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15 Points To TRATAK

(Experiencing the Extracts from Masters)

Gratitude to Universe for the Flower of OSHO_/\_.
Gratitude to those who KNEW & SAID.

1. Tratak is about “Eye” (say 3rd

eye or the 1st eye) & not “Eyes”.

“Method in Tratak believes in Do-&-Get, where ‘Get’ is only a By-product. One
can’t pull the result early to self, but can try to.”
Out of 6 Processes from the HATTH YOG,Tratak is one.

Wasti—Pumping up water via anus & cleansing the Intestine.

Dhawti—Swallowing 15 Hands long & 4 fingures wide Muslin clothe to cleanse the
cough entirely, & taking it back out.

Nawli— While acting forcefully,in terms of Pranayam, making belly inward &
outward with synchronized flow of breathe.

Neti—Taking water (warm as body temperature) in one hole & letting it be out of
another hole of the Nose. A cotton rope can also be used instead of water.

Kapal bhaati—Throwing out forcefully the air of lungs by taking the belly inward
for each throw.

Tratak—A process of using Will-Force to gaze continuously onto a Subject.

4. Three of its kinds are:

 Nikat Tratak—When the subject is preferred nearer in front of us. e.g,
Candle flame, 2D Chakra, statue, mirror, etc.
 Door Tratak—When the subject is preferred immediately far from us. e.g,
Sun, Moon, Star, ether (sky), etc.
 Antar Tratak—When the subject is inside us. e.g., Pineal Gland, Belly,
BackBone, etc.
Shakti Chakra Tratak:
 After Pranayam, body is ready to absorb the divine energy & stay
connected to it. Tratak then remove the obstacles in achieving one’s own
higher version frequencies. One gazes for 40 mins continuously without
blinking the eyes, on the printed Shakti chakra placed about 2 feet away in
the front. (one may do it only upto 1-2 mins for the first time, but should
try to extend it for 5 mins in next attempt. Then 10-15 mins in another
attempt. Try not to put much stress on eyes.)
 When one joyfully finish it at 40th minute, the pineal gland gets fed with
Pran-Energy while getting decalcified.

American paddhati Greek Paddhati

 Eyes get more magnetic the more regular one practices. Then if she or he
gives order or asks for something to someone, that person will feel
proudful to obey,provided the given order is not against the culture his
mind is written in by the society.
 After sometime, during practice, Chakra may appear rotating or shifting
slightly from its position, or may see more than one chakra. One may also
see different colors on it. This means she or he is on correct way, but soon
these will have to come to normal, a time where inkling of desired by-
product may be there.
 One can try gazing on a person’s neck from back side for 1-3 mins (it may
take 15 mins for first time) & can see the person obey what he orders, but
after 5-7 successful attempts it’s better to leave these tricks in the name of
magic for the hypnotic magicians (it’s their work), so as to avoid the
obstacles under coming next higher steps.

 Ask your friend to tie his hands with a hanky normally or just hide it under a
table. And while gazing on the rest parts of the hands connect your
thoughts while saying him that his hand is slowly getting hot & reddish. And
he easily feels it & snatches his hands back.
 I’m mentioning these tricks so one can be aware of the capabilities & avoid
it, because Tratak-method has nothing to take with it.
 Practicing Tratak on Chakra has its own unique results unlike other subject
Murti Tratak

 One has to take 3-4 inch long Statue of any enlightened one, & do Tratak on
 Always prefer the statue not of multicolor.
 Gaze on the statue for minimum of 40 mins. Tears may come continuously
during the whole practice time, maybe it comes for first 15 mins & then
doesn’t. Maybe today it doesn’t come &/but may come next day. It will
happen. You can keep ignoring the tears, let them come & go. It’s going to
cleanse your eyes. Magnetic measure of Eyes doesn’t depend on or caused
by the tears, but by the will force being linked to the 3rd Eye.
 After the 40th minute, one should try with eyes closed to bring the same
statue virtually in between the eyes & let it be as it was …. now do Tratak
on it. In beginning, one will notice that shape or color of the statue is
changing or being handicapped, but should not worry. While using divine
will force keep seeing it. Once the statue in the closed eyes starts staying as
it is for longer periods, one may also notice blue color reflection in the eyes.
The book of Yoga says, this blue light is coming from the heart.
 This method has tremendous affect on our capability to recall things from
memory. And Life with this capability makes a beautiful experience. You
imagine only what you want, & not what foreign thoughts in you want. A
totally new experience is interfaced with life.
Mirror Tratak

 Expensive results are obtained.

 Take an 8inch*6inch mirror, place it 3 feet away from the eyes & gaze in
between the eyes in the reflection for 40 mins without eyes blinked even
 After sometime the face reflection in the mirror may seemed to be of
ghost. Further, it may disappear & a black sight may be noticed. These
actually happen because of the different inner light striking the eyes from
 The mirror used should not be taken for other domestic purposes. Instead
cover it with a muslin clothe & keep it aside after use.
 Results after 9 to 12 months of practice on it:

o When two animals or birds of same or different spicy(like two snakes,

or snake-&-Leopard, or Dog-&-vulture), have to fight against each
other, whether who owns that forest or region or that river bank or
the Tree, they gaze in each other’s eyes. The one, who has less
magnetic eyes, blinks the eyes earlier & losses the match. Any person
has to get defeated when the similar fight is between you & the
person in front, no matter how great guts he’s having. He will either
manage to take you in his heart or will surrender you the way.
o Eyes get magnetic in a very different way. If an angry person(maybe
Boss, or professor, or anyone) gets to see in your eyes even
accidently, he may no longer remain angry because of the chemical
changes(about adrenalin hormone & other) not supporting him
further to stay angry, because of the magnetic feed from your
eyes.(Stay away from “doing” these tricks, this is still a Karma. If it
naturally happens, no issues).
o You may induce hypnotic & magnetic energy in any object (like
Hanky, jewelry ring, pen, or necklace) with the thought(bhaaw) that
whosoever sees it, will get in control of its owner. Now if the owner
of the object acts & makes any third person (boss or parents or
professor, anyone) to see it at least once, they will do what he wants
(like while asking for a leave, asking for some money, asking for
promotion, or if someone is getting angry, etc). It will give a hypnotic
push to obey the owner of the object. (Stay away from these tricks).
o You will receive inkling about the measure of energy level of the
humans by seeing only on her or his face. This makes inkling about
how she or he is going to react with you. Or whether she is going to
follow you in the spiritual path. Or whether he is spiritually an Old
Soul seeker. In this sense, it makes you spiritually smart. And this is
not a trick, but the part of life.
o This magnetic energy has also the effects on Animals & birds.
 One should do it for 10 years for best spiritual digging.
Zyoti Tratak

 Light a big & thick candle & do Tratak on it for 40 mins. One can also use a
Deepak with mustard oil or Ghee as a fuel. Deepak’s flame is cold & calm,
very comfortable & satisfying to the eyes.

 A negative of the flame gets printed in the eyes, & the seeker’s eyes get
fed with a divine heat, which is very effective in decalcification.
 Any second person when sees into the eyes of the seeker, feels
everything surrendered to the seeker & feels defeated already.
 The seeker gets to understand the political behavior of anyone in the
society in a very different way. It really happens.
Agni Tratak

 It’s a great version of Tratak method. Collect some pieces of wood, come to
the forest in the mid night, light them & do Tratak on the flame joyfully for
40 mins or 1 hr, regularly. Keep using the wood collected beside while
doing Tratak, for the flame to continue.
 Earlier, this type of method was used to connect & have verbal
communication with the another dimension like Devi(s),Devta(s),Ghost(s).
But that formula is missing. I’ve yet not come across that. Devis & Devtas
consists of three elements, unlike Humans which consists of five
elements(Fire,Water,Air,Earth,Ether). This Tratak method lets one loose
three of the elements, & thus lets one enter the dimension of Devtas.
 This also lets some siddha souls wander around you, & help or protect you.
Though up to then you got to accept the life in such a way that you don’t
need them.
Tara Tratak

 One does Tratak on a particularly preferred Star in the clear night sky for 40
mins regularly.
 After sometime one notices that the star is becoming clearer to her or him.
Maybe it disappears & comes again after a minute or two. One should
continue doing it anyway.
 This Method have been availing the seekers a tele-vision. Sitting in a closed
room one may wish to see whether what his professor is doing right now, &
the vision is disclosed to him, the professor… the chair he’s sitting on…the
question paper he’s making… the color of his room walls… & all.
Surya tratak

 Gazing SUN decalcifies 3rd eye incredibly.

 One should NOT prefer doing Tratak on it more than 10 mins.
 It has a bonus point that it affects the whole energy field constituent of the
body of the seeker in the most divine way.

 The seeker feels the immense divine energy, & no longer need remains
to practice to find whether she or he is blessed, because all the time the
bliss is felt, particularly in the body. Even the body is felt to be immerged
in the divine content.
Shadow Tratak

 Those who are a beginner in meditation should not prefer this method.
 One has to light a Deepak (with ghee or mustard oil fuel) in a dark room
in the back side of the sitting place. And has to do Tratak on the self
Shadow in that light.
 Do it 1 hr daily for 9 months. Then this makes the seeker no longer a
Human. So only Old souls should prefer it.
 After some time The Shadow will start playing in fearful way. It may
change size to bigger or smaller, or may disappear sometimes. You may
find it speaking in your own sound. Some fearful sound, as if someone
really is there beside you. A weak hearted seeker may become mad,
that’s why they’re never suggested this method. To distract you from
meditation shadow is playing so. You need more & more Practice.

 This makes you more fearless being, practicing life out in the world.
Preferred Ways by the Masters
 Use of Turban: Binding clothe over the head has been preferred by
almost every religion. And the reason is, there is a USE. Whenever
there’s a raise of energy inside you, there’s every possibility of weight
full stress in your head. If you’re using turban, the shredding energy gets
reabsorbed. The work which was taking 15 days will now take only 5

Because when the energy rises to the head during meditation it’s
possible that it will shred. Using Turban returns it making a complete
cycle, & thus deepening the experience in meditation.
 Use same place for sitting, everyday, because the place gets charged
due to regular seeking & energy raising, thus receiving a synchronized
boost during Tratak.
 Dance & Enjoy your “being” (seeing your presence … “yes this is me!...
yes I am!”) after the 40 mins of Tratak each day. It lets you absorb the
Grace energy to the very deep level.

 Get up early in the morning, & Enjoy the “morning sound” …the birds,….
the breeze,… the barking dog…. It has a tremendous healing effect. So
that no space for ego remains there in you.
 Do prefer Dynamic meditations before starting for Tratak.
Domestic Precautions to be preferred
 Minimize the use of spicy foods, pickles (achar), flesh foods. Stop
 Stay away from egoistic attempts.
 Don’t use words like “sorry” or, “I meant to say that” etc.

The essence of one’s being is important, & guilt destroys it.

 Don’t look at those light bulbs getting on-off-on-off frequently.
 One having heart diseases, TB, etc should not practice Tratak.
 One with very weak eye sight, should not practice Surya Tratak(Sun
Decoded Osho voice

“Eyes are the most expensive, most delicate, most important part of the body.
Those who become master of the eyes, become master of the whole body.”

“If you’re capable with your will force to let the eyes open for 40 minutes, your
mind cannot be hypnotized. Hypnotizing you is never possible then. In fact,
getting hypnotized totally depends on how frequent you blink your eye not being

“Letting eyes willfully open for 40 mins makes you see that which can’t be seen
by these two eyes.”

“you’ll feel a deep orgasmic pressure between the two eyes”

“If your eyes are very still, your thoughts can’t stay longer. They will shred, fall, &

“…have also asked if it’s okay according to science to bear the stress of 40 mins in
it. Sciences are many. Perhaps physical science may not support but Eastern
spiritual science has always been supported from ancient times. And I'm talking
here about spiritual science only. And there's not much value of physical science
because it knows only of these two eyes. By using these two eyes a third eye
between them can be activated, physical science is unaware of it. Physical science
in many meanings is a kid, very new. Though its understanding is very extensive,
but is not intensive. It knows much more things about these two eyes that
spiritual science ignores. Though now, gradually, Physical science is also getting
inclined towards the 3rd eye (pineal gland).

If you’re opening eyes for 40 mins without any spiritual consecrate (adhyatmic
sankalp) or spiritual reason, you’re going to harm your eyes for sure. Remember
I’m talking about a condition.

But if you’re opening it for awakening the sleeping energies in you, besides 40
mins, even 4 hrs also will not harm your eyes. Because that consecrate starts
opening the 3rd eye.

…have also asked if it’s possible that the two eyes get some health. Not
“possible” but is for “sure”.

…asked if it’s possible that capabilities of weak eyes gets enhanced. Not
“possible” but is for “sure”.

But if someone is doing Tratak only particularly for enhancing the capabilities,
then “harm” is there for sure. Gain will not be there. It will only be a by-product,
one can’t focus on the target to have gain, it comes only as a by-product. Do
focus on the internal consecrate only. If the consecrate(sankalp) is deep, even
the blind person can see, & it has happened always. Even the deaf person can
hear, & it has happened always. Even the handicapped person can walk, & it has
happened always. But the consecrate matters.

And, yes, if the deaf person is meditating only to hear, he’ll not get success in it.

How deep is the thirst, result will depend on it.

For little thirst, Meditation is not useful. Though little dreams are achieved from
meditation, but don’t bring them in between. It’ll not harm if consecrate is deep
or not deep, because if it’s not deep your eye is not going to stay open for 40
minutes. It can happen only from consecrate, will-force. And if that much is the
will force, no harm eyes are going to get. And if not, eyes will get closed earlier
on its own, so you need not worry about it.

Last question …he has asked… if there will be no harm to the mind.

There will be EVERY Harm to the Mind.

Mind can even die. But yes there’ll be no harm to YOU. So don’t worry.

This method is the very method to kill the Mind.

Mind is the actual disease, the actual problem.

*Written with Love.

*Good Luck Soul Seekers!

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