing,

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Zhang et al. 1731

although large undershoots and overshoots were achieved using the MPC, although this was achieved at
observed in the latter. the cost of greater NOx output.
In addition to feedback linearization and linearized
local models, various other approaches have been uti-
lized in order to cope with the underlying non-linearity Conclusions
in the dynamics. For instance, Kotman et al.54 derived The use of two or more turbochargers in series and par-
a simplified plant model to design a feedforward con- allel arrangements has a number of advantages over
troller based on the flatness property68 (analogous to single-stage turbocharging, including an increased
the controllability property of linear systems) of the range of feasible flow rates, an enhanced boost pressure
dynamics. and an augmented efficiency of operation. The
Furthermore, various established methods are avail- increased boost can also allow operation of EGR at
able for ensuring robustness against uncertainties in the higher loads. These properties make series and parallel
model of the dynamics. For example, sliding-mode con- turbocharging important routes to meeting future emis-
trol has been applied to turbocharged engines in vari- sions and fuel economy limits via engine downsizing.
ous forms. Sliding-mode control involves the definition Higher boost pressures can be reached by using a
of a sliding surface along which the system is forced to series turbocharging set-up than by its parallel counter-
move along69 and can provide robustness against part. A series architecture would thus be most appropri-
unmodelled dynamics and parametric uncertainties.70 ate for systems requiring more extreme levels of boost.
Sliding-mode control was used by Ouenou-Gamo et Nevertheless, the potentially wider range of flow rates
al.71 in order to drive the compressor power to refer- offered by the parallel turbocharging set-up could make
ence values with acceptable ‘chatter’, i.e. oscillations in this form more appropriate for turbocharging the gaso-
the control signal which are a common disadvantage of line engine which is usually mildly boosted.
some realizations of sliding-mode control.69 Moreover, Control of turbocharging in commercial vehicles has
Utkin et al.72 used sliding-mode control to drive the thus far relied on the application of individual SISO
air-to-fuel ratio and the EGR fraction to reference lev- control loops derived via linearization and system iden-
els. A reduced-order model with an isothermal assump- tification, addressing the regulation of different engine
tion concerning the intake and exhaust manifolds was variables separately and neglecting important coupling
used to synthesize the controller. Wang73 applied a between the different variables. However, more com-
sliding-mode scheme in order to control a turbocharged plex, multi-variable, non-linear and robust control
engine in two different combustion models, employing approaches take the important underlying non-linearity
a finite-state machine-based supervisory controller to and coupling into account, have consequently demon-
govern switching between modes. To avoid chattering, strated significant improvements in the performance
a continuous approximation of the control law was and the robustness for single-stage turbocharging and,
applied around the surface, while using integral action with some modification, represent effective approaches
helped to reduce oscillations about the sliding surface. for series and parallel turbocharging applications.
The non-linear approach demonstrated a much better
performance in the transient response than did a con- Declaration of conflict of interest
ventional control approach based on steady-state The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
engine calibration.
The various model structures described in the pre-
ceding section can also be used for control schemes
based on optimization. Model predictive control This research received no specific grant from any fund-
(MPC) calculates control inputs such that a cost func- ing agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
tion in those inputs and a forecast of the system’s beha- sectors.
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