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Glossary #3: My family members

Make a list of family members vocabulary. Write a definition of your own, then write a sentence
in present simple using the word (min 12 words per sentence, not counting/including the
definition). Send this in a PDF file.

Wife: The mother of my children. Daughter of my in-laws

My wife takes my children to school every day and brings them home. Be very careful avoiding
cars on the street.

father-in-law: My wife's father and my children's grandfather.

My father-in-law likes to play tennis in his country house on hot days. With me he does not play
because he loses.

mother-in-law: The mother of my wife and grandmother of my children.

My mother-in-law loves to make typical meals and shows her recipes to my daughters from time
to time.

sister: My parents' daughter and my grandmother's granddaughter.

My sister studies economics at UNEMI University in Milagro. He really likes his career a lot and
is about to finish it.

brother: Son of my parents and grandson of my grandparents.

My brother works in the bank, he is the chief of staff and he is very kind to clients. Very soon
you will be promoted to manager.

nephew: He is the son of my sister or brother.

My nephew does not like to sing and this month he has to be at a concert because of school
niece: The daughter of my sister or brother.
My niece doesn't care if she goes to parties or not. She hardly leaves her room. Spend all day
playing video games.

father: He is the son of my grandfather or grandmother.

My dad takes me on vacation to see many places. Where we have many incredible adventures.

mother: My dad's wife and also my grandparents' daughter.

My mom scolds us for not doing homework on time and is angry that we get a bad grade.
Although many times he rewards us for having good grades.

aunt: The sister of my mom or dad.

My aunt forbade my cousin to go out to play soccer in the neighborhood field. Because I failed a

uncle: The brother of my father or mother.

My uncle, whenever he arrives on a trip, brings us a distinctive memory of the place he comes

cousin: The son or daughter of my uncle or aunt.

My cousin is very funny. with it I can play all kinds of games in any place or time. He's crafty,
usually doesn't lose.

grandmother: The mother of my father or mother.

My grandmother is very affectionate, she pampers us whenever we visit her and prepares food
for us.

grandfather: He is the father of my mother or father.

My grandfather is bitter and grumpy. When he is next to us we cannot make much noise because
he scolds us.
brother-in-law: The husband of my sister.
My brother-in-law is cool with him. We go out on weekends to drink alcohol at the pool hall in
the neighborhood and we go home soon.

sister- in-law: My brother's wife or my wife's sister.

My sister-in-law loves to go shopping with my mom and sister. They have fun with each other
watching movies together.

son: My firstborn and grandson of my mom or dad.

My son is very spoiled, I buy him everything he needs and I am always dependent on his health.

daughter: My first-born granddaughter of my mother or father.

My daughter likes the university where she studies. She always has good grades and is one of the
best students in her group.

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