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The 2016 documentary film , “Before the flood” is concerned about the climate
change which is directed by Fisher Stevens and Leonardo DiCapirio is the main cast
of this documentary film.

The documentary shows DiCaprio visiting different areas of the globe investigating
the effect of global warming. As a narrator, DiCaprio comments on these experiences
just as chronicle film. DiCaprio over and over references a 15th-century triptych by
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, which, he clarifies, hung over his
crib as an infant, and which he utilizes as a similarity of the current course of the world
toward likely ruin as portrayed on its final panel. The film additionally records, to some
extent, the creation of DiCaprio's 2015 film The Revenant.

DiCaprio's inceptions and remarks pivot widely around environmental change

forswearing, generally among corporate lobbyists and politicians of the United States.

In the documentary the major concern is global warming and its impact on the planet
Earth and on its habitations. There are different points which are shown in the film to
explain the impact of global warming.

In the film it is shown that how global warming is the cause of various environmental
issues like Floods, super storms, record-breaking heat, wildfires, drought, &
starvation etc.

In the documentary, it is conveyed that due to the unexpected fast paced climate
change occurring as a result of global warming has caused record breaking heat
waves which leads to raise in earth temperature more than expected. The
continuous heating of the Earth cause the glaciers to melt at a very fast pace and
due to this the sea level is raising continuously at an unexpected rate. Due to the
raise in sea level at this high rate , many small islands and many other countries
surrounded by water form any side are facing a lot problems as it cause drowning
of the land areas of the countries and islands. To show the impact of heat waves
on the glaciers, DiCapirio has visited Baffin Island, Canadian Artic in the
documentary and there it can been seen and as per the statement of the native
person there, the intensity of melting of snow is faster and the climate station
wires which were beneath the ice before are completely visible within the time
span of 5 years due to melting of ice.

There are many other scenarios shown in the film like due to global warming the
weather pattern has got disturbed causing change in rainfall pattern which leads
to disturbing agriculture in the developing nations like India whose irrigation is
dependent on rainfall. In the film it is shown that , in India due to disturbed
rainfall, fields are filled with water causing harm to the crops. This can lead to
starvations conditions also.
Global warming is also a cause of various disease spreading worldwide.
Intentional rainforest fire to develop a palm oil cultivation and cutting trees for
crude oil extraction from the ground has been shown in the film. Tress are the
best absorbent of the carbon dioxide gas which is a staple gas for global
warming. Forest fires and use of fossil fuels cause emissions of the gas at a large
scale. The smog filled environment of Beijing,China and Delhi, India shown in the
film is an impact of excessive use of fossil fuels. This kind of environment give
rise to various lungs disease and cancer etc.

There are many other problems caused due to global warming on the planet. The
raise in the sea level has destructed many small islands . Many countries are
suffering from river floods which is ultimately a consequence of raised sea level.
In the film, it is shown that small islands like Bablomekang,Palau and Kiribati is
destroyed due to raised sea level and how Miami is tackling the same problem.
The threat is there on the ocean creatures also as ocean is a good absorbent of
carbon dioxide but excessive carbon dioxide in the environment has got the
ocean water acidic due to which aquatic creatures like corals are dying. At the
end of the film , focused has also been put upon the possible solutions like
getting more dependent over renewable energy sources and things like carbon

These are the concerns regarding the global warming that has been shown in the

The aspects of visual texts that I found in the documentary are:-To signify the
power equation, High angle cameras were used in the documentary. Since
it is a representation of real life situation , lighting has been kept normal for
all the shots taken in the real time. In editing ,the documentary is
assembled according to a specific rationale. The course of the events has
been tracked from a point of view . Music has been used to enhance the
emotion and response of the viewers
In the story “ the Happy prince” written by Oscar wilde , there has been three
themes but the first and foremost theme depicted through the story is based upon

In the story it is shown that outward beauty is nothing. It is just a show. The real
beauty is the affection and penance. The end of the story gives this thought.

The Happy Prince has a lead heart, yet this heart is brimming with feelings toward
poor people and the penniless. He forfeits his eyes and magnificence just to
support them. He parts with his gold covering one small step at a time to poor
people. Presently without his eyes and gold covering, he looks so appalling that
he is shipped off heater to soften. He has lost outward excellence, however with
penance and love, he has accomplished profound magnificence. God is satisfied
with him. After his demise, he is taken to the city of gold where he will laud God
for eternity.

The equivalent occurs with the Swallow. He forfeits his life for the love of the
Happy Prince. Nevertheless, he additionally accomplishes otherworldly
excellence. He will sing for evermore in God's garden of Paradise.

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