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The business proposal is composed of different sections. The sections are the

following: Business description (provides a description of a business), Industry Analysis

(describe the industry where the company will operate), Management Plan (describe

how will the company managed the business), Marketing Plan (provides the ways on

how will the company market its product), Operation Plan (provides the list of resources

the company needed to operate the business) and Financial Plan (includes the

financing activities of the company). Documentation and acknowledgement is also


Brief history of the business

The Da Bread Boulevard started as small food cart business. The founders did

not imagine that the business will be established because the concept of the business

was only made as a final requirement for school. But it was really a blessing in disguise

because the concept of the business became successful during the simulation; after two

years the founders take the risks of making it an official business. Introducing a new

product in the market was hard especially for amateur entrepreneur but the Da Bread

Boulevard did not give up until it gets the attention of the customers. In the present, Da

Bread Boulevard is known for making quality bread sushi rolls which can be savory and

sweet and the sunshine and sunset tea drinks that is perfect for the summer heat.


“Taste Dabread and See the Best”

Vision Statement

To be a successful company that delivers high quality products that are pleasing to the

eyes, gives joy to the tongue and send warmth to every customer.

Mission Statement

To give people the taste of satisfaction in every bite by making sure that the products

was made with the best quality, delicious, nutritious and highly affordable. It is also our

mission to serve the customers, employees, suppliers and investors with heart and

utmost respect to establish a good relationship. It will also be our duty to protect the

environment using materials that will not be harmful to the environment.


To be globally competitive in the business industry.


1. To develop training programs for the employees and staffs that is essential in

providing better customer service.

2. To conduct surveys to know what should be improved.

3. To provide firm customer service by satisfying the customers with good quality




 Bread Sushi Rolls

It is made of slice of bread, filled with different kind indulging flavors then rolled in


Savory Flavors:

o Tuna and Egg

It is made of slice of bread, filled with lettuce and tuna and egg spread then rolled in


o Beef and Mushroom Pizza Flavor

It’s a pizza but in a sandwich style. The pizza sauce spread in the bread topped with

beef, mushroom and bell pepper.

o Hawaiian Style Pizza Flavor

It’s a pizza but in a sandwich style. The pizza sauce spread in the bread topped with

fresh pineapples, ham, cheese and bell pepper.

Sweet Flavors:

o Chocolate Banana

Filled with rich chocolate filling and sweet banana nothing can go wrong with this


o Strawberry Cream cheese

Strawberry jam are mixed into the cream cheese makes a new interesting flavor

 Lollicakes

Crumble cake mix with frosting and formed into bit size balls. Sticked in a lolli stick and

coated with white or milk chocolate.

 Sunshine juice

Feel the breeze of the morning and be refreshed with the zesty flavor of the juice drink

combined with the grenadine syrup and served with ice.

Flavor: Orange

 Sunset tea

Brighten up with the refreshing taste of the butterfly pea tea infused with different unique

flavors that give enchanting color and magical transformation when mixed together.

Flavors: Lemon and Orange

Tuna and Egg Choco Banana

Peanut Butter and Jelly Hawaiian Style Pizza Lollicakes

Sunset Tea (Orange) Sunset Tea (Lemon) Sunshine Juice


Some of our bread rolls have vegetables or fruits that contain essential vitamins

and mineral to ensure that our products are not just tasty but also healthy. The drinks

we have are made with pure or real fruits juice and the tea is made of clitoria ternatea

plant which is full of antioxidants with the health benefits to memory, circulation and

eyesight and roselle flower which has the ability to treat high blood pressure, high

cholesterol, disturbed digestive and immune system, and inflammatory problems as

well. It helps cure liver diseases and reduces the risk of cancer. It can also speed up the

metabolism and help in healthy, gradual weight loss. It is rich in vitamin C, minerals, and

antioxidants and helps in the treatment of hypertension and anxiety.


Our products are not just a typical bread sandwich that we already see and

know. The concept we made is a combination of the common sandwich and the

Japanese famous food which is sushi. Our drinks are also not a common fusion, it is

mixed drinks that can tingles your tongue with the zesty flavor and it is picture perfect

that you can share in any social media



Strength Weakness

 Affordable prices  Lack of equipment

 Good quality products  Limited production
 Outstanding communication and  Untrained Staff
network systems  Poor brand image

 Good conduct/manners of staffs  Lack of Strong marketing efforts
 Offers variety of flavors and
excellent presentation of the

Opportunity Threats

 Good location  Other competitors in food industry

 Purchasing power of customers  Price of resources
 New customers  New trends in the Business
 Introduce new products  Customers who looks for healthier
 Good way to increase market share lifestyle
 Lower Price alternatives


Direct Competitors

1. ABM Patisserie sells cupcakes and other pastry products. We have the same

target market making them our direct competitors.

2. Megabites sell empanadas, which is also a pastry. Some of the flavors of their

products are the same with us.

Indirect Competitors

1. Cuptain Creamery sells ice cream making them our indirect competitors. We do

not sell the same product but it affects us indirectly because we have the same

target market.

2. School Canteen has a lot variety of foods. A lot of go to the canteen making them

our indirect competitor.

Advantages of the Business

1. We offer pleasing and colorful presentation of products with different varieties.

2. We have the determination and skill to execute excellent performances.

3. Our products are new to the market.

Disadvantages of the Business

1. No staple location.

2. Financial strain as assets becomes tied to business startup and success.

3. Not having brand recognition

Market Segmentation

Base on the demographics and behavioral market segmentation, our market is

divided into four segments. These four segments are chosen base on the age, gender,

variety and budget-conscious people. Our first market segment is the high-school

students. Our second market segment is the college students. Third are the grade-

schoolers and lastly, the employees and parents.

Target Market

Our primary target is from the age group of 13 to 17 years old, because they are

the closest to the vicinity of the store and they are the most likely to enjoy and

appreciate our products. Our second target is between the ages of 18 and 22 years old.

Our third target is from the age group of 10 to 12 years old. And the fourth target is

between the ages of 23 and 40 years old.

Target Market

13 to 17 years old
18 to 22 years old
10 to 12 years old
23 to 40 years old


Our target market was based on the demographics which is the age and gender.

Our target market is around 150 students or people. Majority of this is from the age

group of 13 to 17 years old which consist of 90 students. From the age group of 18 to

22 years old we assumed that there 25 students who will buy our products, the same

with the age group of 10 to 12 years old. The age group of 23 to 40 years old we

assumed that there are 10 people who will buy our products.


Form of Business

The business is in a form of partnership. It is a type of business organization in

which individuals’ pool money, skills, and other resources, and share profit and loss in

accordance with terms of the partnership agreement .


The business is owned by group of friends. Kathleen Alagde, Louise Corono,

Ivan Ecap, Jemimah Eco, Kristel Guinto, Sharmaine Leop, Demi Morrok, Elizabeth

Pascual, Kristin Santos and Shaira Valenzuela were the people behind the

business. The owners agreed to divide the profit and losses according to their

investment. The capital contribution and profit sharing are listed below:


Kathleen Alagde ₱ 400.00 10% of the Total Percentage
Louise Corono ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Ivan Ecap ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Jemimah Eco ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Kristel Marrie Guinto ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Sharmaine Leop ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Demi Morrok ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Elizabeth Pascual ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Kristin Santos ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Shaira Valenzuela ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Jessiree Tesea ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Ivan Ecap ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage
Christine Joyce Maniebo ₱ 400.00 10% of the total percentage

Organizational Chart

Elizabeth M. Pascual
Chief Executive Officer

Shaira Jean C. Valenzuela Jemimah Azil D. Eco Alexandra Demi T.
Operations Manager Marketing Manager Morrok
Finance Department Head

Sharmaine Yzabelle E. Leop Louise Ann M. Corono Ivan Ulysses P. Ecap

Customer Support Specialist Market Research Analyst Certified Public Accountant

Job Description
Kristel P. Guinto Kathleen Gia S.Alagde Kristin Hans V. Santos
Marketing Intelligence Staff Graphic Design Specialist Marketing Staff

Chief Executive Officer

Possess the most authority in an organization and business.

Operations Manager

Overseeing the production of goods and provision of services.

Marketing Manager

Responsible in marketing development and strategies of the company.

Finance Department Head

Does the decision-making in financial matters, investing and securities.

Customer Support Specialist

Answers customer’s questions, complaints and suggestions. Answers during the

circumstances in operations.

Market Research Analyst

Performs research and gather data to help company market its product. Gives

idea to the marketing officers.

Certified Public Accountant

Practitioner of accountancy in the business. Audits and analyzes the financial


Marketing Intelligence Staff

Monitors sales activities and observes the marketing implementation. Preparing

the reports of the business.

Graphic Design Specialist

Creates appealing images through digital and print media to advertise and for

marketing purposes.

Marketing Staff

Promoting and driving the sales of company’s products and services.


Overall Marketing Strategy

DaBread Boulevard uses variety of marketing strategy. First is the visual market

where there are flyers, brochures, commercial, poster, and blog site to be created to

make the customers aware of our products. Flyers and brochures are informational and

attractive at the same time that contains the name of the company, products and its

price and pictures. It also contains the vision and mission, about the company and any

other information that are helpful to make the product be known. Poster serves as the

signage. Once the customers see it, they will be attracted to come and buy. Creating a

blog site is also an effective marketing strategy as people nowadays give more time in

browsing the internet. Commercial is also use as a marketing strategy where the

products are shown in a persuasive approach. Another strategy is having a marketing

staff. Marketing staff will do the sales talk, inviting the customers and assisting them on

what they need.

Marketing Mix


DaBread Boulevard serves colorful and pleasing to the eye products that can

easily attract the customers and get their curiosity. The product delivers variety of colors

and taste to every flavor it serves. The products are the bread rolls, Lollicakes and the

sunshine and sunset tea drinks.


We aim to have budget-friendly prices so the customers can buy our products but

we still make sure that we are still giving them the best quality. Prices of each product

are listed below.

Tuna and Egg ₱ 15.00

Beef and Mushroom Pizza ₱ 18.00
Hawaiian Style Pizza ₱ 18.00
Chocolate Banana ₱ 15.00
Strawberry Cream cheese ₱ 18.00
Sunshine juice ₱ 25.00
Sunset tea ₱ 25.00

Hibiscus Tea ₱ 25.00
Lollicakes ₱ 10.00


Location of the business may vary in such cases of events or business fairs since

it is a food cart business but it intends to have a permanent location. The booth is

design with a boulevard theme where there is a stop light and a signage that says the

“Dabread Boulevard” and in the front of the booth also has pedestrian lane. Through

this kind of scenery we are giving the customers the feeling of being in the boulevard.

(DaBread Blvd. booth in MCU-C Gym)


The business used different kinds of promotion to attract customers such are

distributing flyers and brochures where the prices and description of the menu are

listed. We are also active online; we have our own website which is

dabreadboulevard.jimdo.com and Facebook page, DaBread Boulevard. Also, we

provided a commercial where in customers can see the audio-visual presentation of the



We made it possible that in our commercial, the colors and presentation is

engaging in the eyes of the customers so they will be persuaded to buy our products.

We also tell other people about our business to let them know what will be our business


Distribution Channels

Raw materials or ingredients are bought directly by the owners and handmade

products are produced by the staffs then are directly served to the customers.



Media Usage

We intend to show our commercial using the internet, so other people in different

places may know that our products exist. Radio consumption is also a way of

advertising our product but since radios are not often used today, we prioritize on

advertising it in the internet.

Public Relations

By showing good manners our relationship with the customers, suppliers,

creditors and staffs will keep them on engaging in our business. The skills and right

manners of the staffs are highly considered. Staffs offer warmth and patience with a

smile in serving to avoid having bad relationship and impression to the customers.

Web/Social Media Presence

We are definitely active in social media were we post our updates on our product

whether we may have promos or new flavors to offer. We can be also reached through

email where feedbacks are highly accepted. In our own website we make sure to put

feedback box where the customers can fill up. We also make sure that our social media

accounts are gaining shares and likes every day. The business also in lined with getting

critique reviews to also promote the business.

Sales Management

Sales Planning

Stall will be decorated attractively, boulevard-look. This is very pleasing to the

eyes that will persuade the customers. As they come, brochures and flyers will be given

as additional information to the displayed item with their prices. The commercial will be

played for them to watch. There will be marketing staff and customer assistants. The

cashier is separated from the claiming order area so that it is organized. To increase the

sales having promos in the future will be put into discussion but as of now promos or

discounts is still not available.

Sales Approach

The stall will be placed in Manila Central University where there are students who

are our main target market. The stall will be decorated boulevard style which is catchy

to the eyes. They will be assisted by customer assistants and marketing staff. They will

go to the cashier and they will be given receipts. In a short while, they will be called in

receiving area to claim their orders. In addition to this, the greeting and service

approach technique will be used. Using the feeling approach, customers will be feeling

warm and welcome once they come to our stall. After the greeting, the service approach

will be used in assisting the customers.

Sales Force

The staffs will be wearing the prescribe uniform to keep the organized and clean.

There will be an organize work assignments in each staff to be make sure that everyone

is working. The sales force uniform will be a white t-shirt, black apron, and maong

pants. They will also have their own nameplate and are required to wear hair net

Marketing plan budget

Listed below are the list of the resources and the allotted amount needed to market the


For Commercial:
Props and other stuffs needed ₱ 600.00

Tarpaulin ₱ 100.00

For the Booth:

3D Letters ₱ 100.00

Paint ₱ 52.50

Illustration Board ₱ 43.50

Cartolina ₱ 144.00

Packaging ₱ 100.00

Name Plate ₱ 100.00

TOTAL: ₱ 1,240.00

For the commercial someone sponsored it so the budget allotted to the commercial is

not used. Also, other advertising tools such as the flyers and brochures are also

sponsored. As for the uniform of the staff, they are required to buy their own.


Human Resource Needs

In the actual operation of the business, some specific job should be filled. The

business needs the following:


 Order Getter and Cashier

- Personnel that will handle the orders of the customer and in charge of payment

and change of the customers.

- He/ she should know how to read/ write, have knowledge in mathematics and

has a pleasing personality.

 Production team (drinks)

- Personnel that will make the drinks that the customer ordered.

- He/she should know the correct ingredients needed for the specified drinks.

- Fast learner and Flexible

 Production team (food)

- Personnel that will make bread rolls that the customers ordered.

- He//she should be flexible and fast learner

 Marketers/ Promoters

- Personnel that is in charge of attracting customers

- He/ she should have strong charisma good tone of voice and easy to approach.

Physical Facilities Requirements

I. Materials for the booth and area

 Smooth, durable, and easily cleanable in areas where food establishment

operations are conducted.

 Closely woven and easily cleanable linens for tables cover. It avoids direct spill of

food in the table, but use lines which are easily removable for cleaning and


 Exterior surfaces of the booth for food establishments shall be of weather-

resistant materials, and shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local

statutes, regulations, and ordinances.

 Waste water shall not be allowed to cause health HAZARDS or otherwise impair

the environment.

 Layout should blend with natural conditions of the site.

 Layout should provide a clear view of merchandise, materials and employees to

the owner and the customers.

II. Ventilation

 Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems shall be designed and installed

to ensure that make-up air intake, and exhaust vents, do not cause



 Areas should be adequately ventilated, and ventilation facilities shall be

maintained and operated to ensure that all the area space are kept reasonably

free from excessive heat, steam, condensation, vapors, smoke, or fumes.

Effective air recovery systems may be used in the ventilation of these rooms and


 Ventilation systems shall comply with local fire prevention requirements and,

when vented to the outside, shall discharge air in a manner not to impair the


III. Wash room/ rest room

 All new and extensively remodeled FOOD ESTABLISHMENT employee

restrooms shall not enter directly into a FOOD area, except when vestibules with

two intervening self-closing doors or a negative air balance that prevents air from

moving from the restroom into the FOOD handling area is present.

IV. Premise

 The PREMISES shall be kept free from:

(A) Items which are not necessary to the operation or maintenance of the FOOD


(B) EQUIPMENT that is no longer used or not in working order and

(C) Litter.

 Materials should be easily accessible to the workers. Goods should be easily

accessible to the customers. There should be places for customers and

employees to sit, stand or move about.

V. Storage

 Sufficient cool and dry storage for FOOD shall be provided for the equipments

and ingredients


shall be stored separately from FOOD or FOOD contact items.

VI. Food

 FOOD shields shall be required at all interface areas to provide a barrier between


service, FOOD display or FOOD processing areas not separated from the

CONSUMER by a distance

 FOOD shields shall be mounted to intercept a direct line between customer’s

mouth and the FOOD display area.


I. Employees

 Employees should wear a clean and neat prescribe uniform.

 In food and drinks preparation employees should wear an apron, gloves and hair

are properly tied with or without hairnet.

 Wash hands and wipe sweat before handling the food to avoid contamination.

II. Ingredients and Equipments

 Ingredients and equipment are properly organized in the production area

 Unused or stock of ingredients should be stored in a clean and dry storage

placed in a dust free area

 Equipments should be sterilized or washed after being used and place it in a

clean storage.

III. Area

 Receptacles, units and areas designated for storage of refuse and recyclable or

returnable containers shall be located where the contamination of food,

equipment, utensils, and linens shall not occur.

 Garbage bins should be placed beside the booth but not that close to the food

production area

 After the business hour, clean the area, booth and the equipments. Compile the

garbage in a huge plastic bag and throw it in garbage area.

Technological Resource Needs

The business will use Portable laptop as a part of advertising. Commercial will be

played in the screen while the business is operating. Portable speakers are also used to

attract the customers.

Logistic and Supply Chain Management Plan

Store Retailer
Supermarket Business (Da Bread Blvd) In
Divisoria Purshasing production of products

Inventory Supplies and Order Proccessing

Management Ingredients Handling the customers order will be
Checking the quantity and distribution of supplies and given to the production team
quality of goods goods to the business

Production Delivery Consumer

Process of making the Inbound Ready made products: Bread
product The produced products are Rolls, Drinks and Lollicakes
given to the customers which
is within the premise

The supplies and ingredients are purchased in the selected stores and will be

used in the business. The quality and quantity of the supplies are checked to know if it

is enough. After checking the supplies and ingredients, it is distributed to designated

production teams. On the open hours of the business, the customer’s order in the

counter will be deliver to the production. Production team will process the order, after

making the product it will be given to the customer which is also within the premise.

List of Equipments & Ingredients

I. List Equipments and Ingredients

A. Packaging

1. 350ml Clear cup

2. Straw
3. Rectangular paper plate
4. Tissue

B. Equipments

1. Toothpick 9. Bamboo mat

2. Chopping board 10. Tongs
3. Pitcher 11. Knife
4. Shaker 12. Sealable containers
5. Measuring cup and 13. Toaster
spoon 14. Cheese grater
6. Gloves 15. Oven
7. Scissors 16. Electric Kettle
8. Plate 17. Thermos

C. Ingredients  Drinks
1. Orange juice
 Bread rolls
2. Lemon concentrated
1. Loaf bread
3. Sugar syrup
2. Ham
4. Butterfly pea tea
3. Cheese
5. Hibiscus powder
4. Cream cheese
6. Lemon slices
5. Pickles
7. Grenadine syrup
6. Mushroom
8. Water
7. Pineapple slice
8. Tuna
 Lollicakes
9. Mayonnaise
1. Choco fudge cake
10. Pizza Sauce
2. Cream
11. Strawberry jam
3. Quick melt chocolate
12. Chocolate spread
4. Sprinkles
13. Ground beef
14. Bell pepper
15. Banana

Process of making the Food


place the bread in

place the home place it in the
a flat surface. use roll up to enclose
Tuna & egg roolling pin to
made tuna & egg
the filling
oven toaster for
30 seconds
flaten the bread.

place the bread in

Choco a flat surface. use
place the
chocolate spread
roll up to enclose
place it in the
oven toaster for
roolling pin to the filling
banana flaten the bread.
and banana slice 30 seconds

Beef and place the bread in place the pizza

place it in the
a flat surface. use sauce, beef, roll up to enclose
mushroom roolling pin to muchroom and the filling
oven toaster for
30 seconds
pizza flaten the bread. bellpepper

place the bread in

Hawaiian a flat surface. use
place the pizza
sauce pineapple,
roll up to enclose
place it in the
oven toaster for
roolling pin to the filling
pizza flaten the bread.
ham and cheese 30 seconds

Strawberry place the bread in

place the place it in the
a flat surface. use roll up to enclose
cream roolling pin to
strawberry jam
and cream cheese
the filling
oven toaster for
30 seconds
cheese flaten the bread.


get a handlful of coat the choco

place the crumble the
crumbled cake a refrigerate it for ball with melted
chocolate cakes cakes, pour the
shape it into an hour chocolates and
in a large bowl cream and mix
balls add sprinkles


Sunshine put ice on the cup

pour the 320ml
orange juice in the
add a 1tbsp
grenadine syrup
juice cup

shake well and pour

Sunset tea put ice on the cup
In the shaker, add 80
ml water, 1 1/2 tbsp
to the cup. Add 250
ml blue ternate tea
of lemon concetrate
(lemon) and sugar syrup
to make a layered

Sunset tea put ice on the cup

pour the 185ml of
orange juice in the
slowly add another
135ml of blue
(orange) cup ternate tea

in the shaker, pour

Hibiscus put ice on cup
330m; hibiscus tea, 2
tsp lemon
shake well and pour
to the cup
Tea concentrate and 3
tbsp sugar syrup

Implementation Timetables

Implementation Jan 06, Jan 08, Jan 09, Jan 10, Jan 11, Jan 12, Jan 15- Jan 22-
time line 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 19, 27,
2018 2018
Business Plan Paper
New Product
Product testing
Product Launch
Buying of
Buying of material
for the booth
Buying of
Assembly of booth
Making of
Brochure, flyers,
commercial and site
Cost & revenue

Actual operation of
the business
Processes for monitoring progress

There will be a monthly assessment of sales and operation of the business.

Everything that is related to the business will be checked to know what to maintain and



Product Costing

Name of Product: Tuna and Egg Name of Product: Hawaiian Style Pizza
Yield: 16 Yield: 34
Ingredient Qua Equivalen Peso Ingredients Quant Equivalen Peso
s/Materials ntity t Measure Cost /Materials ity t Measure Cost

Tuna 1 Can ₱ 33 Loaf Bread 2 Pack 124
Mayonnais ₱
e 1 Sachet ₱ 40 Ham 2 Pack 146
Egg 3 Pieces ₱ 18 Sauce 2 Pack ₱ 38
Loaf Bread 1 Pack ₱ 62 Tidbits 1 Can ₱ 46
Packaging 16 Pieces ₱ 32 Bell Pepper 2 Pieces ₱ 50

        Cheese 1 Box(big) 111
        Packaging 34 Pieces ₱68
₱ ₱
Total Recipe Cost 185 Total Recipe Cost 583

Cost Per Yield 11.56 Cost Per Yield ₱ 17
100% Profit Margin 30% 100% Profit Margin %
Name of Product: Beef and
Mushroom Pizza Name of Product: Chocolate Banana
Yield: 15 Yield: 30
Ingredient Qua Equivalen Peso Ingredients Quant Equivalen Peso
s/Materials ntity t Measure Cost /Materials ity t Measure Cost
Ground fourt Chocolate ₱
Beef h Kilo ₱ 51 Spread 1 Jar 100
Loaf Bread 1 Pack ₱ 62 Banana Three Kilo ₱ 50

Pizza ₱
Sauce 1 Pack ₱ 19 Loaf Bread 2 Pack 124
Mushroom 1 Can ₱ 28 Packaging 30 Pieces ₱ 60
Bell Pepper 2 Pieces ₱ 30        
Cheese 1 ) ₱ 45        
Packaging 15 Pieces ₱ 30        
₱ ₱
Total Recipe Cost 265 Total Recipe Cost 334

Cost Per Yield 17.67 Cost Per Yield ₱ 11
1.88 36.36
100% Profit Margin % 100% Profit Margin %
Name of Product: Peanut Butter and Name of Product: Strawberry Cream
Jelly Cheese
Yield: 30 Yield: 30
Ingredient Qua Equivalen Peso Ingredients Quant Equivalen Peso
s/Materials ntity t Measure Cost /Materials ity t Measure Cost
₱ ₱
Loaf Bread 2 Pack 124 Loaf Bread 2 Pack 124
Strawberry ₱ Strawberry ₱
Jam 1 Jar 104 Jam 1 Jar 104
Peanut ₱ Cream ₱
Butter 1 Jar 120 Cheese 1 Box 120
Packaging 30 Pieces ₱ 60 Packaging 30 Pieces ₱ 60
₱ ₱
Total Recipe Cost 408 Total Recipe Cost 408
₱ ₱
Cost Per Yield 13.60 Cost Per Yield 13.60
32.35 32.35
100% Profit Margin % 100% Profit Margin %
Name of Product: Lollicakes Name of Product: Sunshine Juice

Yield: 20 Yield: 48
Ingredient Qua Equivalen Peso Ingredients Quant Equivalen Peso
s/Materials ntity t Measure Cost /Materials ity t Measure Cost
Orange ₱
Lava Cake 1 Box ₱ 62 Juice 15 Liters 780
Alaska Grenadine ₱
Crema 1 Box ₱ 38 Syrup 1 Bottle 185
Chocolate ₱
Bar 1 Pack 26.25 Tube Ice 3 packs ₱ 50

        Packaging 50 Pieces 144

126.2 ₱
Total Recipe Cost 5 Total Recipe Cost 1159
Cost Per Yield ₱6 Cost Per Yield ₱ 24
16.67 4.17
100% Profit Margin % 100% Profit Margin %
Name of Product: Sunset (Lemon) Name of Product: Sunset (Orange)
Yield: 45 Yield: 30
Ingredient Qua Equivalen Peso Ingredients Quant Equivalen Peso
s/Materials ntity t Measure Cost /Materials ity t Measure Cost
Ternate ₱ Blue
Tea 1 Jar 180 Ternate Tea half Jar ₱ 90
Lemon ₱ Orange ₱
Juice 1 Bottle 260 Juice 10 Liters 520
Sugar 1/2 Kilo ₱ 84 Tube Ice 2 Packs ₱ 40
Water 3 Liters ₱ 50 Packaging 30 Pieces ₱ 90
Tube Ice 4 Packs ₱ 60        
Packaging 45 Pieces ₱        

₱ ₱
Total Recipe Cost 784 Total Recipe Cost 740
₱ ₱
Cost Per Yield 17.42 Cost Per Yield 24.66
43.51 1.33
100% Profit Margin % 100% Profit Margin %

Sales Forecasts

One day sales forecast

Products(Number of Piece) 12-Oct-17

Tuna and Egg 10
Hawaiian Style Pizza 40
Beef and Mushroom Pizza 15
Chocolate Banana 10
Peanut Butter and Jelly 10
Strawberry Cream Cheese 15
Sunshine Juice 50
Sunset Tea 50
Lollicakes 20
Total: 220
Price (per piece) 12-Oct-17
Tuna and Egg ₱ 15.00
Hawaiian Style Pizza ₱ 18.00
Beef and Mushroom Pizza ₱ 18.00
Chocolate Banana ₱ 15.00
Peanut Butter and Jelly ₱ 18.00
Strawberry Cream Cheese ₱ 18.00
Sunshine Juice ₱ 25.00
Sunset Tea ₱ 25.00
Lollicakes ₱ 7.00
Sales 12-Oct-17
Tuna and Egg ₱ 150.00
Hawaiian Style Pizza ₱ 720.00
Beef and Mushroom Pizza ₱ 270.00

Chocolate Banana ₱ 150.00
Peanut Butter and Jelly ₱ 180.00
Strawberry Cream Cheese ₱270.00
Sunshine Juice ₱1250.00
Sunset Tea ₱ 1250.00
Lollicakes ₱ 140.00
Total: ₱ 4380.00

Financial Statements

Name of the Business: DaBread Boulevard

Form of Business: Partnership
Supplies ₱ 3,136
Total Assets ₱ 3,136
Total Liabilities  
Total Capital ₱ 4000
Total Revenue ₱ 4627
Total Expenses ₱ 3876.5

Income Statement

DaBread Boulevard

Income Statement

Revenues ₱ 4627
Supplies Expense ₱ 3136
Advertising Expense ₱ 740.50
Net Income ₱ 750.5



Planning the commercial

and finalizing the lay-outs of
brochures, flyers, tarpaulins
and blogs

The tarpaulin, brochure and
flyers Creating the booth and its

Preparation of products

The Ribbon Cutting

Led by Mr. Jose Arnold Sagun, Mr. Aldrin Lactao and Mr. Gerald Gorospe with ABM12-
1 adviser Mr. Franklyn Guzman and Ms. Marivic Villajos, ABM12-2 adviser and
Marketing and Management teacher.

The Business

Cashier section

The bread and juice-making section

The staffs and the customers

The business operations, service and distribution of flyers and brochures

The staffs with the teachers

Mr. Gorospe evaluates the booth Ms. Villajos and Mr. Guzman Visit the Booth

Ms. Agbisit drops by and Mr. Cueva also visits the

the first teacher who booth.
bought or product.

DaBread Boulevard Sales Force

From your left to right

Kristel Marrie James P. Guinto (marketing intelligence staff), Alexandra Demi T. Morrok

(finance department head), Elizabeth M. Pascual (chief executive officer), Kristin Hans.

V. Santos (marketing staff), Sharmaine Yzabelle E. Leop (customer support specialist),

Shaira Jean C. Valenzuela (operations manager), Louise Ann M. Corono (market

research analyst), Kathleen Gia Alagde (graphic design specialist), Jemimah Azil D.

Eco (marketing manager) and Ivan Ulysses P. Ecap (certified public accountant).


Our deepest gratitude to the following:

Ms. Marivic G. Villajos for giving us opportunity to make a business venture that make

us experience the actual business situation and for teaching us the lessons, strategies

and rules in making a successful business; for helping us to stand and become mature

students who are business professionals soon.

Mr. Franklyn P. Guzman for being a supportive adviser and for being approachable

whenever we need help.

Ms. Rachelle Ann S. Santos for checking our advertising tools: brochures, flyers,

tarpaulin, commercial and blog; for correcting our mistakes which helps us improve our

skills in graphics and designs.

ABM Department headed by Mr. Jose Arnold C. Sagun for being supportive to ABM

students and accepting full-heartedly this project.

Mrs. Annalynn V. Orcine, senior high school coordinator, for looking forward in

developing students through projects and activities of our school.

Ecap family for letting us borrows their venue for commercial shoot.

MCU students, staffs, teachers and everyone who patronage this business and for

trusting our products and services.

Manila Central University for giving us the opportunity to enhance our talent and skills

for our better tomorrow through such actual ventures like this.

Our friends who somehow our inspiration in coming up with business ideas.

Our family for being understanding in our busy schedule, financial needs, moral support

and unending support.

DaBread Boulevard family for keeping our bond strong and establishing this business


Above all, our God in heaven, for making this thing successful and possible.

Thank you! To God be the Glory!


Alagde, Kathleen Gia

Business venture taught us on how to manage our own business. It also gives us

knowledge on different aspects like having patience, creativity and determination on

business. All the things that we learned can be our guide on putting up a business. We

enjoyed the independence and flexibility of running our own business and working with

people with ease. This business venture gives opportunity to people, especially to us,

because the things that we learned from the venture can helps us to manage our

business in the future.

But there are negative things; this business venture gives us pressure because

this is the first time that we put up a business. So, this business venture is a challenge

for us. Also, it is costly and some of the students have a hard time to produce and

contribute money because of financial problem. Some are just a small problems like

having a misunderstanding while conducting the business venture and some changes

on plans.

Our business venture were executed successfully, we enjoyed every step on this

business. I didn’t expect everything, but we were thankful that our business is a

successful one. Customers keep coming back for more because they love our products,

and so that we were so grateful and proud of ourselves that we’ve come this far. Our

products are made with love and so as the staffs, cooperation is the key. Everyone

participated peacefully and gave their best shot to conduct this activity. Therefore, this

business venture is successful and also one of the best moment on student’s life.

Corono, Louise

While I’m doing this kind of business venture, it is so challenging because using

this you will learn other things that you have not experienced yet. I learned some simple

strategies in marketing that is how to manage your business, to handle your business

and how to manage your time management to become successful business women


There’s a lot of thing in the business is have a positive and negative to become a

business person, the positive is you will learn the experience to how to communicate

the customer or clients, to enjoy your business venture, and your always smile while to

talk to your customers. The negative is sometimes you cannot avoid the problem in your

business, I’m disappoint myself because I’m not ready to handle this situation because

the pressure that to come.

All of this, I learned to being responsible not as a student but as a person with a

simple life, in the business world you don’t know what is the result of your business

entry but always positive to your business, in the business all of this is started to a small

store until it grow, but if there’s a problem that’s coming, just be with your family and

that’s my group mates.

Ecap, Ivan

I and my group mates learned so much about business, this event is good for

enhancing our marketing strategies and training us for future stability. Collaboration is

much more needed on what we’ve done so far, it also teaches us how a team should be

and sharing each other’s idea. Being innovative can help to upgrade the product step by

step. It also engages our leadership by thinking under pressure and allowing each

opinion. This can develop us to be better in business strand.

Some of the customers will be harsh to you, specifically when endorsing your

product. Emotional reactions may occur in misunderstandings of one another. I’m really

against paying too much for school purposes but this lesson thought me that in

business money is just a plant

My overall learning is that, with a small amount of money, you can make so many

things that much effort must be needed and financial problem is just the base. This can

help my future to become more innovative and more knowledgeable of what I’m capable

to do.

Eco, Jemimah Azil

With this Business Venture, I have gained experience. This performance task

made me apply the lessons and skills that was taught to us from a classroom setting

into a real life. Aside from that, I have learned also to work together and try to be in sync

with some people whom I work with. I have been required to function accordingly and

properly as to what is needed. The good thing with this task is that this taught me how

to work under pressure. Since it was our first simulation task, we’re all trying to put

things into our control and luckily enough it didn’t get out of our hands. The best thing

that I ever got with all this hardships, are the smiles and compliments that the

customers gave. Truly, no matter how hard it is to build up a business, if you do it right,

it will be appreciated, and it will all be worth it.

If there’s a negative thing about this kind of task, it is that it consumes too much

energy and money. This performance tas gave us too much stress. But though I felt like

this was too much for me to handle, my team functioned properly and by God’s grace

we made it through. —So, though this Venture may have been our source of stress from

the past few weeks, it turned out to be all worth it in the end

Guinto, Kristel Marrie

This business venture has a lot of advantages like it will be a great help for us

because we will be having our own experiences to manage a certain business. And

these experiences will be our foundation to become successful business owners

someday. It serves as our training, offers productivity. We learn that building a business

is not an easy way. We see different possibilities and opportunity in forming a business.

The disadvantages is you need to risk everything your ideas, your planning, your

patience. You need to develop your ideas with your group mates. You need to manage

your time because you have to make it possible. Business venture make us to have

unity because in order to succeed in one business, you need to have cooperation and

communication with your group mates. We also learn how to manage our store

properly, joint our efforts. In one business you need to do your responsibilities. We learn

that when you are already there you need to serve your costumers right. You need to

deal with your patience, and hard work. You need to understand what are the risk and

rewards for any new business venture. After all the efforts and hardships when it

already done you will realize that even though you may encounter hardships at first, it

will gain and boosts as a success. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

The road to success is always under construction. There are no secrets to success. It is

the result of preparation, hard work and learning. You need to take all the opportunities,

and make it possible.

Leop, Sharmaine

Doing business venture is one of our the best experience that we can cherish in

our whole life. This experience gave us confident to be successful someday, We’ve

learned so much in this moment on how to make time management , how to do those

strategies in marketing, how to discover our different leadership of being student even

we been encounter hassle time on that moment.

One of my negative experience there’s a times I was wrong when I gave a

flavored product of our costumer because I was panic and I don’t know what orders I

will given to them, but in moment it gave me a lesson although everyone confused what

we will do. It gave me reflection on how we manage ourselves despite of being busy,

lack of time and patient of your team mates.

Overall reflection even you are lack of time to do the tasks better , just be calm

and think better what should we do to make the venture to be good at the last minute of


Morrok, Demi Alexandra

The start of the event, I see the teamwork of our group with preparing the booth.

While serving we saw satisfied customers with their orders. The feedbacks were great

and some said that it was delicious. Regarding problems we made a quick solution and

took action immediately such as incorrect orders and the lack of some ingredients. We

got one customer who patronizes our booth and it made us happy. The team was very

positive with the outcome. In contrast, the tension is there and problems were present

like lack of tube ice and other ingredients. Some customer can’t wait in taking orders

and I see some customers waiting in a long line. Since I was the cashier I feel like a

huge pile of burden is on me because of my nervousness I messed up the receipts I did

not handle the pressure well but as the time passes I got used to it and enjoyed what

I’m doing. Overall, the event was a success despite of some complications. This event

made me a quick decision maker. As problems came fast I was able to think swiftly and

I was able to handle the anxiety and pressure of the event. I am now more

knowledgeable of what to do next time. This experience will surely be a lesson and a

memory to me, working with my classmates and having fun in the midst of anxious


Pascual, Elizabeth

It is already expected that this business venture will taught us on so many things.

The positive side of doing this kind of activity is that we are slowly having a taste of what

is going to happen in the future and this activity is like our training ground where we are

free to do what we want. This kind of activity enables us to unleash all our hidden

talents and help us to know our self-better. Through this activity, I was able to

understand the feeling of what it feels like to manage your own business and how hard

it is considering there are a lot of things to consider. In addition, the positive side of

doing this kind of activity is that I see my classmates in a new light. I see how they act in

a group and how they handle problems and through this activity I can say that we

develop a certain bond and a team word.

However, this activity is very time and money consuming. It drains all of my

energy, because every little decisions needs to be thought thoroughly because if you

are not careful disaster awaits you. It is also costly since you need to buy a lot of things

that is needed to make this activity successful. We know that if you want to be

successful you have given your all. It’s just the same with this you have to work hard to

make this successful.

After the activity is finished, I feel tired but satisfied because I and we conquered

another mountain and it leaves us priceless memories and learning. I learned how to

handle stress and pressure better. And I learn how to be careful in making my decisions

and most of all I finally understand how it feels to handle your own business. This

activity is tiring but it is really worth our time and effort.

Santos, Kristin Hans

This business venture helped us students improve our skills especially in

decision-making. From the beginning, products, strategies, designs, management and

execution were planned. It is very important in each of us because it is practiced in daily

life and each day, decision and plan making need to be improved. In the near future, we

will use it professionally. This is an early stage of practicing skills. Another positive thing

in this project is forming a camaraderie and unity not only among the members but also

with other groups. This business venture is very essential in molding each student into

matured individuals because it is a serious matter that includes intellectual, physical,

social and mental challenges.

On the other hand, there are negative things. This project is costly that made

students spend money in advertisements, establishment of booths, purchasing

equipment and ingredients. Students became problematic financially especially they

cannot produce a large amount of money for capital. Another negative is

misunderstanding among the members because there are many ideas given by us but

not all should be included; there were confusions in choosing ideas. Some plans were

not executed consistently because of the changes and circumstances happened.

As an ABM student, I became excited in doing this because it is my dream to

have a business. I discovered that there are steps in doing this and it is not that too

easy. I learned to be strong not only physically but also mentally, logically, socially,

intellectually and emotionally. In making decisions, I learned to be wise because the

final output’s success depends on decisions. If it is wrong, apparently, everything will

not succeed. There are challenges I encountered. I learned to face them bravely and

take the risks wisely. There were things prior to my knowledge seem right but I saw

them wrong when I came to the actual situation. These factors challenged my patience

and the way I think. I learned to extend my patience and to give a giant leap for me to

be an effective member of this business. I started to fix myself then I collaborated with

the members to know how strong I am. There, I learned that this group business would

not be possible without the help of each member.

Valenzuela, Shaira Jean

The business expo is like a stepping stone for us to the more complex business

ventures and be prepared in the reality of business industry. It helps us improve our

skills in decision making, organization and planning. The business expo is a glimpse of

what is it likes to have your own business. How should we act or respond to every

situation. How important every step of preparation we made. The business expo is

important for us because it molds us to become a matured individual and most of all

because of this expo our team develop a more close bond with each other. We become

united for the reason of our goal which is not just to finish and have a successful

business but also to satisfy all the customers that supported our business.

On the other hand, the negative part, the business expo is time consuming. You

need to prepare for a month or two. If we don’t carefully plan every step it may lead to

an unsuccessful business. The business is also costly; we need to spend a large

amount of money in advertisement, equipment, ingredients and design of our booth.

Some also of our plans are not executed properly or there are changes of plan due to

some circumstances.

But overall, the business expo is a great opportunity for us to develop ourselves.

It takes a lot of effort and energy but I have so much fun. I felt very happy when our

customers are satisfied with our product especially to the drink (sunset tea) that I

personally made. All of the sleepless nights, trial and error just to prepare and find the

perfect taste for the drink which makes my stomach upset before the day of the expo

are nothing but just a challenge. The happiness I and my members felt covers all the

struggles we felt that time. The unity of our group, other teams and also because of the

help of the teachers, the business expo is a success.


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