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Activity 5: My Analysis!

Give a concise and brief explanation / discussion on the following items.

1. What is the primary reason of the author in writing the document? How was it produced?

Answer: The primary reason why Antonio Pigafetta wrote this document is to describe every detail of
their experience traveling around the world and decide to do the geographical map which is the most
important legacy to him. We all know that Antonio also studied cartography (the study and practice of
making maps). His document is very useful because we discover that the Earth is round. Antonio, leaving
Seville, he went to Valladolid, where he presented to Sacred Majesty Don Carlos, the gold and silvers but
things much more precious in the eyes of so great a Sovereign. He presented to him among other things,
a book written by his hand of all the things that had occurred day by day in their voyage. He departed
and went to Portugal, and related to King John the things which he had seen. Returning through Spain, he
came to France, where he presented a few things from the other hemisphere to Madam the Regent,
mother of the most Christian King Don Francis. Afterward, he turned towards Italy, where he
established for his ever abode and devoted his leisure and vigils to the very illustrious and noble lord,
Philip De Villiers L'isle Adam, the very worthy grandmaster of Rhodes.

2. What specific information of importance is provided in the text? Explain the importance to the
understanding of Philippine history?

Answer: The specific information of importance which is provided in the text is the Pigafetta described
how our natives lived by the account of his book which will help us understand how the Filipinos of the
past lived and how they coped when Magellan and his men came to the Philippines, we discover what
religion Filipinos used to have and they became Christians, and we also find out how the first Filipinos
fought and delayed the Spanish occupation by years. We realized that there are small things that we
already know but need to correct it for the representation is the death of Magellan we all know that
Magellan is killed by Lapu-Lapu but the truth is Magellan killed by Lapu-Lapu's. And the most
questionable is how our natives and the Spaniards understand each other it is because they have an
interpreter who’s name is Enrique.

3. What is your personal evaluation on the impact of the document in the understanding of the 16 th
century people and their culture in, the islands?

Answer: My personal evaluation about this document is that Antonio Pigafetta and his crew use our
natives to gain power, to dig some gold, and spread the Christian religion which makes Raja Humabon join
their forces. They use our innocence, they use our kindness, and they trick that we or Raja Humabon if
he joined, make an alliance, or make friends with the King of Spain and even the Spaniards. For me, Raja
Humabon was the one who blames why Spaniards occupied us.
4. Write an outline of the interesting points in the documents.

(Title) Document Analysis: First Voyage Around the World by Antonio Pigafetta.

April 7,1521

Magellan and his crew entered the port of Zubu (known as Cebu now) Initially, Magellan and his men
encountered some struggle when first entering the port of Zubu. The “king” of Zubu which is Raja
Humabon wanted Magellan and his men to pay tribute to them but, Magellan refused and told told the
Translator that they are working for the King of Spain and threatens him with war.

April 14,1521

A mass was held with Raia Humabon and his people attending the ceremony, 800 souls were baptized.
Pigafetta showed the queen an image of our Lady, a very beautiful wooden child Jesus, and a cross. She
asked for the little child Jesus to keep in place of her idols and this image of child Jesus is now known
as the Sto. Niño found in Cebu.

April 27,1521

According to Zula, the chief of Matan, (Mactan in present time) Cilapulapu (Lapu-Lapu) refused
to obey the king of Spain. Cilapulapu did not want to pay Magellan and his men the goat that
they were promised Magellan was not pleased since they went to Matan to garner food for their
expedition Zula requested the captain to send him only one boatload of men to fight against the
other chief. The captain-general decided to go thither with three boatloads. “The captain did
not wish to fight then, but sent a message to the natives to the effect that if they would obey
the king of Spain, recognize the Christian king as their sovereign, and pay us our tribute, would
be their friend; but that if they wished otherwise, they should wait to see how our lances
wounded.” They shot the captain through the right leg with a poisoned arrow, knocked his
helmet off his head twice. An Indian hurled a bamboo spear in the captain’s face, but the latter
immediately killed him with his lance, which he left in the Indian’s body. 8 of Magellan’s men
were killed, 4 Indians were killed by mortars on Cilapulapu’s men, only 15 were killed.

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