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Piggle Charge: A solar charging station for cellphone and laptop with wireless charging, RFID

Security and Monitoring System

1. What technological devices do you bring at in school?
o Mobile phone
o Laptop
o iPad
o Tablet
o Others _____________
2. Have you experience running out of battery on your device(s) at school?
o Often
o Never
o Sometimes
o Other____________
3. Have you been caught and forbade in charging inside the school premises by the
Laboratory Custodian or school Personnel?
o Often
o Sometimes
o Never
o Other____________
4. Have you experience having trouble with charging?
o Often
o Sometimes
o Never
o Other____________
5. Do you feel worried about leaving your phone on a charging station?
o Always
o Often
o Sometimes
o Never
o Other___________
6. Are you aware about solar charging?
o Yes
o No
o I heard about it
o Other___________
7. Do you agree with the existence of solar charging station inside the campus?
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree
o Other__________

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