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Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines, Inc.

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


NAME:Sunga,Charles Joseph DR

SECTION: HRCTO 11-3 St.Michael

Choose one topic below and discuss the topic using the chart.

1. Lack of Education
2. Unemployment
3. Government Corruption
4. Violence
5. Child Labor

TOPIC: Government Corruption

Identify and define the Terms: Definitions:
key terms in your topic. Corruption Injustice, misuse or
disorder in morality [bad
habits/character], monetary
mental [negative attitude],
physical [unwanted
provocations] etc.
Identify the problems in Problems: Solutions:
your topic and propose 1. Corruption in Health Care 1. Buy medicines that
solutions to them. can just be estimate by
the needs of people in
your community.

2. Financial Loss 2. They should store their

financial properly.

3. The community should
3. Weak property rights
fight for their rights to
speak because even they
are not officials they have
the rights to complain.

4. Low levels of education 4. The people paying

should always know what
the exact money so that
the government can’t fool
them by corrupting.

5. No funds in case of 5. We should not always

calamities depend on the
governments instead we
should also depend
sometimes in our own.
Introduction Solutions and opening statement: Corruption is an
important social and ethical problem. It is a type of
economic crime that exist in nearly all societies to a
greater or lesser extent. It is not easy to define
corruption.But in a contract sense,corruption is
generally concerned with bribery and it takes a few
forms.Corruption may be a worldwide phenomenon
and it’s all inclusive.Corruption has continuously
expanded and is presently uncontrolled in our

Background of your topic: In the current situation, if a

person wants a public sector job, he has to pay the

higher officials substantial amounts of money
regardless of meeting all qualifying criteria. The most
significant reason for concern is that Corruption
dehumanizes the governing body and degrades the
fundamental value of the law that regulates society.
Today politics are only aimed at criminals and
outlaws, who end up being in politics. Respect for
those who deserve it, not for those who demand it. It
means that the government corrupt doesn’t deserve
to be respect because they are corrupting the
people’s money and the one should be respect is the
person that even though they are some poor knows
to get money in the right way.
Thesis statement: Political corruption is the use of
forces by the government officials or their system
contacts for illegal personal advantage. The unlawful
act by the office holder represents political corruption
only when the act is directly associated with their
official responsibilities, is made under color of force
or involves treading in influence. Misuse of
government power for other purposes,such as
repression of political opponents and general police
brutality,it’s considered political corruption.
Body Development of your thesis:
Main point #1:Effects on Humanitarian Aid
Supporting details:

Main point #2:

Supporting details:

Main point #3:

Supporting details:

Conclusion Restatement of your thesis:

To sum it up, In some cases, government officials
have broad or ill-defined powers, which make it
difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal
actions. Some forms of corruption now called
"institutional corruption" are distinguished from
bribery and other kinds of obvious personal gain.
Even when they are legal, and do not constitute a
quid pro quo, they have a tendency to bias the
process in favor of special interests and undermine
public confidence in the political institution.They
corrupt the institution without individual members
being corrupt themselves.A similar problem of
corruption arises in any institution that depends on
financial support from people who have interests that
may conflict with the primary purpose of the
institution.Corruption is a great evil of society. This
evil should be quickly eliminated from society.
Corruption is the poison that has penetrated the
minds of many individuals these days. Hopefully, with
consistent political and social efforts, we can get rid
of Corruption.“Without strong watchdog institutions,
impunity becomes the very foundation upon which
systems of corruption are built. And if impunity is not
demolished, all efforts to bring an end to corruption
are in vain. “
Choose one among the following to close your

1. Call of action
2. Recommendations
3. Implications

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