Priorities of An Yogi in Life: Priority Percentage (%)

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Priorities of an Yogi in life

The below table shows the priorities that I felt this the right priority in my life
Priority Percentage (%)
1 Time for self 45
Once we are in good and healthy state then only we can survive
the life. Spending more time for ourselves is needed because then
only we can make good physical and mental health, good career.
Then only we can live and face the life.

2 Time for family and loved ones 30

Family and loved ones are the one who is supporting us all time,
they are the one who support us in the worst situations. So we
need to spend more time family also. It will make family to get
good strength and tight bond. Spending time with the loved once
will bring happiness and pleasant mind. Moreover that they will
also be happier.
3 Daily routine 10
For making a disciplined and healthy life we need to follow some
daily routines. It will help us in making good life balance. So I think
we should spend around 15% of day time for this and as priority
after self and family.

4 Daily Needs 10
Every day we may face different scenarios and there will be
certain things to be covered. So we need to shift some percentage
(15%) of our daily time to meet the daily needs.

5 Useless action 5
As the human life is very short and time is going very fast so we
should be productive as much as possible. But a human we cannot
be like robotics so there will be some wastage of time by useless
actions or ideal stages. But we should minimise the useless actions
to being more productive.

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