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Population and Sample size

Literature Review
[ CITATION Bey19 \l 1033 ] focuses on the assessment of service quality on customer satisfaction in
Ethiopian Insurance corporation using the SERVQUAL model. Here, the authors used sample
size of 100 customers who has been using at least one type of Insurance. The researcher has
collected data using structured questionnaire and quantitative data to assess service quality on
customer satisfaction in the context of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation in 5 areas of
SERVQUAL model. The researcher applied 5-point Likert scale to measure customer
expectation through Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied and Very satisfied and
perception of customers with strongly disagree, disagree, normal, agree and strongly agree. As a
result, the researcher found that customer satisfaction has been affected due to slow speed in
terms of service provision & time they take to respond the customer issues.
[CITATION Ade18 \l 1033 ] focuses on assessment of passengers’ Satisfaction and Service Quality
in Murtala Muhammed Airport (MMA2), Lagos, Nigeria applying the SERVQUAL model. The
researcher used non-probability sampling like purposive sampling technique to collect primary
data using questionnaire. For data analyzing and reporting, the researcher distributed 120
questionnaires to domestic passengers in MMA2 where 114 questionnaires had been returned
valid. The researcher found that respondents were satisfied with the reliability service attribute
but not with the other service attributes.
[ CITATION Mon182 \l 1033 ] focuses on measuring the service quality at Brand Factory using
SERVQUAL model. For this study, the researcher has applied random sampling method to
selected sample size of 100 customer in Bangalore City using descriptive design to identified the
gap between customers expectation and perception with regards to service quality. To fine Gap
score, the researcher used the index of (expectation score – perception score) index. Where,
negative gap score shows that actual service was less than expected. The researcher used 7-point
Likert scale to calculated the expectation and perception, where 1 indicates strongly disagree and
7 shows strongly agree. The researcher found that Brand Factory has satisfactory service quality.
[CITATION AOA18 \l 1033 ] focuses on measuring the service quality and identifying the perceived
value from the customer of Nijhoom Tours using a SERVQUAL model. In this study, the
researcher has used mostly quantitative research and also qualitative research where it is applied.
To collect a data the researcher has used model questionnaire targeting the population of
approximate 2200 customer of Nijhoom Tours. The researcher used convenience sampling
method and sample size of 100 customers. Data has been analyzed through SSPS software, excel
and other statistical methods.
[CITATION HAF16 \l 1033 ] focuses on measuring online customer satisfaction on package delivery
applying quality management framework SERVQUAL. For this study, the researcher has used
both primary and secondary data. The researchers conduct survey using non-probability
sampling using the online buyer. Here, the researcher has distributed 250 questionnaires among
the random population of Dhaka city where 205 questionnaires were respondent. The researchers
have used ordinal five-point Likert scale for collecting the data. To conduct the simple linear
regression analysis to analyze the questionnaire dataset the researcher has used Statistical
Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 17. The researcher found positive impact on quality
service to the online customer.

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