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Passageway Run

The trapdoor creaked open, with a slow rasping noise, Jake and Stacy gazed inside.
This is where the map had led them, all the way back into Monster Apple
Amusement Park. Monster Apple Amusement Park is this old, titanic Amusement
park. It was originally a fun place for families to go to, but after two nightguards
went missing, the park was abandoned and fell into a state of disrepair.
But if this is what it took to have a real adventure, then Jake would take it. Jake’s
long, luscious brown hair blew in the wind as he hesitantly stepped into the
trapdoor. ‘Here goes nothing’,’ Jake told Stacy.
He walked down the stairs into the abyss. Stacy’s light violet long lay still, as she
reluctantly followed Jake into the trapdoor. ‘How do I let myself get persuaded by
such an ambitious boy?’ she muttered to herself.
The Passageway was dark and humid, luckily Jake had a flashlight. At first, he
didn’t see anything. He glanced behind to Stacy at the bottom of the stairs. ‘there
better be something here or I’m leaving,’ she told Jake.
But Jake wasn’t listening, he was frozen, his eyes locked at the top of the stairs, the
Passageway was beginning to flood!!! ‘Stacy…’ Jake said, his voice shaky, before
screaming ‘…RRRRRRUUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!’.
The pair Steamrolled down the Passageway, which seemed to go on forever,
desperately trying outrun the flood, eventually the two began to tire, but pushed on.
‘I can’t run anymore!’ Stacy yelled, huffing and puffing. Then, Jake spotted the exit,
it was ridiculously hard to see, but it was there. ‘Keep running, the exit, it’s up
ahead!’ Jake yelled back. As they closer to the exit, the flood got closer to them.
‘We’re going to have to jump! You ready?’ Jake barked over the rushing water.
‘One...Two!’. The pair jumped at the exit, which flung open. And the two fell straight
into a river with a loud splash!
Stacy and Jake then swam to the nearest land ledge, ‘we’re alive!!’ the pair said.
‘Well that was awesome! We better get home, it’s midnight,’ Jake said standing up
and walking with Stacy back through the park, and all the way home.

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