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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Blog Who Am I?

For this evidence, you will have to write your biography, you have to include the following information: name, age, place and date of birth, occupation, academic
or professional background. In order to do so you can make a timeline, it will help you to organize information and based on it you can write your biography. For
more references check the training material.
ESCRIBA SU BIOGRAFÍA Hello, my name is Simon Mesa Zapata i was born the 26 of November 2008 in ‘’Prado Clinic’’ Currently im a student and I don’t have
more other work. My fathers tell me that I was a very silent baby. I entered Kindergarten in 2011when I was 3 years old those years are unforgettable for me
they were full of friendship and happiness. I entered preschool in 2013 when I was 5 years old I knew most of my friends in that school and even in
quarantine I miss them a lot because I changed schools. My life has been the same the last 3 years with some adventures like the one when my flip flops were
taken by a river. When the quarantine started I already knew that my life would change a lot.

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