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Task #1: Choose the adequate word to fit the definition above.

01. When a company sends one product to be sold in the market for the 1st time.
a) enlarge b) launch c) manufacture d) discontinue

02. When a company stops manufacturing and selling one product because it has
low benefits.
a) promote b) discontinue c) underestimate d) rearrange

03. The employee in charge of keeping record of the company’s finances.

a) engineer b) manufacturer c) CEO d) accountant

04. The place where companies rent a stand and promote their services.
a) professional briefing b) trade fair c) hall d) lecture room

05. The money that is invested in a project.

a) profit b) mark-up c) bonus d) budget

06. The person who runs the studio.

a) personal assistant b) director c) accountant d) client

07. The section of a CV that deals with your previous jobs.

a) education b) social skills c) experience d) computer skills

08. The sentence that summarises your profile as a worker.

a) personal statement b) cover letter c) CV d) letter of interest

09. The common features of the image of a company so it’s recognisable to the
a) corporate b) public c) customer attention d) characteristics

10. The study conducted to predict the sales, profit margin, target audience etc of a
a) balance b) presentation c) research d) résumé

Task #2: Complete the following sentences with the correct alternative:

11. We’ll need to ..............the meeting. The manager cannot make it on Monday.
a) rearrange b) reorder c) redesign d) reschedule

12. After five years in the same job, Henry decided it was time to ask for
a) pay increase b) salary increase c) loan d) money rise

13. Product designers need to ................ their prototypes before sending them to
a) experience b) test c) trial d) experiment

14. At the age of 50, John was…..redundant and had to look for a new job.
a) put b)got c) made d) placed

15. When you finish your studies you get a ......................

a) career b) grade c) degree d) mark

16. I don’t like the ………...... of this page (=things that are arranged)
a) layout b) grid c) overview d) draft

17. If you.................some of the elements the final layout will look better.
a) reorder b) rearrange c) turn d) make

18. The shop is ..........…… in Oxford street, between a restaurant and a dental
a) centred b) based c) located d) high

19. The .......................audience of this product are people aged 25-35.

a) objective b) aim c) target d) intention

20. We need to incorporate some more …….............into that section.

a) functional b) functionalism c) functionality d) function

Causative & Permissive Sentences

Task #3: Write an appropriate causative sentence from the ones given.

-The boss won’t analyse the sales report himself. His employees will.

-The manager has not elaborated the project budget herself. Her P.A. has.

-We didn’t write up the contract ourselves. Our secretary did.

-You shouldn’t check the figures yourself. Ask your colleague!

Task #4: Write sentences with the words in brackets without changing the

-My project was so good because my mentor told me I was capable of doing it.

-She didn’t print the plan herself. (printed)

-The price is too high. I wanted a discount but the seller didn’t reconsider his offer.

-I wanted to turn in my resignation. I asked my assistant to do it for me. (had)

-You cannot enter this room. (allowed)

-I didn’t want to sign the contract but she convinced me (made)

-Harry, don’t blow up the job interview! (told)

Task #5: Translate the following sentences into English.

-No quiero que vengas tan tarde la próxima vez.

-El cliente quisquilloso me hizo esperar 30 minutos y al final ni siquiera acudió a la

-¿Qué le parecen las baldosas (tiles)? Hice que las trajeran de la India.

-La polución de Manhattan nos ha obligado a investigar para construir edificios


-Yo no escribí el uniforme. Hice que lo escribiera mi asistente personal.

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