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Mi mundo en otra lengua

Semana 3
Unidad III. Hobbies and abilities

Actividad integradora 6. Finding a roommate

Write 10 questions and the answers to know the routine of your possible new roommate.
(Escribe 10 preguntas y las respuestas para conocer la rutina de tu posible nuevo compañero(a) de cuarto).

Questions (Does) Answers


What time does he/she have lunch? Samantha has lunchtime at 7 o’clock
(¿A qué hora come él/ella?)

Does he/she exercise regularly? Yes, she exercises regularly.
(¿Se ejercita regularmente él/ella?)

1. what time does he wake up? Armando he gets up at six o'clock

2. does he bathes daily? Yes, he bathes daily

3. does he cleans? Yes, he cleans his room

4. what time does he have a lunch? He has lunch at eight o'clock

5. does he prepare his food? He does not, I do

6. does exercise at home? Not he goes to the gym

7. what time does he exercise? he does it at eleven o'clock

8. he does homework? Sometimes.

9. he sleeps in the bed? he doesn't sleep on the sofa

10. what time does he sleep? regularly at ten o'clock

Mi mundo en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unidad III. Hobbies and abilities

Actividad integradora 6. Finding a roommate

Write five sentences where you explain the routine of your possible roommate. Remember that you will use the structure of the third person.
Use the adverbs of time: first, after, then, finally.

(Escribe cinco oraciones en las que expliques la rutina de tu posible compañero de cuarto. Recuerda que usarás la estructura de la tercera
persona. Usa los adverbios de tiempo: first, after, then, finally).

This is my possible new roommate Samantha and this is her routine. First, she gets up at 6:00 in the morning, after…

first he gets up early and fixes his room,

after bathing have breakfast
then he goes to the gym and to school
then come to dinner and watch TV
he finally brushes his teeth and prepares for sleep

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